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Heal Internal and External Hemorrhoids

Since many people with IBD and IBS suffer from internal or external hemorrhoids, finding an effective healing remedy for hemorrhoids has been at the top of my list - especially since I too developed internal hemorrhoids after the birth of my daughter! Those of you who have my Listen To Your Gut book know that [...]

By |2024-03-20T12:44:08-08:00April 2nd, 2023|

Wound Healing With Comfrey Salve

Wound Healing With Comfrey Salve Hi, Linsy here - and today I want to talk to you about one of my go-to wound healers - comfrey salve! Comfrey is the fastest wound healer Jini and I have come across yet. It is also fantastic at relieving itching – whether from insect bites or rashes. Jini [...]

By |2023-04-14T09:44:16-08:00January 24th, 2023|

Teen with Crohn’s Perianal Abscess & Fistula

This reader's story of her journey with her teenaged son is a great example of the kind of tenacity and winding journey real, root-level healing can involve. She gave her permission to share it here as I feel their journey contains numerous details that may be helpful to others. I'll come back in with some [...]

By |2023-04-05T07:37:24-08:00August 30th, 2022|

Baby with Fissures, Ulcers and Rectal Prolapse

Sometimes I get emails like this one that just rip my heart out: "I am contacting you desperately looking for answers for our 6 month old Grandson. He has been unable to poo since birth, he has to be assisted and this is despite regular diarrhea, he also has a prolapse outside of his anus [...]

By |2023-04-14T09:45:09-08:00May 30th, 2022|

Effective Constipation Pooping Positions

It is very important not to do anything else during a bowel movement other than breathing deeply and connecting with your body. When you are doing nothing but breathing deeply during a bowel movement, you are automatically relaxing your bowel and anal sphincter muscles with your breath. The expansion and contraction of your diaphragm, as [...]

By |2023-04-14T09:45:44-08:00December 29th, 2021|

Constipation, Anismus & Prolapse – Radical Solution

Many of my readers are pretty rigorous researchers and experimenters too, so every now and then someone sends me something I think is worth sharing, or passing along. I'm re-sharing this because this reader suffered greatly, and having come up with a way to deal with his condition (chronic constipation, anismus, and rectal prolapse) he [...]

By |2023-04-14T09:47:00-08:00October 14th, 2021|

Tips For Jini’s Healing Implant Enema

We've had many people write in asking how they would know if my Healing Implant Enema is working or when they should see results. Well, here are some tips for you. If the blood has turned to clots, you are absolutely seeing progress! If more blood is coming out after you do the enema, then it [...]

By |2024-03-18T20:51:43-08:00September 14th, 2021|

Natural Rectal Prolapse Treatment

What is Rectal Prolapse? Let's start by giving you an overview and causes of rectal prolapse, so you know exactly what I'm talking about.  Then we will discuss the natural treatments for rectal prolapse. Although, further down, I am also going to talk about rectocele - so if that's your condition, then stay with me. [...]

By |2024-08-16T10:05:57-08:00November 4th, 2020|

Reader Story: Constipation & Perianal Abscess

I've received a lot of spontaneous thank-you emails and letters over the years, but this is the first video thank-you I've received! Francine first connected with me on Facebook and then sent over this lovely video testimonial about how my books helped both of her kids over the last decade. Seriously, it doesn't get any [...]

By |2023-01-27T08:43:10-08:00April 27th, 2020|

Jini’s Probiotic Retention Enema

I just had to post this account from Jay Baluk (a.k.a. The Gut Ninja, and formerly known as CROHNSBOY) who tried Jini's Probiotic Retention Enema.  I love Jay because he's SO candid and honest and blunt, and the photo on his post alone is so funny I just had to point you to it! But, WARNING: [...]

By |2023-04-07T12:46:08-08:00March 30th, 2020|

Hot Castor Oil Pack Saves Sister’s Life!

This is such an amazing story from a reader who used the information in this blog post to save her sister's life when her bowel was impacted. She was in sepsis, and she hadn't had a bowel movement in 2 weeks... First thing's first, I want to say it takes a LOT of courage to [...]

By |2024-02-26T13:24:03-08:00January 6th, 2020|

Healing Perianal Abscess and Fistula with Laser Therapy

A Mother's Determination to Heal Her Son This article was sent in by one of my readers (Amy Spiegel) to share their experience in hopes that it may help others with a similar problem. Amy used my Natural Remedy for Perianal Abscess and Fistula - so be sure to read this too, to get the [...]

By |2023-10-09T20:47:38-08:00June 22nd, 2019|

How Does Infrared Light Therapy Work?

Understanding Infrared Light Therapy Coherent photons, which are particles of electromagnetic energy, are emitted from an infrared cold laser (also referred to as low level laser, soft laser or therapeutic laser). These particles enter the tissues and are absorbed in the mitochondria - which are tiny structures within the substance of each individual cell. The [...]

By |2023-10-20T04:56:02-08:00June 16th, 2019|

Perianal Abscess & Fistula – Natural Remedy

The current medical treatment for perianal abscess (which often result in a fistula) involves oral drug antibiotics and manual drainage of infection from the abscess. However, many doctors wish there was an alternative treatment, since it is so hard to get antibiotics to the actual infection site. Oral antibiotics are processed via the GI system, so very dilute amounts end up reaching the rectal area. The good news is: We DO have an alternative treatment that delivers a very powerful natural antibiotic directly to the abscess site.

By |2024-01-09T17:23:37-08:00June 5th, 2019|

I Just Saw Blood in my Stool – What Should I Do?

I had dinner with a friend of mine who's been going through a very stressful time: emotional stress; challenges with kids and homelife, and physical stress; not sleeping well and lots of travel. In the last couple of weeks, she's noticed blood in her stool a few times. Sometimes it's part of the feces, but [...]

By |2023-02-01T16:02:14-08:00March 18th, 2019|

Suppositories to Heal Anal or Rectal Fissures

I formulated FissureHeal suppositories as a natural, effective alternative to steroid suppositories. During my healing journey I suffered from an anal fissure for about 2 years that I just couldn't heal. After trying every product I heard about, I decided enough was enough, and I formulated my own - which healed my fissure in a [...]

By |2023-04-12T09:08:28-08:00December 19th, 2018|

Help for Rectal Prolapse AND Vaginal Prolapse

If you do prolonged, intense abdominal workouts, jumping rope and other things that involve your pelvic floor, you may want to read this woman's email to me: "I used your rectal prolapse guide as soon as I got it. It gave me so much hope. I also have vaginal prolapse, the rectal prolapse came after. [...]

By |2023-02-06T10:05:02-08:00September 26th, 2018|

Help for Hemorrhoids & Loose Anal Sphincter Muscle

QUESTION: I've made the homemade HemorrHeal Rectal Suppository Formula for Internal Hemorrhoids and I've also had Rubber-Band Ligation of Hemorrhoids performed by a proctologist (cca. 6 procedures in the last 6 months). As using the formula and the ligation procedures have taken place roughly during the same time, I can say that hemorrhoids haven't returned, [...]

By |2023-02-06T10:56:44-08:00March 1st, 2018|

Cannabis Suppositories for Rectal Inflammation and Spasm

One of my videos on YouTube shows people how to make their own suppositories. As you may know, we sell the kits to make your own suppositories for healing internal hemorrhoids, so I also made this video to give people an easy-to-follow tutorial. However, one of the viewers on my channel asked whether she could [...]

By |2023-04-12T10:08:15-08:00January 25th, 2017|

DMSO Protocol For Anal Stenosis or Rectal Strictures

We've been experimenting with DMSO-based formulas over at JPT Wellness Circle for a couple of years now  - you may have already seen my Quad-Synergy Pathogen Protocol on this blog. DMSO is dimethyl sulfoxide - a natural substance derived from tree bark. But it has some pretty amazing characteristics that make it a potent healing [...]

By |2023-03-02T09:52:47-08:00April 18th, 2011|
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