Hello! Linsy here from LTYG, ready to answer another reader question this week about the side effects of using Bentonite Clay!
I love receiving your great questions. Your comments and questions also help other LTYG readers who may experience similar issues or have similar questions. So thank you!
Since I published my blog on binders, I’ve received quite a few questions about it. For many of you, using binders is a brand new topic, so I’m happy to dig a little bit deeper because I personally find binders incredibly useful for my own detoxing.
Side Effects of Using Bentonite Clay
Some readers have used binders but faced issues – for example, one of our readers, “F,” recently shared their experience with me:
“The last time I tried bentonite clay, I was doing a fast with my hubby and the clay pulled too much. The company was very good; they told me to get off of it immediately because my digestive system was already compromised from the Crohn’s diagnosis and the two resections I had…so I stay clear of BC. I have never tried activated charcoal…wondering if the results will be similar?”
I’m happy “F” shared this because some people do get side effects and reactions to bentonite, just as they would to wild oregano oil (WOO) or any other healing modalities since our bodies are so different and tolerate different things.
So in today’s blog, I will discuss bentonite clay and some of the options available if you cannot tolerate it.
Dear reader, I would like to say how much I honor your healing journey and all of your endeavors. You have been proactive in your healing efforts, and I think that’s amazing.
It frustrates us when we think something will work and it doesn’t! But you listened to your body and stopped taking it – which is step number 1!
Listen and observe your body, and then comply with what it needs!
Bentonite Clay: Practical Usage Tips
When it comes to bentonite clay, here are some tips if you are first starting out or have experienced any issues using it!
Tip # 1: Start slow and low.
You may have heard me mention this before with probiotics and anti-pathogens, but this really goes for anything! This especially applies to antipathogens and binders – begin with a low dose as these are pulling toxins out, which places a lot of stress on your body!
The recommended dosage on the bottle, or what worked for one of us, could be way too high for you.
In this case, there is nothing wrong with starting as low as possible. For eg. ¼ of a teaspoon of powdered probiotic, and work your way up!
Now for binders to work effectively, you eventually have to get up to a bigger dose. BUT the body sometimes needs things to happen slowly to adjust itself.
Tip # 2: Drink more water!
In the case of our reader, there was a fast involved – so water intake may or may not have been the issue here. But for the sake of everyone else reading, I want to reinforce this reminder.
For binders to do what they need to do, there must be lots of WATER!
Otherwise, they can’t work and won’t pull properly, which means they could get stuck. So to be on the safe side, drink as much water as possible at the time of taking the binder, and follow the instructions on the product.
It’s recommended that you take binders and anti-pathogens on an empty stomach. 1 hour before a meal or 2 hours after meals, medications, and supplements.
Tip # 3: Keep the disturbance of biofilms in mind.
What are biofilms?
In short, we kill the bad bacteria in our system, bio-chemicals and mycotoxins get released. That’s why we can get HERX reactions or severe reactions after we do all these protocols!
Binders can grab the toxins that are expressed, so they can actually help with HERX reaction symptoms. However, that pulling can still affect people and their bodies!
It may alleviate the HERX, but it can still feel powerful as there are a lot of toxins in the mix. So a “reaction” could occur as everything is being pulled and flushed out.
Tip # 4: Listening and learning from your body.
Here’s an interesting outlook with any protocol/treatment:
What worked for you before, may not work the same now! A personal example I have for you is an experience I had while using bentonite clay. I used it frequently while healing from my severe UC, but when I tried using it years later I had a negative response!
My body was telling me that’s not what you need right now.
Maybe I could try it again in the future, but at that very moment, my body did not want Bentonite! So it’s really all about listening and learning.
When I had this side effect to Bentonite I was quite surprised as I did so well with it before!
There could have been a number of things going on, but regardless, I put my thinking cap on and respected my body.
Alternatives to Bentonite clay
For the times that Bentonite clay did not work for me, I used activated charcoal + mucosal healer agents. This was easier on my GI a lot of times. And I found and used a great one that has mucosal healers attached to it – which also helps with binding!
I call the attachments mucosal healers because the product contains aloe vera, silica and apple pectin. So for me, this product was literally a lifesaver!
It’s super easy to use, even on the run, as it’s in capsule form. It contains activated charcoal and zeolite clay, in addition to other mucosal binders and healers.
Always Listen to Your Gut
*But always speak with your health care practitioners on this binder before use or any new supplements/protocols before trying!
It’s labeled as a toxin and biofilm remover, but I have also used it for tricky treatments like mold infections because this binder not only assists with pulling things out but also normalizing some systems in the body affected by these toxins.
This is really a full SPECTRUM binder, which means this little guy can really help with many scenarios, but also means it can hit a hard punch. So you need to tread carefully with these types of things and know what you are doing. Ask a doctor or schedule a chat with me to go over other support that is offered 🙂
I’m currently working on a blog post with info on using this binder along with an infrared sauna to avoid a HERX reaction, so keep an eye out for that in the coming weeks!
If you have an issue with Bentonite Clay or are sensitive in general, this product may be a game-changer for you! It was the only thing that really helped bring down the HERX when I couldn’t tolerate the Bentonite – plus it’s Jini approved!
I took up to 3 capsules at one time to bring down a severe HERX reaction after antipathogens. Read the bottle instructions, of course, and listen to your own body – I am just sharing what helped me, what I did with the help of a coach, and my extreme reactions. As does with any binders make sure you are drinking enough water and consult help!
To our reader “F,” and everyone reading, I hope you gained something from the information I shared today!
Please keep the questions coming – I love to share my experiences with you and help in any way I can. As always, happy healing – and always listen to your gut!
Thank you for this article. It can be so frustrating when something that used to work no longer does. Is the other binder you were referring to GI Detox? Do you still use antipathogens to this day? Mabe have an article on the things you eat now like a whole days worth of breakfast, lunch, and dinner and snacks to help pepople out suffering with colitis? Thank you!
Yes, GI Detox is one of the binders Linsy has used. You can find more details here: https://blog.listentoyourgut.com/the-benefits-of-binders/
As for antipathogens, Jini and Linsy only use oregano when necessary, such as for flu or acute issues. Jini primarily focuses on eating mostly organic, unprocessed food, living in a toxin-free home, and she often shares recipes on her blog [HERE]. She also utilizes Lazer Tapping and practices yoga, while spending quality time outdoors with her horses.
Since adopting this lifestyle, she no longer experiences intestinal disturbances or the burden of “disease” and its associated treatments.
Jini provided several type of diets, depending on the symptoms in her book, Listen To Your Gut. If you’re interested you can download the 1st chapter in the link below to see if it resonates with you.