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Everything you need to know about probiotics.

Vaginal Probiotic Paste – For Urinary & Vaginal Tract Issues

Probiotic Paste for Vagina I joined Natasha Trenev (founder of Natren) for this Livestream on the topic of Urinary Tract Infection. We immediately got requests for detailed instructions on how to prepare the probiotic paste Natasha talked about - that you can insert into the vagina. So here is the livestream and then the instructions [...]

By |2024-08-23T05:01:04-08:00July 17th, 2024|

How to Mix Probiotics with Absorb Plus Shakes

Can you save time by taking your Absorb Plus shakes and probiotics together? The answer is yes! Just make sure you take any anti-pathogens, such as wild oregano oil, at least two hours away from probiotics (and food). I also want to emphasize how important it is to never mix Natren probiotics into your shake [...]

By |2023-04-12T09:48:04-08:00February 21st, 2023|

Should People Managing Inflammation Avoid Natren’s Dairy Based Probiotics?

The Effects of Probiotics on Inflammation Join me and Natasha Trenev, founder of Natren probiotics, as we answer another question from an LTYG reader. This week's question reads: "Many people find dairy pro-inflammatory. Should people managing inflammation avoid Natren's dairy-based probiotics?" Don't forget to download my FREE eBook, What You Need to Know About Probiotics! [...]

By |2024-04-29T21:32:03-08:00February 16th, 2023|

How To Choose A Potent Probiotic

For a probiotic to have reliable, therapeutic results, it must fulfill ALL of the six criteria listed to below to ensure safety, potency and bioavailability: 1. Manufactured in a cGMP Facility and stored in dark, glass bottles only Make sure the probiotic is manufactured in a facility that carries the cGMP (current Good Manufacturing Practices) [...]

By |2023-04-12T09:42:54-08:00April 10th, 2022|

What Makes Probiotics So Special?

Join me and Dane of CrohnsColitisLifestyle as we talk about the importance of probiotics, creating a healthy microbiome, and reversing our once poor gut health:  You can learn even more about probiotics in the probiotic section of the LTYG blog - and don't forget to download my eBook, What You Need to Know About Probiotics, [...]

By |2023-04-12T09:45:20-08:00September 13th, 2021|

Should I Take a Break From My Probiotics?

Is it ever beneficial to take a break from supplementing with probiotics? Join me and Natasha Trenev, founder of Natren probiotics, as we continue to answer probiotic-related questions from my LTYG readers. And don't forget to download my FREE eBook, What You Need to Know About Probiotics!  Check my probiotic cheat sheet + more [...]

By |2023-04-12T09:46:13-08:00August 23rd, 2021|

I’ve Had An Ileostomy Done – Which Natren Probiotics Are Best?

We recently received this reader question, and it was so good I just had to share it with ya'll in case anyone else had a similar question. It reads: Hi guys. I've had an ileostomy done, which will be reversed in a few months, so at the moment I don't have a functioning large intestine. [...]

By |2023-04-12T09:46:26-08:00August 15th, 2021|

Can Taking Too Many Probiotics Hurt Your Gut?

Can taking too many probiotics hurt your gut? Join me and Natasha Trenev, founder of Natren and world-renowned expert on probiotics, culturing, and fermenting, as we continue to answer probiotic-related questions from my LTYG readers!  Download my FREE eBook, What You Need to Know About Probiotics. Shoppe Natren probiotics here.

By |2023-04-12T10:51:33-08:00June 30th, 2021|

Dairy-Based vs. Non-Dairy Acidophilus

This video is all about dairy-based vs. non-dairy probiotics. Join me and Natasha Trenev, founder of Natren, as we continue to answer probiotic-related questions from our LTYG readers. Our reader asks: ""If I am not mistaken the dairy version and the dairy-free version of Megadophilus have different strains. Is one proven to be more beneficial [...]

By |2023-04-12T10:03:31-08:00June 16th, 2021|

Should I Alternate Probiotic Strains?

Is it more beneficial to alternate probiotic strains? Join me and Natasha Trenev, founder of Natren probiotics, as we continue to answer probiotic-related questions from our LTYG readers. Our reader asks: "Some natural doctors say it's best to switch around probiotics. What do you say about the need to change to a different type now [...]

By |2023-04-12T10:04:50-08:00June 2nd, 2021|

How Does Heat Affect Probiotics?

How does heat affect probiotics? Join me and Natasha Trenev (founder of Natren probiotics) as we answer questions sent in by my LTYG readers!  Explore the probiotic section of the blog here - chock full of valuable info on everything probiotic-related. And don't forget to grab my FREE eBook, What You Need to Know [...]

By |2023-04-12T10:05:48-08:00April 26th, 2021|

Why Can’t I Tolerate Probiotics?

If you've been following me for a while, you know my family and I strictly use Natren probiotics! My protocols are tried and tested using Natren as well, but what do you do if you have trouble tolerating Natren probiotics? Join me and Natasha Trenev, founder of Natren probiotics, as we answer some tough questions [...]

By |2023-04-12T10:06:13-08:00April 20th, 2021|

I Want to Take Probiotics – Where Do I Start?

You want to take care of your gut, and probiotics are a fantastic way to start...but STARTING is the problem! How do you determine which strains are best for you? If it's your first time taking probiotics, Jini recommends you start with an infant species of bacteria called B. infantis, then gradually work your way [...]

By |2023-04-12T10:18:23-08:00March 10th, 2021|

Jini’s Probiotic Retention Enema

I just had to post this account from Jay Baluk (a.k.a. The Gut Ninja, and formerly known as CROHNSBOY) who tried Jini's Probiotic Retention Enema.  I love Jay because he's SO candid and honest and blunt, and the photo on his post alone is so funny I just had to point you to it! But, WARNING: [...]

By |2023-04-07T12:46:08-08:00March 30th, 2020|

Bacterial Soil Organisms – HSO’s, SO’s, SBO’s, etc.

IMPORTANT UPDATE: Notice the date of my post below: 2003. By 2011, Garden of Life had changed their product and the only (direct) soil organism it now contains is Bacillus subtilis - which has been used for over 1000 years by the Japanese to culture natto. So it does have a long history of safety [...]

By |2023-01-31T16:37:00-08:00January 14th, 2020|

Probiotic Dosing For “Normal” People

Whether or not you live with some sort of chronic illness (i.e. a gut disorder), probiotics are still very beneficial for balancing your gut flora! In this interview, Jini Patel Thompson talks with Natasha Trenev - author of 5 books and founder of Natren probiotics - about probiotic usage and dosing for "normal" people (people [...]

By |2023-04-12T09:48:20-08:00January 13th, 2020|

Probiotic Cheat Sheet

I was over in England and one of my friends (married with 3 kids) wanted to know which probiotics she should order for her family. She didn’t want to know why or how they worked – and no one has a gut disorder – she just wanted to get her whole family on probiotics. After [...]

By |2023-04-12T09:50:36-08:00October 30th, 2019|

Can I take my probiotic powders in an Absorb Plus shake?

Question: Can I add Natren probiotic powders to my Absorb Plus shakes, or should I mix the probiotics only with water? Answer: We contacted Natasha Trenev, the founder/owner of Natren probiotics and asked her this question. She replied that yes, you can mix Natren probiotic powders with Absorb Plus, but you must follow these directions: [...]

By |2023-04-12T09:53:12-08:00April 28th, 2011|

Is VSL#3 A Good Probiotic Supplement?

VSL#3 and Its Clinical Results If you read through the probiotic selection criteria given in Chapter Two of Listen To Your Gut, you will see that VSL#3 doesn't meet all the criteria for a fully bioavailable, therapeutic probiotic of maximum potency (these selection criteria were taken from microbiology research). But yet, this probiotic has shown [...]

By |2023-10-25T21:47:58-08:00March 1st, 2010|
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