Before we get into how to treat/heal scar tissue, it’s best if you have a really good understanding of what scar tissue is composed of, the different forms it can take in the body, and how it behaves.
In the video below, I ask Mary Cox (physiotherapist) from these questions. And she gives us a fascinating, illustrated explanation of all these different components.
We focus on scar tissue in the abdominal cavity. But the same principles are applicable whether your scar tissue is in your hip joint, knee, or anywhere else in your body.
Substances that soften scar tissue
In addition to the physical therapy treatments for scar tissue (adhesions) given in the video, we have also been experimenting with some powerful substances that also soften and (over time) dissolve scar tissue.
These are also treatments that you can do yourself, at home. And if you use them in conjunction with physical therapy, or laser therapy, your results will be even faster:
If you have Intestinal Stricture, click here for the treatment protocol.*
If you have a Rectal Stricture, click here for the treatment protocol.*
3 easy steps to soften scar tissue
The protocols given above use some powerful substances and are more complicated to implement. But below is an easier tried-and-tested (by my readers) procedure you can use for abdominal strictures and adhesions. It has worked for many to relieve pain and release an obstruction.
It also works equally well for other areas of the body (back, hips, knees, etc.). Most people report substantial relief in 24 hours. Simple injuries like acute muscle strains can be healed in 3-4 days (using once or twice per day).
Longstanding problems like scar tissue that is several years old may take up to 4-6 months.*
And newer scar tissue may be softened or dissolved in only 2 months (of once per day application).*
*NOTE: These treatments are not tested, nor approved by the FDA or any medical body. You proceed entirely at your own risk
If your scar tissue does not involve your digestive system, then skip Step 1 of this protocol.
1. Go On A Liquid Diet
Ideally and for fastest healing of intestinal strictures or obstruction, you should go on an exclusively elemental diet (which results in only liquid, minimal fecal matter) at least until the obstruction clears, and ideally for an additional week after clearance.
If you can’t afford this, there are two other forms of liquid nutrition that may work for you, or you can combine these options in a way that works for you:
a) Raw vegetable juicing – juice primarily vegetables, with only enough fruit added to make them palatable (or sweeten with stevia instead). BUT, people with active/bleeding Crohn’s or colitis often cannot tolerate raw vegetable juices, so be sure and test carefully and if you’re at all underweight, this is not a good option
b) Raw (unpasteurized) cow or goat milk – from pasture-fed animals only (not barn-raised and grain-fed). Goat milk is usually better tolerated than cow milk. But make sure milk is RAW.
Raw camel’s milk is also usually better tolerated than raw cow’s milk. Never consume pasteurized milk as it will only exacerbate your condition. If you tend towards constipation, then you will also need to add extra magnesium citrate to your raw milk. 1-3x/day up to 1000 mg/day maximum to avoid getting constipated from the high calcium levels.
c) Absorb Plus elemental shakes – this is a product I formulated, specifically for people with inflammatory bowel disease (or other advanced illness like cancer, AIDS, lupus, etc.). It is absorbed into your bloodstream within 20 minutes of ingestion and produces liquid, minimal fecal matter. Therefore it is ideal for people with strictures, obstruction, intestinal bleeding or malnutrition.
Check out the Recipes
Each of these liquid nutrient sources are best when combined with homemade bone broths – and here are some recipes. You can derive your nutrients from only one of these sources, or you can mix and match and combine them together.
If you consume raw vegetable juices, buy organic or ‘no spray’ produce and juice fresh every day (or freeze portions to consume later). Make sure you consume enough juice to provide you with adequate energy each day. Or, combine raw juicing with raw milk or Absorb Plus to add the protein and good fats needed for energy. You should also be taking extra cod liver oil and Udo’s oil (you can add it to the shakes) during this time.
2. Apply DMSO / Aloe Vera Solution to Abdomen Or Problem Area/Joints:
Make up a 50% dilution of DMSO with George’s Aloe Vera Juice – this means you combine 2 tbsp. 99% DMSO and 2 tbsp. aloe vera in a glass bottle, shake well.
Apply to your abdomen (or wherever your scar tissue/pain/cramping is) using your fingers or a natural hair paintbrush.
Do not use anything synthetic with DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide – a natural substance derived from tree bark) as it will pick up and transport everything it contacts into your skin/bloodstream. Make sure hands and abdomen have been washed with plain soap and water. And do not have any creams or fragrance on them.
Allow to dry. Then apply a hot castor oil pack to your abdomen or problem area.
Note: After you have done this protocol a few times, if you think your skin will tolerate a higher DMSO content, then try a solution of 70% DMSO to 30% aloe vera.
DMSO tolerance varies widely (with redheads being the most sensitive). So the 50/50 ratio is likely to be tolerated by most, but feel free to adjust up or down as you desire.
If you are using it below the waist (excluding the genital area) then you can usually use a higher concentration with no irritation. It is normal for it to itch while drying, but if it causes a rash, then decrease the concentration of DMSO.
Some people do notice a garlic-type odor (that can emanate from your skin or mouth) when using DMSO. This is normal and stops as soon as you stop using it.
3. Apply a Hot Castor Oil Pack to Abdomen or Problem Joint/Area:
A castor oil pack is placed on the skin to increase circulation within the scar tissue. It also promotes healing of the tissues and organs underneath the skin. It is often used to relieve pain, increase lymphatic circulation, reduce inflammation, stimulate the liver, and improve digestion. Just remember to use a cold-pressed castor oil and 100% cotton flannel (or wool) – no synthetics.
You can use either a hot water bottle or a heating pad as the heat source.
Castor Oil Pack Components
- Castor oil.
- Two sheets of plastic (garbage bags OK).
- 1 yard cotton or wool flannel.
- Heating pad (if indicated).
- Large old bath towel.
- 3 safety pins.
Preparing a Castor Oil Pack
- Fold flannel into three thicknesses to fit over your whole abdomen.
- Cut a piece of plastic 1-2 inches larger than flannel.
- Saturate the flannel with gently heated oil, but not so much that it is drippy. Fold it over and squeeze until it is oozing. Unfold.
- Place plastic and old towel over flannel to prevent staining of surface you will be lying on.
- Lie down, placing flannel over abdomen, putting fitted plastic over the flannel.
- Now wrap the towel under you, around your torso and pin with safety pins (or just tuck in tightly).
- Place a heating pad (low heat) or hot water bottle on top of the towel.
- Rest for 30-60 minutes. Use visualization, meditation, or just sleep. A good time to use castor oil packs is just before bedtime.
- When finished, it’s best if you don’t get up and walk around and be busy (except to go to the bathroom). Try to stay still and relaxed.
If you are doing your pack at bedtime:
Have a zip-lock baggie next to your bed, and a towel to remove any excess oil and protect your bed sheets.
Fold the oily pack up and put it into the baggie, then drop it to the floor till morning. In the morning, put it in the refrigerator.
11. Store the pack in the covered container or baggie in the refrigerator. Remove it from the refrigerator 1-3 hours before you plan to use it. So that it is at room temperature when you are ready to use it.
12. Each pack may be used repeatedly, but throw it out (don’t try to wash it) when it starts to smell stale and make a new pack.
If this procedure is too complicated, apply a generous amount of castor oil to the skin of your abdomen. Cover that with an old cotton t-shirt or other cloth you won’t mind eventually discarding. Lay your heat source (hot water bottle, heating pad) on top of that. Keep the cloth you use to protect your heat source from the oil to reuse. Eventually, it will smell like stale oil. But can be kept for a few weeks at least in a plastic bag. Rest for 30-60 minutes. Stay covered and warm so you can relax.
Have a soft cloth or rag handy to catch any oil dripping off your body. You may want to put a towel or plastic underneath your body so your bed doesn’t get oily. It’s not necessary to have a castor oil pack that you keep in the refrigerator. Just do what works for you. I’ve even heard from readers who don’t even bother to apply heat after a while, they just massage the castor oil directly into the skin and they say it works fairly well that way too!
Frequency of Use
To be effective, a castor oil pack must be used at least 3 times a week. Although 5 times a week is better. In cases of long-term chronic pain or acute stricture/obstruction, it works best to commit to at least a 4-6 week treatment period using the DMSO solution in combination with a castor oil pack 5-7 times per week, then as needed. Full healing may require 3-6 months of treatment.
If you don’t want to use the DMSO solution first, the hot castor oil pack on its own will provide significant relief from pain and softening of tissues. To actually begin to break down the scar tissue though, you’ll want to combine it with the DMSO solution.
Colonic Massage for Obstruction
If your intestine is obstructed, it is a good idea to also do this colonic massage after the DMSO / Castor Oil treatment – while the abdomen is soft and you are relaxed – to help massage the stuck food through the stricture:
Let us know what works for you in the COMMENTS section below…
*LEGAL DISCLAIMER – This website (including any/all site pages, blog posts, blog comments, forum, videos, audio recordings, etc.) is not intended to replace the services of a physician, nor does it constitute a doctor-patient relationship. Information is provided for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Jini Patel Thompson is not a licensed health professional – she is a journalist and consumer advocate. You should not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating a medical or health condition.
If you have or suspect you have an urgent medical problem, promptly contact your professional healthcare provider. Any application of the recommendations in this website is at the reader’s discretion.
Listen To Your Gut Enterprises Inc./Caramal Publishing Inc./Jini Patel Thompson are not liable for any direct or indirect claim, loss or damage resulting from use of this website and/or any web site(s) linked to/from it.
Readers should consult their own physicians concerning the recommendations in this website.
Interesting!! I have a rectal prolapse. The surgeon plans to suture my bowel to my anterior sacrum. After viewing this I see it’s not a good idea. Any suggestions? (I am a 62 yr old female.
My son went to Mary after having a breathing tube inserted into his throat and also a feeding tube inserted to the outside of his stomach both created scar tissue that caused a lot of discomfort. Well after the first session with Mary his posture raised up about a 1.5 inches. He also was going into the hospital every 4 to 5 weeks for a broncoscopy to enlarge the constriction in his throat that would eventually close if he did not get it stretched out with the brocoscopy. Well Mary told us in Europe and Asia that they use Systemic Enzymes to stop scar tissue from shrinking. of course the doctors said ” We do not recognize that as an effective protocol to arrest scar tissue shrinkage. Instead they wanted to do a very invasive operation to remove the scar tissue from the Treacheostomy site going under his ribs and over his lungs to cut out the scar tissue and pull his whole digestive tract up and reattach everything. Luckily we ordered the digestive enzymes and started son on them, we also delayed the operation for some time. When they went in for the final exam before the operation they realized that the scar tissue had stopped shrinking and the operation was not necessary. The doctors were very shocked and could not understand and did not believe that it was due to the systemic enzymes as they do not practice this protocol in the United States. Thank you Mary and Jini without Jini we would not have found Mary Cox.
I would definitely try a system called Callanetics first (note: NOT calisthenics!). Also, see if you can find a therapist (as specified at the end of the video) who has some ideas for how to help you – talk to them first.
Hi, will this work on adhesions after liposuction
Hi Christina,
Thanks for contacting us here. We don’t have any research or experience on if it will help with adhesions after liposuction, however if you consult your doctor on it and decide to try it out we would love to hear your results on it.
The key is to learn more about DMSO, its safety cautions, etc. and listen to your body on how to proceed. Check the link below to learn more:
Kind regards,
Savannah B
Customer Care
Keep doing lymphatic drainage massage and consider graston technique from a pt of chiropractor once swelling is down.
Hi Christy,
Thanks for sharing!
Savannah B
Customer Care
Hi there . I have read your article regarding scar tissue.
I currently have ulcerative colitis with stricture scar tissue in my colon. Refusing surgery wanted to know more about the topical dmso and how effective it can be for getting rid of stricture in the bowel.. does the dmso remove strictures and isit safe . What kind of diet is best. Thank you have a good day
Hi Fabio – thanks for reaching out. Here is an excerpt from this article which should answer your questions:
1. Go On A Liquid Diet
Ideally and for fastest healing of intestinal strictures or obstruction, you should go on an exclusively elemental diet (which results in only liquid, minimal fecal matter) at least until the obstruction clears, and ideally for an additional week after clearance. If you can’t afford this, there are two other forms of liquid nutrition that may work for you, or you can combine these options in a way that works for you:
a) Raw vegetable juicing – juice primarily vegetables, with only enough fruit added to make them palatable (or sweeten with stevia instead). BUT, people with active/bleeding Crohn’s or colitis often cannot tolerate raw vegetable juices, so be sure and test carefully and if you’re at all underweight, this is not a good option
b) Raw (unpasteurized) cow or goat milk – from pasture-fed animals only (not barn-raised and grain-fed). Goat milk is usually better tolerated than cow milk, but make sure milk is RAW. Raw camel’s milk is also usually better tolerated than raw cow’s milk. Never consume pasteurized milk as it will only exacerbate your condition. If you tend to constipation, then you will also need to add extra magnesium citrate to your raw milk (1-3x/day up to 1000 mg/day maximum) to avoid getting constipated from the high calcium levels.
c) Absorb Plus elemental shakes – this is a product I formulated, specifically for people with inflammatory bowel disease (or other advanced illness like cancer, AIDS, lupus, etc.). It is absorbed into your bloodstream within 20 minutes of ingestion and produces liquid, minimal fecal matter. Therefore it is ideal for people with strictures, obstruction, intestinal bleeding or malnutrition.
Each of these liquid nutrient sources are best when combined with homemade bone broths (Chicken and Beef Broth). You can derive your nutrients from only one of these sources, or you can mix and match and combine them together.
If you consume raw vegetable juices, buy organic or ‘no spray’ produce and juice fresh every day (or freeze portions to consume later). Make sure you consume enough juice to provide you with adequate energy each day. Or, combine raw juicing with raw milk or Absorb Plus to add the protein and good fats needed for energy. You should also be taking extra cod liver oil and Udo’s oil (you can add it to the shakes) during this time.
2. Apply DMSO / Aloe Vera Solution to Abdomen Or Problem Area/Joints:
Make up a 50% dilution of DMSO with George’s Aloe Vera Juice – this means you combine 2 tbsp. 99% DMSO and 2 tbsp. aloe vera in a glass bottle, shake well.
Apply to your abdomen (or wherever your scar tissue/pain/cramping is) using your fingers or a natural hair paintbrush.
Do not use anything synthetic with DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide – a natural substance derived from tree bark) as it will pick up and transport everything it contacts into your skin/bloodstream. Make sure hands and abdomen have been washed with plain soap and water and do not have any creams or fragrance on them.
Allow to dry. Then apply a hot castor oil pack to your abdomen or problem area.
Note: After you have done this protocol a few times, if you think your skin will tolerate a higher DMSO content, then try a solution of 70% DMSO to 30% aloe vera. DMSO tolerance varies widely (with redheads being the most sensitive), so the 50/50 ratio is likely to be tolerated by most, but feel free to adjust up or down as you desire. If you are using it below the waist (excluding the genital area) then you can usually use a higher concentration with no irritation. It is normal for it to itch while drying, but if it causes a rash, then decrease the concentration of DMSO. Some people do notice a garlic-type odor (that can emanate from your skin or mouth) when using DMSO, this is normal and stops as soon as you stop using it.
I would also recommend reading the Safety Cautions Surrounding DMSO before you intend to use it:
And here are a few other blog posts which touch on DMSO which you may find helpful:
Calisthenics may help too 😉 … (in reference to the above).
I believe there are some types of scar tissues that are more prevalent in different ethnic groups and the degree of pigmentation – and the response to treatment would be influenced by the type of tissue that it is composed of. My mother was very prone to the development of keloids – and I always had the suspicion that it was related to the fact that she was prone to the development of excessive tissue growth (she succumbed to adenocarcinoma at an unfairly young age as a result of an ulcer).
I find Jini’s curiosity, open-mindedness and desire to continue learning, exploring and sharing very refreshing. I really wished that those who make a living as professionals in the health care industry were as inquisitive and had a drive to know how things work – which are the real markers of aptitude.
Thanks LTD! For the keloids, Dr. David Derry MD PhD told me that iodine (he uses Lugol’s, I use SSKI – super saturated potassium iodide) on it’s own works like magic. Dr. Jonathan V. Wright, MD found the same thing.
Jini, would you consume the fugal iodine or would you apply it?
Hi Tony,
You can do both consume and apply the iodine or either or. However, Jini cautions that it can affect the thyroid function, so recommends having that monitored if you use it for over 3 weeks. Please let us know if we can help with anything else.
Kind Regards,
Customer Care
Thank you Rachel, a “friend” of mine is having erectile dysfunction and he believes the root is from scar tissue not letting the penis properly become erect, is it safe to apply the the fugal iodine On the Phallus and shaft? And if so how much is an appropiate amount to apply
Hello Jason,
We haven’t received any feedback about using the protocol in that manner but we’d love to hear how it works out for your friend if you decide to use it. We recommend you contact a doctor as well if you are concerned on using that product in that area and how much to use.
Kind Regards,
Customer Care
Hey Jason
I have noticed the same thing on a few of my male friends and the more injuries one has had in the body, the worse it seems to be. I have uaed a technique i developed on my own that helps break up thr scar tissue thru massage and a pulling technique. It apparently will make the penis appear longer and bigger and harder. Just sayin
I just watched this Edgar Casey YouTube video today before I read this blog post. Here is a demonstration on Castor oil application:
Wow I loved watching the video really shows and explains so much to how I was feeling Pressure tightness stuck solid …!! I’ve been telling 6 doctors and through 4 natural paths that I have something connecting my uterus and colon ! I have a constant flare for a week n half every month and sometimes twice a month …. Hints moon and ovulation… Thank you for all the wonderful information and pictures really interesting
Does anyone have a natural method to soften /disolve scar tissue in lower lip? After removal of filler, build up of scar tissue makes lip larger and firmer
Thank you
Hi Jenny. We don’t have any experience with scar tissue specifically in the lip, but this protocol does address scar tissue – so if you choose to give this a try I’d be curious to hear how it works for you!
my thought is to use serrapeptase for any scar tissue. From what I have read the serrapeptase is a proteolitic enzyme that naturally dissolves scar tissue. Said to be able to dissolve severe scar tissue on the fallopian tubes that were damaged by a tubal pregnancy, and to the point that reportedly those women were able to have a natural pregnancy after the tubes healed from the excessive scarring. Also said to dissolve ovarian cysts.
Colon massage turned out a bit more complicated than I thought. Thanks for the guide!
NOELLE – if you can find a local therapist trained by John F. Barnes in myofascial release, that will likely do the trick for you. You may also want to get his fantastic book, “Healing Ancient Wounds” (cheaper on Amazon than on his site).
If your in the. West las vegas area look up Rowena owner at Body Resonance myofascial wellness center LLC. She does amazing work and has been taught one on one from John F, Barns. Tell her her classmate KERI sent you.
Where can DMSO be purchased, I’ve asked a few pharmacies and they don’t seem to carry it here in Canada. I’ve been doing the castor oil packs on its own, but would like to “speed” things up if possible.
JEAN – I don’t know where you can purchase it in Canada… if you live anywhere near Washington, you can order it from us then drive down to the warehouse to pick it up (saves on shipping and customs fees):
Also, did you see this new post:
I have a urethral stricture and I’ve been dealing with it for at least 3-4 years now. Im a 26 year old male. I was wondering if there are any tips on how to soften the tissue within my urethra. I feel the scarring every now and then because of my surgery which was in March or May of 2022. So far things haven’t been going well for me physically. Is there a way to relieve this? Anything? Sounding? Massage therapy?
Are you able to syringe up into the urethra? Maybe using a really thin dental syringe? If you can, then you could try the Rectal StrictureHeal formula syringed into the urethra. Just go low and slow and really listen to your body for how much, how often etc.
Thanks SO MUCH for the informative video!! It just confirms what I had, little by little, figured out to be part of what I have been dealing with for a couple years now!! My gastroenterologist is open somewhat and works with me as I follow a more natural approach to my path of healing, and knows I dont want just a drug for the pain, but hasnt been able to provide any clear definative answers, or solutions, for me. I knew that the abdominal pain- right in the center of my abdoman, was nerve related because it would be temporarily relieved with chiropractic adjustments. It makes total sense to me when, in the video, she says these adhesions can be caused by infection- bacterial or viral– both of which are part of what I have and continue to heal from. It all came together for me! I am so excited because my chiropractor uses laser therapy, and I have been doing the castor oil compresses regularly for quite some time, but I think adding in the other steps to your protocol can bring resolution for me! I am committed, and Jini, I appreciate your commitment to finding answers that work!! solutions that SO many people need! thank you! thank you! By the way– just started your Absorb shakes… LOVE! and find that I must hide them from my daughter and husband because they love them too!!! I dont want to run out! 🙂
oh… is the DMSO available for purchase on your website?
STOP PRESS!! We are now testing a very promising protocol that looks like it can completely DISSOLVE scar tissue and return the tissue to normal! As we are in testing phase, the instruction ebooks are available for free. So go download the one that treats your condition:
Click here to get the free instruction ebook for dissolving strictures in the small or large intestine.
Click here to get the free instruction ebook for dissolving anal strictures or anal stenosis.
The treatments above are all steps that led up to the protocols in these ebooks – so go get whichever one(s) you need!
I have scar tissue in the knee from a replacement done in 2014. I’ve had manipulation to break it but opened the knee first. Then 2 procedures to cut the scar tissue which only grew back. I would love to try the DMSO and castor oil but because of the deep absorption process I’m not sure because I also have a chronic staph infection in that knee. I’m going check with my doctor and see if it’s feasible. I noticed several people having the same problem with scar tissue in the knee. If I get the go ahead, I will post any results.
Hi Pat! That sounds like a great plan! I really hope it works out for you! Many have loved the DMSO and castor oil combo, and we’d love to hear your results if you do get the go ahead. 🙂
Hi Pat, you could also add wild oregano oil (broad spectrum anti-pathogen) to the mixture and see if your doc likes that idea. You can see the formulas we use here for abscesses that combine DMSO with wild oregano. Potassium iodide and colloidal silver are also anti-pathogen substances that work well with DMSO:
Annette – see my comment above to get the most up-to-date remedy for this problem and yes, we sell everything you need (including DMSO) on the site:
Good luck and thanks for all your kind comments!
Hi, I have been doing a lot of research on DMSO and was interested in if this treatment would work for acne scars? I would really appreciate your feedback and opinion
REBECCA – that’s a good question, because the common formula for treating scars on the skin (especially keloid scars) is a 50/50 ratio of potassium iodide and DMSO. So that would end up being a 50% DMSO solution, so acceptable for usage on the face. Unless you’re a redhead in which case it might be too strong. I have a friend currently testing this formula on a scar on her belly (and she has tried pretty much everything else) and it has reduced about 1/2 size thus far. I think scars on the skin take much longer than mucous membranes (gut, mouth, anus).
My intuition at this point would be to make yourself a solution of 1 tsp DMSO and 1 tsp potassium iodide (expect this to sting), shake well before each application. Apply one layer to each acne scar. When it is dry, dot on a thin layer of cold-pressed castor oil.
Test this and see if the castor oil is too “greasy” for your skin (does it cause zits?) or not.
Let us know how it goes!
Has this worked for anybody?
I need to do adhesiolisys surgery in few month to help after long and bad infection in my abdomen/pelvic area.
How long after surgery can i start Strictureheal protocol ( orally / topically) to avoid scar tissue to form? And is this a good idea ?
Please answer! Thank you!
Hi Roxanne, That is a very good question! I don’t know that anyone knows the answer to that… If it were me, I would think of two aspects. The first is that my body would need to produce scar tissue to heal from the surgery, so I wouldn’t want to interfere with that. The second would be to try to gather some info from my doctor on how long bodies normally take to heal from this type of surgery. Perhaps I would set that as my minimum amount of time to wait.
But above all, I would work on increasing my intuition and my ability to hear/listen to my body. So that I could follow my unique body’s wisdom. Take a course on Intuition Development or perhaps start here:
Let us know how it goes… xo
Watched your video on colonic massage and I need to add a few pointers. You shoud first start at the left side sigmoid colon and work backwords to the right to first break up the stuck deposits of stool then a sweep action from right to left as you showed. The reason being if you first start on the right and puch everything to the left you will cause a bigger blockage like and ice jam. So you need to go further down the stream ( left side first and work backwords doing your circles ) to make sure there are no areas in the stream that are going to cause this (ice jam) or blockage.
ROB – that makes perfect sense – thanks for posting!
I was wondering if I can use real Aloe Vera gel (directly from the leaf) in my mixture with the DMSO solution.
SUE – you sure can! Just make sure there are no pesticides or anything you don’t want going into your bloodstream.
this is wonderful information, my pain is in my neck due to a car accident, there is lots of scar tissue pushing on the vertibre causing the discs to seperate and spurs to develop I have worked with physical therapy, deep tissue message, and chiropratic with short term relief but the pain always comes back and it feels like the scar tissue is growing or getting thicker will combing the dsmo/castor oil treatment combined with message give more long lasting results or do I suffer for ever with this
I have delivered a beautiful baby girl 10 months ago and required stitching for tearing. Since then any sexual intercourse is painful (let’s say it improved from being very painful in the beginning…). It seems like the scar wants to open again each time. I am wondering if DMSO could help there. Should I try a lower than 50% concentration?
AUDREY – If I had your problem, I would definitely do the DMSO with hot castor oil pack, daily and especially after a massage.
VERONIQUE – Yes, I would download the eBook for Rectal StrictureHeal (which is more similar tissue) and use the 20% formula given there. Also, the bodywork therapies and videos in the eBook may also help your condition, you can get it here:
If you’re breastfeeding though, I would not use DMSO. But castor oil and heat to the area should be fine.
I have had fibroid surgery twice and have developed abdominal adhesions affecting my colon. Eating certain foods causes my colon to make loud noise. Looking for a natural remedy to help dissolve them. Has this method been tried and successful who have had this type of surgery?
Hi Jini,
What a great website, thank you. I am wondering about using DMSO topically on my abdomen with a large piece of hernia mesh inside! Would it affect (dissolve) the mesh? I have no problem drinking your formula and I have already started the castor oil packs, having used them successfully years ago for adhesions from a burst cyst.
I am so grateful there is a non-surgical way to break up adhesions and scar tissue! The trips to the ER for the pain have been terrifying. I look forward to healing this completely, thanks to folks like you.
EL – that is a really good question and I think you’re going to have to check with your doctor (who did the surgery) for that. If you really wanted to know for sure, you’d have to get a piece of the hernia mesh they used and leave it soaking in DMSO for 24 hours and then check it’s condition. That’s how labs test which rubber gloves they can use with DMSO.
question? I had stage III rectal cancer- surgical removal and reanastomosis at the sphincter- then radiation. the scar tissue at the sphincter one year later is severe – dilated from a 4 to a maximum of 10 mm after 4 attempts. Now advised colostomy- do you think the rectal scar tissue program would work in this case? If so how much time should I give it? (ps- my distal colon is attached to the sphincter- I have no more rectum)- I was and continue to be very health conscious- just bad luck! thanks Fran
Fran – please read through the treatment protocol for healing rectal strictures and that should help you decide:
Would this protocol work for scar tissue in the liver caused by Hep C ?
Yes, would like to know how to do an implant for rectal scar tissue with the topical solution — sounds as though a regular enema bag would not be ideal? How to get the DMSO mixture up into the rectum without using anything
synthetic? Thanks so very much! Very excited at the thought of getting rid of it!
SAM – I’m not sure, you would have to try it and then let us know!
MARIE – full instructions for healing rectal strictures are here:
I’ve had a herniapatch removed and have a lot of scar tissue in my abdomen. I’ve been using the castor oil and dmso treatment but I seem to get pretty sore from the treatment. Is this normal? Is there anything else you could advise me to do for help for pain?
JOE – I don’t know if it’s “normal”. I know when I used the mixture rectally, it could get pretty sore from time to time.
Here are a couple of other things you can try:
and also white willow bark (to replace NSAIDs):
Hi, and thank you for this helpful site! I have scar tissue built up on one side of my penis due to pehyronies disease, and I was wondering if you had any advice on the dmso/aloe ratio that I should begin with. Thank you very much!
STEVEN – I would go here and get this free eBook, then start with the 20% formula and see how that feels and if it’s strong enough (I would think so) OR if you need to make it weaker.
I would also follow the DMSO formula with the cold-pressed castor oil (see above for details) – just massaged in, no heat necessary (unless your body tells you to).
PLEASE post here with your results. I came across a lot of data on Peyronie’s during my research and there is a lot of suffering going on – would be great if we could find a good treatment for this condition too!
Is there any help with scar tissue on breast implants 4M
Hi Michele,
I’m afraid we do not have any information about that but we wish you all the best in your search!
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Hi Jini — Thank you so much for the reply, and I will definitely let you know how the treatment goes!
Have tough old scar tissue on upper breast (fat necrosis related)Have DMSO and a live Aloe Vera plant: only concern is DMSO being applied so close to the heart??
If okay in this location, what % of each may I safely use?
Thanks for your site and your reply to this concern.
Jerilyn – First, go download my free eBook here:
After you learn more about DMSO, you may want to try the 20% formula (given in the eBook).
Regarding your heart, I have no idea and please consult your doctor.
Can I apply castor oil for daughters 2.8 yo scar on her forehead to make it less visible? Should I use hot pack for better results!?
Thank u
Hi Nat,
We have not used the castor oil pack in that manner before so we cannot comment on whether or not it will work in that particular application but we’d love to hear how it works out if you decide to try it.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Hi. Would these procedure work for scar tissue that blocks the Fallopian tubes? I have had an ectopic pregnancy. Thank you
Hi Aisha,
I’m afraid that we do not have any information about the protocol being used for that application but we’d love to hear how it goes for you if you decide to try it. If you’re unsure, it’s always best to check with your physician first.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
o.k. so I have a question.. what would happen if DMSO (and water) were massaged onto skin that has/had caster oil on it already? bad or good?
Hi Theresa,
Some of the castor oil would probably transfer through the skin but it probably wouldn’t accomplish much. Jini recommends doing the DMSO/Aloe Vera first, waiting for it to dry, and then applying the castor oil pack.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Theresa – yes, I tested it both ways and results are MUCH improved doing it as advised (see Justin’s response above)
I have scar tissue in my sphenoid sinus, from endoscopic pituitary surgery. I have had it for the past four years, during which time I’ve had chronic sinusitis. Do you think that using DMSO and castor oil would help to dissolve the scar tissue?
Thanks for your reply!
Hi L,
I wish I had a better answer for you but, as with Aisha above, I’m afraid that we do not have any information about the protocol being used for that application. We’d certainly love to hear how it goes for you if you decide to try it. If you’re unsure, it’s always best to check with your physician first.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
How are you doing now? I have incredibly painful scar tissue in my nose from tumour removal. Just wondering if you tried the DMSO and Caster oil and had any luck.
Hey guys,
The info on this site sounds wonderful. I have had several abdominal surgeries (gall bladder removal, gastric by-pass, endometriosis, hysterectomy) After the surgeries I developed severe adhesions that now bind all my internal organs together. I have had 3 surgeries to release the tissues but they grow back worse after each. After the problems with the last surgery no doctor wants to touch me.( There were more than 6 docs trying to figure out what was what in my gut and surgery took about 9 hours.) I am in chronic pain and don’t know where to turn at this point. I will try the suggestions posted and pray for some relief. If you have any advise for extremely severe abdominal adhesions please post.
Hi Celeste,
A good place to start would be at Jini’s symptom section for abdominal pain. She goes into detail about some different things you may want to try and she talks about adhesions as well:
If you have any additional questions about Jini’s products or protocols you can reply here or e-mail us at
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Finally I think I’ve figured out what is happening with me! I have been having anal spasms for 5 years now and they have caused me to wake up in pain anywhere from 6 to a dozen or more times a night … for 5 YEARS now!I am so tired! The anal stenosis/stricture description you have given fits me to a T. I want to try your treatment with DSMO but live in Ontario, Canada and can’t get it here except through a veterinarian.Is it possible to purchase it from your shoppe and have you delivered to Canada before?Any idea about duty etc???
Hi Shirley,
We ship orders to Canada on a daily basis from our warehouse in Utah. Many customers end up having to pay customs fees but we charge GST (or HST) up front since we are based in Canada and required to do so. Unfortunately, we do not have any control over the import duties or fees and cannot comment on what they might be for any given products. If you wish to purchase the DMSO from Jini’s shoppe, you can do so from the link below:
Kind regards,
Customer Care
SHIRLEY – also, be sure and check out this eBook first, specifically on Rectal Spasm, as this may fit your needs better than Rectal StrictureHeal:
I was wondering if this would be efficient in breaking down the muscle that’s restricting my breast implant. I am in severe pain :/
Hi Holly,
What you are suggesting is possible if you are referring to scar tissue near the implant but we do not have any experience with using the protocol in that application so we’re unable to comment on it’s efficacy. If you decide to try it, we would definitely like to hear how it goes for you if you care to share your experience.
Kind regards,
I emailed with some concerns I was having with the Rectal stricture protocol. I’ve been using it for 2+weeks now and lately have been feeling quite nauseous within half an hour after its use. I’m 5’1″ and about 102 lbs. and using the 20% solution. I also usually have lower than normal blood pressure. Is this reaction expected? Should I reduce my usage? It has been quite an expense having it shipped to Canada and paying extra fees and had high hopes for success… Is it safe to continue?
Hi Shirley,
As I mentioned in my response to your e-mail, it’s possible that you’ve been experiencing the same thing as Jini mentioned in the passage you cited so it’s entirely up to you whether or not you’d like to continue the protocol. We aren’t able to advise you as to whether or not it’s safe and/or if you should continue as we’re not qualified to do so, I’m afraid. Jini recently wrote another blog post about DMSO at the link below if you want to read a little more about it in order to make a more informed decision:
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Hi, I have a condition called peyronie’s which is scar tissue in the penis, and i couldn’t find help for this question and wondering if you would offer some advice. I’ve been doing 99.9% dmso liquid for’a while and causes too much irritation and would like to use a lower percetage, what “percentage” would cause little to no irritation and would still be effective for penetrating to the scar tissue, any advice?
BO – First, go download my free eBook here:
After you learn more about DMSO, you may want to try the 20% formula (given in the eBook). I would think the 20% solution would be strong enough (combined with the potassium iodide as per the formula). This formula dissolves scar tissue in the rectum, so should work well for the penis, which is similar tissue.
Please let me know your feedback if you try it. I know there are MANY suffering from Peyronie’s so would be really great if the formula worked for that as well.
I have abdominal adhesions. I have had 6 surgeries for them, and 3 of the surgeries were open due to the density of the adhesions. These adhesions usually kink my bowels or attach to the abdominal wall causing so much pain eventually that I end up at the ER and then into the hospital and have to end up having surgery. I just would like to hear some treatments, exercises that work for preventing these or getting some prevention.
Hi Bridget,
I’m afraid we don’t have any good information about prevention of adhesions; Jini’s protocols are designed to soften and dissolve them. For more information, check out Jini’s symptom page for abdominal pain at the link below:
Kind regards,
Customer Care
I have had 6 abdominal adhesions surgeries. 3 of those being open. Just like to hear of exercises, etc that you all have done to help with the recurrance of them, etc. And just be able to hear of others experiences.
So some people have seen success of dissolving internal scar tissue just by rubbing castor oil on the specific area?
Hi John,
The castor oil packs are a component of Jini’s protocol. Using them on their own will not likely achieve the same results but can help with pain.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Hi, my 12 year old son was referred to an oculoplastic surgeon for possible tear duct reconstruction. His right eye tear ducts appear to have been destroyed by scar tissue from a virulent eye infection a few months ago. I am already a fan of castor oil but don’t know about dmso. Would it be possible to apply it near and around the eye? And apply a castor oil pack to the eye area? Any suggestions you can give are appreciated.
Hi Amy,
I wish we had a better answer for you but we have not used DMSO or a castor oil pack in that manner before so we cannot comment on whether or not it will work in that particular application. If you decide to try it, we’d love to hear how it works out.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
AMY – I would also take a look at these two eyedrop formulas. Although they are for cataracts, they may have a useful ‘dissolving’ action in your son’s case:
OR this one using DMSO:
Dr. Rowen’s Eye Drops
A simple eye-drop formulation, made popular by Dr. Robert Rowen, MD, has also shown promise in the prevention and treatment of cataracts. Known as “Dr. Rowen’s Eye Drops”, the formula contains DMSO, Glutathione, and Vitamin C. All three ingredients have powerful antioxidant properties that battle free radicals and are important nutrients in overall eye health.
Glutathione: Eyes deficient in glutathione are more susceptible to cataracts and other eye diseases and contain approximately one-fifth the amount of glutathione compared to normal lenses.
DMSO: Is a natural solvent that can carry other drugs with it across membranes, enhancing the delivery of companion ingredients.
Vitamin C: The sclera of the eye is dependent on vitamin C for good health, and research has shown that cataracts can begin when vitamin C becomes deficient.
This formulation is available through College Pharmacy with a prescription. For more information about Dr. Rowen’s Eye Drops, or to speak to a pharmacist about vitamin supplements for eye health, contact College Pharmacy directly.
As Justin said, please let us know what you try and whether it works, or not.
Jini, I am so happy that there are some things I can try, and very touched that you took the time to share this information with me. Your website and blog contain an amazing abundance of helpful information and beautiful, loving, caring energy. Blessings to you.
UPDATE: Mary Cox has moved to a new clinic:
18384 Brookhurst St.
Fountain Valley, CA 92708
Cox Physical Therapy is located within Lokahi Physical Therapy.
North of Dana Point between Huntington Beach and New Port Beach.
Hi Jini
I had a c-section in October 2012, from the past six months i am suffering from abdominal and pelvic pain. Got a colonoscopy done which reveled a twisted colon and abdominal adhesions. Found your website I do see some hope, I am yet to try it. I have a question should I be on liquid diet as long as this treatment lasts? Also do you recommend to stop breastfeeding.
Hi Chaya,
I’m afraid we can’t advise you regarding your breastfeeding as we’re not qualified to do so but an elemental diet could potentially help with your pain. For more information about that, check out the link below:
If you would like to learn more about Jini’s protocol for intestinal strictures and adhesions, here’s a link to her symptom page for that:
If you have any additional questions about any of Jini’s products or protocols please let me know.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
I have hypertrophic scars on my nose. I had cystic pimple 4,5 years ago, it left me a hyperthropic scar, after 2 years I decided to get microdermabrasion done, my dermatologist suggested it to me. Nurse made a mistake and left me with bigger scar due to microdermabrasion (scar is now longer).
5 months ago I got another cystic pimple, on other side of nose, it was smaller though, but it too left me with raised scar. I squeezed the fresh scar and lot of blood came out, week after skin under pimple swelled up.
I used aknemycin on it, it helped, once it was healed, I used Kelo-Cote (silicone cream) on my old scar, and new scar. It made both scars worse unfortunately :/. Old scar has raised and widened a bit due to silicone. New Scar? I was applying silicone on and around the scar, it seems like it has dyed skin white around the scar, and raised it a bit. There is one small bump, my scar,then next to it is another one,and under it is another one, it kind of froms a triangle. Dermatologists I visited said that it is a scar tissue.
I have used Kelo-Cote on new scar only for like 5 days, and on old scar for maybe 8-9 days. Even though I have used it only for such a short time, it has made a difference in my scars, and it is worse.
I tried to further improve my scar, so 1 month and week ago I started massagingmy scar with castor oil, which resulted in both improvement,and slight widening of scar. Since there was also widening, that made me little worried, therefore I tried to keep the oil within boundaries of scar, I did that with Qtip massage. Damaged scar formed scab on one half, became swollen, white,and hurt. Scab fell off after 5 days, scab became slightly red/brown after day or 2 and scar stopped hurting. Since then I have been observing a little worsening every day,scar has spread a little bit and raised a little bit. I do not feel it at all though.
I do not know if I am dealing with keloid now or not. The thing is that keloids are rare, and extremely rare in central face, if not unheard of (I have researched a lot). Many plastic surgeons said that they have never encountered it, even though 1 said that has seen both cases on face, or heard of them. Also, keloids tend to be hereditary,and we do not have them in family as far as I know. I am also caucasian, which also lowers the chance.
The reason why is scar changing like that is probably because it is maturing (and therefore thickens).
Anyways, I would like to ask you, what should I apply on my scar? Castor oil and dmso, or iodine? Or something else? Thank you.
Thank you :).
Hi Lukas,
I’m afraid that we don’t have any information about using Jini’s protocol for that application but, theoretically, her protocol may work for your scar tissue as well. If you have tried castor oil, you may want to try the other elements she mentions in her protocol but, as always, it’s best to check with your physician if you’re unsure. Jini would love to hear how it works out for you if you decide to try the DMSO!
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Thanks justin, I went through the intestinal stricture protocol. I have some questions before I start to use it.
Can I completely eliminate Potassium Iodide and colloidal silver from the oral protocol as I am already hypothyroid. If so how do the other proportions change.
Can I go on half elemental diet while following this protocol.
Thanks again
Hi Chaya,
You’re very welcome! You can eliminate the colloidal silver and potassium iodide from the oral protocol but you have to understand that you would be eliminating two of the four ingredients so we can’t comment on how effective that would be. If that’s what you decide to do, we wouldn’t recommend altering the amounts of the other ingredients at all.
Regarding a half elemental diet, absolutely! We have no evidence that would suggest any issues going on a half elemental diet concurrently. Just in case you haven’t seen it, here’s a link to a blog post Jini did about half elemental diets:
Jini would be delighted to hear how it works out for you!
Kind regards,
Customer Care
fell off the roof of my house 40 odd years ago. Landed on my left hip and following days my leg from hip to toes ,turned black and blue.let leg has spasams of nummess and paincramping at the calf,cane I treat this with any procoslyou have foudby applying tropicallytodissolve scar tissue??? thsnks very informative
Hi Jerry,
It’s possible but we don’t have any data or experience with using the protocol for that particular application. If you decide to try it out we’d love to hear how it works out for you.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
sounds like you know from experience in healing and disolveing scar tissue..i hope you can answer my question..i am hesitant on who to purchase dmso from because ive heard some lie about it being medical grade and i dont wanto further harm myself..i have a fairly new scar through my eyebrow up into my forhead and its restricting movement i cant evan show my face..its deforming not to mention when it came back open several times i pluckd the hair to r=ensure i could get it closed tight ..yet another i dont want to remedy with anything thats going to interfere with the hair growing back in or cause it to fall out more..geeze i was pretty and now im deformed and crying everyday..but im sure someone knows ..and can help without misleading me for sales..i hope you answer this message and are real in that you know and your products are going to help not hurt me..ive heard luigis iodine can make your hair fall out.and ive heard it can make it grow ,,evan through scar tissue…i use caster oil..but not sure who to buy dmso from…someones gotto know
Hi Synthia,
We ONLY recommend the specific DMSO we carry by Nature’s Gift as it does not contain any additives or fragrances, comes in a dark glass bottle (they sell it in a plastic bottle as well; we don’t recommend that version), and is 99.9% pure:
If you find other products with the same characteristics, they may be OK as well but the Nature’s Gift brand is the only one Jini has personally used with her protocols.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
im wondering how to edit my name ..i didnt realize it was going on a blog ..i thought it was refering to the email..thanks for your reply..i guesse i was a little graphic..hopeing for insight and advise from someone a little more experienced than me..ive read the proceedure for the dmso..caster treatment and i sopose if it is effective that should be good enough..ive been reading about massage therapy..cross friction..heard about scar release massage technique not sure how..micro needling..maybe single needling not sure where to put the needle..compared to accupuncture..that i cant afford right wondering what my chances are with just the dmso caster oil..ive read of thiosinaminum..internal and external..i just was hopeing for sound mind educated..solid advise..would be very comforting to feel assured..if you do this ..the expected and most likly resuls are…i will look at listen to your gut shop and see what is available..hopeing for medical grade dmso..thank you
it doesent say medical grade..only medical grade is what i remember from studying this method a while back and hesitated because i read some companys were passing low grade dmso off as medical grade ..could be dangerouse..i dont know why because if evan one company had high quality products that actually work ..everyone would give them there buissness ..of course its hard to tell evan what reviews are honest or not but word of not sure what companys product to trust and i so much want to be able too..
is this medical grade dmso????
Hi Synthia,
DMSO is intended for use as a solvent only and is not FDA approved. “Pharmaceutical grade” in Europe is 99.8% pure and the product we carry is 99.9%.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
thank sounds like it is being used safely..i had read a blog on another site that confused me ..i am still interested though im not sure if the dmso used with caster oil or iodine would be more effective ..ive heard iodine can cause permanent hair loss and ive heard it was used to treat hair loss..conflicting information from different sites..if i could get my scar to disolve..or soften so it doesnt restrict natural movement..i would be so grateful…and if so i think it would be hard to detect the damage…i am so inexperienced with this type of healing..thank you for responding..i really hope you know..thank you
Hi Synthia,
Each element of the protocol is considered beneficial and necessary for the best results but you can leave out the iodine and try it that way if you have concerns.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
I had a total knee replacement in 11/2011 and developed a lot of adhesions that restricted my range of motion. They did a second surgery for lysis of adhesions 4 months later (3/2012) and again I developed more scar tissue so my flexion is still limited.
I’m going to start the DMSO/castor oil protocol on my knee in an effort to loosen up and hopefully dissolve the scar tissue. Since it’s been 2-2 1/2 years since my surgeries, how many times a week should I use the packs? Any idea on how many months it might take?
I also have had several abdominal surgeries and excessive adhesions. The last surgery was 1/2011, I’m also going to use the packs for my abdomen. Any suggestion for frequency of use and length of treatment time it may take?
Thank you
Leslie, did this work for you? I have also had a knee replacement and fighting with scar tissue prohibiting my ROM.
People usually apply the packs at least once per day – most don’t have time for more than that!
Sorry, we don’t have any timeframes we can refer you to – all of this is experimental. But if you find a frequency that works, please let us know and let us know how long it took.
Have you any information on proteolytic enzymes for dissolving the fibrin in scar tissue and adhesions? I have heard some pretty amazing things about serapeptidase.
Hi Barbara, yes those enzymes are always a helpful adjunct. On their own, we have not found them to be sufficient. But you can absolutely take them and they benefit the body in a number of ways.
Hi again Jini, im desperate for some answers… With my peyronie’s im finding it difficult to use any kind of heat cause i want to try using a heating pad they are all too large, and won’t stay to the skin unless i hold it in place, any suggestions. Also the other is i use dmso gel, how long do you need to leave dmso gel on the skin, i wanna make sure im leaving it on long enough for it to penetrate? And last of all is do you just apply the dmso gel or do you need to massage it into the skin a little?
Hi Bo,
I would not use the protocol here for peyronie’s, because I have another one that I think would work better. It’s the same one we use for rectal tissue, which would be similar:
Follow the instructions in the eBook, but for your situation, apply with fingers, or natural fiber paintbrush (hog hair). I would apply once, let dry. Apply again, let dry. Do that once or twice per day. If you get any irritation, apply the cold-pressed castor oil. No heat needed.
Please let us know how that works for you.
I have a deep scratch from my fingernail on my left cheek, it’s about 3 inches long and pretty deep (dr said it was more than superficial layer)… this happened about 5 days ago and is in the process of healing now… how can I lessen the scar that is formed, as it has not yet healed over? Should I massage the wound/scab while it’s still healing? Is DMSO/Castor Oil only to be used once the skin has healed over or can I use it now?? It’s a bit confusing, please if you can provide simple and easy steps to heal this deep scratch, I would very much appreciate it!
Thank you!
Hi Jini,
Just had liposuction surgery and ended up with adhesions under my chin and down my neck, as well as backs of my arms. They are very fresh still but I haven’t been able to massage them free. They’re just within the fascia I think but adhering to other tissue/muscle so that it’s constricting movement in my arms and neck. Do you think this protocol would work for releasing the adhesions? Any idea how long it could take if still fresh? And do you have any idea once and adhesions is released will the skin just fall back to normal place, and then I can work on the outer scar if it’s still present at that point?
Ree – I don’t think you can use DMSO on an open wound – as it would be aggravating to even healed, but sensitive skin. So you will need to wait until the scab has fallen off naturally (don’t pick it!). And if you use DMSO on the face, it cannot be stronger than 50 percent concentration. So I would start with 20 or 30 percent concentration and then see how that goes, gradually increasing to 50 percent as you can.
Janae – Please see my comment to Ree above. Same cautions apply to your neck. For your arms, you can use up to 70 percent concentration.
Is just 100% cotton ok to use with the DMSO and castor oil, or is it imperative to actually be 100% cotton flannel?
Hi Janae,
100% cotton is fine. The important thing is to use natural materials as opposed to artificial ones which could, potentially, contaminate the process with whatever chemical(s) that they are made from.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
I have been having some issues that feel like some intestinal blocking. About to get an Ultrasound, and in a month start seeing a GI who is also a holistic doc and trained in functional medicine and nutrition. In the meantime I have noticed that liquids sit better with me (smoothies, soups, etc..) and have been doing a sort of cross of GAPS (lots of bone broth)/SDC with no allergens (grains, eggs, nuts, dairy). I have felt less bloated, but have lost about 15lbs in 2 weeks, I think from possible malabsorption and definitely from lowering my calories drastically from not being comfortable eating. My naturopath says my adrenals are low and put me on some powders very similar to mucosalheal, as well as oregano and probiotics (50bil per cap). I am going to start the topical stricture heal protocol as well as work with a craniosacral/myofascial masseuse and acupuncturist, as I can feel scar tissue in my abdominal region. (years of stress and not eating right). My stool not too bad, one movement a day, not quite well formed, not quite liquid (sorry for the TMI). My main question is, I am thinking about the Absorbplus shakes as an option to get my calories up, but my main concern is the tapioca maltodextrin (not they whey, I know I do fine with isolate). This is an artificial sugar/cornstarch I believe..? I am just curious as to your thoughts as I don’t want to risk anything, but I can’t keep losing weight and getting weaker. ! Any help would be soooo greatly appreciated.!
Hi Ryan,
Tapioca maltodextrin is not artificial but it is, technically, a sugar. It’s dextrose derived from tapioca (cassava root) and contains no corn. For details about Jini’s thoughts on maltodextrin, check out the blog post below:
If you have any additional questions or concerns you can reply here, email us at, call us toll-free at 888-866-7745, or click the little blue box on the bottom right of your screen for live chat (during normal business hours; otherwise it will email us).
Kind regards,
Customer Care
What are the primary source of calories in the absorbplus? Thanks!
Hi Ryan,
Most of the calories from Absorb Plus come from the carb component, tapioca maltodextrin, and from the whey protein isolate.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Hi. I have tons of scar tissue i my nose from two botched nose jobs. Any recommendations on something that could help. I’m desperate.
Hi Steve,
It’s possible that the methods discussed in this post could be beneficial in your particular situation but we haven’t tested them for that application so we aren’t able to recommend anything, unfortunately. If you decide to try anything Jini recommends, we would be very interested to hear about your experiences!
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Hi. I had endometrial ablation a year and a half ago. My uterine wall is thickening again and have scar tissue. Also known asherman’s syndome Can this protocol of DMSO and castor oil packs help me get rid of uterine scar tissue? Have you come across anyone else with this issue? Thanks.
Hi there,
Unfortunately we don’t have any information about the protocol’s use for that particular application so we can’t comment about its efficacy but we would be very interested to hear about your results if you decide to try it. As always, it’s best to check with your doctor before proceeding if you are unsure.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Would you have a procedure for Peyronies Disease, conventional medicines do not have a very good success rate.
Kind Regards
We don’t have a specific procedure. But if it were me, I would try combining the Rectal StrictureHeal formula with topical cold-pressed castor oil – you can get the eBook for free here:
Hello – I had a significant pulled muscle in my back 4 months ago. After 24 hours in spasm, I saw a chiropractor who administered electrical stimulation on my left lower back. The spasms stopped, but that evening, I suffered the entire night with front left pelvic pain. 5 days later, I noticed a bulge in my left pelvis and no muscle strength to hold it in. I have had 2 MRI’s and a Ct scan with contrast and have been told I have torn muscle and left lateral diastasis. I have been told this will not fix itself and that I need stomach reconstruction. I believe there has to be a way to help my abdomen and muscles heal on their own.
I have been using castor oil to massage and then a pack overnight for 3 nights. I don’t really see any significant improvement. Should I also consider using the DMSO to aid in healing?
thank you
Hi Mary,
It’s possible that DMSO could aid the healing process for you but I highly recommend that you read Jini’s blog post about DMSO safety (if you haven’t already) at the link below before you proceed:
If you decide to use DMSO, we’d love to hear how it works out for you!
Kind regards,
Customer Care
May I encourage all of those contributing to this thread to do some private research on Colostrum? A good place to start would be the website, and the blog of Synertek Colostrum, which contain good scientific information and helpful testimonials. We all know that is no single ‘magic bullet’ for most conditions (especially when chronic); however, as one of those extraordinarily synergistic natural substances, Colostrum is about as close as it gets.
Encouraged by Jini’s multi-step approach (which I find helpful to view as a kind of Venn Diagramme of intersecting circles of different therapies, all working synergistically), I have been looking at Colostrum as one of several complimentary therapies for my son’s IBD. It has no known negative side-effects, either on its own or in combination with drugs, and is even well-tolerated by lactose-intolerant people. With some conditions it seems to work very quickly (for instance in topical application for nosebleeds), for other people it takes a couple of months for benefits to show, so be prepared to be patient.
There are other good companies as well as Synertek, so do your own research and enjoy learning about this amazing gift from God: even if it does not help you, it may help somebody else, so your efforts won’t be wasted. : )
Best wishes to you all.
I agree Jessica, colostrum can be beneficial for many and definitely worth testing if your intuition is pulling you that way. Personally I would look for grass-fed only colostrum and if you’re sensitive to cow’s milk, try goat colostrum.
hi Jini..
i had fat transfer to my cheekbones twice which has left me with hardened cheek bones due to scar tissue. how would you proceed with DSMO and aloe for this area? and must i use plastic? can i just use dsmo & aloe first then allow to dry… then apply castor oil… then cotton flannel and then just put the heating pad on top of that? im afraid of plastic saran wrap gettign in my system due to DSMO.. please advise
Hi Debbie,
Unfortunately we don’t have any information about the protocol’s use for that particular application so we can’t comment about its efficacy but we would be very interested to hear about your results if you decide to try it. As always, it’s best to check with your doctor before proceeding if you are unsure.
Regarding the plastic wrap, it is only used to prevent a mess so if you decide to proceed with the protocol then you can certainly leave the wrap out if you aren’t concerned about the mess.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Hello Jini,
I had a 6″ hernia mesh placed in me in Aug. 2012. I then had it removed along with 3 nerves after 22 months of pain and grief. The extracted mesh was hard as leather and was pressing on my femmoral nerve and artery. It’s been 8 months now from removal and I get the sensation that scar is squeezing my nerves with intense pain/weakness down the back of my legs and groin. I have muscle atrophy in my legs. As long as I dont place the solution on my testicle can I use it full strength in the groin at the scar site? I have great expectations and cant thank you enough!
Hi John,
Sorry to hear about your ordeal with the mesh. We don’t have any data or feedback about using the protocol in the manner you mentioned but many people have reported back with positive feedback about dissolving scar tissue in the GI tract so it’s possible that it could have a positive effect in your case. As always, we recommend speaking with your doctor if you’re unsure. If you decide to proceed we would be very interested to hear how it works out. All the best!
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Hi Jini, first of all thank you for all you’ve done to help so many people. Your protocols and absorb plus has literally saved me from the dreaded medication and surgeries that were in my future. Then I found you and your website. what a blessing. I live off the shakes as I’m on a liquid diet due to an abdominal Stricture. Since January I’ve been in no pain since starting absorb plus and I’ve gained 12 pounds. My doctors don’t like hearing of my success without drugs and surgeries.they think I’m crazy. But the proof is in the pudding or in this case the shakes. My question is I have just started the dmso aloe Vera topical treatment over the past few days and I’m starting to feel a bit of discomfort in the area of the stricture and the ilium where they found the crohns. Is this healing? Has anyone had this happen while doing the protocol? Thanks for your time.
Hi Meaghan, You’re very welcome and congratulations on your weight gain!
I know when I used the Rectal StrictureHeal treatment, yes, there were times I experienced discomfort and soreness. For me, it felt like the formerly thickened and reduced-sensitivity tissue was “coming back to life”. However, it can also mean that the mixture is too strong, or too frequent. So I also listened to my gut and sometimes skipped days. Of course, there is always the potential for allergy, so that option always needs to be taken into account.
what is the full meaning of DMSO and where can I get it. Can you please send the write up to my mail box.
Hi Rachael,
DMSO is short for (dimethyl sulfoxide). It is a natural substance that comes from tree bark and was first discovered by Russian scientist, Dr. Alexander Saytzeff in 1866. Due to its amazing ability to bind with other substances, it was first utilized as a solvent. Then in 1959 it was demonstrated that DMSO could protect red blood cells and other tissues against freezing conditions, so experimentation began with using it to freeze and store organs for transplants.
For more details about DMSO and information about using it, click the link below to another blog post from Jini:
We have DMSO available for purchase at our shoppe here:
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Long term use of an Insulin Pump causes internal scar tissue at the infusion site. The scar tissue diminishes absorption the insulin you need. Thus you have to find new infusion sites every 3 days. I have used DMSO over the years for pain, mainly arthritus and Gout. I wondered if I apply a 70/30 solution to the scar tissue (internal) will it dissolve them and likely make the area a viable infusion site?
Hi Frank,
It’s possible that the DMSO could have a positive effect by itself. If you decide to try that, we’d love to hear how it works out.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
can i still use the castor oil without hot water bottle and DMSO.Am still waiting for my order of DMSO
l have the castor oil but not the pack. Can i use any wool cotton T shirt temporarily before i got the flannel and hot water bottle
Rachael – Yes, you can use the castor oil just straight and some people find relief from even just that. And you can use any natural fabric – cotton is better than wool since wool will suck up a LOT of oil. Finding a way to apply heat does make a marked difference though.
Hi, I was diagnosed with endometriosis 6yrs ago,never had a surgery,no birth control,an no hormones. i really would almost feel as if i failed myself if i did an i think it would get worse or more complicated. the problem is i cant find anyone that agrees with me. i have only had ultrasounds and an mri my first ultrasound was a 9cm cyst an 6yrs later my last one was a 13cm cyst. not the full 6yrs but during this time i have tried so much from changing my bad life style like eating i now try to eat close to a paleo diet,i try to do anything anti- inflammatory,castor packs, citz baths, herbal teas really anything that can give me a chance. i have diminished some pain an increased energy but it has not shrank the cyst. i still feel i am getting somewhere i just need some guidance cause anything ive tried was my own doing an not supported or recommended by any doctor ive seen. please, any an all support an advise is highly appreciated an wanted.
Hi Amanda,
I’m afraid that we’re unable to give you any guidance as we are not qualified to do so (Jini included) but Dr. Paul Goldberg shares methods and protocols with Jini and has read all of her books. He is a very rigorous practitioner and like Jini, has healed himself of a serious chronic illness, so he understands firsthand what you’re going through. We can highly recommend him.
You can also watch this video for a detailed description of how Dr. Goldberg works and what’s involved with his healing approach:
Kind regards,
Customer Care
I have read your document on the Intestinal Stricture protocol. What do you think about using the Nature’s Gift brand of DMSO cream? It is 99% pure DMSO and concentrated to 70% DMSO, 30% Aloe vera in a cream base. My skin can tolerate 70% DMSO without any irritation. I understand you require no substitutions but this seems to be the basically same ingredients just in a form that is easier to apply.
Hi Jill,
Jini recommends the Nature’s Gift brand of DMSO and it’s the same brand we carry at the shoppe. However, for all of her protocols which require DMSO, Jini cautions against using products with additives (like the one you mentioned) because it can introduce more unknown variables into the healing equation. You can always try it and see but Jini did extensive testing with her protocols using just the pure DMSO with no additives so we can’t speak to the efficacy of the protocols if substitute elements are used.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Hi Jini, I too am grateful to have found your website. I have at least 4 people in my life that are affected by abdominal complications for one reason or another and I always refer them to your website. As for myself Ive had two abdominal surgeries a hysterectomy and then later removal of the ovaries and after the 2nd one my doctor decided to clean up the existing scar tissue which ultimately produced more scar tissue. I have been in the hospital 14 times in the last 5 years with small bowel obstructions. The MRIs show a loop in my small intestine caused by scar tissue. I have found abdominal massage to be the one thing that has helped me relieve the trapped gas and or fecal matter and kept me from returning to the hospital. I am very interested in purchasing the absorb plus shakes however I am not interested in gaining any weight. How should I proceed? Also I noticed after doing almost any kind of exercise I would get a flare up, is this something you might be familiar with or have any information on?
Hi Karen,
Absorb Plus can be used to maintain (or even lose) weight, just depending on your calorie intake for the day. You can also use it in a half-elemental diet alongside regular foods that you know will not cause any issues for your specific condition to manage the amount of calories. For more information, check out the two links below:
Regarding exercise triggering a flare, I’m afraid we’re unable to comment on that as we’re not qualified to do so but we haven’t heard from anyone else who has experienced that so you should definitely consult your physician about that.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Hi Karen, the post-exercise flare up can happen when the body is already using it’s reserves and energy to deal with infection or healing issues. So, as I write in LTYG, the best exercise is GENTLE, nourishing, rejuvenative exercise. Like a walk in nature and stop BEFORE you feel tired, or tai chi, or restorative yoga (not other kinds of yoga), or Qi Gong.
For years and I mean years I have been suffering from nerve pain in groin from hernia surgery some time ago. I wake up with and go to bed with this pain. I have had surgeries to try and free the nerves and have had a triple neurectomy(sorry if spelling is incorrect) but to no avail. I even tried an implanted stimulator but had it removed last year. There is a tremendous amount of scar tissue which if broken up could possibly help with this nerve pain. I take Vicodin as needed otherwise I couldn’t function at all and go to work every day. If anyone has experience or advise I would certainly like to hear. I’d be willing to try DMSO along with castor oil to try and help. Thx
Hi Jini, Im male and live in the UK; my story is somewhat complex as i had a perianal abscess and multiple fistulae which were treated over 14 separate GA procedures with setons etc. Ive completely sepsis free for over a year finally.
However for the last 18 month (never before despite the surgery etc), i develop pain usually several hours post BM along the anal ring and sometimes going further back along the left levator ani muscles which are tighter.
Im no longer constipated but had been when the pain first manifested,and have had pelvic physio and biofeedback which has helped me realise that a lot of the pain was straining etc on the now weaker levator ani muscles which i relax better using your techniques and a special stool.
The pain however continues and I’ve isolated that it starts (or trigger point) is a BAND OF THICKENED TISSUE (SCAR?) ON the Left side of my anal ring (just a finger tip inside)
sometimes just pressing on this improves things for several hours. I’m not spasming per se either and diazepam etc hasn’t really bee a help nor has cramp bark and herbal remedies.
My pelvic physio (i have seen a couple but the best in London is a lady called Maria Elliot) mentioned scar tissue and the importance of releasing/softening it.
Various Docs and CRS here don’t believe it is is LA syndrome per se but it is a wide definition, and i have to agree. I think the sheer act of defecation stretches this tissue and sets up the pain which can then radiate into the Levator ani muscles. having said that this pattern isn’t always consistent and I have poo’ed large volumes with no pain thereafter.
Im intrigued by DMSO but also a little confused on the different preparations and the application. (should it be the pure version or the natures gift versions which i can get over here) Also if required, are you able to ship to the UK
Warmest regards from London
Hi Dan,
First of all thanks so much for taking the time to share your story with us. A good place to start if you’d like to learn more about DMSO is at the link below to another blog post Jini wrote about it:
Jini actually uses the Nature’s Gift brand of DMSO; It’s the brand we carry in our shoppe and we do ship to the UK but if you can get it locally then it will be much cheaper. Just make sure to get the version with no additives (fragrance, aloe, etc).
Also, you mentioned that your doctors don’t think you’re suffering from levator ani syndrome but, just in case you want to read about Jini’s protocol for that, you can check it out here:
If you have any additional questions at all about DMSO or the protocols please don’t hesitate to contact us. You can reply here, email us at, visit the live chat at the little blue box on the bottom right side of your screen (during normal business hours, PST), or call us at 888-866-7745.
P.S. If you decide to try out the DMSO we’d love to hear how it works out for you!
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Hi jini
Great thread! Not sure if you would be ble to help me but I had a chalazion form when I was 5 months pregnant – let it go naturally well so I thought.. But now a year later the eye doctor claims that it is muscle bulge left on my lower eyelid.. Loss of connective tissue as we age he says.. I’m only 28 and very good skin over all. He tells me to use botox to relax the muscle .. Anything u recommend if you know anything before I say yes to that toxin. It’s really annoying me
MAGNESIUM!! Magnesium is nature’s muscle relaxant:
Just like Lesley, who wrote in on May 20, 2014, my husband is fighting a losing battle with excessive scar tissue after knee replacement, revision and another total knee replacement. His condition is called arthrofibrosis. I understand that DMSO can help with scars beneath the skin and at this point we’re willing to try almost anything. More surgery just leads to more scar tissue and repeated staph infections. Can you tell me if Lesley or any of your other clients have had success with the DMSO/castor oil packs? Thank you very much!
Hi Bobbi,
I’m afraid that we haven’t received any feedback about using DMSO and/or castor oil packs for anything similar to what your husband is going through so we can’t comment about how effective it might be for him. If your husband decides to try either one we’d love to hear how it works out for him.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Hi Bobbi,
I haven’t tried the castor oil packs and DMSO on my knee regularly. I’ve only done it once or twice. I intend to try it on a regular basis to see if I can get additional range of motion. You are smart to avoid any additional surgery as it will just make it worse as well as the increased risk of infection. I am now 4 years out from my knee replacement and I have less pain and discomfort. I usually notice stiffness and soreness when the barometric pressure changes; a drop in pressure is most noticeable. I’ve learned to adapt to my limited range of motion. I’m a personal trainer and I can still workout and lift weights, ride my horse, and many other activities. I can’t ride a bike, kneel, or do anything that requires bending more than about 95 degrees in flexion. My extension is normal.
How bad is your husbands range of motion? Does he have a lot of pain and discomfort? How long has it been since his last surgery?
I also used massage and still use a whole body vibration machine to help with the scar tissue.
I say go for it in trying the DMSO castor oil packs! I can’t hurt and can possibly help. Keep us posted with the outcome. I’m now motivated to try it myself. What has prevented me from doing so it the messy factor. I also need to resume doing abdominal packs for adhesions from multiple abdominal surgeries. Some of us just tend to make a lot of scar tissue, I wish your husband the best as I can totally empathize with what he’s going through.
Best regards,
I wanted to respond to Kelly DO NOT USE botox next to your eye, botox is botulism it can migrate into your eye or brain. Read the side effect and risks it is pretty scary.
Take 2-3 glutathione and vitamin c daily, collagen drink daily and
Flax cold pressed seed oil daily this will help your skin
What is your suggestion for C-section scar tissue build up and pain?
Hi Kimberly,
I wish I had a better answer for you but we don’t have any experience or feedback from readers about using any of the things mentioned above for that particular application. We’d love to hear about it if you decide to try it, though!
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Colitis remedy?
Hi Russel! Please see Jini’s Home Remedy page for Colitis:
I hope this helps!
I take serapeptase by Serretia. it is an enzyme that helps break down post surgical scar tissue in the body among other things. Do some research and see if it might be worth a try-
Vitamin shoppe sells it or you can get it online, Swanson vitamins is a great website!
With my peyronie’s and using DMSO gel, i was wondering, can i use apply the gel to my penis and immedately people my clothes on…. because i end up waiting around 30 minutes before putting my clothes on because im afraid it won’t penetrate completely within that time frame and will just wipe onto my clothes, and online some sites say don’t rub dmso on just paint/ on pat it on in a thin layer, and to wait around 20-30 minutes, any suggestions, on how to apply it for peyronie’s, and how long before i can get dressed again…sorry if you already answered a similar question, but im in a rush and don’t have much time?
Hi Mickey,
It’s always best to allow the DMSO to dry first but you can always cover it with somethking like a non-synthetic (cotton, for example) adult diaper in your case if you need to apply and go.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Hi Mickey – it is best to wait for it to dry before clothing. I suppose you could try a hair dryer on cold setting, but we have not received any feedback from people doing so.
Hi, I saw your recommendation using castor oil for Peyronies. I’ve had the condition for over a year now and was wondering if you’ve honestly heard of any positive results from any men trying Castor oil? If so can you share the recipe again, how often, duration? Any details would be appreciated.
No, sorry, we haven’t heard back from anyone with Peyronies. And keep in mind, it is not Castor oil that I think would produce the positive shift – it is the StrictureHeal formula. Using the same formula that we have been testing for the rectum should work well with genital tissue. You can download the eBook for free here:
If you decide to try it, please let us know how it works for you
I had a knee replacement in Oct 2015. The ROM is not good. Went to therapy 3 x a week for 6 months. Had a manipulation in Nov. 2015 still have scar tissue I walk and exersice everyday. still not good. Can you help. PLEASE!!
I would find a myofascial release therapist in your area. Or a physio or chiropractor certified in Active Release Technique (ART). That’s what I would do.
Hi Jini
I had a vasectomy in Jan of this year and have scar tissue at both vas deffrens which are pinching on nerves. What do you recommend ? I am based in the UK
Hi Woody,
Jini hasn’t tested her protocol for that particular application so we don’t have any information about how well the ingredients would work (if at all). If you decide to put something together and try it we’d love to hear about it.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
I’ve been dealing w/ extreme pudendal neuralgia (or entrapment–not sure which) on the right side since about Dec. 2016 from an injury. Let’s just say that it can be excruciating! When it is really bad, it extends into the rectal and/or vaginal area on both sides. I had a badly injured disc years ago (which has healed 100%, I’m happy to say!), and this feels just like that–except in the groin area. OUCH. Have you had success with your protocol re: rectal strictures for this condition? I’ve tried cold laser therapy, myofascial release in combination w/ pelvic floor therapy, infrared biomat, etc. etc. Nothing has made a permanent difference. I came across your info. re: rectal strictures–and I’ve been told that I have a lot of scar tissue from a past injury to my tailbone and also an abdominal surgery when I was a kid. Sounds to me like your protocol for rectal strictures could work on this!
Hi Alyssa,
I’m afraid that we don’t have any experience or feedback about using this protocol with pudendal neuralgia or entrapment but we would be very interested to hear about it if you decide to try it out. Just in case you haven’t seen it, Jini has a symptom page for pudendal nerve entrapment (an eBook as well) here:
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Six months ago, I had an accident which broke my wrist and had surgery. Now I’ve developed Dupuytren’s contracture at the base of two fingers. What do you think might help this condition and perhaps dissolve this?
Hi Denise,
The protocol mentioned in the blog post above has only been tested on the GI tract so we don’t have any experience with using it to dissolve scar tissue on the hand. Let us know how it goes if you decide to try it!
Kind regards,
Customer Care
my husband has urethral stricture, it was formed by scar tissue after prostate surgery (TURP). Can he use the treatment described here?
Hi Irena,
Unfortunately we haven’t received any feedback about using the protocol for that application. If you decide to try it in any capacity we’d love to hear how it works out!
Kind regards,
Customer Care
i got valley fever ten years ago wh/ was not dx for 2 years and it ended up in my brain at wh/ time they put a brain shunt in to relieve the pressure. succesful and long rosad to recovery. currently I an suffering from the aftermath of scar tissue. my spinal chord has loculations between T5-8 AND ID FLATTENED at t-10. my 4th brain ventricle is swollen due to scar tissue wh is causing pressure on my brainstem resulting in difficulty wlking w/o assistance. I am an acupuncturist so get alot of that tx as well as cranialsacral, daily yoga and meditation and juice everyday. I REMEMBERED CASTOR OIL PACKS FROM MY PAST STUDIES GOOGLED AND FOUND YOU. would appreciate your feedback.
Kimberly I encourage you to seek out Dr. John F. Barnes – the founder of myofascial release. You could read his book first: Healing Ancient Wounds and then you may feel a visit to one of his clinics would be helpful.
Are there any brands of DMSO (or techniques) that you know of that eliminate the garlic type odor mentioned? These products have been helpful in the 2 weeks since I started using them, but for my roommates’ sake, I think I need to find a way to eliminate some of the resulting odor. Thanks!
Hi Jake,
We’re very happy to hear that the products have been helpful to you! Unfortunately, DMSO inherently comes with that odor and we don’t recommend any of the variations which contain fragrances or other additives like aloe vera. The best advice we can give is to stock up on candles/incense/etc for the house and to use a cologne that might help to mask the odor.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
This post is fantastic. I was released from the hospital today a five day stay that began due to excruciating cramps, vomiting and diarrhea that I put up with for two days prior to hospitalization because I thought I simply had a virus. Of course, this was a SBO which is commonly treated with a nasogastric tube through the nose (THE most painful thing ever) and then just waiting for the system to rest and hopefully the blockage will pass. I cannot believe there are non-surgical self-applied procedures as you describe that are not even mentioned by the physicians. I am certain the genesis of my problem is the surgery I had at 3 months of age to resolve a serious case of intecceception. I’m 54 now. I was getting discouraged that my only option was another surgery so I cannot wait to find a practitioner in my area who perhaps can perform myofacial release therapy. Thank you!!!
Hi John,
Thanks for stopping by! If you have the therapy performed we’d love to hear your thoughts about the experience and results.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Hello, can dmso be used if i have metalic staples inside, i guess since is surgical they used titanium, or applyig dmso far away is safe? thank you
Hi Mary,
We aren’t aware of any interactions between DMSO and surgical staples but you should definitely consult your physician if you have concerns with respect to your specific situation.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Hi there
Great article! I am trying this method with aloe and dmso gel to remove some significant scar tissue build up on my stomach and abdomen. Are you supposed to do self massage after or is the castor pack enough with the heating pad?
Thanks! Will try daily for 2 months and report back.
Hi CC,
Thank you for your question. We do recommend doing the massage as well as the castor pack with the heating pad. However some people have had success with one or the other. So you can see what works best for you. Please let us know if you have any other questions.
Kind Regards,
Customer Care
Hi! I would actually thing that if you want to use DMSO + Castor Oil, you need to put first the Castor Oil, and the DMSO after, since it will then carry the castor oil present in your skin to the inner layers. However, you guys say the opposite. I am confused by this 🙂
Any ideas why?
Hi Victor,
Thank you for your question. The reason to use the DMSO before the castor oil is for the body to have the chance to soak up all of the dmso, without it being blocked by anything else, such as the Castor Oil. If you have anymore questions please let us know.
Kind Regards,
Customer Care
Thanks for the reply! I am still confused though. What we want in this case is the Castor Oil, We just want DMSO as an agent to transmit the Castor Oil to the inner layers. So how is this working? Can you explain me the difference between applying Castor Oil first or after? In which one Castor Oil gets better transmitted?
Hello Victor,
Sorry for the confusion. The reason we recommend the DMSO and Aloe Vera before the castor oil pack is because the DMSO/Aloe Vera is the part of the process that releases the scar tissue. While the castor oil pack is to increase the circulation, reduce inflammation, and relieve the pain. I hope that information is more helpful to you. Please let us know if you have anymore questions.
Thank you,
Customer Care
I have a pretty serious issue with scar tissue following a TKR. Since the DMSO is a solvent, will it hurt the plastic that is in my implant?
Could this protocol help me with scars tissues that a got after smartlipo on abdomen? Thanks!
We haven’t received any feedback about using the protocol in that manner but we’d love to hear about it if you decide to try it out.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Absolutely! I’ll let you know my feedback!
I am almost 3 weeks post of from a hip arthroscopy. Will this protocol help with scar tissue that has developed at the two portal sites?
Hi Lisa,
This treatment may be of great help for your scar tissue from that surgery. However we would recommend consulting your doctor to make sure it is safe for your situation. If you have any other questions please let us know.
Kind Regards,
Customer Care
HI Rachel,Thanks for your quick response…I should clarify that this is internal scar tissue at those sites, not a keloid scar…will it still work for that situation?
Hi Lisa,
We don’t have any research or experience on if it will help with that kind of scar tissue there. However if you consult your doctor on it and decide to try it out we would love to hear your results on it. Sorry we can not be of more help on results with this protocol for it in that area. Please let us know if we can help with anything else.
Thank you,
Customer Care
Thank you for this information. I believe I have and have had for over 30 years, strictures around the ovaries, bladder, UT area and now have frequent/chronic pain that mimics UTI symptoms. Sometimes also have infection but antibiotics do little to help. Your information is giving me hope. I will try the protocol for internal strictures & let you know how I’m doing. Thank you, Martha
Hi Martha,
Thank you for your post. Sorry to hear you have had to suffer for so long. Glad to hear this information gives you hope and hope it can be helpful to you.
In case you didn’t see it, here is also some information on UTI’s that may be helpful for you as well:
If you have any questions please let us know. Would love to hear how you are doing in a few weeks after trying the scar tissue protocol.
Kind Regards,
Customer Care
DMSO is most effective with castor oil to treat scar tissue. Use a wrap as discussed.
DMSO can be purchased from any vet who works with horses. Or, a store which specializes in horse feed, horse supplies etc. DMSO is used extensively in the equine industry to carry drugs, other agents, into a horses tissue. The product is quite efficient. Start with a 5 to 1 (oil to DMSO) mix, increase to 5:2
Do you think that the DMSO sold to treat horses is pure enough?
Hi Jean,
We only can comment on the brand we carry which is:
If you are concerned about that we recommend asking a veterinarian concerning it.
Kind Regards,
Customer Care
I have a large painful area on my trapezius muscle which is very stubborn and totally hardened, which I’ve been hurting from for 2 decades. It extends into my upper back muscles. Have tried everything – acupuncture, massage, heat, cold, theracane, etc. with no results. Recently a physiotherapist I’m seeing said that the area is calcified and feels like bone inside the muscle. The pain also extends up the side of my neck and into my face and jaw. Do you think the dmso and castor oil protocol could help me heal and resolve this condition? How often would I need to do the treatment? Thank you.
Hello Marie,
That sounds very painful! We only have experience using the dmso and the castor oil packs for the abdominal area. However we have heard from many others having success on many other parts of the body. We recommend to use it at least 3 times a week, but you can use it up to once daily. For feeling it can take up to 3-6 of using it regularly. If you decide to try this we would love to hear how it works for you. Please let us know if you have any other questions.
Kind Regards,
Customer Care
I came upon this site while searching for the cause of my husband’s pain. He had a botched lithotripsy for kidney stones almost three years ago and is still suffering. The lithotripsy caused a hematoma which is pressing against his kidney that contains a stone about the size of a dime and is jagged. The stone is in its own chamber and never caused him problems until this last lithotripsy, which was performed by a rookie after his regular urologist of more than 30 years retired. Previous lithotripsies did not have this effect. The new doctor even confided in a colleague of hers that she was afraid she messed up. Now the hematoma is smaller, but he is still in a lot of pain. After searching the web, I’m thinking his pain is caused by the scar tissue and your blog is very helpful. I’m going to get the DMSO and try that along with massage. Thanks so much.
Hello Kitty,
Oh no! I hope this protocol for the scar tissue can help his pain. If you have any questions please let us know. We would love to hear how it works out for him.
Kind Regards,
Customer Care
I have scar tissue impinging on a nerve in spine due to a disc herniation. The pain comes and goes as it pleases and when it does arrive its pretty debilitating. Id like to avoid surgery and was wondering if the Dmso/Castor oil protocol (or any other protocol you advocate) would actually dissolve the scar tissue if applied topically, or would it just relieve pain temporarily ?
Thanks!!! Simon
Hello Simon,
Thank you for your inquiry. We can not say for certain if the protocol would work on your particular scar or not. However, we do know it has helped dissolve many different types of scar tissues throughout the body. If you decide to use it for that we would love to hear your results.
Kind Regards,
Customer Care
Hi, I had a knee injury in August and the knee swelled. I could not move it for a bit but as the swelling went down I discovered that my range of motion was very restricted. I have about 20 degrees of flexation. I will use the castor oil and aloe treatment on my knee but my question is, is there any video or descriptions of how to massage my knee to help soften and stretch the adhesions, or even break them loose. Thank you.
Hello Richard,
We do not have experience in using this protocol on a injured knee, so are unable to say for certain. However, we would love to hear how it works out for you. Please let us know if we can help with anything else.
Kind Regards,
Customer Care
Hi, I was wondering if the DMSO/Castor Oil Packs will work on my daughter’s abdominal scar tissue from bowel surgery she had when she was an infant? She is now 25 years old and the scar runs half way across her abdomen. Since it is an old scar, the tissue is very hard and she said it is uncomfortable. I have been researching this for a few months and came across your site. Will this protocol break down the tissue? Thank you.
Hello Cindy,
We cannot say for certain if this protocol would work for a scar that old or not. However, if she does decide to try it there is a chance it could take up to 4-6 months to work all the way. We would love to hear if it works out for her if she decides to try it. Please let us know if we can help with anything else.
Kind Regards,
Customer Care
Cindy, I have 34 yo scar tissue from a burst appendix & subsequent peritonitis. The infection blew out my ovaries and the scarring has caused years of UTI symptoms that became extreme last summer. The only thing that seem to help was compress of castor oil & DMSO under heating pad twice a day for 3-4 months. I stopped it for about 4 months and recently developed the same problems. I will start it up again. I know that it helped me and it’s better to do something now & not wait as long as I have. Best of luck. martha
Hi Jini!
I was diagnosed with Crohns in Feb 2015 after being sick for over a year multiple rounds of antibiotics and eventually a tonsillectomy all to find out later it was Crohns. Being I uneducated of Crohn’s disease I did exactly what the doctors told me to do which was 6 weeks of steroids and start on asacol. My hair fell out I felt horrible and began seeking other opinions from other physicians all of which wanted me to start Humira or Remicade treatments. Long story short soon after this I came across your book took it to the beach and read the entire book taking notes hopeful for some answers. I did your three month protocol for 6 months and went into remission and have been every since. My husband and I were fairly healthy infdic ideals or so we thought both brought up in the fitness industry and I was diagnosed at age 31 after one miscarriage and birth of my premature son who is now 4. All of this to say against my wishes I recently had a colonoscopy in December 2016 and I wish I would have read your snook first…hindsight I was scared into the procedure because my doctor told me my hemoglobin had dropped from 12 to 11 and she was concerned I may be bleeding. Every since the colonoscopy my stomach has not been the same and reading your book I now understand why and wish I would not have done it. She told me my colon looked great which I thought was excellent news because upon first being diagnosed I had spots of inflammation all through the colon. I was esthatic and then she said but I want you in biologics because I am saw some pretty good structuring in the small intestine and your risk for future instructions and surgery are high. I refused treatment and the steroids she called in and talked to the radiologist who did an MRE in 2015 who feels like she was swing scar tissue. I now recently ordered your stricture heal protocol and was feeling good doing it but stopped after only two weeks because I thought I was pregnant. We are trying to have another baby even though the doctors told me that was not a good idea if I was not going to go on treatment so all of that to say I would like to start the treatment again tonight because my stomach feels a little inflamed no diarrheal but just swollen and some pains. Is it dangerous to use these ingredients while trying to conceive?
Hello Erin,
Sorry for all you have gone through. We definitely recommend being cautious on doing all the doctors suggest, and to try to follow your gut and take control of your body’s needs. We are not medical professionals and are unable to comment on using this protocol while trying to conceive. We would recommend checking with your doctor and research on the safety of the ingredients during pregnancy, in case you got pregnant while still doing the protocol.
Also, the Listen to Your Gut book has a chapter on Pregnancy starting on page 395 with some recommendations on supplements and how to handle symptoms while pregnant you can refer to. As well as on this page:
Hope all goes well for you and you can start to heal well and have a good pregnancy.
Kind Regards,
Customer Care
As a long time Crohn’s person, I had great success breaking up my GI scar tissue by a licensed technician using the Graston technique. The process is not fun, but I got remarkable results and those results were validated by my GI doctor at my next colon exam. A change in lifestyle using Jini’s protocol, the Graston techniques plus and other modalities helped control my disease.
Graston Technique is a therapeutic method for diagnosing and treating disorders of the skeletal muscles and related connective tissue.
Andy, what is the Graston technique??? I have had gall bladder surgery, appendix, hysterectomy and 5 lysis of adhesion surgeries because of the terrible pain. It has been 3 years since I had abdominal surgery but due to my adhesions I now take a pain medicine each day, and nausea medicine, and at times the pulling and tugging on my internal organs from the adhesions is awful. Would like to hear from someone who has tried maybe massage of adhesions to break them up or your graston technique? Help??
OOPS forgot to reply to your message. Please see my response below..
I have a urethral stricture, can you tell me what protocol you would recommend?
Hello John,
Unfortunately, we do not have any information on treating that type of stricture. If you decide to try this protocol for it we would love to hear how it works out for you.
Kind Regards,
Customer Care
Hi Bridget!! Hope you see this message! I am actually beginning Graston therapy. I had my first intro session last week and i am going 2 x week for the next 3 weeks and then we will assess from there. My chiro has been doing this modality for over 15 years.
They use metal tools to scrape the skin and find the adhesions under the skin and it breaks it up apparently. You may want to do a quick youtube search you can see videos of it happening.
For reference i had abdominal surgery just over a year ago and have alot of internal scar tissue. I did lymphatic drainage massage, nightly castor packs with DSMO gel for months, serrapeptase, endermologie- etc etc I am just heading to my second appt. I will keep you all updated on progress!! My Chiro is quite confident to see results after time
Cheers x
Any updates on your progress with the DMSO+Castor oil packs and gastron therapy?
Hii jini..
I had hemorhoidectomy about 5weeks ago and now i have anal stenosis. Im 8months pregnant women. What medicine i can use to heal my anal stenosis for the baby’s safety?
Need advice Jini…
Thanks ..waiting for your respons
Hello Dhona,
Sorry to hear what you have had to go through while pregnant. Unfortunately, Jini and her staff are not medical professionals and cannot advise what is safe for that during pregnancy. We would recommend consulting your doctor concerning that. This is the formula we recommend for it if you want to look into using for after pregnancy:
Hope you are able to feel better soon and have a healthy baby soon.
Kind Regards,
Customer Care
What about the natural oil? What kind of natural oil i can use to reduce the sympthom?
At least to relax my you have recommendation for me?
Hello Dhona,
Unfortunately, we do not have experience or knowledge on anything safe to use during pregnancy for your symptoms. We would recommend to still check with your doctor concerning that. Sorry for the discomfort you are having to go through. Hope you are able to find something to help soon. Unsure if any recommendations on this page can help your situation any, but just in case here is Jini’s pregnancy tips:
Best wishes,
Customer Care
I have a medical grade silicone Seton with no latex or other fillers.Is it safe to use DMSO near it or touching it?One Dr’.s website suggested it was ok but I just awant to make sure they are correct.
Hello Louise,
We are unable to tell you if the DMSO would be safe with that or not. We would recommending asking your doctor concerning that. If you do decide to use it we would love to hear how it works out for you.
Kind Regards,
Customer Care
Recently I started using Dermelastic serum at the beginning of my 2nd trimester of pregnancy, I already had scars on my abdomen from a previous surgery and was starting to get stretch marks from my pregnancy, this serum has helped lighten all of those and has also prevented any new ones from appearing.
I am battling anal fissures for over 10 years, had LIS and fissure surgery 3 years ago but NO RESULTS. Yesterday saw a new doctor that told me the fissure is not the problem but the anal canal is very narrow and not stretching when needed that’s why I keep breaking down there, I have stenosis I was told. I do feel my anus is not flexible, not stretching when needed and very,very tight. Do you think this might work for me? I am not sure if this is the approach.
Hello Gabriela,
Sorry to hear what you have had to go through. We would recommend you looking into the protocol for treating the anal stenosis. You can see more information on that here:
I see you have signed up for the free ebook that gives you more information on doing the StrictureHeal. If you have any further questions please let us know. We would love to hear how it works out for you.
Kind Regards,
Customer Care
Hi I had a total knee replacement 16 months ago and am having problem with painful scare tissue which causes restrictions to the movement of the joint. I’m a redhead and my surgeon has told me he can’t help because it’s my genes fault. Do you think DMSO could help? Will it damage my new joint?
Hello Louise,
We do not have experience, and are not medical professionals, so we are unable to comment for certain if the DMSO could cause any damage on the knee replacement or not. We have had a few comments on using it for theirs, however with no updates on if they had any problems or the results they got from it. If you have any concerns on this we would recommend contacting your doctor. If you do decide to use it for your knee we would love to hear how it worked out for you. Please let us know if there is anything else we can help you with.
Kind Regards,
Customer Care
Thanks Rachel for your reply. I saw my Dr recently and he told me to put up with the pain and didn’t offer any solutions. Might not try DMSO just incase it effects my joint but Aleo Vera can’t do any harm.
I had nasophryngeal cancer and had radiation 15 yrs ago. Now the side effect from radiation cause the sacr tissue which makes me imposible to swallow and also affected my speech. Will this work for me. Any suggestion. Much appreciate for some tips.
Hi Aisha,
If you think your difficulty swallowing is caused by scar tissue or adhesions in your esophagus, then you may want to try this experimental treatment Jini have used to dissolve scar tissue in the rectum. For external throat application, you would use the protocol here, but instead of a 50% DMSO solution, you would prepare a 40% solution (so 40 percent DMSO, 60 percent aloe vera). If you are a blonde or redhead, then use a 30% DMSO solution (30 percent DMSO and 70 percent aloe vera). Then you would follow the DMSO treatment with the hot castor oil pack as shown. Please let me know if you have any additional questions!
Kind Regards,
Customer Care
Has anyone had success using the DMSO/castor oil packs for scar tissue in the knee as a result of knee replacement surgery? My knee was replaced 5 1/2 years ago and I still have limited ROM and pain due to scar tissue. Four months after the replacement they did another surgery, arthroscopy to cauterize the scar tissue and a manipulation to break up the scar tissue. That didn’t yield much improvement. I’ve tried other devices and modalities to increase ROM to no avail.
Just wondering if the protocol would be of benefit, especially in scar tissue this old.
Rather than using cloth soaked in castor oil, can the oil be applied to the skin then covered with the dry cloth and a heating pad/hot pack to keep the mess down?
Hi Lesley,
Thanks for reaching out. We have had a few comments above using it for their scar tissue in the knee, however we have no data or any updates if they had any good results. Jini recommend to find a myofascial release therapist in your area. Or a physio or chiropractor certified in Active Release Technique (ART).
If you do decide to try we would love to hear how it worked out for you.
Customer Care
In November 2015 I had an incarcerated hernia emergency surgery. The surgeon cut about a foot of intestines out and then cut out the hernia. I have developed a bulge on the inside of my abdomen in the intestinal area. I am morbidly obese so it is not visible to anybody. Since May it is the site, and maybe cause of, excruciating pain. Could this be scar tissue? Would the DMSO-aloe-castor oil abd massage therapy dissolve this? Can I use a 100% cotton dish towel instead of flannel?
I have been using castor oil packs for abdominal adhesions for the past year with great relief until a couple of weeks ago. I am thinking of adding DMSO. I understand that plastic cannot come into contact with the DMSO. I use a plastic covered heating pad on my castor oil pack. How can I protect my heating pad from the oil without using plastic? Is it ok to use an towel? Does the towel have to be cotton or additive free? ( how would that even be possible?). Any suggestions would be appreciated. The heat works wonders.
Hi Janet,
Thank you for contacting us. Place the 100% cotton flannel directly on your abdomen covered with castor oil plus DMSO. Then just fold the oily side of the flannel inwards and store it in a plastic bag until next usage. Do not try to wash it! Just throw it out if it gets too old/smelly and use a new one. Infant receiving blankets work really well, this would be perfect:
Then place the plastic on top of the flannel.
Kind Regards,
Cris B
Customer Care
Was curious to know if you found any relief with your abdominal adhesions with the DMSO + castor oil treatment?
I am wanting to try the scar tissue protocol on the side of my neck for scar tissue from a surgery. The DMSO I have is 99.9% pure DMSO and the label says 70% DMSO/30% distilled water. Is that still safe to use? Or does it have to be only DMSO with nothing else in it? I assume it is fine just diluted.
Second is DMSO safe to use near the thyroid? I won’t be putting it on the thyroid but the area is near it. Thanks for the help.
Hi Trey,
Thanks for reaching out. If you use DMSO on the neck, it cannot be stronger than 50 percent concentration. Start with 20 or 30 percent concentration (DMSO and Aloe-Vera) and then see how that goes, gradually increasing to 50 percent as you can. We’re not aware of any detrimental effects on the thyroid using DMSO. Only the iodine that can impact the thyroid if used long-term .
Kind Regards,
Cris B
Customer Care
I am ready to purchased the DSMO to treat anal stenosis. I know in the protocol Jini suggests using other ingredients along with that so will cure internal hemmoroids but I don’t have those. I also know I am really itchy when use aloe vera and I would prefer to stay away from it. What should I order and what my protocol should be? At this point I am using Dr. Christopher’s bone and tissue cream for anal fissures. Could my treatment be: castor oil packs followed by Dr. Christopher’s cream in the evening and DSMO in the morning? I have to treat the fissures and the anal stenosis in the same time since one can not be treated without the other…..My question is what else should I use along with the DSMO and if at night should I use the castor oil and DSMO for the packs or only castor oil. many thanks
Hello Gabriella,
Thank you for contacting us today!
Components for Rectal Strictureheal are DMSO, Aloe Vera, Potassium Iodide and Colloidal Silver. We haven’t tested Dr. Christopher’s bone and tissue cream for this protocol so we’re unable to comment on its efficacy. The aloe vera juice included in this formula does not contain any irritants as we have remove the antagonistic compounds that cause the bitter taste and irritation to the GI tract.
For Anal Fissure, please check Jini’s Fissureheal Suppositories. These suppositories contain comfrey – which is a fantastic wound healer. Therefore, they heal anal or rectal fissures amazingly quickly. You can check customers feed back here.
Jini also recommends Healing Meditation for Anal Stenosis, Stricture & Hemorrhoids to further assist anal stricture healing. Remember that you will always experience the fastest results and create long-term healing if you treat all the physical, emotional and spiritual components of your condition simultaneously.
Also, be sure to get the eBook Jini’s Healing Guide: Natural Treatments for Anal Stenosis & Stricture in our Shoppe for complete, detailed instructions and dosages.
Kind Regards,
Cris B
Customer Care
I can recommended of using the black seed oil. You can visit this site, You can use it as supplement and can add it to the food you take everyday. It can cure many ailments such as diabetes, cancer, asthma and many others. I am using as supplement for 3 months already and it gives me energy and healthy.
I have had two: resection’s due to adhesions and two adhesion takedowns the adhesions continue to come back. I was wondering if The castor pack Would give the adhesions blood circulation and cause them to grow more .
Please help me I am very sick with adhesions and I need help bad thank you for your site
I was researching Castor Oil and DMSO and this page appeared in my search results. Although my condition is different, you’re obviously well-informed, so I thought I’d pose a question.
My issue is a condition called Peyronie’s Disease. Basically, for anyone reading, the condition is caused by scar tissue in the penis and can cause severe curvature, indentations, pain, loss of length/girth, and lead to other complications.
I don’t have a curvature issue, but do have one indentation and a small amount of pain. Topical application of Castor Oil was suggested by one person and topical application of DMSO was suggested by a different person.
So, I wondered if I might safely be able to combine the two? Any thoughts would be sincerely appreciated.
Kind regards,
Hi Aaron,
We haven’t received any feedback about using the protocol in this condition but Jini recommends the DMSO formula with the cold-pressed castor oil (see above for details) – just massaged in and no heat necessary. Check this eBook and start with the 20% formula and see how that feels and if it’s strong enough OR if you need to make it weaker. We’d love to hear how it works out for you if you decide to use it.
Kind Regards,
Cris B
Customer Care
Hi Aaron – recently came across this, which may have some useful info for you:
Dear Cris B,
Thanks so much for taking the time to respond. I will look into the DMSO + Cold-Pressed Castor Oil, as well as the eBook. I’ll advise how it goes!
Best regards,
I came across this website desperate for relief from endometriosis/adhesion pain. I didn’t have issues until after I had ablation and tubal ligation. I deeply regret having had that performed but at the time I couldn’t make my morning commute to work without flooding blood when I got out of the car. Hindsight I sure wish I had been more in touch with natural ways to help my body. Within 2 yrs of that I was in such severe pain, could hardly stand upright while I had been misdiagnosed with cysts. Was on BC pills to ‘treat’ the cysts for 9 months. Finally had a doc willing to go in and she found the endo, adhesions had my ovary completely tied down which explained the severe pain esp with movement or trying to stand upright. Had a few good years after the exploratory surgery which was 8 years ago, but of course the adhesions come back. This last year has been especially bad and I’m feeling that fullness, I would mostly describe it as though I’m tied together like bricks and mortar from my uterus to my low back when it flares up, usually twice a month now. I’m not about going for any further surgeries. I will be giving this therapy a try and will let you know in months to come how it is going. Thank you so much for this helpful information. ❤
Hi April,
Thank you very much for sharing your story with us and we hope Jini’s protocol works well for you. If you have any questions regarding Jini’s products and protocol, let me know!
Kind Regards,
Cris B
Customer Care
Hi, there is alot of really good info on this site.
Could you summarize how to heal hemmoroids with the DMSO and also acne scars what solution to try? thanks
Hi Dory,
Thank you for contacting Listen to your Gut. We haven’t received any feedback about using the protocol for Acne Scars. For Hemorrhoid, please check out Jini’s symptom page for Hemorrhoid here:
Kind Regards,
Cris B
Customer Care
My daughter is 12 years old and has scar tissue in her neck and possibly all down her spine. She has a chiari malformation and Syrinx (Fluid) in her spine. The neurosurgeon knew that possibly the reason she was in so much pain was because there was scar tissue blocking her spine and at the base of her neck (chiari is a zero, so doesn’t cause issues) so the fluid couldn’t flow properly. So he preformed surgery so the fluid could flow and it was scar tissue blocking it so the fluid could not flow properly. They said it looked like she had scarring all down her spine but they weren’t set up to do that kind of a surgery. (Thank goodness) So I am wondering what protocol a person would take on possibly removing the scar tissue down her spine. It seems silly to have surgery to remove scar tissue only to get more scar tissue from the surgery. Maybe, DMSO/Aloe & castor oil packs (along with essential oils not at the exact time maybe different days or hours later.) down the spine. Just curious if it’s ok to use DMSO down her spine because spinal colon and nerves and such.
Blessings, Lia
Hi Lia,
Thank you for your comment. We haven’t received any feedback about using the protocol for this condition but I would go here and get this free eBook, then start with the 20% formula and see how that feels and if it’s strong enough. OR if you need to make it weaker.
I would also follow the DMSO formula with the cold-pressed castor oil (see above for details) – just massaged in. We’d love to hear how it works out for your daughter if you decide to use it. We recommend you contact a doctor as well if you are concerned on using that product in that area and how much to use.
Kind Regards,
Cris B
Customer Care
Would this work for a one inch facial scar? TIA
Hi Lon,
Please see Jini’s comment on March 01, 2012. She said ” the common formula for treating scars on the skin (especially keloid scars) is a 50/50 ratio of potassium iodide and DMSO. So that would end up being a 50% DMSO solution, so acceptable for usage on the face”. Please let me know if you have any additional questions or concerns.
Kind Regards,
Cris B
Customer Care
I have dupuytrens contracters. I have been following the protocol and have been using castor oil along with heat, for 3 weeks now. Does this actually work for DC too?
Thank you for this website!
I would like to know if you have any specific treatments for penis scarring that’s causing Peyronne’s disease.
Thank you!!
Hi CC,
I have responded to your email. Please check your inbox and let us know if you have any additional questions or concerns.
Cris B,
Customer Care
Hi CC – recently came across this, which may have some useful info for you:
I am having an issue with internal sutures that have not dissolved (as they were supposed to). I’ve had 2 operations to pull out scars and am having a problem again in the same area. My original operation was over 15 year ago and still having problems. Does your remedy with the DMSO/Aloe Vera and then castor oil work to dissolve the internal stitches? If not, please tell me what you recommend to have my body dissolve these – I’m at wits end with the fact that I keep needing surgery just to correct these non-dissolving stitches. Thank You so much for this page and for your input.
Hi Laura,
Thank you for contacting us here. Jini consulted a doctor who is also familiar with my DMSO protocols and he said:
“I would suggest that probably a mistake was made, non-dissolving sutures were put in and (s)he should look into what does one do with internal nylon sutures.”
Cris B
Customer Care
Could I please check that your protocol is fine to use over internal scar tissue from a hernia repair that was done using the No Mesh Desarda technique? Thank you.
Sorry Kanuka, I have no idea! You would have to consult your own doctor on that. Sorry I can’t be more helpful.
This is interesting. I had a LEEP procedure done on my cervix about 7 weeks ago. I had a period about 4 weeks post-op. During and after my period, I have had nothing but an immense tightening, pressure feeling in the area where my cervix is. I have lost all sexual sensation there. There’s virtually no connection. My brain prepares me for transmission of sensation but renders nothing.
I have no idea if I have scar tissue, but am wondering if some could be forming. I’m thinking of doing the castor oil treatments, but was wondering if DMSO is safe to apply to the area at my cervix/uterus.
Thank you!
Hi Jilian,
Thanks for contacting us here. The key is to learn more about DMSO, its safety cautions, etc. and listen to your body on how to proceed. Check link below:
Jini have a lot of posts on exactly this topic:
I hope this helps you!
Kind Regards,
Cris B
Customer Care
A friend told me that they put DMSO on top of castor oil and it sucks the castor oil right in. Is applying the DMSO first as you recommend more beneficial? Thank you.
Hi Stephanie,
Thanks for sharing! We don’t have any data or feedback about using both substance in the manner you mentioned but many people have reported back with positive feedback using DMSO and Castrol oil so it’s possible that it could have a positive effect. As always, we recommend speaking with your doctor if you’re unsure. If you decide to proceed we would be very interested to hear how it works out. All the best!
Kind Regards,
Cris B
Customer Care
I have been using in two ways for tendinitis/tendinosis: 1) first apply dmso on skin, let it dry and next I apply castor oil or 2) I use both together ( they form a mixture) and massage the area. Both ways seems to be effective and promote good results. Have you any experience to share?
I started to follow the DMSO for strictures protocol 2 weeks ago (I’ve been taking MSM orally for years).. I have had problems with an inflamed stomach (bile reflux) and colon ever since my gallbladder was removed 6 years ago. I also have a scar tissue problem. When I had my uvorectomy, my gynecologist removed lots of scar tissue and there is a stricture near one of the bile ducts so that system is not working so well either.. My problem is, that ever since I started to injest the DMSO and caster oil, my colon issues have gotten worse…Everything feels extremely sore and painful inside. I’m wondering if anyone else has had this problem.. I’m also experiencing the typical DMSO side effects…some dizziness and unsteadiness and nervousness. I have stopped the protocol completely because it seems to be making me feel worse… Basically, wanted to know if anyone else had any pain while using the DMSO internally?
Would the DMSO and castor oil treatments be effective for eliminating scar tissue that causes subglottic stenosis?
Hi D,
Thanks for reaching out! While the DMSO and castor oil in these protocols do assist with dissolving scar tissue, we do not have any experience using it for scar tissue associated with subglottic stensosis. I am interested in your feedback, however, if you choose to use it in this way and would like to share your experiences! =)
Savannah B
Customer Care
Hello, I had a total knee replacement 5 months ago and have very limited range of motion due to adhesions, can this treatment be used with an artificial knee. I’m worried about infections or hardware damage. Thanks.
Hi Deborah! I’d recommend asking your surgeon, in this case. Most docs are familiar with DMSO as a lab substance. =)
I hate to dispute this information but— for some at least–none of these suggestions, castor oil, myofascial release therapy, turmeric, serrapeptase or other naturopathic agents…none of them will do the trick. There are many people out there who have had abdominal surgery, (eg gallbladder surgery) and have developed severe internal scarring with mind numbing pain as a result. There are also many so-called professionals who will accept payment from desperate patients for unproven treatments that do not provide aid. My brother went to “Clear Passage”, supposedly the “authority” on internal adhesions. He did his research, read the reviews, and spent thousands of US dollars –only to find that it did not help him at all. He now wonders if the therapy actually made it worse. Further surgery causes more scarring. External treatments provide only temporary– and minimal –relief. That is not to say that you should give up because obviously every patient is different. However, be careful! Do your research and ensure that it won’t worsen your situation! To date, there are really no firm solutions to this health issue. Ask any physician and they will give you the usual rundown that there is little they can do. Patients are prescribed painkillers or receive nerve block treatments but for many, none of these are helpful. It is a sad situation.
Hi Celetial. I am sorry to know none of the alternative treatments have worked and honestly most are scams. However, taking Apple cider two spoonfuls in a glass of water first thing empty stomach in the morning has helped tremendously. You may want to try. Please use Apple cider with the mother. Just a suggestion. Prayers for your brother.
Thanks so much for sharing your brother’s experience with Clear Passage – all feedback is useful and helpful to others. I think the key point in what you said is that for SOME people, nothing will work. That is true of every therapy, drug, surgery, etc. on the planet – nothing works for 100% of the people, 100% of the time.
This is where the power of listening to your gut/intuition comes in. It’s also really valuable to examine the emotional/psychological/spiritual roots of any negative issue. Often, that is the root-level where the healing must begin. See this post for a detailed description of what I mean:
Speaking of castor oil, did you see this post? – a truly remarkable story:
Hello. I have Crohns disease and a long standing stricture in my ascending colon. It doesn’t give me a lot of problems unless I eat something I can’t tolerate. My GI has tried and dilated it to 1.2mm. Im currently on infliximab and Imuran. I did read about stricture heal protocol. I intend to use only the topical treatment. Do you know if i can use it while I’m on Infliximab? Any insight is greatly appreciated.
Hi Sudha. Thanks for reaching out. Generally it’s not recommended to use DMSO in conjunction with any drugs. DMSO drives ANYTHING deeper into the body – so that would include the drugs you are taking.
In this case I think it best to ask your doctor.
For anyone asking about DMSO and Peyronie’s – Jini recently came across this, which may have some useful info for you:
I have been on the LTYG elemental diet for almost 3 weeks now, I do have a stricture but I am still having solid bowel movements each day, not liquid! I am trying to understand why this is happening. Right now I can only tolerate 5 shakes (Vegan-Vanilla) and water each day. There is nothing else that I am ingesting…
Hi Michele – have your bowel movements been solid throughout the entire 3 weeks, or did they start liquid and move to solid as you maintained the elemental diet?
Thanks for your reply. They have been solid for the full 3 weeks. I never had liquid bowel movements through this whole process…
Hi Michele. I passed this along to Jini, and here is what she came back with:
You can try Natural Calm magnesium, or magnesium citrate added to the shakes to help loosen the bowels:
Be sure to drink 16 ounces of water in between shakes as well – this is very important as maltodextrin absorbs a lot of water!!
Also reduce Natren Bifido to half and double Digesta Lac. I would first try adjusting the water and probiotics first, and if that isn’t sufficient then add in the magnesium after a couple of days of trial.
I hope this helps!
Thanks Savannah. I can’t tolerate the Natren, it causes constipation. I have not been drinking 16 ounces of water between shakes. I will increase my water intake as much as possible.
I have severe reactions/sensitivities to ALL supplements and many foods, I am grateful I have been able to take the Absorb plus w/o a reaction. In the past the Magnesium caused digestive upset for me.
Magnesium can definitely be a trigger! I recommend (if you have not tried already) nano-sized minerals. Here is an example:
These are liquid minerals with particles so small that they bypass the digestion system and are absorbed directly through the lining of the mouth – which makes them ideal for people with digestive upset. =)
Thank you Savannah. I will look into this. Are the minerals recommended when on an elemental diet? I had not seen these previously..
Hi Michelle. Well, Jini purposely keeps the minerals low in Absorb Plus because often times regular forms of magnesium, calcium and iron can trigger more diarrhea, intestinal bleeding and constipation:
That’s why she recommends the QuikPlus line, which she formulated specifically for people with digestive upset. These nano-sized minerals have the best absorption of any mineral form because they don’t require digestion. They’re actually absorbed through the lining of your mouth, so they bypass your digestion system altogether – thus, the atom-sized minerals will not cause diarrhea or trigger intestinal bleeding or constipation.
Here is an example of how it has been used by other readers:
And if you’d like to learn more about these minerals, there are a few other posts Jini has written on the subject linked at the bottom of that reader story.
And here it is in the shoppe:
I hope this helps!
Hi there thanks for all your efforts in educating and healing yourself so we can learn from you and do the same. I would like to know if you have any idea if dmso can help with endometrial adhesions I have started very slowly to 2ml every night straight 99%dmso it’s been 2 months and I’m not quite sure if it’s working theses adhesions are at least 10 years old 😩thanks for all your help
Hi Lusine – thank you for your kind words! =) We don’t have any experience using DMSO for endometrial adhesions, however we have plenty of evidence (from medical doctors and/or PhD scientists) showing that DMSO can prevent the formation of scar tissue or adhesions, or dissolve them once present.
If you are using topically, make sure to dilute it with Aloe Vera Juice and apply to your Abdomen using finger tips or a natural hair paint brush (do not use any synthetic with DMSO. You may also benefit from a castor oil pack! Allow the DMSO mixture to dry and then you can apply the Castor oil.
A castor oil pack is placed on the skin to increase circulation within the scar tissue. It also promotes healing of the tissues and organs underneath the skin. It is often used to relieve pain, increase lymphatic circulation, reduce inflammation, stimulate the liver, and improve digestion. Just remember to use a cold-pressed castor oil and 100% cotton flannel (or wool) – no synthetics. You can use either a hot water bottle or a heating pad as the heat source.
More details in this blog post, if you have not read it already:
And here:
Keep in mind if it is very old scar tissue like you mentioned, it may take more time to dissolve. I hope this helps!
Would it be possible to put dmso with aloe vera in the vagina followed by a castor oil ovule ? And hot water bottle ? Could it work to reach deeper adhesions ? Thanks so much
Hi Roxana, thanks for reaching out. Are you looking to heal a stricture of some kind, or old scar tissue? We do not have any experience using DMSO and aloe vera together in the vaginal area, however, you may be modify this protool based on your personal needs:
And if it is scar tissue you are looking to resolve, here is another blog post you may find helpful:
can you sleep with the pack on overnight? does doing that increase benefits? i ask because they told my husband this week he will be on a feeding tube the rest of his life. 2 years after hpv throat cancer radiation/chemo his swallow muscle has frozen from scar tissue formed quickly while doing a month of hyperbaric oxygen treatment to heal osteonecrosis of his jaw. the scar tissue is causing food to go in his lungs or out of his nose. surgery is not an option because it will just create more scar tissue. i refuse to believe this is his destiny. then i found your wonderful recipe. with Yah’s guidance, faith and this recipe maybe he will bless us with a miracle!
Hi Jill. You can absolutely sleep with a castor oil pack overnight, and many people do so to allow the castor oil to penetrate deeply while sleeping. Here is a post you and your husband may find helpful that touches on using castor oil and DMSO to dissolve scar tissue in different areas ot the body:
Wow, I wish I found this blog earlier! I can’t wait to try it for my abdominal adhesions, I’d rather not go for surgery again. Can you use the castor oil pack right after the DMSO solution is dry, or should there be a little more time in between?
Can you use pharmacy grade native castor oil as well? Or does it have to be organic?
Hi Tamara, yes, you should be able to use pharmacy-grade native castor oil. It is use for various purposes, including topical applications and medicinal. Pharmacy-grade castor oil is processed to meet pharmaceutical standards and is generally considered safe for internal and external use. Just ensure that the pharmacy-grade castor oil you choose is of high quality, free from impurities. Hope that helps!
Hello- I have a stricture in my throat, been widened once. I’m sure scar tissue has gotten thicker again as it’s back to being very tight, difficut to swallow. From reading all this material I can’t tell if aplying the DMSO & castor oil pack to the outside of my throat will help. Wondering if you have thoughts or suggestions . Thank you
Hi Tara, I’m sorry to hear about your situation. Please review this natural remedy protocol by Jini for more information:
Can you just keep what remains of the DMSO/Aloe Vera solution in the bottle and use it again?
hi, just discovered your site. i have long-standing scars in my hands under the skin resulting from dupuytrens’s surgery. i thought maybe using castor oil or msm or vitamin e cream with dmso would help soften them somehow, do you have any suggestions for what method or formulation might work? thank you
Hi Paul, Welcome to LTYG! While we’re glad to hear that you’re interested in exploring natural options for softening scars on your hands, the protocol mentioned in the blog post above has only been tested on the GI tract. Therefore, we don’t have any experience with using it to dissolve scar tissue on the hand.
In terms of specific methods or formulations, we would recommend consulting with a healthcare professional who specializes in scar tissue management at this URL:
Or this link as may provide you with more insights:
We wish you all the best!