Herbs In ColonEaze~Move

Each of the herbs in ColonEaze~Move provides a gentle, mild laxative effect. But they also support the liver, kidneys, spleen, gallbladder and detoxification pathways.

When you’re treating the cause of constipation, you don’t just want to use herbs that stimulate a bowel movement. You want to look at why the body is constipated? What organs, processes, or systems in the body are malfunctioning, or not being supported… and thus the result is constipation?

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I’ve already done a detailed post on the benefits of the psyllium seed and husk contained in ColonEaze. Now let’s go into the holistic benefits of each medicinal plant ingredient and why I chose them for ColonEaze~Move.

Note: See the end of this article for the research references for each herb.

Medicinal Plant Ingredients in ColonEaze

Organic Indian Sarsaparilla Root image Organic Indian Sarsaparilla Root

Since the 1950s, European physicians considered sarsaparilla root a “tonic, blood purifier, diuretic and sweat promoter” that could help treat serious, even life-threatening infections, such as leprosy or cancer. In the U.S. from about 1820 to 1910, it was registered in the official U.S. Pharmacopoeia as an effective treatment for syphilis.

But for centuries before that, Indian sarsaparilla root was used in Ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of bone-loss, low body weight, fever, stress, topical wounds, psoriasis and to aid digestion. The main pharmacological properties of Indian sarsaparilla (Hemidesmus indicus) include hepatoprotective, anti-cancer, anti-diabetic, antioxidant, neuroprotective, anti-ophidian, cardioprotective, nephroprotective, anti-ulcerogenic, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial activity.

Traditionally, teas made from sarsaparilla root were also used to “clean the blood,” improve liver function and remove toxins from the body. It promotes urine production and improves perspiration. It can also be helpful for relieving fluid retention, puffiness, or stomach bloating.

image of Artichoke budArtichoke Leaf Extract

Among traditional healers, artichoke has been used to treat:

  • chronic liver and gall bladder diseases
  • jaundice
  • hepatitis
  • arteriosclerosis and
  • symptoms of diabetes.

These activities are attributed to the compounds cynarin and chlorogenic acid.

Italian scientists first isolated a compound from artichoke leaf called cynarin.

From the 1950s to the 1980s, cynarin was used as a drug to stimulate the liver and gall bladder and to treat elevated cholesterol. According to Jim Duke’s phytochemical database, cynarin lowers cholesterol, protects the liver, helps to regenerate the liver, and enhances overall liver function.

There are many studies showing that it benefits both diarrhea and constipation associated with IBS. It regulates bowel movements in otherwise healthy individuals, and has virtually no side effects.

image of Dandelion flowerDandelion Root

It has mild laxative properties. And it is well-tolerated among people with gut disorders. It also improves the gut microbiome by feeding good bacteria, which helps constipation long-term.

Dandelion roots are anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal, cholagogue, choleretic, deobstruent, discutient, hepatic, hypnotic, purgative, and sedative. Gastrointestinal agents that stimulate the flow of bile into the duodenum are called cholagogues. And stimulate the production of bile by the liver are called choleretics.

Dandelion is a blood purifier which aids in the process of filtering and removing wastes/toxins from the bloodstream. It is useful for treating obstructions in the gallbladder, liver, pancreas, and spleen.

image of Haritaki fruitHaritaki (Terminalia chebula) Fruit

This seems to be the active ingredient in an Ayurvedic combination remedy called Triphala. When it comes to improving constipation, and digestive health in general. It does have documentation as being a mild laxative and colon cleanser and appears to act quite gently. It also helps the gastric emptying process and gut motility in general.

Haritaki fruit has antibiotic properties against several bacteria strains known to harm gut health (including E. coli, H. pylori involved in ulcers, and Salmonella) and several forms of pathogenic fungi, but doesn’t appear to target the beneficial bacteria (like lactic acid producers), thus it helps to improve the gut microbiome.

So there you have it!

ColonEaze~Move: Four powerful medicinal herbs, that work in synergy to support and improve a multitude of mechanisms involved with constipation, the organs of filtration and elimination, and the gut microbiome. Combine those with the beneficial effects of psyllium seed and husk and you have a very helpful blend for addressing both the root causes of constipation, whilst providing symptom relief.

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Indian Sarsaparilla Root References:

Artichoke References:

Dandelion Root References:

Haritaki References: