Browse Blog

Ensuring Fungus-Free Digestive Enzymes: A Comprehensive Guide

Ideally, you should get your digestive enzymes from your food (raw foods, fermented foods, homemade yoghurt, etc) and from your body's own production. However, for those times when you just cannot get enough natural enzymes, or you need some additional support as your own body's production is not up to par. I have found these [...]

By |2023-10-20T06:54:46-08:00August 15th, 2023|

Is Fasting Good For Your Gut?

Is fasting good for your gut? Hi all, Linsy here! Do you have any experience with fasting, and/or have you found it helpful in your own personal healing journey? Some people swear by it, and others it just doesn't work for them. And that's okay! Everybody is different, which is why we are always advising [...]

By |2024-02-22T11:21:56-08:00July 25th, 2023|

Using Sugar to Relieve Nausea?

Sometimes I read interesting things on Quora, and this post caught my eye because the author's friend is from Iran, where they use rock sugar infused with saffron to calm nausea. At first she thought this was extremely weird - but Nabat sugar is a popular remedy throughout the middle east. Why? Then she realized [...]

By |2023-05-30T21:11:10-08:00May 30th, 2023|

Soothing Foods to Eat While Healing the Gut

There are many foods that counteract and delay the healing you’re trying to achieve because they are just too harsh on the, the question here is what can you eat?? In this video, I provide you with a list of gut-soothing food options which are fantastic when trying to heal your gut.  What [...]

By |2023-01-18T09:48:02-08:00July 19th, 2021|

Great Healthy Digestion Plan – Birth to Death

This is one of the BEST videos I've seen of a science-backed, yet down-to-earth, practical education on the digestive process. Barbara O'Neill is an Australian naturopath and nutritionist - who has 8 children! But even if you just watch the first few minutes - you'll get the best understanding of why/how digestion begins in the [...]

By |2023-04-13T09:32:14-08:00June 12th, 2018|
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