Browse Blog

Parasite Infection from Mexico – Powerful Natural Remedy

I received this powerful story from one of my long-time readers and she gave me permission to share it with you. She got a parasite infection in Mexico, that affected her body and took down her health. How I Contracted Parasite Infection in Mexico "We bought a condo (our refuge in crazy times) in Baja [...]

By |2024-08-28T20:34:16-08:00October 23rd, 2024|

Mold Exposure – Aspergillosis – Symptoms & Causes

All About My Personal Journey Battling Mold Exposure Have you ever been exposed to mold? Or have you been dealing with chronic mold symptoms? I wanted to share my journey with mold because of how much of an impact it had on my Ulcerative Colitis journey. The deeper I delved into this, I saw how [...]

By |2024-08-23T05:09:44-08:00August 28th, 2024|

Wild Oil of Oregano: Benefits, Uses, Dosage

Wild Oregano Oil has gained popularity for its potential health benefits and we at LTYG LOVE it! But how can you make the most of this natural remedy? How did I use it when treating my Ulcerative Colitis, especially since I was so hypersensitive to every new supplement? In a recent Q&A livestream on YouTube, [...]

By |2024-08-23T05:14:56-08:00July 31st, 2024|

Why You Must Clear Pathogens Before or During an Elemental Diet

This reader's experience shows why it is absolutely crucial to use Jini's Wild Oregano Oil Protocol - or the anti-pathogen treatment of your choice - before, and/or during an elemental diet. "I started the Elemental diet for over 7 weeks. I experienced persistent weight loss and eventually could barely stomach water. I was offered hospitalization [...]

By |2023-09-29T11:11:15-08:00October 25th, 2023|

How to Use Lysine for Cold Sores and Herpes

My father, myself, and my kids all carry the herpes virus (stats show 67% of people under age 50 are infected) and it breaks out on my lips, and around and inside my nose whenever I get short of sleep, or stressed = run down. Remember: healthy food, enough sleep and low stress are cornerstones [...]

By |2023-06-05T11:55:42-08:00June 4th, 2023|

Wild Oregano for Hand Foot & Mouth Disease

Can you use wild oregano oil for hand foot & mouth disease? The best way I can answer this question from a reader is by telling you a story of my own personal experience with hand, foot, and mouth disease when my son was 2 years old. "Hi! I'm awaiting a Dr appointment for my [...]

By |2023-03-31T11:48:38-08:00March 31st, 2023|

Jini’s Probiotic Retention Enema and Wild Oregano Oil Protocol

A while back I posted about Jay "The Gut Ninja" Baluk's success using my Probiotic Retention Enema. Well, since then, both Jay and I have had a LOT of requests from people who don't want to get my comprehensive Listen To Your Gut program, they just want Jini's Probiotic Retention Enema and Jini's Wild Oregano [...]

By |2024-03-20T07:14:39-08:00February 3rd, 2023|

Nasal Irrigation (Neti Pot) For Allergies Or Infection

Nasal irrigation is a cheap and easy way for people with allergies, nasal congestion, stuffy noses and post-nasal drip to get relief, says Dr. Melissa Pynnonen, co-director of the Michigan Sinus Center and an assistant professor in the University of Michigan's department of otolaryngology: "For most patients, the benefit of nasal irrigation is that it [...]

By |2023-04-05T21:40:47-08:00January 28th, 2022|

How Long Should I Take An Anti-Pathogen?

Hello! Linsy here, and I'm back to answer another fantastic LTYG reader question! This week’s question reads: "How long should I take an anti-pathogen? What factors aid in determining how long to continue the oregano oil protocol or when to stop it - temporarily or otherwise?" In short, you will have to listen to your [...]

By |2023-04-05T20:23:16-08:00August 25th, 2021|

My Son Caught the Flu

My 14-year old son has been overseas at a soccer school for the last 2 weeks and recently contracted a certain flu bug (nudge, wink). So I sent him the link to my wild oregano flu protocol and told him to begin treatment immediately. Of course I had packed him a full medicine bag in [...]

By |2023-04-05T21:18:53-08:00May 24th, 2021|

Anti-Pathogen Treatment to Heal Your Gut

Anti-Pathogen Treatment to Heal Your Gut Here at LTYG, we refer to anti-pathogens a lot! But what exactly are these, and what do they do? Today I want to give some clarity surrounding anti-pathogens, as well as tips on how these should be taken. An anti-pathogen is any drug or supplement that counters the effects [...]

By |2023-04-05T20:26:29-08:00April 5th, 2021|

How to Make Your Own Wild Oregano Oil

One of my lovely readers in Ghana has no access to commercial wild oregano oil, however she does have access to fresh wild oregano leaves - awesome! Professional manufacturers use either steam distillation or cold-pressing methods to extract the highest quality, most potent oregano oil from the leaves, which requires specialized equipment. But there are [...]

By |2024-09-23T13:01:14-08:00March 8th, 2021|

Colloidal Silver – A Triple Whammy!

Let's talk about Colloidal silver! Just like wild oregano oil, there are SO many uses for this anti-pathogen agent. This is due to colloidal and nano-sized silver being antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial - a triple whammy! The silver ion (Ag+) is bioactive, and in sufficient concentration readily kills bacteria in vitro. Silver also kills bacteria [...]

By |2023-01-24T18:50:26-08:00January 12th, 2021|

Jini’s Natural Healing Protocol for Helicobactor Pylori

What is Helicobactor Pylori? Helicobactor Pylori (or H. Pylori) is a bacteria often found in the stomach, as it can enter your body and live in your digestive tract for years. This can lead to painful sores, or ulcers, in the lining of your stomach and intestines. Over a long period of time, it may [...]

By |2023-07-21T12:25:57-08:00June 24th, 2020|

Non-Toxic Aloe Vera, Silver, H2O2, Hand Sanitizer

For a few months now, I've had many people write in asking if George's Aloe Vera is suitable for making your own DIY hand sanitizer. Well, the answer is yes - however, actually washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds is the BEST way to go! That being said, sometimes [...]

By |2023-04-13T09:32:51-08:00June 17th, 2020|

Forest Chat: Microorganism Consciousness – Fungi, Bacteria, Virus

When you're trying to get rid of a stubborn case of C. difficile infection, or Candida overgrowth, have you ever stopped to think about WHY that microorganism chose you, or won't depart from you? Join me as I chat with Dr. Juliet Ghodsian (who has also completely healed herself of Crohn's Disease) about a completely [...]

By |2023-01-26T10:13:47-08:00May 20th, 2020|

Home Remedies for Lung Infection

Home Remedies for Lung Infection If you suspect you've been exposed to a viral or bacterial infection that targets the lungs then there are two things you can do immediately to flush the pathogen and prevent becoming infected: Flush your sinuses using a Neti pot, and/or inhale Eucalyptus essential oil in a steam tent. However, [...]

By |2024-02-02T02:59:05-08:00March 24th, 2020|

Inhaled Glutathione & Hydrogen Peroxide for Lung Inflammation, Pneumonia, Emphysema, Infection

Inhaled Glutathione & Hydrogen Peroxide for Lung Inflammation, Pneumonia, Emphysema, Infection You may have heard about glutathione's beneficial effect on the immune system, but did you know that you can inhale it directly into your lungs and receive it's beneficial healing action? Likewise, you can use food-grade hydrogen peroxide to directly affect healing of lung [...]

By |2023-12-17T20:58:36-08:00March 20th, 2020|

Fear of Infection – Move into Right Action & Transformation

With all the craziness going on in the world surrounding the Coronavirus, it is easy to get caught up in the fears being perpetuated by mass hysteria. You've read or heard about people over-buying toilet paper, paper towels, wipes, and hand sanitizer in bulk, and it is becoming more common that stores are running out [...]

By |2023-04-07T12:54:23-08:00March 18th, 2020|

Wild Oregano Oil Antiviral Protocol for Flu Bugs

When the swine flu pandemic first broke out, back in 2009, I had received emails from both readers and family/friends who were worried about contracting it. Now with new flu bugs every season, you might want to have some self-treatment, natural tools in your toolkit. So, I'm going to share with you what I do, that [...]

By |2023-04-05T21:13:13-08:00March 16th, 2020|

Where can I find out more about Wild Oregano Oil?

The most common question we receive about Wild Oregano Oil is whether or not you can use it along with probiotics - and the answer is yes! However, you'll want to make sure there are at least 2 hours between taking the wild oregano oil and the probiotics. I have compiled some links below to [...]

By |2023-04-05T21:30:44-08:00February 14th, 2020|

Reverse Disease: Heal, Flush Toxins, & Rejuvenate

This gut-healing and whole-body detox protocol utilizes a number of key substances and processes to heal a wide variety of diseases, flush out toxins and take your health to the next level of vibrancy. It’s a protocol that builds upon the Raw Milk Cure, which I have blogged about in the past. I'm going to [...]

By |2023-04-05T21:10:21-08:00February 5th, 2020|

Flu Pandemics – What You Can Do To Protect Yourself

When I first published this blog post, I had come across a news article from Associated Press (AP - one of the major news feed services to all large newspapers across North America and worldwide) that raised alarm about a new bird/pig/human hybrid virus that was sweeping through Mexico killing healthy, strong people (2009). At [...]

By |2023-01-31T17:05:51-08:00December 6th, 2019|

Fear of Parasites and Infection

When you have a chronic illness, or your health has been seriously compromised, you can become very afraid of other organisms invading your body. Especially organisms classed as parasites, viruses or infectious bacteria. However, the problem with not feeling safe, is that it really stresses your immune system! So although we have tried-and-tested protocols here [...]

By |2023-04-14T11:34:37-08:00January 13th, 2016|

Natural Remedy for UTI – Bladder Infection – Cystitis

Thanks to repeated requests and my own dear Mum, I have just uploaded a new treatment to the HEAL YOUR SYMPTOMS section of the site - An effective, natural remedy for Bladder infections (UTI or Cystitis). My own mother suffered from recurring cystitis or bladder infections for years and kept having to see the doctor [...]

By |2023-04-13T09:05:03-08:00May 21st, 2014|

Testing Your Gut For Infection

If you have any of the symptoms of IBS or Crohns, colitis and diverticulitis, it's safe to say your gut microbiota is unbalanced and unhealthy. With too many "bad" microorganisms (yeast, bacteria, viruses, parasites) and not enough good ones. But sometimes it's useful to know exactly what and how your gut flora is unbalanced and [...]

By |2023-02-23T09:32:24-08:00September 13th, 2013|

Intravenous Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy

Five days after the birth of my third child, Hugo, I was diagnosed with seven different bacterial infections. No one could figure out why/how they occurred, but the most serious involved two bacterial infections in my blood (sepsis) and also a bacterial lung infection (pneumonia). As an aside: I know why they occurred - it [...]

By |2023-03-08T12:58:01-08:00December 30th, 2010|

Vitamin C Makes Antibiotics Stronger

Following is a fantastic article showing that high dose vitamin C greatly improves the efficacy of antibiotics. Similarly, since Wild Oregano Oil is also an antibiotic, it too should be potentized if taken with high doses of vitamin C. Shortly after the birth of my third child, Hugo, I had to go to the hospital [...]

By |2023-03-08T13:01:54-08:00October 26th, 2010|

Everything You Need to Know About the Quad Synergy Pathogen-Parasite Protocol

If you suffer from a resistant parasitic, or microbial infection, then I'm going to give you an incredibly powerful natural remedy you can use to heal your body and restore a healthy gut-critter population. First, I'm going to tell you how I came to research parasites and what constitutes 'infection' and my thoughts about the [...]

By |2024-05-20T22:02:52-08:00July 26th, 2010|

Avoid Hospital-Acquired Infections

Did you know that: 1.4 million people at any given time are suffering from a hospital-acquired infection? 98,000 people per year die from hospital-acquired infections in the U.S.? For more information on which infections are commonly picked up in a hospital environment and also how to protect yourself if you do wind up in the [...]

By |2023-03-16T08:14:56-08:00May 31st, 2010|
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