Browse Blog

Meals For Busy Healthy Kids

Here's one of the things I dread the most: My kids coming home from school/activities wailing, "I'm starving!!" Usually, they only have 15-30 minutes before they have to rush off to a sports event. Sometimes, we have to bring them food in the car, because they have to eat on the way from school to [...]

By |2023-03-28T15:10:18-08:00May 22nd, 2022|

How To Make A Natural, Sugar-Free Slurpee!

We've just had a big, fresh snowfall here in Vancouver, Canada and the kids have been out sledding, making snowmen, and thoroughly enjoying themselves. Then this morning, my daughter Zara comes in with a big hunk of snow to snack on - which is exactly what I used to do as a child! However, she [...]

By |2023-03-29T14:16:46-08:00December 21st, 2013|
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