Whether it be relationships, healing, self-love – are you willing to commit? Are you willing to step out of the “magic pill paradigm,” and instead listen to what your body is saying? What message is your body trying to tell you?
Join Jini Patel Thompson and Dane Johnson as they get into higher-level healing (80/20 rule), listening to your own body’s needs, colon healing therapy, and some natural home remedy options for fistulas and fissures such as FissureHeal, comfrey root, wild oregano oil, DMSO, etc.
For those clients and readers who may be suffering from fistulas and fissures, it is not easy! Keeping your stool soft/liquid long enough to heal your tissue throughout all layers to prevent re-tears, the benefits of elemental and half-elemental diets, at-home suppositories using comfrey salve or Vitamin E as a healing agent, and more potential options are discussed in this video.
Please leave any comments you may have below! All resources mentioned in video are linked below as well:
FissureHeal Suppositories (3:37)
Comfrey Root (9:10)
Organic Traditions Sprouted Chia/Flax Seed Powder 16 oz (13:48)
Fissures Symptom Page (15:05)
Read Jini’s blog post: “I Get The Message and the Symptom Disappears!” (19:33)
Basic EFT Manual included in Jini’s blog post (21:53)
Read Jini’s blog post: “How Can Your Cells be Healthy If You Eat This?” (26:39)
Comfrey Root Salve (30:39)
Anal Fistula Symptom Page (35:12)
Rectovaginal Fistula Symptom Page (35:12)
Read Jini’s blog post: “Jini Patel Thompson and Dane Johnson talk probiotics.” (41:35)
Read Jini’s blog post: “Perianal Abscess & Fistula – Natural Treatment.” (43:19)
Read Jini’s blog post: “Laser Therapy For Peri-Anal Abscess or Fistula.” (44:04)
Read Jini’s blog post: “DMSO Protocol For Anal Stenosis or Rectal Strictures.” (44:46)
Read Jini’s blog post: “How To Heal Internal and External Hemorrhoids (DMSO).” (44:48)
Wild Oregano Oil (47:12)
Read Jini’s blog post: “The Power of Feldenkrais Bodywork.” (52:59)
Dane Johnson: The Shield Course & Personal Health Coaching
Savannah is Jini’s assistant. An avid cook who loves to travel, is fluent in Spanish and has a particular affinity for animals. Savannah is always ready with helpful resources and answers to challenging questions.
Dear Jini:
A friend is in the hospital with a 2 mm fistula in her intestine, after a colon cancer surgery. She is very low on protein, so she’s recovering those levels first. Would you recommend some of the steps you mention here for her healing process?
Thanks so very much for any comment on this.
I love all your recommendations.
Hi Nora,
Unfortunately we are not medical professionals and we cannot recommend anything regarding treatment, however Jini did use these at home remedies for her fissure and it worked well.
If you choose to implement any of these options, I’m curious to hear your feedback. =)
Savannah B
Customer Care
Hi jinie,
I am 18 years and i have chrons and multiple fistulas of 10 mm which relapse even after surgery.is there any solution through laser treatment permanantly?.and how could i take those treatment from india and also there is no treatment here for those problems in india .
Hi Harrini,
Jini actually created a blog post after one of her readers sent in her story about her son’s success with laser therapy. You can read about it here, “Laser Therapy For Peri-Anal Abscess or Fistula:” https://blog.listentoyourgut.com/laser-therapy-for-peri-anal-abscess-or-fistula/
Amy’s story also prompted Jini to do some research into laser therapy for infection and wound healing as well, so be sure to read her corresponding article, “How Does Infrared Light Therapy Work?” before testing this protocol – as it will ensure you use an infrared laser of sufficient strength: https://blog.listentoyourgut.com/how-does-infrared-light-therapy-work/
Savannah B
Customer Care
Hi Harrini,
Thanks for reaching out. A good place to start if you want to learn more about healing your Crohn’s disease naturally is at Jini’s symptom section at the link below:
For Fistula, using an infrared laser for 10 minutes per day may speed healing (more info here) with Oregano oil to penetrate deeper into the tissue. She also recommend taking wild oregano and probiotics orally to address both the root cause and the symptom at the same time.
Click here for the list of best quality/price lasers Jini recommend and where to purchase them. For other supplements, we’re not aware of any distributors in India but we do offer international shipping if you would like to purchase from our US Shoppe: https://shoppe.listentoyourgut.com/
Please let me know if you have any additional questions or concerns.
Cris B
Customer Care
Thank you for your reply cris,
But still i have some queries that which infrared laser would be the best and please suggest me the best for me.and also we dont know how to use it as combined with wild oregino oil.will it be explained by you after the purchase of it? Could u provide me your whats app numbe?r.And i want to know what is the treatment of using dead bacteria to heal chrons
Hi Harrini,
Here is more info about using infrared laser with Oregano oil to penetrate deeper into the tissue: https://blog.listentoyourgut.com/laser-therapy-for-peri-anal-abscess-or-fistula/
As Cris mentioned, it is also recommend taking wild oregano and probiotics orally to address both the root cause and the symptom at the same time.
There is also a list of best quality/price lasers Jini recommends and where to purchase them, so you can make the choice which best fits you: https://blog.listentoyourgut.com/laser-therapy-for-peri-anal-abscess-or-fistula/
If you would like to reach out further, you may contact the customer care team via contact info below:
Toll Free (US/Canada) 1.888.866.7745
Phone 1.360.305.3245
Email service@listentoyourgut.com
Please let me know if you have any additional questions or concerns.
Savannah B
Customer Care
The doctors are saying the my son has an abscess and fistula in his upper intestines (very painful, hard to breathe, hurts to move) which means he is not getting any nutrients in his body as the food is going straight to his lower intestines. He now is getting reddish painful, tender lumps on his lower legs / feet. I read on line that these could be ” erthema-nodosum”. He recently went off of his medication 2 weeks ago (Humaira) as per his doctors orders after a week long hospital stay, they want to do surgery to fix this. ANY HELP to fix this naturally would be appreciated.
Hi Lisa,
Thank you for reaching out, and I am sorry to hear that your son is going through such a difficult time. Unfortunately it is tough to determine what exactly is going on, as we are not medical professionals, however as you did mention your son’s inability to absorb nutrients in his body due to his food going straight to his lower intestines, I believe he would greatly benefit from an elemental diet.
I would recommend reaching out to our customer service team to request a sample of Absorb Plus, the elemental diet product Jini formulated that contains natural, elemental (pre-digested) ingredients, which are easily tolerated by even the most sensitive stomach and intestinal tract. This helps minimize the pain and discomfort commonly associated with digestion. You can reach out to our customer care team via below:
Toll Free (US/Canada) 1.888.866.7745
Phone 1.360.305.3245
Fax 1.360.542.2250
Email service@listentoyourgut.com
Bone broths are also recommended, and if an elemental diet is too expensive we have some other options. Below are some blog posts which I feel you and your son would benefit from:
What Is An Elemental Diet? https://blog.listentoyourgut.com/what-is-an-elemental-diet/
All About Elemental Diets – https://blog.listentoyourgut.com/all-about-elemental-diets/
Who needs Absorb Plus? https://blog.listentoyourgut.com/who-needs-absorb-plus/
How will you benefit from drinking Absorb Plus? https://blog.listentoyourgut.com/how-will-you-benefit-from-drinking-absorb-plus/
The Health Benefits of Broths – https://blog.listentoyourgut.com/the-health-benefits-of-broths/
When You Cannot Afford to Do an Elemental Diet – https://blog.listentoyourgut.com/when-you-cannot-afford-to-do-an-elemental-diet/
Jini’s Low Residue Diet – https://blog.listentoyourgut.com/jinis-low-residue-diet/
Natural Treatments for Anal Fissures & Fistulas: DMSO, Wild Oregano & More! – VIDEO: https://blog.listentoyourgut.com/natural-treatments-for-anal-fissures-fistulas-dmso-wild-oregano-more-video/
Wild Oregano Oil Protocol and Probiotic Enema – https://blog.listentoyourgut.com/wild-oregano-oil-protocol-and-probiotic-enema/
I hope this helps!
Savannah B
Customer Care
Do other women find that WOO (the healing DMSO mix for fistulas) burns like a Mother! in the vagina or is it just me? I can’t fathom how we’re supposed to tolerate this… also finding that my body refuses to retain an enema (trying the probiotic one). Have anal stricture, ulcerative colitis & perianal fistulas. Doing the protocols orally but this has been going on for years now with little sight of improvement (yes, tried elemental diet, spent thousands…).
Hi Tara – it definitely can burn!! In this instance, it’s recommended to further dilute it with organic olive oil. You can try a 7:1 ratio first, then as you build tolerance move to a stronger ratio.
I’m interested in your issues with retaining the probiotic enema. Many people use Jini’s Probiotic Retention Enema during severe inflammation and bleeding for quick healing, whilst others prefer to wait until things have calmed down a bit and they’re tolerating the probiotics well orally first. You really have to just follow your own body wisdom (intuition) on when would be best for you. Even people who have not seen great results from oral probiotic supplementation (it takes longer and can be more difficult to colonize via oral supplementation) see significant symptom clearing following this retention enema.
If more blood is coming out after you do the enema, then it may be because you cannot retain the enema for long enough for the liquid to be absorbed. In this case, it is just coming back out as liquid, and ‘flushing’ blood out with the liquid.
If this is happening, you have 3 things you can try if you have issues with water absorption during the enema:
1.) Drink 1-2 tsp. of L-glutamine powder (dissolve in 4 ounces of water) 30-60 minutes before administering the enema AND on an empty stomach. This may help with the re-absorption of water from the colon.
2.) Reduce the amount of liquid you are using in the enema. Keep the herbs the same, but reduce liquid to a half cup, or 3/4 cup, or 1 cup – see what your colon can handle.
3.) Do the enema before you go to sleep at night – can you sleep 6-8 hours without getting up to void? If so, then try this. Even 4 hours would give better results – and perhaps combined with #1 or #2 above.
Lastly, try to spend most of the day lying down horizontal or resting.
TIP: Another great tip from a reader, instead of using water for the implant enema, use George’s Aloe Vera Juice!
Hi Jini! I have a small anal fistula that I’ve been battling with for several months, and I recently purchased a red light and wild oregano oil. However, I was following some other remedies in success stories that people had shared online, and the oil of oregano has kinda messed me up. I was taking probiotics in the morning and at night on an empty stomach while doing 5 drops of it 3 times a day in water, but I guess I wasn’t getting enough because the oregano made my stool start to be too soft and not well formed. I waited about a month and a half to give my body a break, then started the oregano again a few days ago. I got higher quality probiotics this time around, but the same thing has been happening with the oregano effecting my digestion. I read your gut healing book today, and I was wondering if I should do a probiotic retention enema with the ones in your shop before I start the oregano again? Do you think this will help? Especially if I have to potentially take the oregano orally for a few months to treat the infection?
Also, the opening of my fistula is a pinprick so I can’t syringe it with anything. I alternate days of putting DMSO or manuka honey on it externally and I put the red light on it for 10 mins a day.
Thank you so much for what you do. I wish I had found you sooner!
Hi Genevieve – so happy you found us! Your questions re: WOO & probiotics is tough to comment on, as the protocols Jini has written are based on using Natren Probiotics. Natren brand are the only probiotics she has tried and tested and deems effective, so even if you are supplementing with probiotics, if they are not Natren they may not have the same effect.
Furthermore, when you are taking WOO…it is very powerful! It will kill ALL bacteria, good and bad, so make sure to take the WOO on an empty stomach and at least 2 hours away from the probiotic so it does not kill the good bacteria from the probiotic also.
Many people will take WOO first thing in the morning, then 20-30 minutes later will ingest their first shake or have their first meal. You can take the probiotic either with your last shake/meal of the day, or right before bed, but if you are taking more WOO make sure to do it either 20-30 minutes before your lunch meal or dinner, then supplement with probiotic right before you go to bed to give enough time in between for the probiotic to be most effective. I hope that helps!
Hi, I would like to try to make Fissureheal suppositories. Can you please let me know where I can find the formula. I wonted to buy it but they are not available on Canadian site shop.
Thank you,
Hi Mari – we currently only sell them in our US shoppe: https://shoppe.listentoyourgut.com/shop-by-fissureheal/
Hi There,
Ok, so here is my dilemma… back in September or October of last year, and after three years of a heavy amount of stress due to the death of several close family members, I started to go into some major Crohn’s flares. However, I’m not going to lie even before that my Crohns had been somewhat poorly managed since about 2016 which is when I lost my job after a company merger (so again more stress). Stress is a big trigger for me as I am sure it is for a lot of us with IBD.
Anyhow, I was diagnosed in 2008 with Crohn’s Colitis (because they couldn’t tell which one it was at the time) and had only tried oral medication for the first year or two before deciding they weren’t doing anything for me. From there I decided to heal myself holistically and essentially abandoned conventional medicine altogether. For a good 6-7 years I was pretty flare-free until the first incident occurred up above. Nonetheless, I’ve always been able to get out of a flare using alternative methods, and for me, that means quite an extensive amount of things since I also worked in the holistic and alternative medicine industry myself for 16 years and have done and tried just about everything including a lot of Jini’s among other’s protocols and diets. I’ve also done a lot more invasive things like IV DMSO, 5-10 pass ozone, Hyperthermia treatments, red light therapy (diodes not lasers so I may try that next), ozone insufflations through my nose, ears, rectally, IV nutrients of all kinds, meditation, breathwork (but I could use some more practice), chiropractic adjustments (NUCCA), hands on healing (Chi and Reiki among others), RIFE, Photon light therapy, Cold Plasma, some cold thermogenesis but not much because I hate the cold, reduced EMF exposure and remediation, Sleep with frequency music playing at night, eat a low residue diet or anti inflammatory diet when need be which is most of the time, reduce my blue light exposure, cut out things like refined foods (no grains), no processed sugar just honey and fruit, no soy, dairy and gluten free, drink and eat bone broth regularly, take probiotics of all kinds and now use Natren, take WOO, supplements to help my collagen and connective tissue formation because I suspect EDS and so does my Functional MD, vitamin D3/K2, vitamin C, zinc, oils of all kinds in my smoothies which I now make my myself because I tried the Elemental Shakes and while they did seem to help for a bit, after months of taking them I still ended up in the hospital (I know I do very poorly with all forms of whey and rice protein, surprisingly enough hemp is the only protein that works for me and added sugar even stevia of any kind bothers me other than raw (preferably manuka 20+ is obviously the best but super expensive!) honey for some reason or fruit in it’s whole form. Not sure why that is but that’s just the way it is. I also take a few other supplements as well that are Chinese or Homeopathic formulas that I think help. Georges Aloe is helpful as well and I did like your multi powder that I purchased from your US website but the shipping and duties are just too expensive for me to continue taking any of the supplements that are only offered on the US site, I’m in Canada by the way.
Anyway, now that you have that back story let me continue. So last year I had a really bad flare that resulted in 15-20 bowel movements a day for almost 3 months which prompted my husband to take me to the ER because I was literally starving, bleeding, and wasting away, I looked deathly at only 88 lbs. When we arrived, they took a CT and all my vitals immediately and assessed that my Crohn’s despite all my efforts up above to heal myself had gotten really bad (deep ulcerations throughout my entire colon especially in my anus, rectum, and left side, smaller ones on the right side and into the small intestine and a few in my esophagus and duodenum damage which I suspect that was caused by the Prednisone that I as given earlier which I will explain in more detail down below. However, when I was first diagnosed back in 2008 the Crohn’s was only affecting my large bowel back then so it has spread since then and gotten worse.
Anyway out of desperation and agonizing pain and starvation, I agreed to take 30 days of Prednisone and stop all my other natural treatments during that time, and to my surprise, within a few weeks, I was finally starting to feel a bit better. Of course, this prompted the ER doctors to follow up with me and tell me that it was time to consider more aggressive medication such as Biologics because whatever I was doing was obviously not enough to induce remission or working. However, I was still convinced that I could heal myself if only I could stop stressing out about, well you know, life in the world we live in today!
So I postponed any further meetings with the GI specialist to discuss Biologics specifically but because my Crohn’s was so bad and so was the state of my rectum and anus (stage 4 thrombosed and bleeding hemorrhoids), I agreed to do a colonoscopy and endoscopy (despite Jini’s warnings) because I was concerned I might have colon or rectal cancer. Anyhow, the colonoscopy and endoscopy did in fact confirm what the CT had found, along with some polyps but luckily everything came back negative (benign) for any sort of cancer from what they could see but they did have to take over 48 biopsies so they warned me that things could have been missed because the ulcers were so bad.
I even took some of the protocol that Jini suggested after having a colonoscopy but I probably could have done it a little more aggressively because I would forget some things here and there because I was so drained at that point.
Fast forward about a month after the procedure (but here is the kicker during that month I actually felt a lot better) but then all of a sudden out of the blue, I started to develop this and when I say agonizing, I mean tortuous, throbbing, pain, pressure, swelling, and inflammation in my anus, perineum area, and on both butt cheeks in my perianal glands area. I tell you after all the years of pain and suffering that I have experienced I have never screamed and cried from being in so much pain in my entire life and I’m pretty tough in terms of being able to deal with a lot of crap… pardon the pun!
However again, I resorted to trying everything natural that I knew of and using all my equipment which at this point I have well over $50,000 dollars of alternative healing equipment in my studio and because at first, I thought this might just be hemorrhoids I tried a bunch of natural stuff for that also including DMSO, ozone suppositories and when that didn’t work even went to the chemical ladened stuff at the drug store to find relief but nothing worked! If anything, the more I tried the worse it got!
It got so bad that my husband had to rush me to the hospital about 6-7 weeks ago, and again which was confirmed by a CT scan (like at this point I’m so polluted with radiation and contrast dye it’s not even funny!) I not only had the hemorrhoids but also what the ER doctor thought was just a superficial perianal abscess 2 cm by 3 cm. However, because I was in soooo… much pain she lanced it right there and then and again, I can’t even begin to tell you how painful that was! She then proceeded to pack the wound and told me to follow up with a nurse daily for the next couple of weeks but by later that night I again thought I was going to die with how much pain I was in! I knew something was terribly wrong because others in my family have had abscesses and after having them drained and packed felt some relief but NOT ME!!! At this point, the supposed abscess felt like it was even more full and swollen than before.
So when I went to the nurses’ station the next day and they proceeded to take out the packing the nurse looked very concerned because not only was their A LOT OF puss coming out of my wound by gas and feces as well. So again, I cried, and as you can all guess it wasn’t in fact just an abscess but an abscessing fistula that was packed which you are never supposed to do because it can’t drain!!! I was immediately sent back to the hospital for an MRI to confirm a fistula (they also found that the abscess was infected with E.Coli at which point they wanted me to take a round of two strong antibiotics but again I refused to take them because other aspects and symptoms of my Crohn’s like my upper stomach and digestion were finally starting to get better and I didn’t want to screw that up with antibiotics at this point and end up with diarrhea again!).
However, now my GI doctor and a colorectal surgeon that I just met with yesterday are telling me I have let this go too far and that I now have Fistulizing Crohn’s Disease and that I NEED to be on Biologics ASAP and to have a Seton put in (which will stay in indefinitely they said!!!) to prevent the fistula from filling up again.
So here is my question, unlike everyone else with a fistula that everyone keeps telling them to keep their stools soft and liquid, I have found that that in fact makes my fistula wayyyy worse! Especially because anything that resembles diarrhea can get into the internal hole, and clog the fistula from the inside preventing it from draining. So despite everything I have ever been led to believe in terms of healing Crohn’s ulcers I have been doing somewhat of the opposite as of late and consuming a lot more “fiber” (in my smoothie that I made up myself) if you can believe that because forever I was led to believe fiber was my enemy! However, I have found that I need it to bulk up my stool along with eating things like red-skinned potatoes (resistant starch maybe?) and squashes in bone broth soups with a lot of fish for the Omega 3’s (I believe EFA’s from fish is even more anti-inflammatory than plant-based oils but I do take some of those as well), right now I’m not eating any chicken or meat (also cut out eggs for the time being) and for the last 4-5 days that has created a perfect stool, smooth I would say, not soft or liquid, but formed. Only with a stool like that has my abscess started to heal.
However, I got a little brave last night and decided to eat some solid food (I had an apple peeled and a few almond crackers), and today I had a mushy bowel movement that clogged up my fistula and my abscess filled right back up again and became extremely painful until it drained again this afternoon which took hours today so I couldn’t do anything or go anywhere. I was at the mercy of my fistula and tending to it for at least 5-6 hours today which is so discouraging, depressing, and miserable.
So, I guess my question to anyone who will listen is how do people heal an abscess with mushy/liquid stools like Jini has suggested and what do people do to prevent stools, gas, or other bacteria that naturally live in the colon from getting into the fistula from the internal opening? Someone told me putting castor oil up your anus daily with a glass dropper helps to seal the hole so that things don’t get inside of it and cause a reinfection/abscess and that does help a bit but isn’t always guaranteed to work. Putting WOO up there even diluted at any concentration or diluted DMSO just burns like a h*ll.
I also noticed that I have these two other formulas (one for hemorrhoids and one for fissures) that I recently purchased from a company that only produces EOs and homeopathic remedies and they do seem to soothe the fistula, fissure, and hemorrhoids, whereas the oil of oregano topically just stings and seems to make my fistula more swollen? I used castor oil to dilute my WOO because I thought that would be better than olive oil but maybe that is where I went wrong? And should we be putting WOO up our anus and on the outside because my abscess puss also drains from the incision externally but also from inside my anus? It’s a mess!
I also take the oil of oregano by mouth only once a day a night about half a dropper full with some colloidal silver before bed and I wonder if that is causing the soft stools? I take my probiotics in the morning with my morning shake, I just add them in there but have stopped taking the Bifidum strain because my Homeopath said it wasn’t testing well on me, so the Trinity formula was also a no go from him as well. However, I’m not sure I trust his energy testing to be honest. But now I’m just so confused and don’t know what to do.
Currently, I put stuff on topically on the fistula / abscess (either castor oil and WOO or the EO’s I got from this other company) and then sit for almost 30 minutes with my red light, NIR panels on the area that cost a few thousand dollars but they are not lasers, they use diodes. I also use my plasma wands on the area that produces transdermal ozone and electrical frequencies to combat infection, lay on my PEMF mat to reduce inflammation and pain, and then even get into my energy sauna after that (heat, lights and frequencies) to help with healing and detoxification and while that all seems to be the only things that help with the pain and to get my fistula/abscess to start draining it’s exhausting to have to do all this stuff every day! Oh, I also do rectal ozone insufflation with my ozone generator at night and that definitely helps with the swelling, pain, and infection but even with doing all this, if I have just one or two liquid bowel movements all the symptoms come back again! At this point the only way to live a normal life is to maintain a perfect soft but formed stool but doing that for a person with Crohn’s (Diarrhea dominant) is next to impossible! So where am I going wrong?
And does anyone who actually has a fistula think getting a Seton put in would solve this issue of the fistula/abscess filling back up again? The only problem with doing the surgery is that I don’t really trust that the doctor won’t make what is called a false fistula, or that having a Seton put in will prevent it from ever healing spontaneously since I’ll have a foreign object in my body which my body has always rejected piercings so I can’t imagine what it will do with this!
Lastly, the way the colorectal surgeon put it is that she wouldn’t even perform the surgery unless I agreed to go on Biologics. They originally suggested Skyr*zi or Stel*ra but are now saying that the only one that would potentially heal a fistula is Rem*cade but I want nothing to do with the latter or Hum*ra because I know of others who have been on them and they are not doing well. My GI even admitted that one of his patients developed cancer and passed away after using Hum*ra, so yeah, no thanks!
I do know several people on Stel*ara who are doing really well on that one in particular (and by well l mean are living a fairly normal life one with UC and the other had pretty serious plaque psoriasis) and have read a study or two that when combined with off-label LDN it may be able to heal a fistula. I was taking LDN off-label for about 3 weeks because my Functional MD wanted to try it but I had to stop it when I went on the pain medication and Prednisone and never started it back up again because I was doing too many other things to keep track of everything.
I am not a quitter but I just can’t live any sort of valuable life at this point in time so I’m desperate to do anything to find some relief!
Battling this illness for the last several years has also financially and emotionally drained both me and my husband (we are even considering selling our house now just to pay for my health treatments financially) and while my husband thinks I can pull myself out of this naturally like I did in the past I’m just so tired at this point. Like I felt great for the last 5 days to the point where I felt almost completely normal again and then today, well that’s all gone again!
I’m just wondering if I should have the abscess drained professionally under a surgical setting this time and not in the ER but if I do that they will more than likely put a Seton in, should I do that, does anyone have any suggestions for me?
Here in Canada, it sounds like nobody will touch me if I have active Crohn’s in terms of surgery to close the fistula. I already called a private clinic to see if they would perform a laser closure and deal with my hemorrhoids a procedure that can cost upward of $6,000 and they said they wouldn’t even take that risk. The colorectal surgeon said a fistulotomy is not an option for me either. I know another woman who is going in for plug surgery next month in the USA and she’ll let me know how that goes but my colorectal surgeon also said she would not do that on me because she says they fail so often in those of us with active Crohn’s disease and would only offer a Seton placement. Like how is that the only option!? I mean, I know there are a lot of Canadians going to India to do the Ksharasutra (Ayurvedic Seton) and have had success with it but again, if you have active inflammation they more than likely won’t operate on you either, and if they do then you risk developing more abscesses and fistula tracts so what is a person to do!? Because we can’t live like this!
I’m going to continue with my regimen and hope that this worsening today is an isolated case of one step forward and two steps back. I pray that I am still on the right track to healing but if anyone has any other suggestions, I’m all ears.
Thank you for listening!
Wow Jess! What a journey you are on. Talk about the 7 gates of hell, jeez louize! You’ve written so much here, but 2 things press forward for me:
1. What might happen if you pursued the emotional/spiritual component of your dis-ease as rigorously as you are actioning the physical pathways? If I were in this situation, I would delve 100% into this aspect – full speed ahead.
2. For the advanced state and complexity of your case, I highly recommend you speak with Dane Johnson – who has helped many with fistulas and complicated situations heal themselves. He also has access to advanced testing at European labs that might provide a missing piece for you. No, he’s not cheap, but the initial consult is free so you can decide how you feel about him and his offerings:
Sending you much love and compassion. Hopefully some of the other folks on here have some advice to share about the seton etc.