2020 UPDATE: I just found out there is now FINALLY a single-use, disposable, robotic colonoscope available and currently being used in Italy and Switzerland. So of course, I had to rush onto the blog and tell you about it immediately! You can read about it here.
2015 UPDATE: 7 years after I first published this post, Dr. John Bergman put together an awesome video covering many of the same points and research — see video at the bottom of the post to learn more! The next time your doctor suggests you have another colonoscopy done.. First take the time to really weigh up the risks versus the possible benefits.
Did you know it is impossible to sterilize a colonoscope?
Don’t be surprised if even your doctor doesn’t know this. I’ve provided a download link for this full report (below) that you can print out and take in to your doctor – with all the research (from peer-reviewed medical publications) outlined.
So, let’s get started. First of all, this report is going to outline only the most prevalent risks that are present with every colonoscopy.
I’m not going to get into rare risks here, like intestinal perforation, just those that may occur through routine procedures.
Regarding possible benefits, the first question you should ask yourself and your doctor is:
Will the results of this colonoscopy change the course of treatment?
Certainly, there are serious occasions where the best course of action is to have the colonoscopy. But, if your doctor is primarily recommending a colonoscopy as an information-gathering procedure, or as liability protection, then it’s not going to benefit you too much.
It may, however, cause a lot of damage and that’s what this report is going to help you assess.
Here’s how a colonoscopy procedure works: First, you have to self-administer a ‘bowel preparation’ procedure. This consists of substances that cause you to completely clear out your bowel and leave the walls of your colon squeaky clean so the fiber optic camera can get a good picture of what’s happening with your mucosal lining and intestinal wall.
Understandably, causing a complete clear out of everything from your bowels… (usually over a one to three day period) is not pleasant. Usually toxic and sometimes painful and traumatic.
Colonoscopies Destroy Bacterial Flora
But the really damaging thing about this kind of a colon cleansing?
It is that it pretty much destroys your bacterial flora. And balance of microorganisms in your colon. The average colon contains 3 – 4 pounds of bacteria.
If you’re healthy, most of that consists of good, healthy bacteria. So the colonoscopy prep procedure has just stripped your colon of its good, protective bacteria. And guess what? Your colon is now wide open to secondary, or opportunistic infection by pathogenic bacteria, yeast, viruses, parasites, etc.
Into this now highly vulnerable colon, the doctor then inserts a colonoscope. This is a long tube that closely resembles a garden hose with a fiber optic camera on the end of it. But here’s what most people (including your own doctor) don’t know about colonoscopes: It’s impossible to properly or completely sterilize them.
Can We Sterilize Colonoscopes & Endoscopes?
It was actually Natasha Trenev (the founder of Natren probiotics) who first alerted me to this whole issue. We were on a TV show together when she told a story of how the Mayo Clinic had sent out letters to all its patients who’d had a colonoscopy – warning them that due to the inability to sterilize the apparatus, the patient might have been exposed to Hepatitis, AIDS, etc. I was aghast.
Could this really be true? I began researching mainstream medical and scientific journals for evidence and I’m sure you’ll be as horrified as I was at the results.
But before we get into the technical medical jargon, let’s take a look at this newspaper article from the LA Times, where the reporter covered this exact issue:
Use of dirty endoscopes in colon and throat exams can pass along infections, activists say
– By John M. Glionna. The Los Angeles Times. Feb 13, 2003. pg. B.1
The nation’s leading manufacturer of endoscopes has known for a decade that some scopes contain cavities inaccessible to cleaning by hand but has failed to fix the oversight, said David Lewis, a University of Georgia research microbiologist who has conducted research for the federal Environmental Protection Agency on the issue of dirty endoscopes.
There is wide consensus that it is difficult to sterilize the devices, which can cost $28,000 each, without using temperatures so high that the scopes themselves become damaged. The scopes have numerous cavities that are difficult to clean, even by hand, critics say.
Acknowledged Timothy Ulatowski, an FDA official who oversees endoscope compliance: “When these things were designed, cleaning and sterilization was obviously an afterthought.”
Even the government can’t agree on how long is needed to clean the devices. The FDA says endoscopes should be disinfected for 45 minutes to kill tuberculosis bacteria, but the Centers for Disease Control believes the job can be done in 20 minutes, Lewis says.
He and other microbiologists advocate sterile disposable parts for endoscopes as well as the use of a condom-like sheath for each new patient. But they say manufacturers and health-care providers have resisted such solutions because of added costs.
Lewis says Olympus, which provides 70% of endoscopes on the U.S. market, has long been aware of cleaning problems associated with its product. In a patent filed in 1993, he says, the company wrote that at times “satisfactory cleaning cannot be achieved.”
So now you have a colon that’s been stripped of its natural protective microflora, and directly exposed to a colonoscope that may be infected with any number of harmful viruses, bacteria and other pathogenic microorganisms.
Issues in Colonoscope Sterilization
I know, this is such a fantastical claim to make, that more evidence is certainly needed. So let’s get a little deeper into this issue and make sure it’s grounded in hard science. Each of the following problems (from evidence gleaned from mainstream medical journals), highlights a different facet of the sterilization problem:
- High-temperature sterilization damages endoscopes and colonoscopes.. So technicians have to use other methods to attempt sterilization. I say “attempt” because to date, they have not found an alternate method that can kill every type of pathogen.(1,7)
- A common sterilant for colonoscopes (gluteraldehyde) has actually been proven to cause colitis. If you develop any of the following symptoms within 48 hours of having a colonoscopy, it’s likely the gluteraldehyde residues on the colonoscope are responsible: Cramps and abdominal pain, tenesmus (painful, urgent straining to defecate), rectal bleeding and in some cases, hemorrhaging.(2)
- Gluteraldehyde (the most commonly used disinfectant for colonoscopes) also cannot kill mycobacteria. Mycobacterium (MAP) is the fungal/bacterial hybrid microorganism that has been identified in up to 98% of patients with Crohn’s Disease.(3)
- Ethylene oxide gas sterilization has also been shown to be ineffective for sterilizing flexible endoscopes, like colonoscopes.(4)
- Of all the endoscopes (gastroscopes, bronchoscopes, sigmoidoscopes), colonoscopes are the most difficult to sterilize.(5)
Human Errors in Colonoscope Sterilization
- * Human error also plays a big role in colonoscope contamination. One study observed staff responsible for cleaning colonoscopy apparatus for two years running. And their conclusion was:
If the staff do not clean the colonoscope properly prior to disinfection… then no matter what sterilization procedure is in place… the colonoscope remains highly contaminated.
And after two years of observation, they discovered a lot of evidence of human error.(6,7)
In the last section of this report, I have listed the specific medical publications and quoted the texts these assertions come from. So you have the hard science backing up these claims. Your doctor will also need to see this section when you take this report in to him/her.
However, before we get to that, here’s what to do if you’re faced with a colonoscopy, to minimize the potential damage.
Those of you who have read my books know my personal opinion on colonoscopies and that I haven’t had another one done since my first, over 20 years ago. However, in the event that you really do need to have one done, what can you do to protect yourself?
A medical supply company called Stryker was working on a colonoscopy apparatus with a disposable sheath – called ColonoSleeve. And this would have been ideal. Unfortunately, in 2008 they abandoned the project for unknown reasons.
I don’t currently know of any other disposable colonoscopy product, but check with your doctor as one may be developed at any time. If you’re just having a sigmoidoscopy done, make sure your doctor uses a disposable sigmoidoscope. These are commonly available. So should be easily obtained.
However, while using a disposable scope will greatly protect against infection, it still doesn’t make up for the disruption and destruction of your healthy bowel flora.
So following your colonoscopy, you will also need to go on high dose, therapeutic-quality probiotic supplementation.
Ideally, you want to first follow the colonoscopy with Jini’s Probiotic Retention Enema and then at least 3 months of high dose oral probiotic supplementation.
You may also want to follow Jini’s Wild Oregano Oil Protocol as well to get rid of any new pathogens transmitted via the colonoscope…
Click here if you’d like to read the rest of this 25-page report.
PS: At 25 pages, this What You Need To Know About Colonoscopy report was too long to put in this blog post. (in its entirety).
So just click the link above (you may need to right-click on it) and you can read the whole report. And even save a copy to your computer, print it out, or share it with friends.
What About Sigmoidoscopies?
As you can see from this description, the test prep for a sigmoidoscopy is almost as thorough as that for a colonoscopy (and if you decide to go ahead it is better to use the magnesium and senna test prep rather than the polyethylene glycol), and it is still quite an aggressive cleanse/clear out, so you will need to do Jini’s Probiotic Retention Enema in the same way as advised in the Colonoscopy Dangers report and then continue on high dose oral probiotics for at least 6 months.
And also take George’s aloe vera juice before the procedure to help prevent inflammation from the sigmoidoscopy.
If you have (or recently had) a tendency to diarrhea, the test prep bowel clearance will also likely exacerbate this – for how long, who knows?
As long as your doctor uses a disposable sigmoidoscope, you will not run the infective risks of the colonoscopy.
So, it has to be your choice, balancing up the pros and cons between your body’s Healing Journey vs. your fears, or if you feel like you should have it done (listen to your gut!), or if your doctor indeed has a good reason to recommend it, or if he is just trying to be compliant with his medical association and avoid malpractice litigation.
At the end of the day, vote with your wallet! Tell your doctor that you will be happy to pay for a colonoscopy when they have a disposable colonoscope, or a disposable sheath that covers the entire colonoscope available – over to him!
Glad this info is spreading!
I had my first colonoscopy about a month ago and I subsequently developed a yeast infection in my rectal and vaginal areas. I went back to my dr and she could see nothing wrong so then went to my naturopath who diagnosed it. I was never warned that this could be a possible side effect and don’t know of anyone else who has had this problem. So now I’m left with the frustrating ordeal of trying to clear up this mess. It’s costing me time, money and causing me anxiety.
Hi Marilyn..I too have the exact same problem I got both vaginally and in my rectum and I also got a bad kidney infection ..and pains in my left hand side
Male 39, got a yeast infection after colonoscopy and am currently eating a bite of sauerkraut daily. I think it should be told to every patient to take some sort of probiotic post op.
Hi Marilyn, yes, so now you need these protocols to repair the damage:
Hi jini..can you pls help
Since having a colonscopy about 2 weeks ago I’ve suffered aches and pains particularly on my left hand side .I’ve also had a kidney infection and thrush vaginally and in my rectum .I was perfectly ok before this .can you pls recommend what I can take for it ?
Hello Pina,
Sorry to hear you feel so unwell after your colonoscopy. On this page you can sign up for a free ebook in the pink box on the left hand side that can give you some recommendations what to do for infections after a colonoscopy: http://www.listentoyourgut.com/symptoms/20/intestinal-stricture-or-bowel-obstruction.html
We are not medical professionals and cannot tell you what to do for those exact type of infections and recommend contacting a doctor if you are concerned. However, you can look through our recommendations for different infections on our symptoms pages here: http://www.listentoyourgut.com/heal-your-symptoms.html
As well as using the search option here: http://listentoyourgut.com/
Please let us know if you have any other questions, and hope you are able to get better soon.
Kind Regards,
Customer Care
I was reluctant due to a history of systemic yeast, but 62, so I thought having my first colonoscomy was important. Well, not only did the process have me throwing up (as tough as I am) but after the procedure too and I was sick for days. Here I am 3 weeks later after taking two days of Nystatin, was feeling good, now I am feeling like crap. I probably did not drink enough water, now the yeast has gone wild.
Thanks for your info. I’m already following a protocol given to me by my ND of Black Walnut Oil and probiotics (HMF Intensive by Genestra). I have some wild Oregano Oil. Can I take that as well? If so how much/day? I’m definitely going to try applying it externally as directed in your protocol.
I have had 2 colonoscopies. The first was done in 2006 at the age of 39 because I passed bright red blood when having bowel movements. I made the mistake of telling my husband about the blood. He told my doctor, who insisted I have a colonoscopy. The prep was absolutely brutal. The doctor didn’t tell me the truth – he said I would be asleep during the procedure. I wasn’t. I felt all of it and even watched it on the TV screen. All he found was a hemmoroid that was located inside my anus. The doctor told me to treat it with hemmoroid cream. As far as I am concerned the colonoscopy was unnecessary. The hemmoroid, incidentally, never stopped bleeding. It still bleeds. I will probably have periodic bleeding from my rectum for the rest of my life. I’m good with that.
The 2nd colonoscopy was performed in Feb 2010. A blood test taken in January showed that I was anemic. My doctor (same doctor as before) was in a total panic. He said I needed to have my gastroenterologist perform an upper endoscopy and a lower endoscopy immediately. The doctor scared me and he scared my husband. They both pushed and harrassed me to have these procedures. It was wierd, but I KNEW that if I had these tests they would show nothing. I had the upper endoscopy (those are easy) and it showed….NOTHING! By that time the bleeding had stopped and my hemoglobin levels were increasing. My doctor insisted I have a colonoscopy because, he claimed, even though the bleeding had stopped there was a risk that it could start again and that it would bleed so fast I could die before I got medical help. Like an idiot I had the colonoscopy. If I ever have to make that decision again I’ll take my chances with the bleeding. I went through the hell of prep again, had the colonoscopy and it showed…..NOTHING! What the colonoscopy DID do was deplete my immune system so badly that within 4 days I had contracted a respiratory infection. I have severe asthma, so the respiratory infection became serious. I am on my 3rd week off work (just for the respiratory infection/asthma – not counting the time lost due to the anemia and they hysteria of my doctor and husband). I’m also on my 3rd course of antibiotics (that’s probably doing my colon a world of harm too) and my 3rd dose of oral steriods. I also had one injection of steriods. I have gained 20 pounds, have no clothes that fit, am horribly depressed, am angry at my doctor and my husband and am close to using up all of my paid time off at work so I will not be able to take any vacation time this year. And it is only March. (My husband, who is 51 and has not had the colonoscopy that is recommended when one turns 50 and has no intention of having it learned the hard way that he will STAY OUT OF MY MEDICAL DECISIONS unless I ask him his opinion. I am so mad at him for pushing me to have that colonoscopy. When I was in the hospital, someone mentioned “blood transfusion” and he asked 2 different doctors to give me a blood transfusion. He didn’t bother asking me if I WANTED a blood transfusion. That was okay, though, because I would not have consented to that. I would have gotten up, gotten dressed and walked out. Fortunately both doctors told him “no” on the transfusion. I don’t know what his deal is when it comes to having doctors perform risky, invasive procedures on me, but he better not EVER do it again.
I do not recommend colonoscopies. I think they do more harm than good. I think the primary benefit of a colonoscopy is to the doctor because he makes money. I have no intention of ever having another colonoscopy. I cannot believe I was stupid enough to allow other people to frighten me into having an unnecessary procedure that provided no benefit at all due to an internal bleed that corrected itself within a week of discovery. Especially when I KNEW, intuitively, that it was unnecessary.
I agree colonscopies are dangerous. I had one done in 2012 and got c-diff from it. Almost died from it, I do not recommend having one. This c-diff keeps reaccurring. I will never have one again
Charcoal tablets help rid the body of C-diff. My sister had it, took about 9 or more tablets a day…I am not sure how long she did that…but it eventually went away. Charcoal absorbs toxins in your body, unfortunately like the colonoscopy it will get rid of the good bacteria also, so you will need a probiotic afterwards or in addition to. Ambulances keep charcoal to administer to drug-overdose patients.
I was one of those who hated the idea of a colonoscopy, feeling that it was too invasive and not necessary. When I noticed blood in my stool, I did not immediately seek medical attention as I should have-” No, nothing like that will happen to me”. Well it did- stage 3 colorectal cancer/ abdominal surgery, leaving me with a permanent colostomy bag to deal with for the rest of my life. I wish that I had just had the colonoscopy and avoided this nightmare. So you are right- sometimes a colonscopy is not necessary, but sometimes it is.
i hope you ll get better.
i recommend you to stick to herbal treatment.
boiled and soaked small-cut pieces of ginger cleanse everything. even inflammations.
salads and everything green will burn your fats and decrease your weight.
(okay soak it with salty water before eating )
a little bit of daily Yogurt increases the rate of good bacteria in the intestines.
There are two trace toxins in our food supply you should avoid 100% of the time.
Sucralose and Carrageenan. Sucralose is a artificial sweetener with 3 Chlorine atoms attached. They (Chlorine atoms) destroy the good gut microbes. Carrageenan is a sulfur molecule with from 1 to 3 sulfur groups. The stomach acid breaks down the food thickener to Hydrogen Sulfide that inflames the intestinal wall. together they destroy the microbe balance in the gut. The cleansing of the GI Tract for a colonoscopy just finishes the job. The task is to restore the gut to normalcy. This is what the medical profession ignores when checking the colon for cancer. Obvious but neglected. The result is IBS and many other disease states being created. A good probiotic diet can reverse the situation.
Actually, there are so many foods to stay away from. Red meat, fried foods, chips, soda, too many too list. We have the highest rate of cardiovascular disease from poor diet in this country and obesity. While in Japan, the lowest rate, beccause they don’t eat the high processed foods we have here.
I believe a colonoscopy started an infection in my boyfriend of 17 +years now he is gone , he had other health issues ,but this infection killed him, he was taken 3times to stop bleeding , he complained about his stomach for over a month , nothing was done he developed septic shock this just happened August 18th he passed away,
Several months ago, I began having severe diarrhea, which increased to ten to twelve times a day. The first GI doctor I consulted told me he thought I has Microscopic Colitis and prescribed a colonoscopy but would be unable to perform it until several weeks later. He ordered blood tests to rule out infection and other conditions.
Tests came back negative. Each day, the diarrhea was getting worse, I was virtually unable to do anything but stay in bed all day.
I consulted with another GI doctor, who also ordered the same blood tests to rule out infection then as a prophylactic measure, he prescribed an antibiotic used for C Diff.
Once again, tests came back negative for Cdiff and other infections. Upon getting the results, the doctor called me to tell me to stop taking the antibiotics.
A week later, the second doctor performed a colonoscopy, tests for Microscopic Colitis came back positive. I was prescribed Budesonide, a steroid.
I still did not feel right, the doctor had no suggestions. I then consulted with a third GI doctor. The first thing the doctor did was order tests for infection and other issues.
Came back positive for C Diff. The third doctor opined that I was infected with C Diff from the colonoscopy procedure.
It is my understanding I could be debilitated for years as this infection is very difficult to get rid of.
I am considering legal action against the doctor who infected me with the C Diff.
I was informed that the correct sterilization was evidently none executed properly.
People should really be warned of the dangers of colonoscopies.
I just had C-Diff, suffered for 6 weeks, tests kept coming back negative after several weeks of daily testing, it finally showed positive, was given the proper antibiotic and was improved in 24 hrs. Mine was caused by an side effect of Lansanoprole (sp) which I was given after an endoscopy for severe heart burn, my esophagus and stomach were inflamed and I had a hiatal hernia (on pantoprazole)
.I had looked at the insert and it said chance of diarrhea, this was not diarrhea. I live alone and all I did was clean (and lots of crying) the pain was excruciating and I got horrible headaches from dehydration, I went to the ER 3 times and they sent me home, I had to wait in the hall and in spite off several depends and pads it went down my legs and on the floor, I felt so dehumanized, a nurse let me use their bathroom so I could clean up and wash my clothes. They gave me scrubs. Later that evening I had reached my breaking point, it was bitter cold, I went just in my house coat and pleated with the doctor to have pity on me, now that sounds dramatic, but I was beside myself, no coat, no purse, no license. I have had pain before but not one that would play with my mind like that, they did do a CT scan, MRI of my brain and an eeg, I think they were surprised, I was sane, ha,ha. C-Diff can be picked up in many ways,iresponsible of a doctor to make such a suggestion without proof) you could have picked it up anywhere, the spores live on surfaces for 45 days and only Clorox will kill them, shopping carts, It is a dangerous super bug and only 2 antibiotics will work. I went to my gastro the other day and the left side of my abdomen hurt when touched and she said oh there is still some C-Diff there, It has now been 3 months, one without the diarrhea and pain, I was elated when it stopped but now I am left with fatigue wonder how long before I will be myself again.
Hi Laura, thank you for sharing your story with us.
Fecal implant has had very high success rates with Clostridium difficile and improve the gut flora and heal the colon. We have a teleseminar about that if you want to learn more. Linked below. Also, if you combine the fecal implant with Jini’s gut infection protocol, you may only have to do the fecal infusion once. Otherwise, it usually requires a few implants ongoing for a while.
LTYG Teleseminar – Fecal Infusion Bacteriotherapy with Bianca James (MP3 Audio and PDF Transcript)
In this teleseminar, Jini Patel Thompson interviews Bianca James about working with Dr. Borody and how they came up with the Fecal Infusion protocol.
Bianca provides us with exact details of their original protocol (that Dr. Thomas Borody used to publish his papers).
She also gives detailed instructions on how you can do a Fecal Infusion at home and the precautions you need to take to avoid infection or complications.
For a lot more info about fecal transplant/infusion, check out the blog post at the link below. There’s a free teleseminar there as well that you can listen to:
Please let me know if you have any additional questions or concerns.
Cris B
Customer Care
Take charcoal tablets
It sounds like you had C Diff before before your colonoscopy. Sometimes the tests have false negatives.
Don’t be too hard on yourself mate.I understand your frustration with the decision you made .However the pressure you were subjected to was cruel and irresponsible in my view.
Plenty of pressure applied by more than one doctor ( same clinic ) in my case .
Went as far as getting the stuff to flush everything and then decided NO THANKS . I’me sure you’ve had lots of suggestions but my go to is slippery elm bark , very helpful and soothing to the gut.
All the very best wishes for your recovery ,try not to be angry at them .Anger is bad for the gut in my experience .Get well soon 😍
Wow. You people would say anything to make a buck. I have known many patients that have had colon cancer (yes, cancer, not just polyps) diagnosed during a screening colonoscopy. In almost all the cases, the cancer was detected in an early stage (before spreading) and was treated with surgical intervention. Now they are cancer free. I dont see probiotics treating cancer. Keep posting garbage like this on the web to discourage people not to get colonoscopies, and end up killing people. Hope you can sleep with that.
Yes, there are risks to having a colonoscopy. There are risks with everything in life. Drinking, driving, crossing the street, etc. But there are great benefits too. Always weight your risk and benefits before doing anything, esp a medical/surgical procedure.
I’m sure Barbara (see her post) wouldnt have minded a yeast infection if she had a cancer that was diagnosed during the colonoscopy. In addition, there is no proof that the colonoscopy itself caused the infection. It may have been that she didn’t know how to clean herself after having bowel movements. She can blame it on the procedure or the prep, or the doctor who didnt remind her which way to wipe, but she wouldnt have had the procedure done if she truly felt it was not necessary. Take responsibilty on your own actions and decisions, dont blame others. I see people having colonoscopies everyday, and I made sure my parents got theirs done when they turned fifty and I would have everyone else in my life that I love to undergo the procedure when necessary.
What other methods are there??
Most doctors only care about what procedure is going to make them the most money ! Cologuard will make sure that most of there testing will come back positive for cancer cells so they can get kick backs from doctors for a colonoscopy ! My dad had been going for regular screenings to include a colonoscopy for many years. Guess what ? He still developed colon cancer and died. A investigation needs to be started with this type of corruption not only here, but with big pharma paying kickbacks to doctors to prescribe drugs that the FDA knows may kill you !
I had ur colooscopy when I kept insisting nothing was wrong. Now I am have spasm, unrelenting, minute by minute spasms. My doctor di’d something and denies it to this day. Nothing relieves this. I feel like I need a BM every minute. Can anyone besides that former idiot who just spoke, give me a name of meds to stop this spasms. Help, I’m thinking of suicide to make it stop. Former doctor now wants me to see a surgeon, as if I’d trust another idiot to stick something up there that you can feel w you finger.
Your comments are so far out of this world and STUPID STUPID STUPID.
Keep your mouth shut if you don’t know the correct reasons for talking.
After having spent months now getting rid of my Candida problem, I have a bit more perspective on everything. I’m sure my yeast imbalance started as a result of taking antibiotics a few years ago, so I can’t really blame the colonoscopy. The colon prep was probably the straw that broke the camel’s back. They did find and remove a polyp during the procedure , so in the long run it was probably worth it. So if I have any advise to give, I wouldn’t say avoid a colonoscopy. Be careful of your diet (avoid sugar and all that crap), avoid Big Pharma if possible, and take really good quality probiotics if you need to have anything invasive done.
Hi Marilyn,
I find your comment interesting. After my colooscopy in October I developed a lump in my bottom rib which the doctors denied was anything because they could not identify it. It grew to the point I had problems breathing, and ended up being a candida infection that resulted in major surgey where they cut a section of my rib and scraped it out leaving a scar that looks like a sword was plunged into my chest. The wound had to be vaccum packed with foam and repacked every 48 hours, it was awful. However, I was ASSURED that it had nothing to do with the colooscopy, even though at the time there were lawsuits about equipment that could not be cleaned properly. I was given an explanation that I vaguely remember making sense to me, I think it was the tube they stick down your throat to breathe for the surgery, intubation. Anyway, I hope you are well. Also, you mention that you think antibiotics may have had something to do with it? Because I was hospitalized for sometging else and given ungodly amounts of vancomycin (sp) Thanks for your input.
[…] Note: If you have had a colonoscopy, or are considering one, please download my complimentary Colonoscopy Report – where I outline the risks and what you can do to protect […]
Hi Jini: I find your article, “Colonoscopy Dangers,” most informative. I am very concerned about the possibility of contracting a disease or even an incurable illness through such an invasive medical procedure. As I have been advised to get a colonoscopy, I have asked a colonoscopy specialist at a renowed clinic if they used a removeable sheath-like apparatus on their colonoscope, in order to prevent cross contamination. He said no and that, honestly, he did not know if such a procedure would create cross contamination. He claimed he had never heard of it at his clinic. “We try our best, in accordance with the medical association’s guidelines, to make sure the equipments are clean properly,” he commented. “You’ll just have to take your chances!” Does anyone know if any health clinic or hospital in Canada or the United States that uses a removable, sheath-like apparatus on their colonoscope?
Print the report and take it in to your doctor – after assessing it, he may be able to answer your questions better and who knows, perhaps they have new/improved equipment or sterilizing method?
Stryker bought out the company that made the colonoscope sheaths and so far have not produced or done anything with the invention. So no, I don’t know of any clinic that has a better option.
[…] 15 drops of 70% DMSO into her rectum. She did this every night for 2 months. Then she went for a colonoscopy and her doctor confirmed what she already knew – the stricture was completely gone and there […]
Jini I had a colonoscopy in 2000 and a virtual colonoscopy in 2005 and both
were clean. My doctor says I need another procedure.
What are your thoughts.
Thank you!
I would encourage you to use the tools in Listen To Your Gut to connect with your own body wisdom and then decide what to do.
Also, be sure and follow the instructions in the Colonoscopy Dangers report for how to protect yourself if you do have one.
A really important point to keep in mind is that doctors legally MUST advise regular colonoscopies, or they can be sued for malpractice. So keep this uppermost in your mind when deciding whether or not one is really necessary for you.
If your docs primary concern is cancer – get the blood tests and other markers done first. If all is normal, then why would you need a colonoscopy? Talk to your doc about this.
Actually, doctors are given financial incentives to convince patients to have colonsocopies.
Family doctors in Ontario, Canada can earn $4,000 if 70% of appropriate patients undergo colorectal cancer screening, and up to $2,200 yearly for getting patients into four other types of preventive care, from flu shots to pap smears.
About 10 yrs ago I somehow came across INTERNAL documents, clearly denoting EACH fee-per-service that would be Paid to the doctor if he/she solicits patients for colonoscopies, these documents were from “CANCER CARE ONTARIO” (Canada). If memory serves me: it was something like $5 for a letter, to $10 for a phone call (“counselling bonus”). Akin to harrassment. The more patients they contact, the more $ they make, plus the fee for the procedure. SAME thing with soliciting female patients to have PAP SMEARS. THE DOCTORS GET FINANCIAL INCENTIVES TO CONVINCE PATIENTS (fear-instilling pays well on a large patient data bank basis). I wish I’d kept the actual link to the actual CHART with the $ laid out for each attempt, but I think the computer techs at Cancer Care Ontario have figured out their error (that this info had been accessed by the public – oops) & tightened up their computer servers.
Here’s a quote I still was able to find though (2016):
“Participating in physician-linked correspondence will help you achieve your incentives and bonuses for colorectal cancer screening in a number of ways.
You can claim the Q150A Distribution and Counselling Fee ($7) when you provide a gFOBT kit directly to your enrolled or non-enrolled patients ages 50 and over who are at average risk of colorectal cancer. If a patient completes the kit and visits you to discuss results, and your minimum roster size is not met, then you can claim the Q152A fee code.
The preventive care bonus—comprising fee codes Q118A to Q123A—ranges from $220 to $4,000. To receive the bonus, a minimum of 15 per cent of your screen-eligible enrolled patients between 50 and 74 years of age must receive gFOBT screening within 30 months of fiscal year end. Payments increase as you reach higher screening thresholds to a maximum of $4,000 for reaching 70 per cent of your eligible patients.
For more information, please refer to the “Information and Procedures for Claiming the Cumulative Preventive Care Bonus” that you receive with your Target Population and Service Report (TPSR).”
Here’s a link, year 2014, Ontario Canada doctors incentive fees:
Preventive Care Category
Achieved Compliance Rate
Fee Payable Annually
Service Enhancement Code
Influenza Vaccine
60% $220 Q100A
65% $440 Q101A
70% $770 Q102A
75% $1100 Q103A
80% $2200 Q104A
Pap Smear
60% $220 Q105A
65% $440 Q106A
70% $660 Q107A
75% $1320 Q108A
80% $2200 Q109A
55% $220 Q110A
60% $440 Q111A
65% $770 Q112A
70% $1320 Q113A
75% $2200 Q114A
Childhood Immunization
Colorectal Cancer Screening (colonoscopy)
15% $220 Q118A
20% $440 Q119A
40% $1100 Q120A
50% $2200 Q121A
60% $3300 Q122A
70% $4000 Q123A
Just wow!
Thank you for sharing!
This makes the incentives for COVID that are supposedly a just a conspiracy theory seem alot more realistic
Hi Jini,
Which blood tests and other markers are you referring to for colon cancer screening? I seem to have only found stool tests and colonscopies (see: https://www.cancer.gov/types/colorectal/screening-fact-sheet#q2.Thanks) for your article on the risks of colonscopies. This is good to know even if rather frightening.
In 2006 I did have the colon cancer screening blood test and it was negative when I actually had a Stage 2 Sigmoid Adenocarcinoma! So much for false negative blood studies. 16.5 years post after sigmoid colectomy surgery, I survived. My flora and function are not great, but I did get to finish raising and caring for my family. I am grateful. Message here…LTYG and weigh the cost to benefit of having a Colonoscopy. THERE CAN BE SIDE EFFECTS as stated throughout this post.
Hi, Sharon! This is Argenta from Customer Care. Thank you for sharing your powerful journey and insights. We wish you continued strength and good health. Best!🙂
Jini, I’m trying to get your Probiotics Retention Enema. But I can’t find it on your
web site. I need it so I can use it after my c’ oscopy after week . Also, I just received Natren’s Trinity in the mail today. Should I wait until after my colonoscopy next Wednesday to start or start now. And what should the dosage and frequency be???
Ken – We do not sell a Probiotic Retention Enema kit.
You buy the Natren probiotic powders (see Page 181 of Listen To Your Gut for which probiotics are needed) from here:
Then you can buy the enema bag from here:
And you mix and administer according to the instructions on Page 181 of Listen To Your Gut.
But this is actually a good idea you have suggested – to bundle everything together into a kit, we will look to sort this out in the near future.
Most virtual colonoscopy units use presterilized disposables, and is the best choice if you are sensitive to the risks of a colonoscopy.
Thanks for this article. My daughter developed a serious C-Diff infection after a colonscopy in 2005. She was also pregnant at the time (with her 2nd child) but was so early into the pregnancy that she didn’t know she was pregnant yet. After the colonscopy and then the subsequent C-Diff infection with its horrendous round of powerful antibiotics she then lost the baby. I doubt she’ll ever do another colonscopy again … I know I won’t.
My profession includes the disinfection of Colonoscopes.
Thorough cleaning is where most failures to disinfect colonoscopes occur (human error).
The high level disinfection most commonly used does not always kill every bacterial spores such as C Diff, but viruses like Hepatitis and HIV ARE killed by high-level disinfection.
Colonoscopes can not be sterilized by heat and steam sterilization, but they can be sterilized using Ethylene Oxide gas. They can be High-Level disinfected several different ways.
Because of time considerations and the fact that mucus membranes resist infection in ways that sterile tissue can not, colonoscopes are normally disinfected, frequently by using extra-strength Hydrogen Peroxide.
Gluteraldehyde is an old disinfection technology which is being replaced in most places where it is still used.
This article seems to demonstrate the dangers of a little knowledge. One example is discussing sterilization time without discussing which sterilant is used.
Thanks for sharing your knowledge Pete – if you have downloaded the full report (not just the excerpt above in this blog post) it contains the full references to the studies the information was taken from – with all the details of sterilants used, procedure, etc.
If technology has advanced, it would be very helpful for us if you could post some links to clinical studies showing that newer disinfection methods are more effective…
Hi Jini,
You mention above “it is better to use the magnesium and senna test prep rather than the polyethylene glycol”. I think your book also mentions barium enemas.
But my scheduled sigmoidoscopy coming up in January has instructions for magnesium citrate, not these other things. What is your take on that?
In any case, I am considering cancelling the procedure after reading your information about these procedures. I’m not getting it due to any concerns per se, but simply as a medially suggested preventative measure. My doctor recommends either a colonoscopy every 10 years or a sigmoidoscopy every few years. She is an MD. But I also have an ND doctor.
My mother ended up getting colorectal cancer at the age 45. They found out she had a blood type that caused her to get c,ancer called lynch syndrom. They family was recommended to get the same test done. My test came back positive for it also. I am 29 yrs old and now have to get colonoscopy’s every 1 to 2 yrs to monitor. I have an 80% chance of getting colon, ovarian, and uterian cancer. i got my first colonoscopy this week and now i have a yeast infection as well. I rather deal with that then have to go through what my mother went through. I will continue to get the colonoscopys because thats whats going to save my life. My ten yr old son and my 2 yr old daughter are now at a 50% risk of having the lynch. They cant get tested untill they are 18 and u best believe they will be getting colonoscopys as well…
I think taking yogurt (about 2 tablespns) every 4 hours can also help to keep the intestinal flora healthy.
All the best 🙂
ANGELA – if you download the report, it gives you the treatment to use both before and after the colonoscopy to minimize the risks (including yeast infection) and heal the colon.
But Jini, nowadays the hygiene of the endoscopes is very thorough :
Is it still not advisable to get endoscopes ?
Then how does one know what’s going on in the GUT ?
SID – you would have to dig deeper to get independent confirmation of their data – this paper is put out by a society formed to promote endoscopy and their stat sources are from a related journal – not really an unbiased source.
Do a search on some of the publications I have listed in my report and see if they have any new data, whether the situation has changed. And then please let us know what you find…
There’s now a case here in Ottawa involving a dr. who didn’t properly sterilize her scope between patients. Some of them have now tested positive for hepatitis and have launched a class action lawsuit against this dr. So you do have a valid argument concerning this topic. That being said, I did have a polyp removed when I had a colonocopy last year, so in the long run it was a beneficial procedure. However I think I’d like to see the use of a sheath over the scope as you recommended .
Angela, I ended up with a yeast infection as well after my colonoscopy which took me quite some time to get rid of. There’s a whole protocol involved with candidiasis, yogurt alone won’t do the trick. I followed a special diet, took herbal antifungals and very strong probiotics. I’d advise seeing an ND. Good luck.
Angela, you may have likely already heard the relatively new findings regarding the fact aspirin significantly cuts the risk for developing cancer in people at risk for developing hereditary colon cancer (Lynch Syndorme in particular). The study – a large randomized controlled trial – was published about a month ago in the Lancet (a press release can be read here: http://www.cbc.ca/news/health/story/2011/10/28/colon-cancer-aspirin-genetic.html). This finding supports the idea that this type of colon cancer is promoted by inflammation – which is ironically part and parcel of the effects of colonoscopy. The fact that many of these diagnostic tests (not to mention the cures) are so invasive and disruptive to the body’s homeostatic functions is a real conundrum for people trying to make the best health decisions for themselves and their family. Best wishes on all fronts.
I just had my 3rd colonoscopy today…again,nothing was found.I have been dealing with rectal bleeding on and off for 3 years.This last episode was really bad with clots and a positive for anemia.I feel like my day was a waste of time and money but if you are high risk for Cancer…it may be necessary.I am still worried that something is really wrong with me and will seek alternative medical treatment.There has to be a ct scan or some kind of xray that can see whats going on .Im hanging in there…what else can I do?
TONYA – I’m assuming they checked you for internal hemorrhoids… Please watch these 2 videos of mine as they may well give you some ideas:
All About Abdominal Adhesions and Obstruction
Tracing Pain & Dysfunction In the Body
Sometimes the cause is not where the symptom is…
I have a business where people come in for repairs on eyeglasses….most of them I dont know. in the past month I had 5 people come in to tell me their family member is in the hospital for punctures after a colonscopy. ,after the colonscopy they had an infection after a perferation…then a heart attack -then peomonia..the others were mostly perferations…these are people waiting for a repair for their family member in the hospital or cant leave the house….how many more ? doesnt that seem high…I am near a well know hospital in an affuent area….I had one at 50….now at 60 I am listening to my gut…I know the ones who find out they have cancer it saves their life…are relieved…but my doctor said these precedues are going back to being done in the office,and not in the hospitals any longer….what happened there? too many problems? sandra
I’m terrified of having a colonoscopy, from the dangers I’ve read above about lack of proper sterilization to drinking the chemicals that may also cause complications or great harm. I feel bullied by society, advertising and medical people into feeling like I have to have one. After reading the postings here, and after hearing about some of my friend’s experiences, I just feel as if I want to “listen to my own gut,” and not have one. Yes, I’ve heard that some lives have been saved, but I’ve seen and read other things that terrify me. I don’t want to tell anyone else what to do, but I feel like several people in this forum who feel as if they’ve been pressed into having one and am afraid I might have the same negative outcomes. I really appreciate this website for the information given and for a place to be able to share feelings.
I was diagnosed with IBS twenty years ago. Since that time I have had five colonoscopies. During the third one they found a polyp and removed it. The two I had after were awful. I awoke midway through the third one to terrific pain with the nurse upping the sedative . My last one was five years ago . During the prep as I neared the end I started to vomit. When I checked into the facility for the exam they found my heart rate was at 130 beats a minute. Dehydration I believe and at that point they were going to cancel me. I told them that after going through that prep I was going to have the exam. At any rate I awoke to horrific cramping pain in my abdomen which continued for two days. Now they want me to have another exam as it has been five years since the last. They say because I once had a polyp I have to have the exam and have been sending me letters along with scare tactics. I have always had doubts about the test and after my last one swore never again.
[…] to you, we will also throw in the newest discovery that has come to light in recent years. It is impossible to sterilize an endoscope! This high tech device cannot be boiled or steamed because high temperatures can […]
Have had A sharp pain to the right of my navel for several weeks- off and on. A colonoscopy was recomended. I have the prep solution and am scheduled for this thursday. I do not want to do it. I am more than likely going to cancel do to the info I’ve read. What are my alternatives? Ultrasound was clear. Please advise.
I am a 27 year old male suffering from Crohn’s disease since 2004. Currently I am on Remicade infusions, and have had a colonoscopy 10 days ago which revealed that strictures are present in the terminal ileum. Last year i was in touch with jay aka crohnsbboy, who suggested that I start with the “breaking the vicious cycle” diet. However I found the diet to be to challenging for me. I am feeling pretty lousy right now and was wondering if you have any suggestions for me as far as how to begin the healing process. Also please provide a location in NYC of where I could buy your book and the title or titles of the books I should buy/
Thank You
[…] Comments Arkadi on COLONOSCOPY DANGERS – What You Need To KnowLacto-Fermented Homemade Mayonnaise Recipe | Listen To Your Gut on How To Have Healthy Shiny […]
ARKADI – if you want the fastest route to healing, personally I would do The IBD Remission Diet, combined with my StrictureHeal protocol, which you can get the ebook for free here:
you can get the IBD Remission Diet book here:
We are currently getting set up properly with Amazon, but for now you still need to order directly from me – hope to have Amazon ready in next 3-4 weeks.
If you want a slower (but cheaper) way to heal, then I would combine the Diets, herbs, etc. in my Listen To Your Gut book, with the StrictureHeal protocol:
Also, go to the FREE STUFF page as there’s quite a bit there you can start with.
[…] you can rely on a colonscopy to help you detect colon cancer, boy do I have news for you! The endoscope (for a colonoscopy) CANNOT be sterilized without it getting damaged, so what are the potential of having others’ gut bacteria introduced to […]
HI Jini
Thanks for your fast reply. I can not find the stricture heal protocol could you please send me the link.
[…] colonoscopy, endoscope, cannot be sterilized because of the way it’s made. ”…this kind of a colon cleansing is that it pretty much destroys your bacterial flora and balance of m…” – […]
ARKADI – sorry, somehow I missed your last post! Here is the link to the Intestinal StrictureHeal instructions:
[…] colonoscopy, endoscope, cannot be sterilized because of the way it’s made. ”…this kind of a colon cleansing is that it pretty much destroys your bacterial flora and balance of m…” – […]
Thank goodness I found this article! I was scheduled for a colonoscopy tomorrow and unfortunately, had already done the prep for it when I read about Brenda’s daughter above–so sorry that she lost her baby. I too have had c. diff (twice last year) and do NOT want it again, ever. No colonoscopy for me, thanks. I’ve already called and canceled.
I suggest anyone even considering a colonoscopy first research a few salient facts: total fatalities (Yep!), potential for perforations, harm to flora in the gut, prolonged pain after the procedure (months afterward) and, I think, since someone on one of these posts raised the issue in a rather accusatory tone, just who makes money off them.
Come on, boys and girls, they are a major financial mainstay of hospitals, clinics and doctors. And for many of those of us who are profoundly chemically sensitive, the anesthesia alone can be dangerous. (After a series of upper endoscope procedures during one short hospital stay–all to determine what I already knew, that I had a duodenal ulcer–I nearly died, losing nearly 60 pounds in less than 3 weeks, and 3 years out I’m still fighting to regain my health.) So do you really think I’d be stupid enough to risk the clean out and anesthesia of a colonoscopy, the same procedure, incidentally, that killed an aunt’s best friend when it turned out the procedure should not be done on the extremely elderly, such as she, for routine diagnostics. Alas, she was a victim of her doctor’s colonoscopy enthusiasm, which I’ll always feel was directly linked to either ignorance or his need to shore up the monetary bottom line. The medical professions blind enthusiasm for this procedure, I am sure, will begin to crumble in the not too distant future as, if nothing else, word of mouth about the risks get out.
Hi! My son colonoscopy was done in last year after that the was soo much infection it put him to ICU trip.Now they insist to do another colonoscopy and endoscopy.What should I do as a parent when its litterally shoved down .I just in battle with DF over come prosedures I didnt agree they litterally kicked me out of hospital.I dont want my son go through this hell again.Where to look for help?Anybody knows?
LONNA – if it were me, I would not take my son to the hospital. But would take him to a naturopathic doctor, or orthomolecular medical doctor, or integrative physician – all of these holistic doctor groups have associations you can do a search on for a list of practitioners in your area.
Colonoscopy was recommended by my GP because I had never had one at the age of 65. I now have terrible anal itching and am thinking the colonoscope caused at infection.
Karen – you can try syringing diluted wild oregano oil (6:1 dilution, 6 drops organic olive oil, 1 drop wild oregano oil) up your rectum and see if that solves the problem. I would syringe 2 – 3x/day until resolved, then once per day for 4 more days. Also make sure you are taking 1 Natren Healthy Trinity capsule (probiotics) per day.
I recently had an “investigative” colonoscopy and endoscopy procedure due to a build up of health problems not being diagnosed in a timely fashion! And still no diagnosis may I add 🙁
Since the “procedure” I have contracted anal worms. I have never had them before and never experienced them until this fabulous body invasion recently! I’m so embarrassed about it I haven’t told my GP. It’s getting so uncomfortable though now that I will soon be forced to loose all dignity and get help. I feel totally let down at the fact that this can be done and no warning of passing on infectious diseases is told before hand! I am so angry about this situation I want to sue! Just to make a point! And I’m so terrified as to what other nasties this has passed on to me. Not happy…:(
I realize this is an old post. But, last December I had a colonoscopy. Yesterday morning, I passed what I think was a round worm. To back up… In July, I developed rotten egg burps and got sick to my stomach. I brought up what I thought to be onions that I had on a burger the day before. They were long pieces and I thought at the time it was odd that I didn’t chew them up better. Now, I’m wondering, worms? I also started losing weight after the first of the year..which I was kinda trying, but not sticking to it very well and being overweight..I didn’t argue with the scales. I have gotten sick twice since that first time. I didn’t notice anything resembling worms. I have a dog and 2 cats, 1 cat sleeps with me. All of my pets are on heart worm meds. Which is supposed to cover round worms, also. I am taking stool samples to the Vet later today…as soon as all of them cooperate with me. I will lie to the Vet and tell him I found what I thought may have been a small stick in a hairball and didn’t now which cat it was and I wanted to rule out round worms. I am too embarrassed to mention it was MY toilet that I found the round worm in. I will try to get rid of them by myself without going to a Dr. I do not think my pets have worms,,,,I am very picky about my meat being VERY well done. I am what some may call a border line germaphobe when it comes to washing my hands. It came to me this morning to research if worms had ever been contracted from a colonoscopy! How would I find out if the person before me had worms? This is disgusting and very embarrassing!
Hello Rita,
It is probably very unlikely a doctor would tell you if a person before you had worms, if they even would know. We would recommend this treatment to try to get rid of it: https://blog.listentoyourgut.com/quad-synergy-pathogen-parasite-protocol/
Please let us know if you have any questions and hope you are able to feel better soon.
Kind Regards,
Customer Care
JAY – you can use wild oregano both internally and topically to clear up those worms. Also see this blog post specifically for parasites:
[…] must have shown some kind of lumpy adhesion – that was then broken free or unhooked by the colonoscopy! Wow, Crohn’s disease and a stricture (or adhesion!) healed by a colonoscopy… happens […]
Hi, I had severe cramping on my lower rt side in July and after 3trips to the ER and nothing showing on ultrasounds they did surgery to find my rt ovary was covered in cysts and had twisted cutting off blood supply also they removed a webbing that they still cant explain around my intestines and organs. Since the surgery recovery has been horrible I cant sleep at night and have side pain on the same side.The dr is recomending a colonoscopy but I have cancelled 3times and they are mad but the heart attack I feel like im going to have when it gets close to proecdure day feels far scarrier than the side pain but I cant keep living with this pain. But dont you think if it had to do with my bowels I would have issues there? I have no problems going to the bathroom regularly and I see nothing wrong with my feces other than they seem smaller than before surgery but it doesnt seem to be causeing any problems. I have kept a diary of my pain and it doesnot happpen around my bowel movements it seems more associated with my time of the month. so what do I do the dr wont help until I have colonoscopy and I just dont feel in my gut it is not something that needs to be done. Please tell me your thoughts as my medical changes Jan 1st and it will no longer be covered..Thank you!
Hi Chris,
I’m afraid we aren’t really qualified to advise you with your particular situation but if you are looking for a second opinion, Dr. Paul Goldberg shares methods and protocols with Jini and has read her books. He is a very rigorous practitioner and like Jini, has healed himself of a serious chronic illness, so he understands firsthand what you’re going through. We can highly recommend him.
You can also watch this video for a detailed description of how Dr. Goldberg works and what’s involved with his healing approach:
All the best,
Customer care
I’m scheduled for a colonoscopy but I know my digestive system will not tolerate the prep solution.I have not weak but sensitive kidneys which might be effected by the prep.I’m also very concerned about the possible transmition of disease as well.Might an MRI be a good alternative?All I have is IBS caused by a once terrible diet of fatty meat,sugar and cola.I gave it all up and now eat nothing but organic and tons of papaya.Thanks much.
Sorry – can’t give med advice. I assume you downloaded the free eBook? And hope you’ve taken a look at my other book: Listen To Your IBS, you can get Ch.1 and other goodies here:
I have had 4 colonoscopies since I turned 40 as my father had some serious colon problems. The first 3 were fine, but this last one has caused me to have lingering, chronic gastrointestinal pain and discomfort – specifically, painful stomach cramps, sour stomach, gas, bloating, sluggish bowel movements. I also felt bruised internally and sometimes the pain has been so bad that I could hardly walk! This has been going on for over 2 months now. The doctor’s office who performed the procedure has never heard of such problems and they don’t think it had anything to do with my procedure – even though I was fine until several hours after the colonoscopy! Luckily, I have a great alternative physician and acupuncturist who have both been helping me a lot. And thank goodness, the symptoms ARE improving. I have been taking aloe vera juice, slippery elm tea, high doses of a good quality probiotic, L-Glutamine and Chinese herbs. Supposedly, I am to get another one of these torturous procedures in 10 years when I am 71. But I will never put myself through this again!
Do you know what’s worse than reduced gut flora, bacterial/yeast infections and parasites…
IBD, gastritis, Coeliac disease and of course, cancer.
You lost me when you said you can “catch AIDS” from improperly sterilised colonoscopes. You could possibly (really unlikely) catch HIV (if somehow it was able to survive outside the body for longer than a few minutes) which might eventually cause AIDS in the future.
If you want to scare people, you should talk about the 1/1000 chance of a bowel perforation. That will kill you in a day or two if it isn’t dealt with immediately. Or maybe talk about the scary things that happen when various diseases are found at an advanced stage.
And everyone complaining that “THEY FOUND NOTHING”, thank your lucky stars…it’s actually a GOOD thing.
Of course, I am not expecting to be published, but hey, may as well give it a shot and prevent some poor soul from worrying more than they need to…
RACHEL – I think you missed the part where I point out that all my sources are from medical journals, and I provide the article highlights and full references in the report. The AIDS statement was actually from the Mayo Clinic, not me. Perhaps you should download and read the entire report before formulating an opinion. And indeed you may maintain your current opinion and that’s okay.
Also, just to point out, your bowel perforation risk stat is a bit high. According to this source (which is referenced), the risk ranges from .03 – .15 percent; risk increases with age and also whether it is a “therapeutic” colonoscopy:
Anyway, I appreciate you sharing your thoughts and feelings too. Differing viewpoints are always valuable.
[…] friend wrote to me of her son who was diagnosed with toddler diarrhea. A Colonoscopy revealed nothing serious – no inflammation or ulceration. He has been on various medications […]
I had a colonoscopy 6 days ago. Everything was fine. The doctor took a tissue sample of a hemerrhoid he found. 2 days after the procedure my anus started to itch and over the last 4 days the itching turned to burning and it just keeps getting worse and spreading. The doctor has yet to return my call. What would cause this? Hemerroid cream makes it worse and so does neosporin.
ERIN – perhaps it is either infected or irritated? See this for treatment:
And also this for remedies to try to soothe irritation or inflammation:
I hope you’ve downloaded the eBook here and are following the post-colonoscopy treatment to prevent opportunistic infection.
I had a colonoscopy 5 years ago. After returning for follow up exam; only a hemorhhoid was the result. The Prep was a killer, and made me very ill. I puked my guts out from this exam, and was on the toilet all night. I was afraid I would never stop. This gallon of TriLyte was torture. I just received a card from my gastroenterlogist to come for an exam. I am not due til 2018; and do not have any intention of going through another colonoscopy. What are the other recommendations like Virtuoscopy or Barium enema?
[…] Impossible To Sterilize Colonoscopes | Listen To Your Gut […]
HOWARD – Barium enema still produces gut flora issue, so follow post-colonoscopy protocol from the eBook.
Ultrasound is best, but of course, limited in info it provides.
I haven’t looked at Virtuoscopy – I don’t know the technology by which it works and you would need to research that first. Let us know what you find…
My husband and I have gone threw 2 colonoscopy’s and no problems at all..The prep is always the worst part of the whole thing and the most important..After the age of 50 everyone should have this test done..To many have die uneccesary because of colon cancer..I have read all of the above comments..I have to say some of those infections could have started before the colonoscopy by coincidence..I feel bad for those who did have a bad experience from the test..It’s important to pick your Dr, ask around word of mouth if very important..With colon cancer there is not always a warning, like bleeding or pain, so please have the colonoscopy..
My 75 year old mother had a colonoscopy because she had had IBS for years and the Doctor said the procedure would screen for any abnormality. Well my mother ended up with INCONTINENCE from the $%#@# colonoscopy and had to wear diapers. Stupid doctors, never told her that was a possible side effect. My mother wished she had NOT had the colonoscopy as the results were that nothing abnormal was found. Except Mom then had to wear diapers. Mom later died from side effects from another medication she was on. Be careful of Doctors and their machines and devices and their need to pay their mortgages, is all I can say. RIP Mom. Still miss you.
My doctor recommended that I have a colonoscopy because I have anemia – which is causing me some anxiety. I don’t have any symptoms and feel really well. Reading the above comments – risk of perforation and infection – and listening to my gut I wondered if the procedure is absolutely necessary. I will have to make a decision sooner or later, hopefully sooner. I am open to feedback from other readers.
In that case, why don’t you try our Angstrom-sized iron first? You will likely see an increase in hemoglobin in as little as 45 days (be sure and click on the JINI SAYS tab):
Also, the topical DMSO procedure (outlined here in point #2) often helps the body to utilize iron and produce more hemoglobin (a pleasant side effect):
[…] Why? Isn’t it reasonable to infer that Olympus SCAPEGOATED the VA by bribery and by blaming the VA medical centers for improperly cleaning the defectively designed scopes which are unquestioningly impossible to clean? See Impossible To Sterilize Colonoscopes | Listen To Your Gut. […]
I would like to say something. I am 50 did a routine FOBT test which if you ask me was going to be negative as I am a very healthy 50 year old. I take no medication eat well and am active. Anxiety was huge when my test cam back positive. Recommendation colonoscopy. I convinced myself with my gut that it was not necessary and the doctors were too cautious all like most of the above letters. You see I am invincible and I won’t die. My gut told me I was fine. What made me have the colonoscopy is I am a foster mum to a 5 year old boy who needs me to be around. I am so glad I had it. They found a polyp not a big one but they found 1. 1 that I was sure they wouldn’t find because like the FOBT test I and my gut had convinced me I didn’t have anything wrong. All surgery (and yes this is surgery will come with dangers so please read up on it and do what you think is right but also think about what if I do nothing and there is something wrong. I will have another colonoscopy in 5 years, why because I want to know what my body can hide….
[…] kill Young. Rutala recognized the Olympus bronchoscope could not be cleaned effectively. See also: Impossible To Sterilize Colonoscopes | Listen To Your Gut, “Design Defect” means all the mass-produced Olympus Bronchoscopes carry with them the same […]
My mother, in her early 80s, had pain in her side but she was in rehab for a broken hip from a fall. Of course, the doctor immediately wanted to do a colonoscopy on her despite the fact she would not have been a candidate for surgery. She also had congestive heart failure plus the broken hip, high blood pressure and beginning dementia. The doctor insisted the test was necessary. I argued with my Dad not to allow it but he and my mother always believe doctors are Gods and can do no wrong. During the Prep she had a heart attack from which she steadily went downhill and ended up dying in a nursing home not long after. Many of these procedures are being done for the money than for real problems. It is the new ‘test’ of the decade for an industry that scopes everything you have top to bottom for a quick dollar, if they get a chance! Big bucks too! AND NO, you receive few of the risks in their disclaimer.
I have had 2 colonoscopies and have had extreme pain after each of them. The nurse was a slob never washing her hands, picking up trash from floor, and no bedside manner before procedure. Incredible pain in mid back both sides. Do not want to have this test again!
A good friend had a colonoscopy 2 years ago and has been experiencing terrible stomach pain since then. Do you have any advice for her? She’s had ct scans which confirm she has no punctures.
Thank you for any help you can offer.
Hi Bernadette,
Your friend might be interested in the information at Jini’s stomach pain symptom page at the link below:
Please also let her know that she can grab Jini’s free eBook, What You Need To Know About Colonoscopy by signing up in the little pink box on the left side of that page. I’m afraid we cannot comment on her specific situation as we aren’t qualified to do so but hopefully she can get some ideas from the information above. If she has any questions, please tell her to e-mail me directly at service@listentoyourgut.com.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Not just the Mayo Clinic!
Atlanta hospital sent out letters to over 400 patients…
You can be sure that when a so-called fact-based article tries to scare the reader about a certain procedure or product we’re talking RED FLAG. But when the author also provides the actual names of products to protect oneself from these horrible POSSIBILITIES (however, small the likelihood of them actually happening and the near lack of proof that “this caused it) be warned that you are reading a veiled advertisement – one of life’s most common and ginourmous red flags. The actual time that the bowel is “stripped” of all bacteria is not 3 days. It’s a day and then the procedure is done and one can go slowly back to their regular diet. I know, I’ve had 6 colonoscopies with no complications and they were the only diagnostic procedures that provided accurate (read visual) evidence of the problems. The worst thing one can do is to allow a physician to create a “virtual diagnosis” via stool tests, blood tests, CAT scan, putting you in a hospital bed, infused with Dilaudid (hydromorphone – do a search on that drug) and tethered to a purely liquid diet for up to a week. Think about going through all that just to get what is an opinion which could be completely wrong. Your pain and/or bleeding could continue and then you would demand a colonoscopy. This article is a veiled ad for specific name brand probiotics. Shame on you people.
I would like to add that I never had medication during any of my colonoscopies (6 total). Nor did I “suffer” at all without it. I experienced at times mild discomfort – even with the colonoscope passing through the areas of ulcerative colitis that were causing the pain and slow-but-steady bleeding. When I was searching for an extremely experienced endoscopist, I was thorough and indefatigably diligent in my search. I found one with 20 years of experience and no negative reports from the State’s Board of Medical Practice. As with any profession, there are levels of experience and expertise. It’s your responsibility to find and seek the services of the best – according to official records – practitioner in your area. If there are none, then take the time, if you have it (you may not), and do the traveling. If your situation is an immediate one, then you have to take the gamble with whomever is available. By the way, there isn’t any area on a colonoscope that can’t be reached by the right cleaning tool. If the device has areas of contamination, the blame falls squarely on those responsible for sterilizing the scope for its next use.
Hi Jini & everyone. There’s so many comments that I couldn’t read through all of them. Here is my take on this topic. Since I was 17yrs old, I have had 9 – YES, NINE or maybe 10 colonoscopies (i’ve literally lost count) and I’m only 34 years old.
I have not once gotten a yeast infection, c diff, hepatitis or any nasty infection from being scoped. During some of the scopes however, I had polyps that were removed and abnormal cells that were discovered during the procedure that were later removed. With this said, people with UC, CD and the numerous digestive diseases that exist, these people need to get screened…period! Why? Because the only way to really detect a problem (cancer, abnormal cells-dysplasia, ect) is by being screened. If you cancer, the scope will most likely detect it in it’s early stage and treat it. People that do not get screened and have cancer brewing somewhere in their colon usually don’t have symptoms indicating that there’s a problem. The symptoms begin when the cancer is in a more advanced stage and much harder to treat. So, with that said, colonoscopies are necessary… no question about that. The real question to ask is how can the scope instruments be sterilized in a manner to ensure the tool is 100% sterile? What advancements have been made in this area that eliminate the chances of coming in contact with instruments that are not 100% clean? What are other screening methods that are reliable, have high detection rate/low error rate and remove the chances of being exposed to unclean tools?
AMY – Yes! I totally agree. If you downloaded the eBook, you will see I talked about how a company developed a solution – a sterile sheath – but it has since been stalled. Why?? Until consumers start DEMANDING a sterile solution, it doesn’t look like much will change.
I had a colonoscopy last dec at age 41 due to family history. All clear, but I have been dealing with the after affects of yeast overgrowth. Reading Donna Gate’s Body Ecology Diet book has helped educate me on human bio and how to heal. (Note: She does hard sell her products in her book, but her advice has helped me the most out of all of my research.)
If you do nothing else, take a good probiotic after or research if kefir is right for you. AND cut sugar, gluten and dairy until you are well (or thankfully in my case as a lifestyle choice going forward!) With her rec on eating cultured vegetable, I was able to not crave sugar/chocolate and if you have too much yeast than you know how impossible that sounds, right?
Some are now calling an overgrowth of yeast aka candida a silent epidemic in this country. While preparing for my colonoscopy (not that bad w/Su Prep) may have wiped out my micro flora, a healthy body would have been able to bounce back. I’m still glad I had the C for peace of mind but regret not taking probiotics after.
As far as not being able to clean the scope -ewww! Thanks for sharing the report.
I had a colonoscopy and they found a huge growth that was very hard to get out but did. The doctor was amazed that i hadn’t noticed anything abnormal because in a matter of a few weeks no more than a few months it would have been full blown cancer a i would have had to start chemo. What a life saver the colonosopy was for me! I would much rather deal with some post symptoms from my colonoscopy than be dealing with cancer or death for that matter!
Without the colonoscopy procedure, I most likely would have been dead at 36 and have left my beautiful husband and two boys without a mum. I requested the colonoscopy after 5 years of chronic illness, misdiagnosis and thank heaven I did as the Doc found aggressive, advanced Stage IIIC colon cancer. This diagnosis completely changed my life, not only am I now getting all the info I need to heal myself, physically, emotionally and spiritually, I am now able to share this knowledge with my family and friends. The colonoscopy was the catalyst for a huge shift for me and mine, and as such, I can only be grateful that a little abdominal cramping was the only outcome. Jini, your blog is amazing – love and light to you for sharing, and next time I go for this procedure I will definitely be using the protocols you suggest. Keep asking questions everyone, especially of your medical support and remind them you are a person, not a patient and deserve the best care and attention possible.
VERY nicely said Kylie. Thanks so much for sharing your story. And keep in mind, you can always benefit from at least one course (1 capusle per day) of the Healthy Trinity probiotics – even as a preventative.
I was bullied into my first colonoscopy at age 71 in January 2013. I have never recovered. The severe aftereffects showed up several months after the procedure. My gastroenterologist diagnosed an infection, prescribed an expensive $1200 off-label antibiotic for 1 month followed by 2 months of VSL#1 @ $400/month.
Hi Linda,
Thanks so much for sharing your story. We wish you all the best with your continuing recovery!
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Hello everyone who has never had colonoscopy, and is dreading it from anxiety fear and all the folklore. Well I had my first one today ,I will be 58 in 6 weeeks, about time to get the pipes checked . So as much as I worried like most first timers. I hope to put your mind at ease first of all did the miralax 14 day supply in one gallon of gingerale *frost flavored gatorade, half at 10:00 am plus two dulcolax tablets and at 6:00 pb another 2 dulcolax tablets.i drank it about 12 ounces every i5 minutes till finished(then take the dulcolax)I drank gatorade boos tonic water for no dehydration and jello for solids, also the Important part 2 days before you prep day, start on a soft diet only big difference on prep day, no bloating minimal gas.As far as the procedure itself.It was nothing just went to sleep woke up, feeling pretty good , and went home 30 minutes later. After talking to the Doctor ,he went trough my entire upper & low gastro track colon,ets. All he found was a few small hemorrhoids,
My husband & I have always believed in treating our bodies naturally, holistically. I do not have a regular md now because of all testing pushed on me in the past, it’s been probably 9 yrs now. I am 60 yr old active female, that most of my life taken fiber, herbal laxatives, oxy powder regularly, daily. Because of constipation. I have not had a colonoscopy, I try to listen yo my body.
Do you think I need a colonoscopy?
Thx, Sharon
Hi Sharon,
I’m afraid we aren’t able to advise you as to whether or not you need a colonoscopy because we’re not qualified to do so. However, if you’re weighing that decision, we would certainly recommend checking out the Colonoscopy Dangers report in the blog post above if you haven’t already.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
It seems to me that if you are clearing your colon for a colonoscopy, you need to replace those bacteria with yogurt and other probiotics ASAP afterwards, perhaps take an antifungal for a short time, in order to prevent growth of candida. I would be more worried about getting infected with lyme disease, or infecting someone.
Hi Liz,
Absolutely, that’s a very good point. Jini’s wild oregano protocol (which consists of using wils oregano oil and probiotics) works well for this and can be found in both her Listen to Your Gut book and her Natural Treatments for Gut Infection eBook at the link below:
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Thank you so much for this article! I was suggested 3 years ago for colonoscopy. My doctor said: “just to check” I am so happy I have never done it. Imagine, in Kenya! Without being sterilized before. Oh my got, I still can’t believe what I was just reading. Fuj:-( Or even worse what I could be exposed to! They should put all people behind medicine into jail!
I had a colonoscopy 2 years ago and have had severe stomach aches as well as gas ever since. The Doctor did a Cat Scan the week after to make sure there was no perforation and it was normal. He waved me away like a fly.
Since then I have had serious infections that were only cured by high potent antibiotics (Xifaxan) and the pain is so bad that I could not eat for weeks. I just went to my 6th doctor and she tested my immunoglobulin A and it came back very low.
I had a small bowel series and it was normal. I also had a bacterial overgrowth breath test six months ago and it showed positive for bacterial overgrowth of small intestines.
I never had these problems before the colonscopy. I never had gas a day in my life and never severe cramps and pain so bad I could not eat or sleep.
I don’t know what to do. I have been on Xifaxan three times for these infections and then within six to nine months the infection comes back.
I cannot digest much food and have lost 7 pounds.
I am hungry all the time but cannot eat much.
I am very concerned.
The doctor was in a hurry and the place where I had the test was extremely busy and did not seem very professional. HELP
i am suppose to get a colonoscopy done next week ,i am terrified,i have had bleeding in my bowel movements but i am 100 percent sure it is hemroids,i once had mersa and because of the medication i recieved i ended up with c-diff and few more days home the doctor said i would have died i am anemic and colon cancer runs in my family i am 47 years old i am so afraid that i will get c-diff and end up in the hospital again,i think waiting untill i am 50 would seem much more easier,i am raising my grandson and if anything happens to me i dont know what would happen to him ,i dont know what to do any ideas?thanks
SUSAN and DIANE – you both need to download the report and read it – all instructions are in there.
For hemorrhoids see:
For C.diff infection see:
For Anemia please see:
What a lot hogwash, I have had several colonoscopies without any issues.. They save lives, I had two polyps removed with my last one.. Of course the instruments are sterile if they weren’t there would be lawsuits.. Get your facts right…
Hi Darleen,
Thanks for posting! If you have any links or info you would like to share which support your assertion that the instruments are 100% sterile then we’d love to see them.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
I am sitting here in horrible pain. Your hogwash remark infuriates me. How dare you say our pain is not real. I have been suffering for a year. Shame on you.
i am still scared to get one even though colon cancer runs in my family,
I hope it is proven that they can sterilize the scope
What causes the polyps in the first place? If we know the cause, we can surely change the terrain which encourages them to flourish and thus get rid of them without the need for surgical intervention?
Hi Aja,
The Mayo clinic has a good explanation here about polyps and why they form:
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Sorry but this is a bunch of bollocks.
I work as an MA/Tech at a Gastroenterology Clinic. I’ve done everything from assisting the doctors during the procedures to sterilizing the scopes. I’ve gotten a first hand look at what prolonging getting a colonoscopy done can do. We’ve seen quite a few patient get a preliminary diagnosis of colo-rectal cancer at our clinic after their procedure. There is rarely a day (We generally do procedures M-F) where no patient has a polyp.
Sigmoidoscopies are NOT as thorough as a colonoscopy..even basic anatomy will tell you that.
Flex sigs look at the rectal and sigmoid area of the colon which means you are neglecting the descending, transverse, ascending, cecal and ileal portion of the large/small intestines.
I am prepping for a colonoscopy tomorrow. I am 46 and post cdiff 15 weeks. Am I at risk for cdiff from a colonoscopy. Terrible persistent upper right quad pain and some rectal discomfort. Family history as well, what should I do, font want cdiff again
Hi Kathy,
I’m afraid we cannot advise you as we’re not qualified to do so but you may want to go try Jini’s wild oregano protocol after your colonoscopy if you are concerned that you might pick up something during the procedure. Check out the symptom page below for more information:
If you have any additional questions, feel free to reply here, email us at service@listentoyourgut.com, or visit the live chat in the little blue box on the bottom right portion of your screen.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
I am 29 and have had 3 Colonoscopie. I was ddiagnosed with Diverticulitis and Colitis and a few polyps were removed. Im in alot of pain and have been back and fourth to to hospital with no relie! Im happy I found this article.
Hi Rose,
Thanks for writing in! If you haven’t already, you might want to check out Jini’s symptom pages for Colitis and Diverticulitis at the links below. Also make sure to sign up for the free eBooks in the pink boxes at each of those pages for even more free information:
If you have any questions about any of Jini’s protocols, please don’t hesitate to ask!
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Thanks so much for the info. I had one a year ago and after almost 45 minutes of trying hard to do it, the doctor told me “sorry I can’t do it, you have to reschedule”…they rush me out. .and after I left that room, I started to have a pain, the lasted for 1 week.!
I didn’t answer their calls to reschedule..I went to a different doctor and have it done. The were very professional.I think. The doctor told me that a have a chronic gastritis, and H pylori. I am now on my 7th treatment with a combination of antibiotics and other meds that my regular doctor had prescribed. That bacteria doesn’t want to leave my system. And I am in complete misery dealing with the yeast infection.
I have tried the cream, suppositories,the single pill 3 times, nothing has worked so far. But, I am grateful that I have the peace of mind of knowing that I don’t have cancer.
Any idea on how to kill the H pylori? Again thanks for your information, I will read the rest of the experiences later..And I will definitely follow the treatment for the yeast infection. And please continue informing us, and don’t mind the comments of the people who are in the health business..
Hi Rena,
You may want to try Jini’s Wild Oregano Protocol. Wild oregano oil is a powerful, natural antibiotic and the protocol is detailed in her Natural Treatments for Gut Infection eBook here:
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Ok, I just read this, and it is obviously too late. I had a colonoscopy a week ago. I had polyps removed, in my colon, and I also had them removed from my stomach area, as I had an endoscope too. The prep, the glycol stuff (full gallon) was horrible enough, plus had to have 4 Dulcolax tablets before, and Gas-X with. Then the day of, I was understandably uncomfortable. I did eat. Second day after I had excruciating abdominal and throat pain and cramping. I did eat. Third day I did not feel so good, started with a low fever. Ate very little. Fourth day I knew I was sick, but figured I would get better. Did not eat, just drank clear fluids. Fifth day fever of 101.6. Did not eat, just drank. severe diarrhea. Sixth day was violently ill, high fever, chills, sweating, couldn’t eat or drink, got very dehydrated. Doctor unavailable, because of weekend. Sixth day calmed down a little, fever reduced to 100.4. tried to eat, went back to sever diarrhea. Seventh day called doctor, fever gone. Hurt to eat, Doctor said he thought it was viral. But I had not been ill before, I had no respiratory issues, and I have asthma and COPD. No vomiting. They just would not admit I had any infection. I never heard of this treatment you mentioned. Is there anything else I can do now to feel better?
Hi Dianna,
If you think your gut flora have been compromised, Jini usually recommends her wild oregano protocol and probiotic retention enema protocol to get rid of the bad gut flora and repopulate with good flora. For more details, check out the link below:
If you have any questions about either protocol or what is involved, please don’t hesitate to contact us. You can reply here, e-mail us at service@listentoyourgut.com, call us at 888-866-7745, or visit the live chat in the little blue box on the bottom right of this window.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
I had a colonoscopy 4 days ago the preparation was awful . I was found with w polyp and large hemorrhoids and slight colitis ,2 days after I began to feel itching and burning in my anus and I have been using preparation-h .it’s 4 days now and it’s still the same , I haven’t called My doctor yet and still waiting for the biopsy . What is this coming from ?
Hi Geo,
I wish I had a good answer for you but I’m afraid we’re unable to assist with diagnosis of symptoms. You should definitely contact your doctor if you have post colonoscopy concerns about something not being right.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
having mine done soon i can,t wait sound sick but need to know
I just cancelled my appointment for colonoscopy (2nd time cancellation). its too scary when I first received the gallon of chemical to drink. I sat and looked at that thing with a goose bump and asking myself a million times if I should or should not do it. called to cancel excusing that I was not ready for the prep. they reschedule me a second time and I just cancelled again last night. I don’t know yet if I am right or wrong. I am healthy, very active, exercising 2 hours a day 7/week. eat healthy and chose natural remedies for any illnesses or discomfort that happened once in awhile due to bad foods or weather. I am 62 and I don’t look at doctors and dentists as gods, and I don’t trust the pharmaceutical companies on the deadly pills and medicine they produce. I believe that everyone has to take your health in your hand unless something really serious happens then you have no choice in finding out what’s the problem than the doctors and their machines. the colon and intestine are the most sensitive and complicated organs in your body and that you cannot see. your body always send you signals if you listen to it carefully. not every little abnormal thing lead to serious problem. I had a bump in my mouth. my regular dentist for over 20 years recommended me to take a biopsy for a peace of mind. I went to another dentist, a dentist surgeon who is my dentist boss and best friend for a second opinion. the surgeon said “it ‘s just a little bump with no harm for now. leave it alone, but follow-up closely for any change in color and size. I listen to the surgeon meantime change my diet from meaty reduced to more vegies and fruits and avoid as possible red meat. not only the bump in my mouth but also a few on my legs were long gone, when? before I even noticed. another story, when my baby turned 3 year old, I suffered a chronic pain on my side that I worried it may be a cancer or something really serious. I went to see my doctor (obgy) Dr. David Goldstein, he retired or may be no longer around (story happened 20 years ago). I complained with him about my health and requested him to send me to an X-ray to find out (I was young and single mother raising a 3 year old, feared and worried over health issues, any health issues possible). Dr. David was very calm and very patient to ask me lot of questions and he told me not to carry my baby on the side, the child weighted probable 50 lbs I guess and I always carried her up and down the stairs way of my apartment and at the car. he said he believed because of the weight that hurt my right side where I always had my baby on. I listen to him, stopped the carrying and my pain went away since then. people have back pain, headache, insomnia, any minor troubles, doctors prescribe pills. doctors nowadays don’t spend time to ask you questions to find out what ‘s your problems or what causes your problems. once you complain, they start to write some prescriptions and send you away. just like you have a marriage problem they would tell you to take anxiety/depression pills. NO DOCTOR recommend you to exercise or follow a good diet or change your lifestyle.
the reason my doctor ordered me the colonoscopy just because I got constipated over a week due to foods. I was over drinking wine (4 glasses in one night + and following many nights 2-3 glasses) and I added organic cinnamon to my diet that I thought it would be beneficial to my health (I forgot I am allergic to cinnamon and persimmons) and I forgot that any healthy foods do have restrictions, anything good, overdose will turn into complications. that’s my case. I got constipated for 10days and finally had a large bowel movement that tore my anus and led to bleeding. of course when you are constipated ,even you still have bowel movement everyday with hard stools you feel like crap, lot of discomfort (not pain yet) seeing blood in the stool at first gave me panic. I called to request a doctor visit. I came in, told my doctor my story, she did not care to listen, just told me that I need a colonoscopy test. I delayed, then cancelled my appointments, still exercise regularly, increasing time from 2hours/day to longer, stopped all spicy foods that I love, eat more soft or liquid foods like soup, opted for low-fiber diet to reduce gas and try best to recover my system with intermittent fasting to not overwhelm my digestive. I am fine now. so please listen c a r e f u l l y to your body and take good care of it. who knows you better than yourself?? but for those who rely on the modern medicine, that’s fine too, because that’s your choice and every choice has a lucky side and the bad luck side. it s up to the individual.
again thank you from the deep of my heart for all the information to publish to the word. To me it’s nothing new but the things I already heard and learned from my parents and the people I had the chance to meet (online or in the real life). this is just to bring back the old rules I sometimes forgot. Thanks folks!
Colonoscopies would be alright if they didnt rip open the inside lining of the colon with those little jaws for test samples( checking for potential cancer).
This is a very stupid practice that doesnt make any sense because now this has to heal up and people like me who already had a badly irritated gut suffer more, its a money making scam, they never find anything yet they are determined to find something. eat lots of fruits and veg. get checked every 5 yrs or so
this is absolute BS dont listen to any of this- get your screenings
there is no bs in any of the decision making. People have the right to follow what they think is right to do, just like in the religion matters. some believe in Catholic church, others worship Boudha and all other Gods. Doing the screening or prefer to stay out of it is the individual choice just like abortion. its your body, you make your own choice to keep it best. you want a peace of mind, go ahead and do it. you are too careful to step in, that’s fine because you are smart to think twice before to take the procedures. here we share the idea and opinion. there is no one smarter than the other. that’s why this website is “listen to your guts”. I balance everything before I make my decision, take sometimes to research and think , unless for something very urgent between life and death. but if you have time , you are not in the death sentence yet, why rush??? when you are healthy, why you need to rush to a procedure that considered dangerous and risky??? think before you decide when you still have lot of time and not at risk.
I just had a colonoscopy done on June the 30th and a couple a days ago I started feeling a little soreness down near my rectal area. I am a registered nurse so I am curious; so when I got a hand held mirror and noticed a rash/cluster type blister located on the outside of my rectal area. It does not hurt, nor do they itch, just sore to the touch and this did arouse me and my husbands curiosity in what this is and, I will be getting in touch with my GI physician asap.
Pilar – you may want to check into Gluteraldehyde (a common sterilant used for colonoscopes): “exposure to small amounts produces severe itching and skin rashes.”
Listen to your gut? people can feel perfectly fine and still have a stage 3 or 4 cancer growing in their colon; I know cause this happened to 2 people i know. The risk of colon cancer far exceeds the risk of getting a screening which is non invasive and statistically proven to be safe. quit brainwashing people with this rubbish. How would you feel if someone read this and decided to not go for a screening and then developed cancer?
I have had over 10 of these procedures in my life time and am blessed in the sense that nothing happened.. well maybe some loss of brain cells from putting you under and the trauma from the prep. When I have another scope done, I will not use the traditional prep. way too harsh for an already flared colon.. There’s easier, safer and gentler ways.
But yes, the tool (hose thing) with the camera attached is known to not always be fully clean. It happens and there’s lots of info on this online. Google it and read about it.
Jan. 2015, my blood tests showed that I was anemic. My doctor scared the living shit out of me, insisting I have a colonoscopy, because I MUST be bleeding internally! She said I might have colon cancer or lymphoma, or a number of other things. I had been declining a colonoscopy since I turned 50. I was 52 when this happened. I told my doctor it was most likely my diet — because after all I know what my diet was at that time — she insisted it was NOT my diet. She had no clue what my diet was!! So, reluctantly, I agreed to an EGD and colonoscopy. I knew in my gut that it was my diet because I wasn’t eating a lot of meat, no beans, no grains – not even bread or cereal – and I wasn’t taking in any vitamin c to help me absorb the iron I WAS getting. The reason I wasn’t eating those things was because I always felt bloated and had severe discomfort and sometimes pain when I ate certain things since my gallbladder surgery. So I just didn’t eat them. I had done a lot of reading and many people still had trouble eating certain things after their gallbladder surgery so I figured it was just normal.
Ok, so moving on the colonoscopy and EGD — I have chronic pain issues and they told me I couldn’t take my pain meds for a week prior to the procedures. I didn’t. By day 4 I was in tears and in so much pain I could have jumped off a cliff. When it came time for the procedures, the freakin’ drugs didn’t work on me because my pain level was extremely high and it just over-rode the drugs! I gagged and choked and felt like I couldn’t breathe through the EGD. Finally it was finished. Then the colonoscopy began. Doc gave me more drugs but still didn’t help. I was yelling at him to stop and the nurses were holding me down and telling me to calm down, not to yell, it’ll be over soon, and relax…..OMG! If I ever wanted to KILL someone it was those 2 nurses! It was extremely traumatic. I cried for hours. I had nightmares for weeks! It was like being raped!
I was told afterward that I needed to reschedule and they would do these procedures over but that they would put me under completely, like with surgery. Yippee. Doc did tell me I had something going on with my stomach. It was up too high and shaped funny. An upper GI was scheduled and I found out that I had a para-esophageal hiatal hernia. Basically my stomach was in my chest cavity. It had to be repaired otherwise it could twist even more and cut off it’s own blood supply. That could lead to an emergency situation for me later. I opted to have the hernia repair surgery and after a month of special diet and a few weeks after that just adjusting to being able to eat again, I was finally feeling great and able to eat the foods I wasn’t able to eat before.
Then comes the re-scheduled EGD and colonoscopy. Because of what happened the first time I was terrified and having nightmares. My anxiety level was sky high. The doctor told me I could take my pain meds this time, thank goodness. He said I would be completely asleep. I was still nervous and terrified but had it done. This time, I was asleep — but when I woke up I had bit my upper lip during the procedure, and the next morning every stinking muscle in my body hurt! I may have been asleep but my body reacted to what they were doing!! Anyway, afterward I was told that absolutely NOTHING was found, not even a polyp!! Nothing! So, I am rechecking my iron level tomorrow and when the results come back perfectly fine, I am telling my doc a thing or two about my diet and what she thinks she knows about it!! And also the fact that I will never have another of either of those 2 tests done ever again, and that just because something is recommended doesn’t mean that I have to do it!!
This is a response to Jason’s comments. First, if colonoscopy wasn’t a highly invasive procedure, then people wouldn’t be objecting to it as much as they do. And as for your comment about how people can feel perfectly fine and yet have a stage 3 or 4 cancer growing in their colon… Well, I take that with a huge grain of salt, and I think everyone else should do likewise. Colon cancer is RARELY, if EVER symptom free when it reaches an advanced stage like that. These people WILL experience at least SOME SYMPTOMS. They may be in DENIAL about it, and claim they feel fine, but that doesn’t mean they ARE FINE.
The reality, Jason, is that colonoscopy is a procedure that has a 30 to 40 percent MISS RATE, regardless of how carefully it gets done. Flat polyps and tumors are the most difficult to see, because they are often very small. Some of them are no bigger than the head of a pin, in fact. And the smaller something like a polyp is, the less likely it is that it will be spotted by the endoscope. Aside from this, however, there are some very real risks associated with the procedure that doctors and providers seldom talk about, mainly because they don’t want to scare their patients away. Bleeding, perforations, infections with drug resistant pathogens (including but not limited to C.diff and E.coli, among others) post polypectomy syndrome, heart attacks, strokes, kidney failure, liver failure, dysbiosis- this is just a partial list of potential adverse effects from the procedure. I’m not saying that all patients will experience these. Obviously not everyone will. But what people have to decide for themselves is whether not it is worth the risk to have a procedure that may or may not benefit them. If they have strong personal or family histories of colon cancer or colon polyps, then yes, it may be warranted. It’s also warranted for people who have histories of chronic digestive disorders, including but not limited to Crohn’s disease, IBS/IBD, malabsorbtion syndrome, celiac disease, divirticulitis and diverticulosis, as well as GERD or gallbladder disease. For people in these categories, regular colonoscopies make a great deal of sense, and should be part of their screening regimen. But for people at average or low risk, there are better methods of screening, and they should be considered first.
I totally agree with Starlight. The point is that we have to take care of our health seriously to start. Diet and lifestyle are very important to keep us away from doctors. once we get sick and we rely on them, they make us sicker. doctors are to treat your symptoms, not to cure you. you cure yourself by making yourself strong to fight back illnesses and diseases. how could someone can resolve your problems by seeing you just 10 minutes, not knowing who you are, what you eat and do in your daily life. you know your problems, listen carefully to your body, fix your mistakes (everyone makes mistake even the most healthy soul) change your lifestyle. that is the most important things you can do for yourself. doctors have license to prescribe you medicine for your temporary relief, if it works, fine, if not they guess and send you to tests, one to another. don’t even bother to tell them your living, they don’t have time to hear you in your 10 minutes visit!!!!
Great comment…
Don’t forget the risk of receiving a dose of PRIONs. Not only Kreutsfeld-Jacob disease, but now it has been shown, also Alzheimer’s disease can be, and are, transmitted by prions which are concentrated in CNS and GUT. Clinical trials are underway testing use of a disposable sheath for the scope, but so far only for sigmoidoscopy. What is holding up development and distribution of this simple and probably effective solution to a potential future epidemic of these prion mediated diseases???!!!
I totally agree with Starlight. When the only risk is one’s age, as I have no family history, eat littlr red meat, above average activity level, etc., the risks associated with this HIGHLY invasive procedure does not look worth it. Yes, Jason, I would say YOUR answer is rubbish, as the risk of perforation is low at 1/1,000, but perforations require emergency surgery. … hardly low risk. If I do have one in the future, I will certainly have someone I know present during the procedure, as the MDs primarily sedate to increase the speed at which they can proceed, as time is money. I have heard of too many cases in which the patient has ongoing abdominal pain long after the procedure. It only makes sense that if the patient is totally out, that the MD has little to restrain them from going as fast as possible. Plus, if the MD screens the colon quickly, it just increases the possibility that a lesion will be missed. Even a very cautious screening will miss lesions or polyps, which further reduces my confidence in it as a screening tool.
Since this procedure is THE most invasive screening, it seems outrageous that other tests, perhaps the cologuard test, are not used for lower risk patients first. Yes, the colonoscopy is considered the” gold standards,” but using that same logic, then when I go shopping at Target, I should call 9-1-1 to get an escort from my car in the parking lot to the inside of the store. And, yes, I did suffer through a sigmoidoscopy once, which has a minimal prep, and is only one third as invasive as a colonoscopy, but the MD was totally callous about re-scheduling as sigmoidoscopies are typically with no sedation. Right after the torture, the attending RN said I should have been sedated. Thanks, nurse, for advocating for me, but I sense the MD had kids in private college and the tuition was due, as he plowed “full speed ahead …… just a little longer now.” NEVER AGAIN!!!!!!!
A colonoscopy with a contaminated scope??? Isn’t that like anal sex without a condom??
Pretty much – except you won’t contract gluteraldehyde-induced colitis from the male member!
I just had my colonoscopy last week Tuesday. Prior never had one issue of any kind but did it because I am now over 50. The day since I have had nothing but severe abdominal pain, cramping, nausea and I mean worse than having a child. Called the stupid doctor who did this to me and she claimed it was all normal. Yea right. They found a pouch called it “diverticulitis”, ok good to know I guess. The prep was brutal, drinking all that miralax (poison) and over dosing on dulcolax making me so sick from both ends I thought I would die.
I am on day 10 after this brutal procedure and even went into the emergency room from the pain. Of course they milked my insurance to only tell me I was having a diverticulitis attack. Funny never had a problem before, they said nothing they could do for it and sent me home. Well I can;t eat any solid foods without wanting to die in pain. I am warning everyone NOT to have this procedure as it screws people up. I would rather die than live with this shit for the rest of my life. Spent lots of time talking to people and most of them ended up with severe permanent damage like shitting their pants to the point they wear a diaper now all from having this procedure.
I ask you is it worth it to you to ruin your quality of life over this procedure? Now I can expect to pay through my ass, while doctor hopping for them all to blame it on what they found (diverticulitis pouch) instead of the procedure itself. Doctors are here to make a buck and they don’t care about anything but their own pocket book. The proof is all around! I will never ever have this done again as I certainly don’t want to be forced to live with some other complication from this horrible procedure. I wish I would never ever have had it done. My quality of life has now diminished to chronic pain and suffering all from that stupid procedure they ram down your throat to have done for no good reasons.
Oh but they feel like heroes since they found a few polyps, but cost me my ability to eat solid food now. The procedure and that filthy scope is not worth the risk in my opinion. Better find a less invasive way to check for colon polyps because I would rather take my chances than be left with crapping in a bag the rest of my life from this horrific procedure. It’s about your quality of life and if you loose that over a procedure was it worth it?
Hi Denise,
Sorry to hear that you had a bad experience and thanks for sharing. If you would like to learn about how to heal your diverticulitis naturally, check out the link below:
If you have any questions about the protocol please don’t hesitate to ask!
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Why, my white blood cell count was fine, they did a CT scan all was fine. So the emergency room couldn’t find anything wrong but to cover themselves they diagnosed it as diverticulitis which I don’t believe I have. My insides were fried from the prep. I am forced to head over to see the monster who did this to me and I plan on hiring an attorney if this is permanent. I will have a few choice,words for her as well. I stopped all antibiotics as they too made me sick. Thanks for guiding me. I did buy high grade probiitics to begin trying to heal however I won’t do this again
I am lucky that I did not do this after reading on this website. I had a very bad feelings about this procedures. I did pick up the monster solution from the pharmacy , came home, look at this poison for over a hundred times then checked online to see how people comment and ideas, fortunately I found the information and cancelled my appointment, TWICE (because they keep insisting and pushing me). I had some problems with my digestive early this year, due to age (am 62 , female, healthy and athletic as a champion) I was drinking wine a few times a week when I have good foods to pair with. A couple times, I was exaggerating and lead to constipation for many days and caused me a minor rectum fissure during defecation. I had a minor abdomen discomfort for many days that make me see the doctor. the first minute the doctor see me is ordering me the colonoscopy right away without asking a question. I hesitated for a few weeks then decided not to go for this. I chose the natural remedies to see if getting better and I was right. But I have to let you know that you have to be patient because I will take a long time to healing. 1) our gut is full of dirty stuffs and bacteria, good and bad. Eating the nutritious and healthy foods is very important. chose the soft foods, like vegies soup (I cooked yam, carrots, leeks, brown rice, onions, garlic, you can add chicken if you like), salad with soft greens like spinach (easy to digest) avoid gluten foods as much as you can(bread, cookies) avoid salty foods and sugary stuffs. overall avoid anything junk that may hurt your system and your gut. recovery takes time, slowly but steadily if you follow a strict diet and exercise (fast walking is best). I manage to walk 1and a half daily and more during weekends(parks or beaches) breath in the fresh air and keep your body moving(the more the better). it took me time and a lesson to learn that at some age I have to discipline myself and live on a right path for a good health. doctors don’t do any good to help. they licensed to prescribe you poison . the conventional medicine nowadays is not reliable at all. again I would like to remind everyone that your health is in your own hands, not a stranger who study in books, technique, get a license, meet you for 10 minutes and has a power to heal you. use your common sense, your feelings, your guts, check online to connect with other people and define what is good for you. before making an important decision, take time to research. so please make a right decision and remember the modern medicine is not a miracle, it constantly change and make mistakes too. So Denise, I wish you feel better but also suggest that you try to start a change in diet, the foods you eat and exercise, yoga is good but walking is simple and easy. leave the mistake in the past and take care yourself from now. it’s not too late and it can be fixed.
December of 2011, the FDA placed MiraLAX — a polyethylene glycol-containing blockbuster drug marketed by Merck & Co — on its Adverse Event Reporting System (AERS) in connection to “neuropsychiatric events.”
Besides MiraLAX, this warning also applies to Movicol, Dulcolax, Colyte, Colovage, Co-Lav, Clensz-Lyte, ClearLax, GoLYTELY, GaviLyte C, GlycoLax, Go-Evac, GlycoPrep, E-Z-Em Fortrans, Halflytely, Lax-a-Day, LaxLyte, MoviPrep, Macrogol, NuLytely, OCL, Peg-Lyte, Prep Lyte, Softlax, TriLyte, and all other brands with Polyethylene Glycol 3350 (PEG for short) as their active ingredient. The “3350” qualifier refers to the molecular weight of this particular variant of PEG.
Polyethylene glycol is made by stringing together molecules of ethylene glycol into a large polymer chain, hence the prefix poly-, Greek for many. On its own, ethylene glycol is used in automotive antifreeze and brake fluid. According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, it is an extremely toxic substance: In addition to neurotoxicity, the following serious complications have been associated with polyethylene glycol-containing laxatives:
● Nephrotoxicity: PEG has been connected to nephrotoxicity — an euphemism for kidney damage — when used as a drug solvent [link, link] or when applied to skin [4]. For these reasons PEG is contraindicated for patients with kidney disease. This particular “side effect” is most likely related to the hydrolyzed (separated in water solution) molecules of ethylene glycol.
● Urticaria: PEG may cause allergy-related hives (urticaria) — raised red welts on the surface of the skin. Children are particularly susceptible to hives, and face a grave risk of anaphylaxis — a life-threatening allergic reaction that may develop within minutes or even seconds after ingesting a PEG-containing laxative. Links between PEG and urticaria have been documented as far back as 1991 [link].
● Esophageal perforations: Also known as Mallory-Weiss tear, esophageal perforations associated with polyethylene glycol electrolyte lavage solution have been reported as far back as 1991. These tears and related bleedings may occur in the mucus membrane of the lower part of the esophagus, or upper part of the stomach [link].
This particular side effect isn’t directly related to MiraLAX which is taken in smaller doses, but the potential is always there, particularly among young children or patients with GI tract obstruction that may initially manifest itself as constipation.
● Encopresis. The involuntary passage of stools in toilet trained children is one of the nastiest side effects of taking PEG-containing laxatives. The same condition may affect adults, and for the same reasons — a continuous leakage of semi-formed stools from the large intestine, an outcome of PEG “working” too well.
All of the “collateral damage” from PEG shouldn’t surprise anyone, least of all seasoned chemists, pharmacists, and medical doctors. This industrial chemical is manufactured by The Dow Chemical Company for use in wood treatments, paints, coatings, rubber, textiles, detergents, and toilet bowl cleaners.
I have not been able to prove the fact that I suspect all those facilities and doctors pushing to patients to use Miralax in combination with Dulcolax as the new Colonoscopy Prep there must be some kind of kick back being given to those facilities and Doctors by Merick!
I now believe that my issues were not from the colonoscopy in and of itself but the over dose of Miralax and Dulcolax. My doctor simply brushed it all off when I confronted her about this and said there was nothing more she can do and for me to call her if in several weeks I still can’t eat solid foods. Be warned! and make sure that you do not voluntarily drink this poison. I can only hope that I do not have permanent damage from this.
I had a colonoscopy done about 10 years ago at a hospital that had been named “death valley” you check in but you don’t check out. I over looked the warnings and wound up with granilomas in both lungs and the worst infection I had ever had in my life! I could not breathe I started running fever the same night I had this procedure done on a friday but waited til
Mondayto see my regular doctor I was so sick Ithought I was gonna die I swear. Then after myvisit to the Dr they sent me back to thehospital to have more tests done spiralmeter something like that and then a few weeks later a heart test found out I had mitro valve prolapse had never even heard of this before I had buttloads of antibiotics including rocephin shotsthree of them to put it bluntly I was in a hot mess I swore I would never have another done again they removed a few polyps and I had one that had busted and started bleeding profusely like a period in your butt that was the reason for having the procedure to start with
I have colon cancer in my family so I was due to have another a few years later I put it off as long as I could and went to another place when I finally did have it done. The second procedure was a breeze and no complications of course it was at a well known hospital where they had given me excellent care once before for another problem I had been having in another area. No polyps and no respitory infection and thank god no grandilomas in both lungs! It was scary and I stayed very sickly for about 18 months after the first procedure I guess my regular doctors just were not sure what to treat for but thank god all granilomas are gone but there is some scare tissue on my lungs to anyone that has to have one done make sure it is in a place that has a respected reputation for health care.
Hi Patsy,
Thanks so much for taking the time to share your experience!
Kind regards,
Customer Care
I have had colonoscopy 9 months ago after one or two week begun constipation and bloated stomach and little later itching under stomach area, anyone knows what is the problem because my doctor keeps giving me tablets for itching and constipation. thanks for help
Hi Thomas,
I’m afraid that we’re unable to assist with a diagnosis as we are not qualified to do so. If your doctor has prescribed you medication for these symptoms then he or she should be able to give you more details as to what might be causing them (especially 9 months later).
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Be very careful not to be on antibiotics too long, because you can get C.diff. Antibiotics kill many of the good bacteria, as well as the bad.
Sometimes a dentist prescribes antibiotics when someone complains
of a tooth ache. Now, when someone develops C.diff you get diarrhea,
and you run to the bathroom 10 to 15 times a day. Then, you are sent
to have a colonoscopy to see if the bacteria is gone, and then you’re
told to have another one. By this time you’ve lost 30 to 50 lbs. and you are so thin, that you look like the “Walking Dead”. All the vitamins you are suppose to get from foods are gone. God help you.
Hello, dentist from Michigan! This time have another colonoscopy,
from another university to get a second opinion! Now we have a man
that has no energy from being sick over a year and a half. Some people get C.diff. a few times, and can develop other diseases from
being sick all the time. What I am saying is, you have to be your own
advocate, instead of doing everything you are told to do. There is a
lot of common sense to be used, to remove yourself from these doctors, and get a second opinion! I hope that I have helped at the
very least, one person. I wish you all the best of health. I am trying
to get my friend back from this disease, so I can visit him and go out
to eat like normal friends. I want him to live!!!
I had a colonoscopy and a small lump developed in my chest. It began to grow from pea to walnut to banana size.
Several trips to Drs and ER, was told it was ‘nothing’, fatty tissue, a healing cracked rib. Four months later I awoke unable to breathe. After a week in the hospital and several biopsies, still could not identify. I demanded transfer to better hospital where eventually I was diagnosed with Candida.
It had infected my rib and cartilidge.
Surgery cut out a chunk from my chest. I had an open incision which you could see into my chest cavity. This was packed with foam an a wound vac attached. The foam was pulled and changed every 48 hrs for a month.
Since I am a 46 Year old male, there is no way the Candida could have got in my chest except for the dirty scope.
The whole thing sucked, and I feel strongly it never should have happened. The doctors blew me off for months when I became sick, it took them weeks to identify it once I was hospitalized I was treated as if it were my fault.
The doctors had never seen a case like mine. Ever. I still have a 7″ scar. That’s what happened from my colonoscopy.
I was treated with meds for three months then released. Scared to see any doctors period. Sometimes I feel its coming back.
Thanks for this Intel.
Len Kahle Jr
Hi Len,
Thanks so much for taking the time to share your story. That is quite a scary situation indeed. We wish you all the best on your healing journey!
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Help!!!! I am absolutely terrified. I am almost 61 and have never had a colonoscopy.
I have a bad feeling about this because I have VA HealthCare. My gut is telling me not to do this. If something goes wrong the VA admits no liability whatsoever, especially the colonoscopy scandal in which Veterans were infected with HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis.
Hi David,
We aren’t qualified to advise you toward a course of action so we would recommend consulting with your doctor at the VA if you’re looking for more information about the process.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Has it gotten any safer to have a colonoscopy? I have had breast cancer n had polyps removed before but its time to get another colonscopy.
I have not heard of any new (more effective) sterilants being used, nor of disposable colonoscopes being available. If you have one I encourage you to do the before & after procedures given in the Report.
Jini, Why has your last colonoscopy been over twenty years ago?
I only underwent the colonoscopy that was part of the diagnostic tests used to confirm I had Crohn’s Disease at the time. I have not had another one since – that was now 31 years ago!
Had a colonoscopy last week. A few hours later developed sharp stomach pains. 8 hours later I was in the ER w a white blood count over 19,000. CT scan diagnosis- inflammatory/infectious colitis. Was given fluids and meds intravenously. Released on a cocktail of flagyl for 14 days, cipro for 10, and a clear liquid diet for 5 days. Not fun. And have no idea where I’m at….afraid to find out what I’ve picked up.
Ugh, I feel for you, that’s so awful. And that’s why I wrote this report. If you want to go the natural route, then the Post-Colonoscopy protocol in this report would be helpful. But if you need an overhaul, then see this book on Gut Infection:
*also available as an eBook.
I Was due for a colonoscopy today, I did a stool test and blood test a month back and all that was found was blastocystis hominis infection I used different Antibiotics but none of them worked for me. My doctor suggested that I do a colonoscopy since the fresh blood has not stopped everytime I go to the toilet.
For Darryl – March 29, 2016 post. Seven years ago, I contracted the Blasto parasite also (through contaminated pork loin). My hubby had diarrhea for 2 days. I had it for a week and decided something was definitely wrong. I didn’t make it far as that morning (Saturday) I was doubled over in paindiarrhea. GP got me into outpatient hospital for CT Scan (not happy about the extreme levels of radiation. Don’t care HOW quick it is). It showed inflammation of the intestinal tract. I took a ‘sample’ in and it came back with the Blasto results. Went to Gastro Dr. who INSISTED I have a colonoscopy…that familiar low-tone whisper of the 1950’s (it could be “cancer” (even though none runs in my family)). Precisely, two days later, my butt ‘felt funny’, tingly. By morning, I was doubling again in pain and diarrhea. Did another fecal culture, waited endless days to learn I had c.diff. and colitis The gastro Dr. was pretty useless except for prescribing vancomycin (of which I spent several $1,000 even w/insurance). He finally gave up and said my GP could dispense the prescription orders! My GP, wonderful woman, said, “Well, it sounds like we need to get GOOD bacteria in you!” I’ve learned through reading that sugar plays a great part in ‘feeding’ bad bacteria. It took 15 months from start to finish, adjusting my diet to where I’d really start pounding down good bacterial foods towards weaning off of vancomycin. Now, 10/31/16, again, pain, cramps, diarrhea in the morning. Went straight to GP for fecal culture and she insisted on CT Scan (ugh!). I delayed it a day (b/c of the radiation), but that night a batch of blood came whooshing out. GP was fearful of intestinal perforation. Only inflammation showed up from the scan. The ER wanted to ‘keep me several days’. Asked what they’d do and I told them I could do all THAT at home (I certainly didn’t need to waste money (thank you Obamacare as my deductible is way higher than 7 years ago!)). Now, this new gastro Dr. ordered a colonoscopy AND endoscopy which won’t be done for 3 weeks (I’ll be better by then – my symtoms are practically gone and everything is ‘normal’). I think he called the ‘drink’ in to the pharmacy so I’d HAVE to pick it up instead of getting it filled when I was ready to do so. After reading this blog, I thought about it over night, discussed it with my hubby, and have just cancelled ‘the drink’ at the pharmacy and will cancel the tests on Monday. Until they invent disposable scopes, I am not sticking anything foreign in either end again – too risky. People die from surgeries…not always from what they went in for, but, from what they caught at the hospital. I’ll take my chances when it becomes a life/death matter. This, they concluded, is ulcerative colitis (had blood this time which is the only reason I agreed to another radiation CT Scan). I had been eating waaaaay too many sweets and not enough healthy, homemade meals. I understand doctors wanting to use the ‘latest’ technology but I also believe they look at the $$$$ they get for doing these procedures. It was no different with the hospital wanting to keep me a few days for something I could do myself. The hospital is only 9 miles away and the rescue squads (2 of them) are only 3 miles away. I considered the ‘problem’ I have and the problem I experienced 7 years ago and concluded, without further medical evidence of illness, that the scopies are not for me unless it’s life/death and I am not seeing evidence of death.
Hello Connie,
Thank you for sharing your story. We completely agree that there are so many surgeries done un-necessarily that could in turn cause more problems. We strongly feel everyone needs to listen to their own intuition on what is best for their body in regards to the tests and surgeries. That is great that you were able to understand that was not in your best interest right now. Hope you healing continues to go well, and please let us know if you have any questions we can help you with.
Kind Regards,
Customer Care
Doe anyone know if they use peracetic acid to clean the scopes if it is safer than Cidex? Also can anyone tell me what experience they had with the scope being disinfected with Cidex. You can find out what they use by calling the endoscopy center and just ask and they will tell you. I read that peracetic acid is better at killing “bugs” but not sure if it is true. I think Olympus scopes are not compatible with peracetic acid. Also some use gas in childrens hospitals and that is a definite unknown for cleaning.
Hope someone out there knows something bout this as I need an upper and lower. Thank you.
I found this for you Steffie, but you would need to do more research and cross-reference sources:
Peracetic acid was introduced in 1955 as a disinfecting agent or sterilant, and is mainly used in the food and the sewage treatment industry. It has been used for decontamination of plastic isolators and medical equipment, but rarely in the UK. Its constituents are hydrogen peroxide and acetic acid and, as a concentrate, it is corrosive and irritating. It acts by releasing free oxygen and hydroxyl radicals and decomposes to oxygen, water and acetic acid.
Peracetic acid has rapid activity against vegetative bacteria, fungi, bacterial spores, and viruses.28-31 Vegetative bacteria, including mycobacteria, are killed in under five minutes andBacillus subtilis spores are destroyed in less than 10 minutes. There are two commercially available preparations: 0.2% peracetic acid (Steris) has been shown to reduce M tuberculosis and M avium intracellulare by 5 log10 in 15 minutes17 and 0.35% peracetic acid (Nu Cidex) has shown reductions in M tuberculosis H37Rv, M avium intracellulare, M kansasii, and M chelonae in 4–5 minutes.32 Peracetic acid has been shown also to be active against a range of viruses, including poliovirus, rotavirus,33 HBV, and HIV.34 Manufacturer’s tests using a 0.35% solution have shown log10 reductions of over 8 in suspension and surface tests with herpes simplex and poliovirus in less than five minutes’ immersion. Prevention of excystation of cryptosporidium has been reported with 0.2% and 0.35% solutions.35
Unlike Nu Cidex, the Steris peracetic acid can be used only in a dedicated machine (Steris System I Processor).36 This utilises 0.2% peracetic acid at 50°C in an enclosed machine. The disinfectant exposure time is 12 minutes with an overall process time of approximately 30 minutes. The machine is not marketed as a washer/disinfector but as a steriliser as it uses a sporicidal agent, once only, and rinses processed items in sterile (bacteria-free) water. The disinfectant, 35% peracetic acid, is supplied in a twin compartment, single dose, carton. This is punctured automatically when it is placed in the machine. As filtered water enters it dissolves the constituents and produces a working strength of 0.2% peracetic acid. The unit would appear to be user safe and highly effective in disinfecting/sterilising flexible and heat sensitive rigid endoscopes but it is expensive, takes only one flexible endoscope at a time and the long term effects on some endoscope components are yet to be established.
Nu Cidex is provided in a double compartment container. It is activated when the 5% peracetic acid concentrate in one compartment is released by the user into the buffered stabiliser/corrosion inhibitor in the other compartment. The container is designed so that the user does not come into contact with the solution until the use concentration of 0.35% is achieved. The in-use concentration is said not to cause irritation but there is an unpleasant vinegar-like smell.
During the first year or more of its use in the UK and Ireland in more than 180 hospitals there were 12 customer complaints about ‘Nu Cidex’, five concerning adverse health reactions to the product (personal communication Johnson and Johnson Ltd). The symptoms of these reactions have included runny nose, stinging eyes and a “clawing” sensation in the throat. In all cases it is claimed that the OES of the ingredients—that is, hydrogen peroxide and acetic acid, were not exceeded and the calculated level of peracetic acid in the atmosphere was almost negligible. It is believed that peracetic acid can exacerbate the symptoms of coryza and influenza. It would seem unwise therefore to recommend that Nu Cidex can be used safely without adequate ventilation and personal protective measures. In a recent survey conducted by the BSG Associates Group (as yet unpublished) 15 of 106 respondents reported they had tried or were using Nu Cidex as an alternative to glutaraldehyde. Six of these reported irritancy problems, eight stated that in their opinion, ventilation was required, six were concerned with processor compatability, and five with endoscope compatability. Two of the 15 users reported no problems. There were too few users of other glutaraldehyde alternatives to comment on compatability and irritancy problems. Whether allergic and direct toxicity will prove less with peracetic acid than with glutaraldehyde is as yet uncertain.
Nu Cidex is less stable than glutaraldehyde and, once prepared, requires replacement every 24 hours; thus storage of the containers can be a problem when space is limited. It can be used repeatedly over 24 hours providing dilution is not excessive. It is also considerably more expensive than glutaraldehyde but if sensitivity reactions and subsequent compensation claims prove to be significantly less frequent it may prove to be an important advance.
There is concern about the effect of Nu Cidex on some disinfection machines which contain polymer based seals and brass components within the hydraulic circuit. These are adversely affected after prolonged exposure (personal communication Olympus KeyMed Ltd) to peracetic acid. Information regarding automated machines produced by other companies is unavailable at present. It should be borne in mind that the disinfectant is in contact with processing equipment for much longer periods than the endoscope or accessories. Nu Cidex also causes discoloration and peeling of electroplated components and of the bending section of endoscopes but these effects seem to be purely cosmetic and have no functional consequences.
Provided this is confirmed by current trials, peracetic acid could be used as an alternative to glutaraldehyde. The manufacturer recommends exposure times for Nu Cidex of five minutes for disinfection and 10 minutes for sterilisation. The Working Party recommends five minutes’ immersion for bactericidal and virucidal activity. However, if sporicidal activity is required, 10 minutes’ immersion should be used.
Source: http://gut.bmj.com/content/42/4/585.full
Thanks Jini
The whole thing confuses me but I guess because most hospitals use Olympus equipment there is no choice but to go with the Ciudex. I don’t think it is Cidex Nu tho. I have only been told about Cidex OPA and plain old Cidex.
I just do not want to get Cdiff or something else from a colonoscopy as I have enough health problems without picking up more. If it was just a routine checking I would skip it but it seems the doc needs to have a look in there. I just hope I won’t be bleeding from the prep. I know it is probably not a fair question but in your opinion do you feel Cidex is just as safe to use as peracetic acid? Thanks you.
Hi Steffie,
I wish we had a better answer for you but I’m afraid that we cannot present an opinion one way or the other as we don’t have enough information available to us to do so.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
I have blood in stool for a long time.I am 17 years old
Hi Hamza,
We aren’t qualified to assist you with a diagnosis so we would suggest that you speak with your doctor to figure out what might be causing that symptom. If you receive a diagnosis for your condition and want to learn more about healing it naturally, you can visit our symptom section here:
Kind regards,
Customer Care
I has a colonoscopy done 2 weeks ago. As many lives have been saved if colon cancer if found early.
The prep is not nice, but a must . For the test will come out so much better. I had 3 before without a problem. This one, a few days after it knew there was something different . So called the doctor. And went to a urine culture. With the result, being a espherichia ecoli. I do not know, how common it is to get this from a colonoscopy. Not a happy camper for sure. As I never has this before the test. . But I did have a very good report. this time.
But I have other health issues that Im not suspose to get any infections at all. So now very very nervous. I was given cipro so hopefully it clears
it up fast. Anyone know how common it is to get espherchia ecoli from a colonoscopy?????
Hi Lori,
We can’t speak to how common your situation might be but E.coli is commonly found in the intestines, as I’m sure you’re aware, so it sounds like something went wrong at some stage of the process.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
I was diagnosed with Crohn’s back in 08 but was not on meds. Recently I had my second colonoscopy and my new doctor put me on Uceris and Azathioprine 50 mg. I was told it can cause my immune system to weaken and can cause Melanoma or Lymphatic cancer. I told the doctor I didn’t want to take it and she said I had 2 choices…either take the meds with the 6 in 100, 000 chance of getting those things or not taking it and getting colon cancer, needing surgery or losing my colon all together. I read your ordeal with your Crohn’s and I want to know if you can give me a regimen to take and will it be safe to take it while on my meds and maybe try to wean myself off of them. I just started the meds about a week now.
Hi Debra,
We aren’t qualified to give you any medical advice or comment on prescription medication (Jini included) but if you want to learn more about healing your Crohn’s disease naturally then a good place to start is at Jini’s symptom page for that at the link below:
You can also grab Jini’s free Crohn’s Quick Start Guide at that page by signing up in the little pink box on the left side.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
I am in San Antonio Texas and I was wondering if you knew of any Naturopathic doctors here. I only found one and his name is Dr. Michael Wells. Haven’t checked to see if he deals with this type of disease. I wish you were here!! 🙂
Hi Debra,
We don’t know of anyone in the San Antonio area but you might also find the kind of doctor you are looking for if you look for a practitioner focusing on “integrative” or “functional” medicine as these are often the same thing. If you’re unsuccessful in finding someone locally and still want a new opinion on your specific health situation, Dr. Paul Goldberg shares methods and protocols with Jini and has read all of her books. He is a very rigorous practitioner and like Jini, has healed himself of a serious chronic illness, so he understands firsthand what you’re going through. We can highly recommend him.
You can also watch this video for a detailed description of how Dr. Goldberg works and what’s involved with his healing approach:
Dr. Goldberg is located in the Atlanta area but has clients all over the world with whom he communicates via telephone and video chat.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
I forgot to mention I am also on Thyroid and high blood pressure meds for years. I would like to try to get off of those too but I am told that I will never be able to get off of them.
Read through the long chain of back and forths on this controversial topic/thread.
Kudos to you and Jini for putting up all the inputs including the pros and cons and the few that were hostile. LTYG is one honest site.
Secondly, the way you and Jini fielded the questions and comments was highly professional and helpful.
Best wishes,
Paul A. Goldberg
Hi Paul,
Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to share the kind words! Our goal is and will always be to provide information so that people can make more informed decisions about their health.
I was to have a colonoscopy in Dec 2015. I declined as I have no symptoms to call for the colonoscopy. I decided to have a Fecal Occult Blood test instead; if it had blood in my stool I would consider the colonoscopy. My doctor was fine with that as my last scoping showed clear, 10yrs ago. The articles on fob’s clearly show having this form of testing is less intrusive and much less dangerous. So I will have the fob every year. The fob I had last month showed no blood in my stool so I’m good with that as is my doctor. She insists if I’m doing this I HAVE to have the fob every year. I’m ok with that.
Hello Sharon,
That is great that you have found a way to avoid the colonoscopy. We can not comment on the fecal occult blood test or in it replacing the colonoscopy, but advise you to continue to do what you feel is best for you. Jini personally chooses to avoid doing the colonoscopies at all again. I myself refuse them and don’t see the benefit of them right now. I have known several people that seem to get worse gut problems after them. Hope you continue to do well with them. Please let us know if there is anything we can help you with.
Kind Regards,
Customer Care
If your fecal testing showed blood in your stool, would you have a colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy?
I noticed that you did not respond in the comments, to the concerns and other thoughts that Nitin raised concerning the need for colonoscopies. I understand your thoughts and facts about the sterilization of the scope, plus the other concerns you noted, but after having my Dad pass away from colon cancer because he did not have a colonoscopy in time to find this horrible disease, it was too late for anything to be done to rid his body of the cancer that had eaten through his colon into his liver.
Yes, I understand your concerns, but it seems to me as if you have protocols, and other methods, of helping one’s body deal with the after effects of having the colonoscopy. On the other hand, if one chooses NOT to have the procedure, I see no protocols, or other suggestions, that you have, for dealing with the cancer that can be in one’s colon, and not be found, due to choosing not to have a colonoscopy.
Would you please address this issue, and also Nitin’s concerns about this? I am truly a interested in the way you teach dealing with adhesions and some other abdominal problems, but this issue with not supporting the use of colonoscopies, is a very big concern that I see with your teaching and sharing with others. I would like to see you revisit this area again, talking about the many people, both young and old, who die of colon cancer each year, and how not receiving colonoscopies can help lower this number.
Retired – Thanks for your comment and I am happy to elaborate. This post does not encourage people to have colonoscopies because their own doctor, mass media, and the cancer industry are all fully on board with colonoscopy promotion.
This post is about CHOICE. About pointing out risks that doctors are either not aware of, or not educating patients about. At no point do I advise someone to not have a colonoscopy. If you downloaded the free eBook you will see that I have provided healing support for the colonoscopy procedure both before and after being scoped should the person choose to have one. The healing protocols should help to minimize the risks and also speed healing afterwards.
I had a colonoscopy and a gastroscopy around 5 weeks ago after being diagnosed with anaemia. Nothing was picked up of any concern which I am obviously pleased about but I didn’t think it was necessary in the first place.
Over the last week or so I developed an itchy bottom, which I ignored. Then I started to feel itchy and sore, still I ignored it. Now I have itching, soreness and a burning sensation that I cannot ignore. I checked myself in a mirror and was shocked at the state of my nether region! It is as red as a baboons backside. I assume I have an infection of some sort so have booked to see my GP,but it is a full 7 days before I can get in.
Is there anything I can use or do, to help meantime?
Thank you in advance
Hello Mazza,
Sorry to hear on the after effects of your colonoscopy, that does not sound pleasant at all! We believe the majority of colonoscopies are done unnecessarily. I know myself mine and many others I know were and felt worse after.
As for the rash I suggest you sign up for the free ebook on this page about Colonoscopies in the pink box on the left:
I would recommend trying to do the treatments for post colonoscopy in the book to help clear out the infection. Also Cocoa Butter may be beneficial for the discomfort. Here is the one we use:
I personally like to use Coconut Oil and ice packs as well for rash discomforts.
Hope you can get feeling better quickly! Please let us know if you can help with anything else.
Kind Regards,
Customer Care
Three years ago, I had a 3rd colonoscopy (3 over 20 years) at a hospital setting where they were overloaded with patients. Prior two procedures were OK. This one was not good. Normal bowel movements didn’t materialize and I excreted mostly mucus. Visit to physician prescribed Florastor, which is a mono probiotic. Did nothing. Went to drug store and found a broad spectrum probiotic under Walgreen label. It restored my flora. I use a broad spectrum probiotic daily with 10 different healthy microbes to this day. For years when I had occasional abdominal pain I knew it was from the sigmoid diverticulosis. Looking back, on the last 36 months, I felt that my abdominal pain was almost daily and mostly at night in bed. I’ve been living with it thinking I knew the cause. Several weeks ago, I had a CT scan and they diagnosed me with mild sigmoid diverticulosis and panniculitis. It is not common, but is a form of inflamed mesenteric connective tissue. Took a regimen of antibiotics and antifungal pills to see if that was the source of the inflammation. No change. Have found in the literature a number of cases being diagnosed after having the colonoscopy procedure. My question is: Could this condition be caused by a viral infection induced by the unsterilized scope or the toxic chemical used to disinfect the scope that was not properly cleaned? If this is the case, how do we fix the problem so others don’t go through this chronic pain and discomfort?
Hello Thomas,
Thank you for sharing your story. There is a good chance you got a infection from the colonoscopy. I myself and many family and friends I have known have had worse digestive problems after having them. All we can do is try to share this knowledge and hope it can get out there enough to save some from going through the same experience! I share this article whenever I hear someone is going to have a colonoscopy. Unfortunately people learn to have too high of trust in doctors instead of their own guts and research and have many invasive surgeries and medical tests. If you have any other thought or questions please let us know.
Kind Regards,
Customer Care
I had the same thing happen. Still getting SIBO from a colonoscopy.
I think (and so do most nurses I know) that it came from dirty equipment that they use. And the cleansing agents are very toxic.
It could be that they were not cleaned right or cleanser was not off the tool.
I still suffer
Hello Diane,
That is really sad. Did you read Jini’s free ebook on cleaning out your system after a Colonoscopy? If not you can get it on this page in the pink box on the left: http://www.listentoyourgut.com/symptoms/20/intestinal-stricture-or-bowel-obstruction.html
If you have any questions please let us know.
Kind Regards,
Customer Care
I ha a colonoscopy done about 2 months ago to rule out crohns and to check the health of my colon following a 11 year infection with E histolitica. They found a polyp that I opted to have removed at a later time. I had a follow up stool study done by my FDN following the colonoscopy and low and behold the e histolytica was gone! But I contracted giardia and klebsiella pneumoniae from the colonoscopy! Within a week of the procedure my bowel movements changed drastically and I was extremely tired and cramps. Now I am afraid to have to colonoscopy done to have the polyp removed for fear I’ll contract something else!
Hello Tarynn,
Thank you for the message. We have some treatment options that could help with the infections and symptoms and than you could hopefully avoid a further colonoscopy. Jini hasn’t done another Colonoscopy since her diagnosis almost 30 years ago to check if it is still there, she just goes off symptoms and treats it holistically accordingly. You can get a free ebook on this page on the left in the pink box to learn more about treatments after a Colonoscopies: http://www.listentoyourgut.com/symptoms/20/intestinal-stricture-or-bowel-obstruction.html
Also I would highly recommend researching the Wild Oil of Oregano on our website for infections. You can also sign up for that free ebook here: http://www.listentoyourgut.com/symptoms/36/the-flu.html
Here is some great information on treating infections: http://www.listentoyourgut.com/symptoms/54/an-intestinal-parasite.html
Also please check out our symptoms page for any other symptoms you may have for treatment recommendations: http://www.listentoyourgut.com/heal-your-symptoms.html
If you have any other questions please let us know. Hopefully this information will help you clear out those infections and feel better and avoid a future Colonoscopy.
Kind Regards,
Customer Care
Is it possible for transfer of HIV, HEP virus, fungal infections from endoscopy?
Are those responsible for removing human matter: blood, tissue, mucous, etc., now instructed to use Peracetic Acid instead of the Cidex (glutaraldehyde)? For it does require more time and many institutions lose $$$$ when the instrument is being cleaned.
I was informed dental equipment was not properly cleaned and is one of the factors why HepC is so rampant…but what about endoscopes????!!!
ONCOblot blood test…start saving your money…cancel cable tv for a bit and have this done. Or Colovantage.
As patients, we should have better CHOICES. Swallow the camera, too perhaps?
Best of health in your decisions for which ever procedure your doctor suggests. Be sure the doctor and those doing the scope are aware YOU know how filthy dirty those things are. And they ARE causing serious health issues to people.
Yes, unless *disposable* scopes are being used, then there is a risk of infectious agents being transferred from patient to patient.
And yes, why not have the less invasive tests done first?
why don’t they use disposable scopes and charge insurance more for the safety for everyone?
Hello Mary,
Wouldn’t that be nice!! Unsure if they have come up with that type of equipment to be used for Colonoscopies yet, but hopefully they can figure out a safer way to do them soon! Or at least not recommend them for every little symptom and routine check up these days. Thank you for the thought.
Kind Regrds,
Customer Care
Check out Cologuard, a stool test that is non invasive and recently FDA approved if you think you should be screened. It is now covered by most insurers. We live in a world where money is the driving force behind most medical recommendations, so be very careful with your choices and don’t forget that you are in charge of your body, no one else.
Be careful with that test as there are false positives, esp. in the elderly. I took the test and the result was positive and now I am being badgered by the doctor to have a colonoscopy. The company says in the elderly there are more false positives and that leaves them getting colonoscopies for nothing. Because I am hesitant about having the colonoscopy (mainly the prep as I hemmoraged once for 8 hours from explosive “D” and started up my Crohns). I was also told from an anoscope that the walls in my rectum are very thin – prob from years of Cortenemas and Proctocort plus I would need steroids orally day before, day of and day after procedure as I am allergic to the rubber in the bends of the scopes.
The company also admits they do not separate blood found from polyps in their report and it is possible to have had a bit of blood from a hemmy, etc. so if you get my drift….
Anyway, it alll boils down to do I want to take a chance or not. She said how bad colon cancer is and maybe I already have it being I had the positive result. I know she is just trying to be a good doctor but I just have a bad feeling about it.
hi Lorrraine, I have Kaiser and they send me the kit every year for stool test. is it the same one you mentioned? You very right, we are in charge of our body and myself I don’t totally trust doctors, dentists and nurses. They tend to suggest medications and high-tech medical procedures that are more harmful than beneficial for us. I try to limit unnecessary x-rays (I do dental x-ray every 2-3 years or when I feel I need it). Thank you for the advice
I have had ongoing problems with diverticulitis – which I think is caused from bacterial overgrowth – pain, diarrhea, whatever. I’m miserable. It rules my life. I had a colonoscopy and it was some sort of a miracle! Perfect stools. I mean PERFECT. All symptoms gone! I flushed out all the bad bacteria and stool build up, or fecoliths in my diverticula. The colonoscopy may not be great but that horrible God forsaken prep was awesome! Have you ever heard of such a thing?
Hello Monica,
We have never heard of colonoscopies curing a gut problem before, but that is great that the cleanse was able to help you so much. Jini highly recommends a probiotic retention enema, that also has a similar cleansing technique, but you replace what you clean out with the good bacteria of letting the probiotics sit in your gut for a couple of hours. Hopefully you can keep up feeling well. If you have any questions for us please let us know.
Kind Regards,
Customer Care
HELP…I don’t know if this is even the place but I am desperate. Had colonoscopy 2 days ago…diagnosis severe damage to mucosal lining from chemical colitis and had diverticulitis pouches. He put to staple like thing in rectum because of tears. They had me on liquid diet for two days. I am barely 100lbs….I tried to do the low fiber/residue diet they put me on but had tiny bowel movements and burning in intestines. Will absorb plus and Georges aloe help. I ordered it last night. Any other suggestions? I bought the book Listen to you Gut and read chapter 1 yesterday…did homework. I am too weak to do much. Please please help. Thank you
Hello Carieanne,
We have a lot of information on our recommendations for treating Colitis and Diverticulitis. The Absorb Plus and doing the elemental diet, and the Aloe Vera can be of great help. We recommend looking up the information for treating both on the symptom pages:
You can sign up on the left side in the pink boxes for more free information that may also be helpful.
The Listen to the Gut book has a lot of great information on treating both as well. I see you ordered the probiotics as well which can be of great help, especially to fight any infections after a Colonoscopy. You may also what to looking into the Wild Oregano Oil protocol as well. Jini also has a lot of great recommendations for gaining weight through the elemental diet with gut conditions. You made want to also look into adding in the healthy oils she recommends as well to help with that.
Please let us know if you have any other questions.
Kind Regards,
Customer Care
Jini, I had a colonoscopy done about 6 years ago, to try and gain insight to my changing IBD/IBS-D as I get older. Wish I hadn’t, as all they told me after it was I have IBS and the usual “B.S.” they all say to get you in and out and collect their paychecks. A few weeks after the procedure, I had a terrible perianal abcess well up for 6 or so days that ended up draining itself, after which I went to see a colorectal surgeon, who then identified it as a perianal fistula. He said it was open all the way through, not sure if to the rectum or just to the gland, but he wanted me to have another procedure similar (I think a sigmoidoscopy) to fully diagnose the fistula, and see if it went all the way through to either or both the gland/rectum/anywhere else. I strongly feel they caused the fistula with the cscope, not sure how, but I just feel it in my gut and intuition that is how it happened. I feel the scope tube is too wide in diameter to not cause irritation/inflammation/damage, especially in people with super sensitive and already distressed areas down there. Ever heard of this possible problem coming from a cscope? My IBS daily symptoms are diarrhea, urgency, colon spasms, and now this fistula, which has pain time to time and I cannot tell if any anal fluid leakage occurs or not. I was considering trying your DMSO diluted syringe method to try and heal it. Also of note, one year later (5 years ago) after the cscope and fistula diagnosis, my colorectal doc said it was only open on one end, that he could see that it did not go through to the gland and/or rectum/anywhere else. The only thing I could think of that I did during that time to possibly make one end of it heal up/close, is I used to, quite often, rub some fresh cut aloe vera on it, from my plants I grow, and only the inner filet/gel, not the skin, which I thought would may work, but am not sure. Thanks for any insight, and I am planning on buying your book and some of the healing natural options/methods you provide, as well as EFT. I have been meditating for a year or so, but need to get more serious about that as well, but I do believe those are the greatest methods to heal, and let the body heal after EFT is acquired.
Hello Jon,
We do not have knowledge of someone getting an anal fistula exactly from the colonoscopy, however it can definitely be a possibility, especially if you got shortly after yours. It sounds like you have a good plan on what to do now to continue to try to heal with the IBS and anal fistula. If you have any questions we can help you with, please let us know.
Kind Regards,
Customer Care
I had a colonoscopy five years ago and soon after I reported to the doctor that my anal was itching almost every day. After three doctors attributing it to a low fiber diet, hemorrhoids and then dermatology disorder, I had no relief for about 1,825 days.
Five years later it was time for a new colonoscopy. This time after my new doctor preformed the colonoscopy, my Anal Itching symptom disappeared completely.
I hope this information can help you.
I just had a colonscopy last week and since the day after I have had blisters on my rectum and vagina. What could cause this. Never had it til have colonoscopy. I am a cancer patient x2 and I’m not as healthy as others. But I need help.
Hi Tabitha,
Thank you for reaching out.
As Jini mentioned in her comment above dated July 04, 2015 – you may want to check into Gluteraldehyde (a common sterilant used for colonoscopes): “exposure to small amounts produces severe itching and skin rashes.”
Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
Kind regards,
Customer Service
As I stated above on March 20, 2017, I also had itching after a colonoscopy, this itching lasted about 5 years, relief came only when i had another colonoscopy. A sterilant at least for me was not the issue.
Would you be able to blow a brass instrument ( tuba) after having a colonoscopy
Hello Mick,
Thank you for contacting us. We aren’t aware of any detrimental effects caused by blowing tuba after having colonoscopy. It’s always best to check with your doctor.
Kind Regards,
Customer Care
If the fiber optic instrument is not properly rinsed to remove the sterilizing agent, the chemical residue can destroy the micro biome of the large intestine. A good multiple
probiotic is essential. Happened to me.
Hello and thank you for sharig this information about colonoscopy.
For very long time (six months or more) I’ve had some problems with my bowel movement, like itching, straining, pain, blood in my stool, etc.
I saw a doctor and she examined my rectum with her finger and said that I have anal fissure.
After trying some medicines, creams, sit bath, etc for nearly two month I felt a little better but someday I found out there was blood in my stool and after a few weeks my symptoms got worse and I had to strain every time I had bowel movement.
I revisted my doctor and she suggested I should have a colonoscopy.
I prepared myself for that but just a day before the test I had some bad dreams which led me to change my thought about the procedure. I read a few articles about the dangers of colonoscopy, so in fear and anxiety I cancelled it.
I said to myself that I can heal naturally if I change my lifestyle and tried to live a better life, though it was very hard for me in that situation. (I must mention that I had some other mental and physical problems like depression, stress, joint pain,… and I was very weak totally).
For a month I felt very better and hopefull and my stool was softer and I didn’t have to strain too much and no blood in my stool was seen. But one day everything changed for me and I saw a lot of blood in my stool again and still I can see that, althogh it’s not very much.
Now I’m very anxious and I think I may have colon cancer, because I have many symptoms related to this disease; I‘m very thin and weak and most the times I feel fatigue and have a bit pain in my stomach.
I’m 26 and live in Asia (Iran) in a poor city and the place in which this test is done is very awful and gloomy and ugly. I don’t know what should I do. Is it worth to go to a better city for this procedure done and see a better doctor or not?
Please help me, I feel very alone in this ugly country.
I’ve tried a lot to learn English to tell the world how painful I am. If I just survived, surely I would abandon my country.
Hi Noushin,
Thank for contacting us and for sharing. Unfortunately, we cannot help you with diagnosis because we’re not medical professionals. So it’s really best to see a doctor. After that you will know how to proceed. Also, please get a copy of Jini’s Book ‘Listen to your Gut‘ (also available in eBook).
For Fissures, you can start with these easy (low cost) remedies you can try first to heal your anal fissure. Link below. If they don’t work well enough, then you’ll likely need Jini’s custom-made FissureHeal suppositories.
It’s also good to use a stool softening and bulking agent so that you don’t have to strain or push too hard to have a bowel movement. You may want to try the bentonite clay/sprouted flax and chia powder combination as it should help to normalize the consistency of your stools.
If you suffer from chronic constipation, then there are many contributing factors and I really encourage your to get Jini’s book, Listen To Your Colon to heal the underlying causes of constipation. At the very least, see Jini’s video to help make bowel movements easier:
We wish you all the best!
Kind Regards,
Cris B
Customer Care
I would never ever recommend a colonoscopy. I was severely maimed and have gone through 5 major surgeries to repair the perforation. The doctor never told me that he perforated my colon. Video and pictures of the procedure are missing. I walked around for 10 months with a raging infection that nearly ended my life. I made numerous visits to the E.R., doctors and hospitalised on massive amounts of antibiotics. A doctor from out the area figured it out. Ten inches of my colon was removed then I came down with peritonitis. I endured two more surgeries and lengthy stay in the hospital. Not to mention the intense pain and suffering that I endured. Then a few months after that I had to have a complete hysterectomy. Then about 1 year later I developed three hernias that needed repair. I do not trust the medical community. The hack of the doctor is still practicing. The medical review board ignored my complaint.
Thank you for allowing these reports to be published. Patients need to be well informed. I am 65-1/2 and have managed to escape having a colonoscopy so far. My primary doctor was promoted high into administration, and I have another doctor now. I have only seen her 2 times and she is pushing this test without taking my “no”. I am well-educated on this procedure; I have an identical twin who has had it and is physiologically the same as me. I have 5 stepsisters who have also had them…and there are several horror stories. The title of this blog caught me…I do not disregard reason, but I very strongly feel my gut warning me not to have one. This is not fear, this is something else.
My twin: She had a nightmare experience over ten years ago. After months of residual severe anxiety and other issues, she requested her medical records of the procedure. There was little entered and something very questionable: a cross-off correction on her records. In two places the procedure was said to have lasted 10 minutes; in both places, the time was crossed off and said “12”. Obviously her colonoscopy was never completed, as they take much longer. One wonders if they needed to say “12” for insurance coverage? She said she “came to” after 2 hours (!) in a screaming match with a nurse. She had severe anxiety and other issues for the better part of a year (PTSD?) Don’t tell me it wasn’t excruciating. And my colon would be the same as hers. When I brought up pain to my doctor, she skirted around it.
I am a heart patient on a pacemaker. My pulse and BP can shoot up dangerously very easily, but I finally got to the point that during routine visits it’s no longer bad. Pain? Well that would put it over the top. All this I brought up, but my current doctor (gonna shop for another) has been so pushy that a gastro office has called me 3 times to schedule! Everything in me is saying don’t do it, I would regret it. My gut.
My mother-in-law had a friend who was bullied into one. She kept saying that she she felt strongly something bad would happen, but eventually she caved. Four hours after being home, she bled out and died (obviously perforated).
I am sure lots of people can tolerate the test and it goes ok, but there are risks no one wants to discuss! We the patient have a choice. Will be looking for another doctor as a doctor who refuses a patient’s “no” is a red flag.
I had one colonoscopy ten years ago. A polyp was removed and I was told to have another colonoscopy in ten years. A workmate had some bowel issues last fall so doctor insisted on colonoscopy. She did as was told. Some time afterward she was back in the hospital diagnosed with c. Diff. Was on an IV in the hospital for some days antibiotics and fluids as she was dehydrated. I took the Fit Test. Came back positive. I have internal, external hemorrhoids, diverticula, IBS, Lichen Sclerosus ( LS causes the skin around the anus to be very thin and prone to bleeding). So right after my positive test reading my doctor suggested a colonoscopy. My Gyn said the positive reading could be from my LS as even having a slightly large or constipated bowel movement will cause my anal area to bleed as the skin will tear. Also my hemorrhoids bleed quite a lot also. So I babied my skin there for a couple months and retook the test. It was negative this time. In the interim I read these blogs on this website, I also looked at alternative sites. One site was on thermography. So I had a thermography done and it showed no inflammation anywhere near my colon. To understand what that means please read up in this procedure if thermography. It does not detect colon cancer but can tell if you have inflammation anywhere which usually indicates infection or something going on.
Thermography doctors do not promote this as a means to detect any cancers. They strongly suggest if there is inflammation seen that you contact your physician. Thermographies are also used IN conjunction with mammograms to detect breast cancer. If you are interested in this, please read all the info on it first.
Anyway I’m pretty confident now that my first Fit Test was abnormal due to my others areas where bleeding came into play.
Just my thoughts. Thank you for reading.
Oh. By the way I am 67 and I will never have another colonoscopy. They are too risky, cannot see all areas of the colon anyway and no guarantee they can see flat-lesions polyps.
Just my thoughts.
Nonsense! Absolutely false informations. You are a big liar and persons like you just frighten people to earn a lot of money for themselves and to keep poor patients in fear and frustration! I was so stupid that for a long time had read your meaningless articles and even appreciate you for these nonsenses! I’ve had a colonoscopy and didn’t even feel a pain during it and after that I found I’d had hemorrhoids for several months, but because of fear I wouldn’t go to doctor and treat my illness!
Not sure who you are directing your reply to but it would be nice to remain respectful when you reply.
Instead of undergoing colonoscopy we can always use supplements that are made up of homeopathic ingredients.When your gut is unhealthy, it can cause more than just stomach pain, gas, bloating, or diarrhea. So it is very important to take care of your gut. Bowtrol Ingredients helps to maintain a healthy gut.
Just wondering if anyone has had the Fit Test and came back positive. Did you have a colonoscopy?? Or what did your doctor advise?
I’m very hesitant as I know those scopes are disgusting and not a fan!!!
Hi Sharon,
Thanks for your comment. Jini haven’t had another one done since her first colonoscopy years ago. We haven’t heard from anyone about the accuracy of the Fit test, so we cannot comment on this. You may be able to get some insight here:
We wish you all the best!
Kind Regards,
Cris B
Customer Care
I am already subscribed to your emails. I had my first colonoscopy 10 years ago with no repercussions once I was able to endure the procedure. I had to be sedated. I had a bleeding episode last September two weeks after I returned from a trip to Australia. I apparently stressed my system out too much with the travelling and trying to jump into normal activities when I got back and took way too much Motrin for knee pain due to arthritis, which thinned my blood and made me sensitive to bruising, etc.I went into ER passing blood and clots, was transferred to a hospital for more tests and did not eat for two days which really irritated me. I screamed at all the health practitioners that I wanted to go home on the 3rd day as my bleeding had drastically reduced and they agreed to let me go. the intestinal bleeding stopped completely a week later. I had to work on anemia for three months and recovering my strength but I am back dancing again. my specialist asked me to do a colonoscopy and endoscopy to rule out internal bleeding which I did with the help of SEDATION. I have diverticulosis and the tests came out negative, thankfully. no surgery, nothing snipped. done. I am doing fine except for occasional gas which I have dealt with all my life. nothing new. I consider myself blessed. no infections. rbc count is back to normal and I do not take Motrin. I use ibuprofen now for knee pain.
I had a colonoscopy in March 2017. Prior to that I Jan 2017 i started work in a basement infested with mold unknown to me at the time. One week after starting my skin on my hands became scaly and red especially around the knuckles of pie my and ring fingers. Then I March 2017 I had colonoscopy and returned to the moldy basement. I did developed crazy problems strange bowel movements funny things in stool and digestive issues. Today my bowels are still not normal. Is it possible my colon was emptied from colonoscopy prep and when I returned to the moldy basement these things took over? Just trying to figure this out. I had a gi map test for stool recently and it showed high levels of candida albicans and other candida species.
Hi Mike,
We can’t really speculate about any impact that the mold may have had on your gut health but it sounds like you’re on the right path to figuring it out. In the meantime, you may want to consider supplementing with probiotics (as Jini talks about above) to improve your gut flora situation. For more info about that, check out this other post by Jini:
Have a great day,
Customer Care
Hi folks! Let me give you some background about me: Doctor wanted to do a colonoscopy on me; after all it has been 11years since the last one. I said no because I heard they were dangerous. Okay then let’s have you do the colon guard test. Great I thought, no invasion! Well the results came back saying I has no DNA! So they ordered another colon guard test. They said the results came with some cancer cells so they want to order a colonoscopy for me! My first thought was ‘Is this test a false positive?’. Second: what will a colonoscopy solve? I live a very healthy lifestyle, so as you might assume all this surprises me. Please get back to me.
Hi Cory,
I’m afraid that we cannot give you any guidance or advice about your specific health challenges as we are not a health professional and are not qualified to do so.. So you need to discuss this with your doctor if this is really necessary, or any alternative tests, etc. Also read all literature, articles in Jini’s blog regarding colonoscopy, risks, what to do during post and pre colonoscopy. Links below:
We wish you all the best and let us know if you have any additional questions.
Kind Regards,
Cris B
Customer Care
I acquired SHINGLES
Immediately after Colonoscopy
anyone had a similar incident?
I feel as though I got c-diff by cross contaminated colonoscopy. Is there any way to find out if there’s been an increase of reported c-diff cases at that hospital? Is there a way to get an investigation from anyone like maybe the cdc?
Hi Ericka,
I’m afraid that we don’t have any information about researching something like that, but it sounds like you’re on the right track if you’re thinking of starting with the CDC. Even if they don’t have any useful info, perhaps they can point you in the right direction. We would love to hear how your investigation goes, whether it’s successful or not, and wish you all the best!
In good health,
Savannah B
Customer Care
After years of enjoying good health and avoiding doctors, I started suffering fatigue and shortness of breath at age 69. Time for an all over checkup. Lungs, fine. Heart, fine. Blood sugars, fine.
However, I had severe anemia. A FIT test was positive. The ensuing colonoscopy revealed colon cancer, stage lll.
I opted for surgery yes, chemo no. So far so good, that was 7 years ago. I had a right hemicolectomy, meaning the business end still works normally. I have had two more colonoscopies since then, because they are a good way to remove polyps.
Should one be aware of the dangers? Yes. But as Nitin remarked, let’s not get so scared that we rule out a potentially life saving technique.
By the way, I live in Canada. Money is not a factor in these decisions. I highly recommend socialised medicine.
Very true – which is why each of us must do our research and listen to our own gut! The report also contains instructions for pre- and post-colonoscopy, to minimize the risks and restore the gut flora, which is very important.
I think I may have gotten a herpes infection from a colonoscopy. I have been in a monogamous relationship for 33 years and my husband does not have any antibodies so it isn’t from him.The spot showed up on my backside not long ago and I don’t know how else to explain it. Has anyone heard of this happening? I read that this happened to some patients in Australia following a colonoscopy and that a number of patients in the US were notified that they needed to be tested for HIV and Hep C following possibly contaminated colonoscopies. Although I had a polyp I’m so afraid to do this again now.
Get the COLOGUARD test mailed to you, and mail back. Get results from your doctor!
It won’t pick up polyps, but if you don’t have cancer in your family, I wouldn’t worry.
Another thing, you should contact the Surgeon General’s office about what happened to you. Humans, can be lazy leading dirty!
Not everyone is doing their job properly.
Talk to a lawyer. As far as the infection, their are antibiotics that you should not have to pay for. I’m sorry this happened to you. Love prevails! Good luck.
True story: Awhile back I did the Cologuard test and it came back “no DNA”. I asked someone else what that mean and they said , ‘no cancer ‘. However they pushed me for a 2nd test with the cologuard and I reluctantly agreed just to shut them up. However they claim that the 2nd time came positive. For a few reasons I didn’t want to go through it: 1. I had surgery not too long ago that remove 1_foot of intestine. 2. I go easy when I go do a #2.. It all comes out easy with little effort. No problems. 3. That prep solution makes sick! I read somewhere that it is chemically related to a poison. Well I haven’t gotten the colonoscopy and I am doing good.
After reading everyone’s comments I actually feel lucky!
After my 2nd colonoscopy I experienced extreme diarrhea. I was running to the bathroom 14x a day. after 1year it was down to 10x a day. I lost weight, became exhausted, began having anxiety for the first time in my life, and started loosing teeth. My Dr said I was fine and honestly I didnt trust him to help me anyways.
I ate fermented foods with every meal and lived on slippery elm bark and chicken broth. Now 8 years later, most of the time I maintain a 24 hour or more transit time but I can get the diarrhea at any time and my flora is still not optimal. whatever makes poop stick together is not in my bowels as the turds just crumble apart in the toilet even when not excessively watery.
A few years back I read “Science For Sale” by Dr David Lewis who you quote in the article above. It was such a revelation! He is a brave scientist who started his own whistleblowers association for Doctors and Scientists. He also revealed that dental equipment was passing the AIDS virus from patient to patient. That was in the 90’s. In the 70’s he got fired from the EPA because he demonstrated that “liquid fertilizer waste” that was really untreated septic sludge being spread on farmers fields was contaminating food. Please support his group! He saved me from going crazy as everyone would just look at me like I was insane when I tried to tell them that my problems all started with the colonoscopy.
I now believe that I got infected with some very aggressive Flora. Perhaps the kind that causes Chrohns?? I dont know.
I hope the equipment improves before anyone else’s lives are destroyed. Glad to see that the word is finally getting out