In this video, Jini and Dane talk about probiotics, their personal healing journeys, and general gut health:
Some of the topics Jini, Dane discuss about probiotics during this conversation are:
- How probiotics are the new money makers
- How to start with probiotics
- How to adjust the dosage
- How to start slow
- Benefits of taking the powder with growth medium
- How to take away from probiotics
- Which probiotics are worth the investment
- How long do probiotics last
- Gut Flora
- What is microbiome
- About Nature
- What are super strains
- Benefits of dairy-based probiotcs
- Dairy sensitivity
- Getting started with raw milk
- Dairy is a choice
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Jini Patel Thompson is an internationally recognized expert on natural healing for digestive diseases. She healed herself from widespread Crohn’s Disease and has remained drug and surgery-free for over 25 years. Jini has appeared on numerous podcast, TV, and radio shows throughout the U.S., U.K., Canada, and Australia, giving people hope and vision for how they can heal their Colitis, Crohn’s, Diverticulitis and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), using entirely natural methods. Her books on natural healing for digestive diseases have sold worldwide in over 80 countries.
While liistening to this wonderfully informative video I am 8.50 minutes into it where you are explaining the completely healthy person and the ElementalDiet and that the maltedexrin component would aggravate their candida” … . so my question and I apologise if I am vague…Im learning.. I had diariahea one day several months ago and food seemed to just run through me. I began to research read and study your site. I ordered your book and worried at first I had “leaky gut” and then after a diet for this I came to the conclusion it was a bad bacteria overloadCandida. All surprising to me because we grow our own organic food and always have, I take nearly everyone of your suppliments mentioned, we are very attentive to eating well etc. I took Candibactin AR (oregano)for 3-4 weeks which was my intuition to kill bad bacteria inmy gut- one day it just seemed time to stoop. I ordered the Vanilla Absrobplus and in JUST one shake that day I never had diariha since. I was amazed and happy. So I take a shake only one a day mind you and I have no symptoms. I am adding new foods little at a time but no symptoms, thankfully- I have a few really a few black beans and get a very slight gas from them- beans are what I really want to eat like lentals and pea soup again as I ama Vegetarian for 47 years. I eat cheese make my own yogurt and add to my smoothie or eat with a banana etc-SO YOUR VIDEO JUST SAID IF I DRINK THE ABSORB PLUS i COULD AGGRAVATE CANDIDA. I love this absorb plus I cant guarantee I have candida it was just a thought. also i take 2 x a day now the Natren capsules to replenish my gut. Am I doing the right thing do you think. thanks for all you do.
Who is Dane Johnson? He was never introduced in Jini and his video. What does he do? What are his qualifications and how do I get ahold of him
Hi Datla,
Dane Johnson is a Holistic Nutritionist and Health Coach diagnosed with Crohn’s/Colitis 7 years ago and was on every drug imaginable, was on a feeding tube, chemotherapy, immunosuppressants and nearly dead. Now, taking zero drugs, gained 55 pounds of lean muscle, travel the world. His website is
Cris B
Customer Care
That was awesome. Thank you for sharing some real gold nuggets. X
My body has a dx of Crohn’s disease with IBS overlay. I am currently in flare mode since March after a food poisoning incident. I started on the Elemental Diet for 2 weeks and tried to introduce foods but have not been too successful..I can only tolerate eggs, white rice and bone broths. …so now I am on the Absorb Plus twice a day with all your recommended supplements including Wild Oregano 4 times a day with Mucosalheal. Dinner I have the rice with broth and eggs.
I have watched several of your videos and have read your LTYG book along with the IBD Remission diet book and very little is mentioned my current issues. Hyper-defecation with constipation…tiny balls or skinny bm about 15-20 times per day…plus intermittent cramping. I have good days and bad days…about even. I am on Natrem Probiotics Dairy based…..1 tsp of Megadophilis + 3/4 tsp of Digestalac…started with 1/4 tsp each. Started your protocol on June 29th and hoped I would see more improvement. I am not able to work because of the Hyper-defecation. My labs indicate I am still in flare mode.
Any suggestions??
Hello Jini,
I have UC with MUCH diarrhea. I have just finished the bottle of Life Start, and started the bifido factor this AM. Shall I finish the bottle and then move on to the acidophilus? Will I be taking the bifido in conjunction with the acidophilus? You had mentioned the strains competing and killing each other off. Can you clarify this for me please?
Thank you,
Michelle NM,
Edmonton, Alberta
Hello Michelle,
Thank you for contacting us. If you can tolerate the B. infantis well then gradually work your way up to the adult species like L. acidophilus, B. bifidus and L. bulgaricus starting with 1/2 tsp. of each specie. Probiotic bacteria do not “play nice” together, that’s why Natren mixes a maximum of only three organisms. You can mix the powders together in room temperature, filtered or spring water, at the time you drink them. But don’t use the same spoon to dig into the containers – you don’t want to mix the species IN the bottle.
Probiotics have to be taken completely on their own – 2 hours away from any antibiotic or anti-pathogen (this includes wild oregano, potentized garlic, olive leaf, etc) and 20 minutes before food, or 2 hours after food.
Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
Kind Regards,
Cris B
Customer Care
how can I order your
Jini’s Probiotic Retention Enema?
Hi Michelle,
Thanks for contacting us today. You need to purchase the three probiotics separately (L. acidophilus, B. bifidus and L. bulgaricus) and a Disposable Enema Bag. This retention enema, which delivers very high dose probiotics directly to your colon (and lower part of your ileum) can provide dramatic healing results. As the name suggests, this is not a cleansing or flushing enema, but rather it is an implant or retention enema – where the goal is to hold the mixture in your colon until the liquid is completely absorbed. Click HERE to learn more about Jini’s Probiotic Retention Enema.
You also need to read the probiotic sections in Jini’s two books; Listen To Your Gut and Listen To Your IBS. This is because people with IBD (and severe IBS) need a good understanding of probiotics before they start dosing for the detailed information on what to look for, how to proceed, etc. to avoid the risk of triggering a flare. We do offer a complimentary Probiotic Report (in the PINK box at the top left side of the page) to get you started in this area of treatment. But for full and complete instructions, you really do need to get one of the books.
Kind Regards,
Cris B
Customer Care
My son who’s 12 has recently been diagnosed with IBD (1st said Chrones, then Ulcerative Colitis, and then Undetermined), he was in the hospital for 5 weeks. He’s home now and was doing well for about 2 weeks but now the bloody diareah has returned 4 times a day. He is also low iron and low hemoglobin from all the past bleeding. I would really appreciate any help you could give about what to do right away, I’ve been looking at your website but it seems like so much I don’t know what to do or where to start. He’s currently on Remicade (which isn’t working), and steroids so I don’t know if it’s safe to do some of the natural things because of how it might interfere with the medications. Please help, thank you.
Hi Michelle,
Sorry to hear about your son. Going on elemental diet using Absorb Plus is probably the best thing that would help the most at this point because his body needs more nutrition due to increase loss of nutrients through loose bowel movements and bleeding. Absorb Plus can be taken with all ongoing prescriptions and herbal supplements.
Aside from bowel rest using Absorb Plus liquid diet, other important steps that you need to follow is to eradicate pathogenic microorganisms (like bad bacteria, yeast, fungi, etc.) using Wild Oregano and then re-populate the bowel with good bacteria using Probiotics .
While the steps above greatly contribute to the healing of intestinal inflammation and ulceration, targeted herbal supplementation is also a highly beneficial natural ulcerative colitis treatment for more rapid healing.
If the ongoing bleeding is from the colon, then use Jini’s Healing Implant Enema, MucosaHeal and George’s Aloe Vera Juice, along with an elemental liquid diet. If bleeding is mild or sporadic, take MucosaHeal along with George’s Aloe Vera Juice and L-glutamine. Probiotics are also very helpful, along with the appropriate Healing Diet for colitis (from Jini’s book Listen To Your Gut).
Many people with ulcerative colitis also suffer from anemia. But iron supplements are irritating to the gut and can trigger intestinal bleeding. Again the solution is to take the iron in nanoparticle, or angstrom-sized form. This means that the iron is instantly absorbed into the bloodstream and does not require digestion, therefore not irritating the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.
We’re not medical professional so we’re not qualified to give you advice regarding prescription drugs. But try reading Jini’s Listen to your Gut book to help you with your research. Jini’s IBD Remission diet is a natural alternative to damaging prescription drugs and surgery, dozens of clinical, medical studies show an elemental diet is as effective as steroids and other prescription drugs. If you’re wondering which to get, then definitely get Listen To Your Gut, since it contains everything you need to heal IBD naturally. And after reading it, you’ll have a good idea of whether you need/want to embark your son an elemental diet, or not.
Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
Kind regards,
Cris B
Customer Care
Please help. my 12 year old son has ulcerative colitis, we were in the hospital for 5 weeks (been home 3), he’s been through so much, his bleeding has returned, I’m trying the elemental diet but he’s still bleeding, his hemoglobin is low, so will need another transfusion soon, I wanted to start the wild oregano and probiotis but he’s on too many drugs to do it (steroid, blood thinner, panto for acid reflux, had dose of remicade last Thurs)
I’m so scared he’s going to have to go back to the hospital where they will only make it worse
What can I do to help him now?
Hi, I have a son who has been in the hospital a lot, since 5 years old he s now 16 years old, we were in the hospital ER and home for a good 3 weeks this year, the Absorb Plus helped a lot make it through so many medicines and IV’s at the hospital. We have gone through Remicade, Humira, steroids, antibotics etc. I can totally feel for what you are going through as a mother. I am sorry about your son, we ended up having a ileomsty bag so the colon can heal and his fistulas. He gained 30lbs in the last 3 months. In about a year he will be switched back and attach the small intestine. If you ever want to talk or email my email is
Fantastic video!! I’ve learned a ton about probiotics and am so grateful for all the new information. I do have one question — why does Jini say bifido infantis is the only strain in the gut of an infant? There have been studies on Lactobacilli in infant feces… I’d be interested for your reply. Thank you!
Hi, My 12 year old son has been diagonised with Crohns. His recent MRI report showed that large part of his small intestine has thickening. He had his first remicade 10 days ago and will have the next one on May15th. Just before starting Remicade I have put him on AbsorbPlus Chocolate flavour shakes(with Udo’s oil) and Natren probiotics ,3 capsules a day(1 in the morning, 1 afternoon and 1 in the night). Not sure if Remicade is causing this problem or any of the above ingredients? He looks very normal, no tummy pain or any other complications. I see that he is putting on some weight too but am worried about black color stool. Any advice please?
Hi Sarala,
Thank you for contacting us here. Is he taking some Iron supplements? Iron can turn the stool black.
Cris B,
Customer Care
No, he is not taking any Iron supplements.
Wanted to give you an update. He had some blueberries the day before and I heard from someone that blueberries may cause darkstool. Its normal past 3 days.
Hi Sarala,
Yes, blueberries can also turn the stool black or green, so continue observing this.
We wish you all the best!
Cris B,
Hello Jini and Dane
What would you suggest for an oral fistula located at the beginning of the throat area, it has just recently developed within the last few months.
I have Crohns but don’t take meds daily (besides something called Cholestyramine-Odan) to help me with digesting fats.
I had a small bowel resection in 2003
I tend towards both diarrhea and constipation but mostly softer stools.
Hi Natalie,
We don’t have any data or feedback about using Jini’s Fistula protocol in the manner you mentioned and we do not have any suggestions because we’re not medical professionals. If you are looking for a new medical opinion, Dr. Paul Goldberg is familiar with Jini’s protocols and have clients with whom they conduct consultations via video call from all over the world. If you are interested, you can contact them at these URLs:
Dr. Paul Goldberg shares methods and protocols with Jini and has read all of her books. He is very rigorous practitioner and like Jini, has healed themselves of a serious chronic illness, so they understands first hand what you’re going through. We can highly recommend them.
We wish you all the best on your healing journey and if you have any additional questions about our products or Jini’s protocols I would be happy to assist you.
Kind Regards,
Cris B
Customer Care
Could you please elaborate on whether Absorb shakes are harmful for people without Chron’s.
I just bought some for my 16 yrs old son who wants to put on some weight so i thought it could be helpful especially knowing that it is a very clean product.
After watching this video now i am very worried about potential Candida overgrowth. He only takes it once a day in addition to his regular food.
I would really appreciate your responce.
Thank you
Hi Olya,
Thanks so much for reaching out, and for your question. Absorb Plus is beneficial for all – not just those who suffer from digestive diseases.
For your first question, I’d like to direct you to Jini’s blog post “Does Absorb Plus Create a Candida Problem?”:
You may also be interested in this blog post “How To Gain Weight Using Absorb Plus”:
Please let me know if you have more concerns, or any questions. =)
In good health,
Savannah B
Customer Care
I have found that the Natren probiotics are the only ones that really work for me. I have been doing the Wild Oregano oil and Natren probiotics to treat my Candida. I am into the second phase of the protocol and experiencing pain in my kidneys and my liver plus my blood pressure dropped to 81/57 with a pulse of 100 yesterday. I really don’t want to stop the WOO but my intuition is telling me that it is maybe to much for my kidneys right now. What do you think? I am thinking about taking a dose of Healthy Trinity Probiotic in the morning instead of the 5 drops of WOO. If you have any other ideas about what could be causing my low blood pressure and kidney/ liver pain please let me know. Thanks Cherie
Hi Cherie – I think you answered your own question here. 🙂
“I really don’t want to stop the WOO but my intuition is telling me that it is maybe too much for my kidneys right now.”
Since you just moved into the second phase of the protocol, perhaps you need to reduce the dosage of WOO you are taking and then slowly work your way up as your tolerance builds. If it were me personally, that is what I would try first! If you still find the WOO if too much, others have had great success with Olive Leaf instead.
I have IBS/IBD with constipation and I started on digest lac and megadophalis 1/4 tsp. I have a lot of gas and bloating from them. I also am taking 5 drops of oregano oil and wanting to slowly increase my dosage. Are these the symptoms jini is referring to as reactions? I don’t want to stop because I heard that is how you are supposed to react to probiotics at first but how do I know when to increase my dosage or when the bloating is a sign that I should stop taking the probiotic?
Hi Anna! Good question! It can be tough not knowing how our body is reacting. Is the constipation improving with the probiotics? Often gas and bloating is common when the microbiome is shifting, so yes this could potentially be a good thing.
On the other hand, reactions can occur. I wonder if you tapered down (lowered the dose) of the probiotics if symptoms would lesson or resolve? Or perhaps only introducing one strain at a time, then adding in the other when symptoms improve?
You could try this temporarily and see if you can get a bit of relief and then raise the dosage back up again. You can also try the same for the Oregano, lower the dosage and slowly work your way back up.
If people’s bodies can’t detox properly while on these protocols often reactions occur and symptoms increase, so give your body time to acclimate.
Also try the castor oil pack for gas, bloating AND to detox each night if possible. Here is a blog post with more info on that:
I hope this helps!