For several years now we have been using DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) – both topically and orally – to treat various human conditions such as hemorrhoids, rectal strictures, and intestinal strictures. There are many treatment protocols available throughout my blog and Shoppe. Simply search “DMSO” and you will find information regarding the above conditions, as well as many others – such as the benefits of DMSO eyedrops for Cataracts, Macular Degeneration, Floaters, and Vision. You can also scroll to the very bottom of the page for all linked DMSO blog posts I have written thus far.
That being said, I want to share with you some basic information about what DMSO is, how it works, some safety considerations for using this powerful, yet hugely beneficial natural substance, and some reader questions we received recently that I would like to address.
What Is DMSO?
DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) – is a natural substance that comes from tree bark and was first discovered by Russian scientist, Dr. Alexander Saytzeff in 1866. Due to its amazing ability to bind with other substances, it was first utilized as a solvent. Then in 1959 it was demonstrated that DMSO could protect red blood cells and other tissues against freezing conditions, so experimentation began with using it to freeze and store organs for transplants.
Then Dr. Stanley Jacob, at the University of Oregon Medical School, discovered that DMSO relieved burn pains and prevented scar tissue formation. He published his results in 1963 – from then on DMSO usage and experimentation spread like wildfire. It follows logically, that a substance that can prevent scar tissue formation, should also be able to soften or dissolve existing scar tissue and in this capacity DMSO also does not disappoint.
Since then, DMSO has been widely used with professional athletes (from football players to Olympic gymnasts) where it has proven effective with injuries to soft tissue or joint defusions; sprains, strains, dislocations, tendonitis, bursitis, gout, soft tissue tears, myositis (muscle inflammation), broken bones, tennis elbow. Pain is relieved, swelling subsides, and function is recovered more quickly.
Dr. Stanley Jacobs has this say about using DMSO while pregnant:
“I don’t recommend that pregnant women use DMSO in any way. But I will say that that I’ve had hundreds of patients call me who were worried about whether DMSO would impact a pregnancy because they had become unexpectedly pregnant while going through a series of DMSO treatments. I’ve always asked them to call me back after their child is born and, in all of this time, none has reported that their pregnancy was negatively affected. If you’ve accidentally taken DMSO while pregnant, it may be comforting to know that we haven’t seen any abnormalities from the DMSO.”
Today, we have plenty of evidence (from medical doctors and/or PhD scientists) showing that DMSO can also (1):
- Increase or potentiate cell-mediated immunity in auto-immune diseases like multiple sclerosis, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, lymphoid thryroiditis, etc.
- Make the immune system more effective by allowing macrophages to move around and through the tissues faster. It can also diminish allergic reactions.
- Increase the permeability of cell membranes, allowing toxins to be flushed from the cell.
- Substitute for water in the living cell, then bind to free radicals and form a substance (dimethyl sulfone plus water with the hydroxyl ion) which can then be excreted out of the body via urine.
- Prevent the formation of scar tissue or adhesions, or dissolve them once present.
- Kill or slow the growth of bacteria, viruses and fungi.
- Greatly reduce or eliminate inflammation, swelling, and pain.
- Quickly heal skin ulcerations, infected wounds, second and third degree burns and other skin lesions. In a study of 1,371 patients with these varying afflictions who were treated with DMSO, 95.04% were discharged as completely cured. Some of these patients had diabetic leg ulcers, which had been present for over 15 years – they were completely healed after daily topical DMSO spray applications for 20 days. (2)
- Clear cataracts, macular degeneration and glaucoma of the eyes – you can purchase glutathione/DMSO/vitamin C eye drops from specialist compounding pharmacies.
How is it that one substance can effect or facilitate such a wide range of healing mechanisms? As Dr. Stanley Jacob says:
“We’ve barely scratched the surface, for this is a new principle in medicine. We’ve had only three new principles in our century – the antibiotic principle, the cortisone principle, and now the DMSO principle – and the DMSO principle is the only new one of our generation.
DMSO is literally water’s alter ego. It moves through membranes and substitutes for water so that it pulls substances through cells that ordinarily would not move through them. This is its basic mechanism of action. The DMSO-water bond is 1.3 times stronger than the water-water bond.” (3)
I myself used my HemorrHeal formula (which contains DMSO) to heal internal hemorrhoids I’d had since the birth of my daughter six years prior – they healed in 6 days. Unfortunately, the FDA (as with many powerful natural substances) has banned DMSO for everything but interstitial cystitis (patent held by pharmaceutical company) – so you cannot sell DMSO as part of a formula or remedy and when you sell it straight, it has to say: For Use As A Solvent Only on the bottle.
So the way around this is to provide people with the formula, instructions, ingredients and let you make up your own remedy! And this is what I have been doing here on my blog and in eBooks.
As Dr. Richard D. Brobyn from the Bainbridge Medical Center in Washington, writes:
“DMSO is one of the most researched but still least understood pharmaceutical Products of our time. Worldwide there have been approximately 11,000 scientific Articles about medical Applications and more than 40,000 Articles about the chemical Properties published. In 125 Countries like the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Germany, Japan and others, indications for Application are being described by Physicians against, for example, Pains, Inflammations, Scleroderma and Arthritis as well as further diseases”
DMSO Safety Rules
DMSO will transport instantly into the cells anything it comes in contact with. However, as I recently learned in this transcript from an interview with Dr. Stanley Jacobs, “DMSO will not carry anything with a molecular weight of over 1000. Now, the molecular weight of a virus is one million. A bacteria has a molecular weight in the millions. It won’t carry a virus or a bacterium.”
So only store DMSO in glass, wash hands with natural soap before handling, only use unvarnished wood, stainless steel or glass to apply – avoid plastics or anything that contains synthetic chemicals that could be transported into your body.
Solution dropped from a glass dropper and then spread around using clean fingers works well.
Or a natural fiber paintbrush, dipped into a glass bottle of DMSO and painted on. Wash the paintbrush each time after use with natural dish soap and hot water, air dry.
Some people advocate the use of natural rubber or latex gloves when applying DMSO. This can work, but you need to do a test first to see if the glove is resistant to DMSO. So a common laboratory trick is to fill the finger of the glove with DMSO, and hang it upside down overnight, so the DMSO stays in the finger cavity. In the morning, if the DMSO has NOT eaten through the glove, then that glove material is safe to use with DMSO.
Only use a high quality, pure grade of DMSO that comes in a glass bottle. We use DMSO Inc. brand.
It is not recommended to use DMSO in conjunction with any drugs. DMSO drives ANYTHING deeper into the body – so that would include the drugs you are taking.
Irritation and Side Effects of DMSO
99% DMSO is often irritating to human skin – I would use a maximum of 70% DMSO for most topical applications, diluted with either distilled water or inner leaf aloe vera juice (no preservative, no flavors, etc). For applications above the waist (in humans), 40 – 50% DMSO is usually the maximum. For mucous membranes, we start at 20% DMSO and then increase to a maximum of 40% if needed.
If irritation occurs, it can be soothed with aloe vera, or cold-pressed castor oil, or comfrey salve. All of these substances are safe (and usually beneficial) to be applied on top of the DMSO, once the DMSO layer has dried. It can be VERY itchy as it’s drying though, so be prepared and know that it’s normal.
Because DMSO is a sulfer-containing compound, a garlic body odor is a natural consequence of usage, but disappears rapidly after usage is stopped. Some people find this smell very strong and are bothered by it, others cannot smell it at all. Usually the person using DMSO smells nothing. If you are allergic to sulfa drugs you may still be able use DMSO, see this article for clarification and then consult your physician.
Reference: (1,2,3) “DMSO Nature’s Healer: How to Use DMSO to Relieve Pain, Increase Circulation, Repair Tissue Damage, and Fight Degenerative Diseases” by Dr. Morton Walker. This book contains specific instructions on exactly how to use DMSO for a wide range of disorders along with many clinical trials.
Reader Question regarding properties of DMSO
I recently received the below question from one of our readers, and it’s definitely one I’d like to address:
“Hi Jini. I have a few questions concerning DMSO – at what high temperature does the DMSO (that you sell in your shoppe/that I bought) begin to degrade and where there may be a problem? As explained, the 4 fl oz bottle that I have was stored for 4 months in a friends house – which got up to 120F for days on end – and before using it in one of the rectal protocols, I simply want to make 100% sure it was not potentially harmed. Please advise, thanks.”
REPLY: Regarding the DMSO – here is all the spec information I have on it.
This company selling DMSO for cell tissues and DNA applications says it is stable up to 100 degrees Celsius (212F) for all conditions, and stable up to its boiling point (372 degrees F) for use in neutral or alkaline conditions:
So looks like it should be good at 120F! I would test some on a patch of skin first (just dilute 50/50 with water for a quick test), just to be sure. Redness and itching is normal – blistering, or tissue damage is not.
Another Reader comment/question
Here’s another comment that may be pertinent to thoughts or questions you’re having…
Like probably a lot of us, I thought DMSO was safe but there are studies claiming (with proof) that DMSO is cytotoxic…..
Dental Study of DMSO with odontoblast-like cells
Tumor Study of DMSO’s effect on colon tumor cell cultures
Review of DMSO effects on human cellular processes and epigentic landscape
REPLY: I think it’s absolutely crucial that people understand what a powerful substance this is and that’s why in all my experimental protocols with DMSO I tell people to continually listen to their body and to use the lowest concentration possible. And of course, adhere to safety guidelines concerning it’s usage.
And of course, you would only use DMSO in situations where the benefits outweigh the risks. I would also add that none of the authors of these studies have tested/studied DMSO anywhere close to Dr. Stanley Jacobs (and you can’t fault his scientific credentials). Do a search on “dr stanley jacobs dmso” and it will pull up article, videos, etc.
Lastly, we cannot expect a substance that we are using to dissolve/soften scar tissue to simultaneously not have an impact on cells/tissue! A few months ago I used a 50/50 wild oregano/dmso mixture to heal an abscess inside my horse’s hoof. This was done unhaltered with her completely free to walk away – so that her body wisdom was in control.
I let her smell the mixture, and my plan was to apply it to the tough sole of her foot. However, she refused to lift her hoof and directed me apply it to her heel and the coronet band (just before the hard hoof tissue begins) – both softer tissue, but also gravity would pull the mixture down into her hoof. She told me how often and for how many days to apply it. Simultaneously, I was receiving the emotional/spiritual message of the infection (animals in our care often use their bodies to deliver messages to us).
A hoof abscess normally renders a horse completely lame for weeks, requires an extensive treatment protocol and possibly surgery. She was fine in 3 days and galloping on rocky ground in 1 week.
So yes, we look at the data, and we treat strong substances with respect, but we give the body’s wisdom supreme regard. That’s my M.O. anyway 🙂
Also, interesting to note, of the studies you referenced, the dental one showed:
“MDPC-23 cell number, cell adhesion (Figure 1) and percentage of cell death by necrosis (Figure 2) were not affected by DMSO at any concentration, with no statistical significant difference among the groups” So no issues there.
The DMSO Review article specifies that there are some beneficial applications – at LOW concentrations, but they don’t define that and the study they reference is by Dr. Stanley Jacobs:
“While generally used at relatively low concentrations, DMSO still has medically useful properties such as inducing anti-inflammation, nerve blockage (analgesia), diuretics, vasodilation and muscle relaxation”
And the cancer study was using DMSO with colon tumors and they were testing to see which concentration was optimal. However 2 things: Again, they showed that a low concentration (10%) did not have any effect. But weirdly, they show an effect at higher concentrations, but yet don’t break down the effect per concentration, but just lump them all together at 20-100%, which is kind of ridiculous: “DMSO 10% did not induce any significant increase in LDH release whereas a significant increase in LDH activity (ANOVA, p<0.05) occurred at a DMSO concentration of 20 to 50%. NR incorporation in viable cells was statistically reduced by 27 to 36% at DMSO concentration of 20% up to 100%”
Remember, research is great (and necessary), but science always lags far behind body wisdom. So always combine research with your body’s wisdom. And maybe DMSO is not a good substance for your body! Your body knows.
Have any other questions regarding DMSO? Please comment below!
DMSO related blog posts:
Natural Treatments for Anal Fissures & Fistulas: DMSO, Wild Oregano & More! – VIDEO
DMSO Eyedrops for Cataracts, Macular Degeneration, Floaters, Vision
DMSO-based Protocols for Intestinal & Rectal Scar Tissue – VIDEO
Will DMSO carry germs from fecal matter into my bloodstream?
DMSO Protocol For Anal Stenosis or Rectal Strictures
Hot Castor Oil Pack for IBD or IBS – Pain, Spasming, Bloating
How To Release and Dissolve Scar Tissue
Perianal Abscess & Fistula – Natural Treatment
Natural Remedy for Anal Stenosis and Stricture
How To Heal Internal and External Hemorrhoids
Stricture Emergency!
Original post June 2013. Most recently updated March 2020.
i went to buy the SSKI and DMSO from Dr wright website. when i was about to use it, it dawn on me that I may not be able to use it since i have a seton to drain the fistula. is that right? I hv been using sski but results is only so-so.
Hi Cassandra,
Even though the seton will continuously drain the fistula, it’s possible that you’ll see better results by combining the DMSO with the SSKI. If you decide to try it, we’d love to hear how it works out for you.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
NOTE: If the seton is made of rubber and not silk then it might not be a good idea to use the DMSO.
Can this be used for pelvic pain 7 months pospartum,? Sacrum hurts snd sth inside uprr rectum feels sore…
Cassandra – please see full instructions here:
Hi Jini,
I am going through a Diverticulitis flare up right now as I write this. Actually, I’m on the downside as this has been going on since July 28th.
I have Dr. Jacobs 50% solution, and have had it for about 2 years, but never used it much. I was concerned to start using it now because it’s in a plastic bottle. I emailed them about this and they assured me it was ok.
I found DMSO 99% in a brown glass bottle at and ordered it.
I put some on my lower abdomen area on the left side over my very painful colon, and this seemed to make my colon go balistic. Is this normal?
I haven’t used it topically on this area since my third day of this flare up. This is actually only my second flar up ever, since being diagnosed about 6-7 years ago.
My first flare up was treated with antibiotics and that wiped me out, for various reasons we all know.
This time I didn’t go to the DR. instead treated myself with Olive Leaf, Oregano Oil, Turmeric and Organic Virgin Coconut Oil.
It’s been a rough 2 weeks, as today was my first day to eat anything soild. Had scrambled eggs…the good free range kind.
Anyway, just curious about the DMSO treatments for Diverticulitis.
I’m soo glad I found your site this week and feel much better about this now.
Thank you and many blessings!
Hi Randy,
DMSO isn’t actually a part of Jini’s protocol for Diverticulitis; she has used it for internal and external hemorrhoids, intestinal strictures and rectal strictures, parasites and fungus. We haven’t had anyone report a similar symptom like you mentioned using the Nature’s Gift brand of DMSO so I’m afraid we cannot comment on that. If you would like to learn more about Jini’s approach to fighting diverticulitis, check out the link below:
Kind regards,
Customer Care
I am on lowest dose Eliquis, a blood thinner. I had surgery the other day and am told to expect a significant area of swelling, hematoma in the chest. Bought both 99% dmso liquid and 70/30 with distilled water in gel form. Anybody know whether dmso is safe to use topically while on a blood thinner.
Thank you for all you do and offer.
Aloha ke Akua
Hi Charles. Thanks for reaching out. Generally it’s not recommended to use DMSO in conjunction with any drugs. DMSO drives ANYTHING deeper into the body – so that would include the drugs you are taking.
Since you are on the lowest dose, in this case I think it best to ask your doctor.
RANDY – also, if you were using the DMSO for pain, then see here:
Also, scan the SYMPTOMS menu for any others that may apply.
Thank you, Justin and Jini. I very much appreciate the feedback and additional information.
Many blessings,
how do i apply dmso to cure macular degeneration
Hi Denise,
Jini has not yet written or tested a protocol for that particular application herself but there are several sources online that explain the formula. Here’s a link:
If you decide to try the formula out, we would love to hear how it goes for you!
Kind regards,
Customer Care
NOTE: We are not affiliated with the website above and any action taken with instructions or formulas found therein is the sole responsibility of the user. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
My seton is made of rubber but I have another abscess (about 10cm) away from the Seton and I am thinking of using oreganol and DMSO there, do you think this is ok? I read it somewhere that says stay away from clothing if you use DMSO. I will normally use a cotton pad and gauze to cover the area after I apply the oil, and will wear a disposable underwear and a normal shorts, will there be any problem with DMSO? I have tried the other methods including the laser pen but the fistula are not healing. It will improve and the abscess will be reduced and then it will come back again. I had the fistula for 2 years now. Recently I also started taking ghee and milk which also help with reducing abscess but still can’t heal completely.
Hi Cassandra,
Regarding the clothing, you should be fine as long as it is not synthetic (100% cotton, for example). Using the DMSO away from the seton should also be OK since the concern is keeping the substance away from the rubber. Let us know how it turns out!
Kind regards,
Customer Care
I know this is really old but did you ever try Manuka Honey (you can get at Costco) from New Zealand has has super anti-viral properties, use it topically and also eat it (of corse split the jar before you start so that each stays pretty clean). I read about a lady who could not get her MRSA healed by the doctors so she tried Manuka Honey and she got rid of it 100%.
Hello is dmso safe to use for a male urethra stricture caused by scar tissue .thank you.
Hello Ray,
I’m afraid we can’t comment as we haven’t tested it with that particular application. If you decide to try it, we’d love to hear how it works out for you.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Hello dear
I order DMSO Inc 99.9 pure dmso
The larger size , and it came
In plastic bottle numbers 2 (high density polyethylene)
Can i still use it topically for intestinal strictures ?
And anal strictures ( from the outside )
Thank you very much dear xx
Hello Moha,
Jini does not recommend using DMSO from a plastic bottle for her protocols because there’s no way of knowing if any toxins from the bottle have leeched into the DMSO.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Is DMSO safe for people with MS and high levels of mercury in the body? Also Adrenal Exhaustion.
Hi Jean,
I wish I could give you a better answer but you’ll have to consult your doctor regarding those specific conditions as we aren’t qualified to comment, unfortunately. Howeverm, we’d love to hear about your results if you decide to use the DMSO.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
I have rapidly progressive neuromuscular condition that I can’t perceive my limbs movement and keep getting worse daily that in 4 months of progression I am in power wheelchair and losing control over my body. Unfortunately I have been in many hospitals and no diagnosis . I want to see if DMSO would help my condition and can I apply it in all over my muscles and how can be applied
Hi Hyden,
We aren’t qualified to say whether or not DMSO will be effective in your case but, if you decide to try it, Jini recommends following the DMSO Safety Rules mentioned in the blog post above and we would love to hear about your experience with it.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
I have arthritis in my great toe and a friend told me she uses DMSO and then applies Vicks Vapor rub on her arthritic toe. I am ALLERGIC to Sulfa drugs. Would this be safe for me?
Hi Carolyn,
Unfortunately we aren’t able to comment on DMSO relative to any kind of allergy to prescription medication as we’re not qualified to do so. If you have concerns you should definitely speak with your physician before proceeding.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
I understand that DMSO will only transport SMALLER weight / size molecular substances through the skin barrier. I have been told that the maximum molecule size is 1000 :-/mol. Is that size restriction true? If so, what is the actual maximum size restriction?
Hi Larry, I researched exactly this question when devising my formulas to ensure that the substances I wanted to use would be transported. Of course now I no longer have that info! But this article is a good place to start and you can probably find whatever else you need here:
what is the protocol for treatment of Ulcerative Colitis with DMSO? Thanks.
We have a few different ways colitis sufferers are using DMSO:
And then here’s the standard protocols we use:
I tried using Jini’s protocol for a pretty bad hemorrhoid using DMSO, Aloe Vera and Iodide. I may have been too late in using it as it developed in to a pretty long sentinel one that had to be recently removed under surgery as the blood flow started dying, causing a lot of pain. Under the surgery, not only was this removed leaving an open wound to reduce scarring, but 3 more internal ones were corterised to avoid future issues. It has now been a week and I am so sore. Do you think I can continue to use the drops in the general anal area to help heal the tissue faster? I feel so miserable. Thank you so much for your help
Hi Pixi,
It’s always best to consult your doctor before proceeding with something soon after you’ve had surgery just to be sure that it’s OK. Another possible option would be to try the FissureHeal suppositories as they are more geared toward healing tears/fissures over hemorrhoids. For more information, click this link:×1-6-box-of-12/
Jini likes to use comfrey salve as a wound healer as well:
Comfrey is only recommended for external use by established authorities but Jini and many others take a different stance. More details are explained on the “Jini says” tab at the link above.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Jini, Justin,
I know we are not supposed to use wound healers internally while having a fistula, but are the ingredients you mentioned above ok (aloe vera/iodide/dmso) in my case… also, is using coconut oil ok? am having pain after bowel movements…
Hi Amisha,
I’m afraid that we aren’t qualified to give any advice about your specific condition as we are not medical professionals (Jini included) so you should definitely consult with your physician if you have concerns about one or more ingredients in the protocol.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Hi Amisha, as Justin stated, we are not legally able to give personal health advice. All we can provide are the protocols that worked for me and my readers – or the ones that worked for me and that my readers are now testing. So if you need one-on-one advice, it’s best if you find a good naturopath or integrative physician. Take in a print-out of my blog post or book you are using and get them to give you feedback, based on your current situation. All the best! Jini
I have bought every book there is on DMSO, none of them have all the info I want. 1. how do I dilute 100% to be 70% @. Do you know of Doctors or clinics that do DMSO injections? 3. how often can I apply to skin a day.
I have many problems, but main one is severe arthritis; right hip (esp. the groin area), both knees, spine incl. low back. I fear becoming incapacitated
and only have my brother who I would not let help with any personal hygine. Does anyone use DMSO along with MSM (or MMS)- think they are the same thing. This is the only website I have found that has any useful info.
Thank You & God Bless
Hi Donna,
You can dilute DMSO with water but Jini also dilutes it with George’s Aloe Vera Juice which makes it soothing for the skin. Jini found that a 50% DMSO concentration works well for her young kids (children have more sensitive skin). She has very sensitive skin so, although she can tolerate 70%, she finds it annoyingly itchy as it dries. Rubbing on pure aloe vera, or cold-pressed castor oil after the DMSO is dry helps to calm any irritation. Jini’s recommendation for arthritis is a 70% solution three times per day but it can vary depending on how you tolerate it. For more details about using DMSO with arthritis, check out Jini’s symptom page for that at the link below:
We aren’t aware of any doctors or clinics that do DMSO injections and Jini’s protocols do not use MSM.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
HI, I am wondering if I can use the intestinal stricture protocol on my brother who has stomach cancer. There are some strictures on his small intestine caused from the surgery and the adhesions and scar tissue are compressing his small intestine. Is it safe to try this protocol on abdominal scar tissue when someone has cancer?
Hi Lucy,
We aren’t aware of any issues with using this protocol if a person has cancer but he’ll definitely want to check with his physician to be sure that none of the components will interact with any medication he is on or be detrimental based on any other aspects of his particular health situation. If he decides to try the protocol we’d love to hear how it works out for him and we’re always happy to answer any questions that you or he might have.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Do you know if the DMSO would react with a mercury tooth filling, even if I was using the DMSO on an intestinal fistula?
Hi Lauren,
As long as the DMSO doesn’t come into direct contact with the filling then there probably shouldn’t be an issue.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
I am highly interested in using DMSO to dissolve scar tissue from a recent TKR. As you most likely know not only do I have the initial scar to gain access to my knee joint but scar tissue from the muscles, tendons, and ligaments that were cut also. The knee is very tight from all this dispite 9 weeks of P.T. My concern is since DMSO is a solvent what effect might it have on the implant that has plastic in it. I am desperate to found something that will help with the adhesions and not harm my implant.
Hello Peggy,
Thank you for your interest and question. Unfortunately we would not recommend using the DMSO with the plastic in your implant. We do recommend asking your doctor more concerning it though. Sorry we could not be of more help with that. Please let us know if you have anymore questions.
Kind Regards,
Customer Care
Nasal Polyps Question…. Any protocols that you know of that have been tested? We are doing 4 drops 50% DMSO solution with tea tree oil external once a day, MediHoney nasal wash mid day, 20% DMSO TTO/lavender internal end of the day. The growth we are dealing with is huge, but breathing and smell has already improved after 6 days. Any other info for nasal polyps and DMSO is appreciated!
Hi Margaret,
Jini doesn’t have a protocol for nasal polyps but thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to share info about what you have been using. The only protocols remotely close to that would be the ones that she uses for nosebleeds and sinus infections at the links below:
We’re very happy to hear that you’re experiencing positive results with your current setup and would love to hear how it ends up working out for you.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Hello Margaret, I have had nasal problems due to polyps for 2 years. What protocol have you used to solve the problem with nasal polyps? Thank you.
Hi Justin,
Today I received my 99.9% DMSO. I applied the DMSO to my husband’s knees for chronic pain. It worked in about 20 minutes on his right knee. His left knee needed a second application, it has scar tissue from surgery in the past. I had gently applied it with my bare hands. My left hand had no reaction, but my right hand was extremely dry from wrist to finger tips, as if I had my hand in dishwater for hours. Very wrinkled and it has been a few hours, the wrinkles on my palm and finger tips are very pronounced. Do you know what may have caused such a reaction? Has anyone had this experience applying DMSO with bare hands? Thank you for your response ahead of time.
Hello Donna,
It is common for the DMSO to irritate the skin. Jini recommends to dilute it with distilled water or George’s Aloe Vera Juice. If you have any other questions please let us know.
Kind Regards,
Customer Care
Is DMSO effective in curing cutaneous amyloidosis? Also, any other remedy besides Aloe Vera juice/gel that helps reducing burning sensation/itching/roughness/damage to skin after using high concentrate DMSO for a few weeks.
Hello Rohit,
Thank you for your inquiry. We are not medical professionals and unable to comment if DMSO can cure cutaneous amyloidosis. We would not recommendations putting straight DMSO on your skin, and it mix it with the aloe vera juice or distilled water. You can also put aloe vera, or cold-pressed castor oil, or comfrey salve after to help the irritation to the skin. Please let us know if you have any other questions.
Kind Regards,
Customer Care
I have interstitial cystitis (IC) which i got from a sudden mold issue in my finished basement in july 2012. I immediately started with bladder pain, frequency, urgency and saw my 1st of 2 urologist/urogynocologists who DID not diagnose me correctly. 1st one did toons and then a urethroplasty bc he said i had the pain bc i wasnt emptying all he way…even though it showed i did on the many ultrasounds and then he started drugging me with over active bladder meds. Then i switched to a 2nd dr and she jerked me around for a yr and finally said she had to do a bladder lift bc i had a minor prolapse and she assured me that would get rid of the bladder pain which was UNBEARABLE AND CONSTANT and nothing any of them did had helped so I agreed and she said she WAS NOT going to use a mesh sling bc i have fibromyalgia and thats an autoimmune disease………..but i found the op note recently and she DID put it in and never told me. She also DID NOT do a pelvic exam before or during the surgery which was on March 5th 2014 and then5mths later in august 014 i was diagnosed with an ovarian cyst whcih turned out to be ovarian cancer and tat surgery was Oct 9 2014 so she was also negligent in not doing an exam bc it would have been found 5ths sooner AND she did not diagnose me correctly either and she is still insisting i dont have IC and that i had stress incontinence….except i had never nor do i now have ANT of the symptoms of stress incont and i do have terrible pain in my bladder when ever i eat certain foods…and i “healed” my cystitis by buying 1 $18 book on amazon and following it to a T and taking the suppliments as suggested. But now i have a constant burning high up in my vagina that i never had before and its been there for over 1 1/2 yrs and i think its the mesh causing it. My question is….can the DMSO heal IC and can you take it with the mesh which is a nylon? What can i expect from it as far as healing goes?
Hello Donna,
Sorry for all you have gone through. We are not medical professionals and unable to advise you concerning the DMSO for the Interstitial Cystitis. We would recommend seeing a naturopath or functional medicine doctor to better assist you. We mostly advise on treating digestive disorders holistically.
We wish you all the best in your healing.
Kind Regards,
Customer Care
have chemoinduced neuopathpy in both feet andmetalknee replacements in both knees,from chemo when i had breast cancer 9yrs. ago. Can i use dmso for foot pain.Thanks Cathy
Hello Cathy,
Thank you for the inquiry. Sorry for all you have gone through, glad to hear you are doing better now though. We don’t have experience using the DMSO for foot pain, so we could not say for certain. However, if you do decide to try it we would love to hear how it works out for you.
Best Wishes,
Customer Care
DMSO, like Turmeric, CDB oil do the same thing. Remove inflammation. No inflammation, no illness, disease and pain. These are the Miracle Meds. God’s Medicine . He has not had any illness , not even a cold in 40 years. Why? He takes a T-spoon of DMSO daily. So do I. I have used DMSO since 1979 for back, shoulder, wrist pain, burns, headache, stomach cancer, 4Xs, etc. You name it. Just sponge it on or drink it. It is a fine gift for a friend in need. $6 at the local feed store. I have gave 50-60 bottles over the years. Always keep 1-2 bottles in my car.
I recently saw a note from Dr Jacobs, = “DMSO=The Miracle Drug of the NW, a book by him 50 years ago. He is now 85 . He is well. As Jesus said: “All gifts from God are good.” Enjoy. Be healthy. A little prayer often works miracles. Wonders “In Jesus’ name.” jim
Hello Jim,
Thank you for sharing. That is great to hear the DMSO has worked so great for you for so long. Hope it continues to help and you so many others.
Kind Regards,
Customer Care
I would like to know if anyone out there used this for neuropathy – does it help?
Hi Doug,
I’m afraid we don’t have any data or feedback about using DMSO for neuropathy but several people discussed it in the comments over at another one of Jini’s posts so there might be some useful info:
Cris B
Customer Care
PLEASE tell me if DMSO will rid me of pinworms! I am at the end of my rope. I have tried EVERYTHING. I AM IN HELL.
Hello Missy,
DMSO is one of the products we recommend in a protocol to treat pinworms. You can see that information and the other products we recommend to treat it here:
Please let us know if you have any further questions. If you decide to try it out we would love to hear how it works out for you.
Kind Regards,
Customer Care
As i understand DMSO with SSKIi can cure the intestinal strictures.
What about multiple male urethra strictures can be useful?
How you recomend to use, which one of your protocols can help?
As already you know in this cases we don t have to many options so i want to try it.
Pls advice which proticol can fit better
Hello Nutu,
Unfortunately, we do not have experience or knowledge of treating this type of stricture as we are not medical professionals. We would recommend consulting your doctor on safety of it. If you do decide to try it we would love to hear how it works out for you.
Kind Regards,
Customer Care
Can DMSO help cure or shrink lipomas?
Hello Margaret,
Unfortunately, we do not have experience with using DMSO in this way, and are not medical professionals so are unable to advise you on this. We would contacting your doctor on using it in this way if you are concerned. If you do try to use it for this we would love to hear how it works out for you.
Kind Regards,
Customer Care
hello, i have been using DMSO for a few days for pain throughout my body it has been amazing! Definitely, a true God send and a Blessing.
Can any one guide me if DMSO can be used for chronic severe allergies from environmental Pesticide s and Herbicides?
I live in the land of chemical sprays Auckland and need to see Dr. Matt from the Poison Centre most days due to horrendous side affects.
I have had to give up my job recently as a nurse due to severe health issues relenting from the above, sadly I have used all my savings to get by and to pay for on going treatments.
I would be so grateful and appreciative of any advice or kind suggestions.
Thank you
Much Love Ellie.
Hi Ellie, Have you tried Castor Oil Packs? They are terrific for detoxifying internal issues. If you can do it for 2 hours with a heating pad that turns off after an hour, that way you can watch a good movie and after an hour, get up and stretch, then add a little more castor oil and do another hour).
Drinking blended fresh fruits and veggies. Zucchini is great to add to either kind because it is fantastic for the lymph (which needs a lot of help when on a serious detox program) and it has almost NO taste. Green Magma barley juice powder is also very cleansing and rejuvenating.
If you can do infrared saunas, they will help detoxify from chemicals. Dr. Sherry Rogers’ book “Detoxify or Die” has these and other protocols. Take care and know others are sending you good thoughts.
How may I use the 99% dmso in glass bottle for ridding worms?
Hello Valtag,
Thank you for reaching out! For confirmed or strong parasitic infection:
10 to 15 drops of wild oregano oil (shake bottle well)
6 to 8 ounces of water containing 1 tablespoon of colloidal silver, 3 drops potassium iodide and 1/3 teaspoon (1.60 ml) 99% DMSO
Please check Jini’s Intestinal Parasite protocol here:
Kind Regards,
Customer Care
I had a mixture of DMSO and Baking soda and soaked my fingers in it for about 15 minutes. 24 hours later my fingers are still all shriveled up like I soaked in a tub for hours. I hope it’s not permanent. How long before they are back to normal?
Did your fingers recover from this?
Hi! Have cataracts, wanna do dmso/vit C eyedrops, see if I can reverse them and avoid surgical replacement w plastic lens.
No compounding pharma (I can locate) will risk making these drops anymore, & the premade drops are expensive/dubiously effective.
Have you experience w safe/effective dmso eyedrops of any kind?
Thanks! Glad you are doing this great & risky work,
Hello Win,
Thanks for reaching out! Take a look at these two eyedrop formulas for cataracts below:
OR this one using DMSO:
Dr. Rowen’s Eye Drops
A simple eye-drop formulation, made popular by Dr. Robert Rowen, MD, has also shown promise in the prevention and treatment of cataracts. Known as “Dr. Rowen’s Eye Drops”, the formula contains DMSO, Glutathione, and Vitamin C. All three ingredients have powerful antioxidant properties that battle free radicals and are important nutrients in overall eye health.
Glutathione: Eyes deficient in glutathione are more susceptible to cataracts and other eye diseases and contain approximately one-fifth the amount of glutathione compared to normal lenses.
DMSO: Is a natural solvent that can carry other drugs with it across membranes, enhancing the delivery of companion ingredients.
Vitamin C: The sclera of the eye is dependent on vitamin C for good health, and research has shown that cataracts can begin when vitamin C becomes deficient.
This formulation is available through College Pharmacy with a prescription. For more information about Dr. Rowen’s Eye Drops, or to speak to a pharmacist about vitamin supplements for eye health, contact College Pharmacy directly.
If you decide to try it, we’d love to hear how it works out.
Kind Regards,
Cris B
Customer Care
College Pharmacy requires a prescription and the other 2 have been taken down. I have found what I think is the next best thing. Not exactly the same but I am trying it.
Hi Terry,
Yes, College Pharma requires a prescription. Thanks for sharing this link and we would love to hear how it works out for you.
Kind Regards,
Cris B
Customer Care
Hi listen to your gut
I have the eye problem Glaucoma plus Eyelash infection Blepharitis I can not take the eye drops that the doctor prescribed to treat the Glaucoma.
Is it correct that I can mix 99.8 % DMSO with Colloidal silver solution.
The DMSO treating the Glaucoma and the Colloidal silver treating the eyelash Blepharitis problem .
If so what % DMSO and what % Colloidal silver should I use ?.
Appreciated if you could email me back.
Kind regards
Hi William,
Thanks for contacting us. For Glaucoma of the eyes – you can purchase glutathione/DMSO/vitamin C eye drops from specialist compounding pharmacies. See my comment above dated October 25, 2017 for details about Dr. Rowen’s Eye Drops. Its for cataracts but might work for this condition too.
Kind Regards,
Cris B
Customer Care
Hi Cris B
thank yo0u for your reply.
Please can you tell me, or where do I look up how to mix Glutathione, DMSO, Vitamin C as I prefer to mix my own solution up.
its a personal thing, and they are my eyes.
I was told just using 25% DMSO mixed with a 10 ppm colloidal silver solution helped Cateraracts and Glaucoma eye problems plus could one then use a vitamin c solution as eye drops.
Hi William,
Sorry, but we do not have any information available. Please reach out to College Pharmacy directly.
Kind Regards,
Cris B
Customer Care
Hi – I use Thera tears ( sreailid ) foaming cleanser for your eyelids and eyelashes. I have dry eyes and am prone to getting eye infections. Haven’t had an infection since I started to use this wonderful eye cleanser .
Are you aware of anyone using DMSO for urethral scarring?
Hello Naomi,
I’m afraid we can’t comment as we haven’t tested it with that particular application. If you decide to try it, we’d love to hear how it works out for you.
Kind Regards,
Cris B
Customer Care
I have had five abdominal surgeries and working with a myofascial worker to break up scars tissues/adhesions that are pulling from my sacrum to my adbomen/pelvis. I am literally stuck front to back. Is it ok to put the DMSO directly on my abdomen and pelvic area to try and unstick the tissues. I have been using castor oil but its not breaking up anything. I’m at my wit’s end as the pain prevents me from walking or doing much of anything due to the tugging. I have the 70% DMSO/30% distilled water from Nature’s Gift…..just have been afraid to try it because I don’t want to burn my skin. Thank you for your help.
Hello Sue,
Thank you for reaching out! Yes, just make sure to dilute it with Aloe Vera Juice and apply to your Abdomen using finger tips or a natural hair paint brush (do not use any synthetic with DMSO. Allow it to dry and you can apply the Castrol oil. Please check DMSO and Safety Cautions for more information about DMSO safety rules.
Kind Regards,
Cris B
Customer Care
For what it’s worth, I have been using DMSO 70% Distilled water 30% to break up internal encapsulation scars from 20 yr. breast surgery. I brush it on with a clean fine natural hair paint brush (like a make-up brush) and let it air dry on my skin. Sometimes I apply castor oil over that and cover with a clean white cotton wash cloth. It has been a little over 2 months and softening is evident. Just my experience so far. DMSO is pretty safe.
I just got the 99.9 % DMSO and rubbed it on my back.. I didnt mix with anything.. My frist time and rubbed on the sole of my feet..They both feel better but is that to strong? I have a garlic kinda taste in my mouth.
Hi Denise,
Thanks for reaching out! 99% DMSO is often irritating to human skin – we use a maximum of 70% DMSO for most topical applications, diluted with either distilled water or George’s Aloe Vera Juice. For applications above the waist, 40 – 50% DMSO is usually the maximum. If irritation occurs, it can be soothed with aloe vera, or cold-pressed castor oil, or comfrey salve. All of these substances are safe (and usually beneficial) to be applied on top of the DMSO, once the DMSO layer has dried. Please check DMSO and Safety Cautions for more information about that.
Kind Regards,
Cris B
Customer Care
Hey Guys Any idea from where I can get Injectable DMSO oil? Is it safe to use 99.95% DMSO oil which is pack in the plastic bottle for injectables or it has to be only in a glass bottle
Hi Viren,
Thanks for contacting us here. We’re not aware of any injectable DMSO, unfortunately. DMSO will transport instantly into the cells anything it comes in contact with so it should only be stored in a glass and avoid any plastics or anything that contains synthetic chemicals that could be transported into your body.
Kind Regards,
Cris B
Customer Care
Hi guys ,
I would like to use DMSO , tree tea oil , and oregano oil to treat nail fungus ? Has anyone heard of it being used to treat fungus ? I
My son has allergies so bad…mostly to outdoors..pollen, grass, dust, hay etc…I do have DMSO drops for eyes..would these drops give him any relief at all …
Hi Donna,
Thank you for your comment. Jini has a couple of allergy remedies she recommends and you can read her blogs by following these links:
Kind regards,
Customer Care
i like to kow if it is safe to use DMSO on swellen thyroid as well as on The side of thyroid that has nodules.
what potency?
Where do I get it from.
where do I get DMSO with glutethione?
Thanks so much .
Hi Nia,
Thank you for reaching out! We don’t have any data or feedback about using DMSO in the manner you mentioned but we have been using DMSO to treat various conditions like hemorrhoids, rectal stricture, intestinal stricture, etc. both topically and orally. We’d love to hear how it works out for you if you’re considering it and decide to proceed.
Kind Regards,
Cris B
Customer care
I (69 Y) have cardio vascular problems, hawed Bypass operation 15 years ago, so diabetes type 2 is part of.. But I also have problem with the gout attacking joints on my feet’s and hand’s wrist, related to hard pain. Also problem with tintinatis, permanently whistling in right ear. Can I use DMSO and how to apply, what will be benefits.
There is my partner (65 Y) and she have MS for several years problem to synchronise and coordinate foots, she had also arthritis, joints on hands fingers swollen. How she can use DMSO and what will be expecting benefits.
Thank you
Hello Ivan, Thanks for reaching out. Unfortunately, Tinitus is not something we have experience treating. It may be something that can be cleared up through the basic treatments for other things like the DMSO or Wild oregano oil, but we can not say for certain.
Please check out Jini’s symptom page for Gout below:
And this link below for arthritis:
Hope that helps!
Cris B
Customer Care
Hello there – do you have any info on vaping dmso? I have copd and have read that u can’t nebulize the dmso because of the materials of the nebulizer part is made of plastic so it would be dangerous to us in a nebulizer. Thanks
Hi Michele,
We don’t have any data or feedback about using the protocol in the manner you mentioned, but yes, use only unvarnished wood, stainless steel or glass to store or apply. Avoid plastics or anything that contains synthetic chemicals that could be transported into your body.
Cris B
Customer Care
I have read the book on how to heal strictures. It says buy 99% DMSO but in the answers above you have mentioned not to use more than 70% topically. So not sure which is exactly recommended to use?
Also which brand sells authentic DMSO?
Hi Rabia,
In the eBook for Strictureheal, the topical solution calls for 2 tbsp. DMSO, 2 tbsp. Aloe Vera Juice and 2 tsp. SSKI. After you have done this protocol a few times, if you think your skin will tolerate higher DMSO content, then try a solution of 70% DMSO to 30% aloe vera (3 tbsp. DMSO and 1 tbsp. Aloe vera Juice) keeping the potassium iodide the same.
This is the brand that Jini recommends: DMSO (Dimethyl sulfoxide) 99.9%
Cris B
Can you give any info on how to apply dmso and lugol’s iodine to a sebaceous cyst on my labia. I have 70% dmso. I know I need to use a glass container to do the mixing but how do I apply and in what proportions?
Hi Valia,
Thanks for contacting us here. Unfortunately, we don’t have any information about using the protocol in the manner you mentioned. Jini’s suggestion is to try and experiment however you wish. She cannot advise you on something she have no knowledge/experience of. However, your body KNOWS exactly what it needs. So she encourage you to get in dialogue with your body.
She have a lot of posts on exactly this topic:
I hope this helps you
Cris B
Customer Care
I got a perianal abscess back in August which tracked through the perineum and became a horseshoe abscess. I had them incised but very soon after they healed I began a cycle of them retuning … either side and of varying intensity. I have had an MRi and a ‘clear out’ operation .. and I do not have a fistula or Chrones. However .. the infection seems to be hiding in the perineum so antibiotics have never got rid of the infection …and I have had a couple of small abscesses since I healed from the last op. I have been using the WOO topically, take high dose Vit C and am taking TCM potions but feel that I would like to include DMSO in my routine so that the WOO can penetrate deeper.
I would really like some guidance on how I should apply the mixture .. and do you think it would work? I’ve educated myself about DSMO .. but have to admit that I’m still a bit nervous about using it.
Also wanted to say how amazing it is to have found a forum like this – we all search around for an answer in our time of need .. wanting to hear other stories and be told what to do by someone who KNOWS WHAT TO DO. It’s helped me enormously to read other peoples stories and journeys… so thank you.
Hi Molly, Thanks you for your question and we’re glad to have you here.
First is to check Jini’s Natural Treatment for Perianal Abscess & Fistula here:
And if you decide to use the turbo charged formula that includes DMSO, you MUST read Jini’s eBook on Natural Treatments for Anal Stenosis and Stricture for a full description of each of these ingredients, how to mix, how to apply it, safety guidelines, etc. before beginning treatment, you can get the eBook and formula ingredients here..
Kind Regards,
Cris B
Customer Care
Question regarding DSMO. Has anyone noticed using DSMO, affects their opiate pain medications? It seems like after I apply it to skin, I begin to experiance withdrawl symtoms of opiates. It always follows after I’ve applied DMSO. Havent found any literature about drug interactions.
Hi Deb,
It is not recommended to use DMSO in conjunction with any drugs. DMSO drives ANYTHING deeper into the body – so that would include the drugs you are taking.
Savannah B
Customer Care
I have a fistula that tunnels from my intestines to my bladder from
recently diagnosed with Crohnes. Doctor says biologic could close it up possibly but I am reluctant to start them for scary side effects. I now feel I have a stricture as well and new spasms that I’ve never felt. I’d like to start stricture heal as soon as possible. I’m just wondering if DMSO would possibly make my fistula worse or be beneficial. Ive only read on your blogs about fistulas tunneling out of body like the anal ones. My fistula tunneled a little crack into my bladder. I know I couldn’t ask my doctor for advice on DMSO. They do not care anything about you when they learn you don’t want to try biologics. I am on my third gastro in a year and yet to find someone that will spend more than 10 minutes with me in a visit. I so want my life back.
Hi Brenda. Thank you for reaching out. I’m so sorry, but we have no experience with your condition so unfortunately cannot comment, or even share anyone else’s experience with you. However, Jini has a blog post on the deeper messages of perianal abscess and fistula, and I encourage you to check that out:
Also, check out The Goldberg Clinic. Dr. Paul Goldberg is familiar with most of Jini’s protocols and healed himself of colitis and arthritis over 30 years ago. You can contact him directly at
I hope this helps.
I am wondering how long DMSO (in a glass bottle) will keep unopened, as well as after opening? I can’t find any lot number or markings on the bottle to even indicate when it was bottled let alone an expiration date so how can I possibly know how to determine how long it will be fully effective? Thank you for any help.
Hi Bud,
Thanks for reaching out. 4 Fl oz bottle of DMSO contains approximately 24 tsp. When stored as indicated, DMSO has a shelf-life of two years, as per manufacturer. Please let us know if you have any additional questions or concerns.
Thanks for your response. Please specify how many years is the DMSO good after opening and how many if unopened? Thank you.
Hi Bud. No problem at all. Regardless of opened or sealed, the manufacturer still states it has a shelf-life of two years.
Here is all the spec information I have on DMSO:
This company selling DMSO for cell tissues and DNA applications says it is stable up to 100 degrees Celsius (212F) for all conditions, and stable up to its boiling point (372 degrees F) for use in neutral or alkaline conditions:
I hope this helps.
I started taking DMSO orally at a 50% solution and ended up reducing it to 20%. I’m having trouble with stomach pain, has, and diarrhea. Will this dissipate over time? Will my body adjust? I’m wondering whether to stop taking the DMSO or persevere. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Hi Janine – thanks for reaching out. What are you intending to use the DMSO for, and how long have you been using it?
I have a friend whose mother developed a bed sore back in April, but due to Covid was not allowed to go to a wind care clinic or hospital. She’s on hospice with late stage MS. But the wound is so painful, and she’s not ready to just let it go.
Could I help my friend do a DMSO Treatment on the wound for her mother? World one of your existing protocols work on a bed sore that has now infected the bone?
Please advise. She is suffering so.
Thank you
Hi Irina,
If it were my mother… I would first try just topical wild oregano. If that didn’t work, then I would try the DMSO/Wild oregano mixture given here (Formula A) and also the infrared laser treatment:
Let us know how it goes xo
thank you for the article!
can you please write about dosage of internal use of dmso for “beginers”?
i notice that any amount above 6 drops giving me strong fatige affect and ” poissened ” feeling
and i dont want to give up
also looking for reaserch/ data/ protocols of application on keloid / hypertrophic scars
thank you !
First off, if it’s ok, I would like to say I love your name! It’s beautiful.
As to your question, have you read Jini’s blog post on using DMSO for scar tissue? Since your scar tissue does not involve your digestive system, you can skip Step 1 of this protocol and head straight to #2:
In that post, Jini advises that DMSO tolerance varies widely (with redheads being the most sensitive), so a 50/50 ratio is likely to be tolerated by most – but feel free to adjust up or down as you desire.
Since you mentioned 6 drops is your threshold, if it were me I would try 6 drops DMSO to 6-10 drops of aloe vera and go from there. It may take some time on this protocol before your skin will tolerate a higher DMSO content, so don’t push it! Even 6 drops can be beneficial. 🙂
I also want to ensure you are NOT using anything synthetic with DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide – a natural substance derived from tree bark) as it will pick up and transport everything it contacts into your skin/bloodstream. Depending on how you are applying, or what is already on the skin, maybe it is picking something up that is making you feel that “poisoned” and “fatigued” feeling you’re getting…
Make sure hands and abdomen have been washed with plain soap and water and do not have any creams or fragrances on them.
Happy Healing!
– Linsy
Do you know how long you have to wait to eat after taking dmso orally? Also, do you know how long your cells remain permeable after taking DMSO, or how long it lasts in your system?
Hello John!
Jini has instructions step by step for oral use. You can find it in her intestinal stricture book starting on page 16, so please make sure to read that throughly:
Regarding your question, below I pulled from Jini’s book:
Take this 1 to 3 times per day on an empty stomach (20 minutes before food or 2 hours
after food). Itʼs a good idea to start with lower amounts, or lower frequency, and
then build up over time. For example, start with half the dosage of wild oregano oil and
DMSO, then gradually build up, and take once or twice per day to start to establish
tolerance and then increase to full frequency and dosage. For acute strictures or complete
obstructions, you may want to take it three times per day – but still build up gradually to test
for tolerance.
Best to you!
How about using topical DMSO for swollen varicose veins ? Has anybody been success with that ?
Thank you
Hi, Gabriela! Unfortunately, we don’t have information on the use of DMSO for varicose veins and Jini has not done any testing with it, personally. Regards!