Nasal irrigation is a cheap and easy way for people with allergies, nasal congestion, stuffy noses and post-nasal drip to get relief, says Dr. Melissa Pynnonen, co-director of the Michigan Sinus Center and an assistant professor in the University of Michigan’s department of otolaryngology:
“For most patients, the benefit of nasal irrigation is that it does a great job of treating symptoms that otherwise aren’t well treated with medicine, nasal irrigation can be considered a first-line treatment for common nasal and sinus symptoms. It’s often more effective than medications.”
Nasal irrigation involves rinsing nasal passages using a neti pot filled with a solution made with a quarter-teaspoon of kosher salt and eight ounces of warm water.
If you have a sinus infection, you can flush your sinuses 2 to 3 times a day with a neti pot mixture of:
- 1 cup warm/hot filtered water (some tap water contains infectious microorganisms, so best to boil or filter water first)
- 1/4 tsp. neti pot salt (use himalayan or celtic sea salt if you don’t have neti pot salt)
- 1 tsp. or 1 dropperful colloidal silver (minimum 22 ppm)
- For a stubborn sinus infection, also add 4 drops wild oregano oil (use 2 drops for children) OR 2-3 drops iodine
How To Use the Neti Pot:
1. Mix a 1/4 teaspoon of finely ground Neti Pot Salt in 8 oz of warm/hot filtered water. Use the purest salt available because impurities in the salt can be irritating. Colloidal silver, wild oregano, or iodine can also be added in case of sinus infection.
2. Lean forward and turn your head to one side over the sink, keeping the forehead at the same height as the chin, or slightly higher.
3. Gently insert the spout in the upper nostril so it forms a comfortable seal.
4. Raise the neti pot gradually so the saline solution flows in through your upper nostril and out of the lower nostril. Breathe through your mouth. Make a “K–K–K” sound if you find the solution is draining into your mouth. Dispense half the contents of the neti pot.
5. Then face the sink and exhale vigorously without pinching the nostrils.
6. Switch nostrils and repeat on the other side. Again, exhale vigorously to clear the nasal passages, after neti pot is empty.
*Opening your mouth and making a “K” sound will prevent the solution from coming out of your mouth.
Why a Nasal Wash? The nasal passages are lined with a thin layer of mucus that is one of our body’s first lines of defense against disease. A nasal wash keeps this layer of mucus moist, clean, and healthy and can also kill pathogens that have been inhaled. Compared to other nasal wash techniques, using the neti pot is easy.
Use it anytime to:
- Remove excess mucus due to congestion.
- Rid nostrils of pollen and other allergens.
- Cleanse the nasal membranes of dust, smoke, or other airborne contaminants.
- Relieve nasal dryness due to air travel.
- Improve flow of breath before doing relaxation or meditation techniques.
This short video also shows you how to use a neti pot (they suggest using a full neti pot for each nostril – I’ve never found this necessary, but do what feels good to your body):
Original post dated May 2008. Most recently updated January 2022.
The squeeze bottle and complete instructions can be found on the website of a company called Niel-Med Sinus Rinse. This procedure worked so quickly to eliminate my sinus headaches. I literally would not be able to work if I had not solved this problem. Don’t be fooled by those little bottles of salt water that give you a couple drops….doesn’t work. This stimulates your own system to clean itself. Ten minutes or so after doing it you will experience some drainage…that’s how you know it’s working. Also…do not fail to bring that water to room temp before using…works much better! Using this technique would keep a lot of people from getting sinus surgery, which MD’s suggest to sinus sufferers.
Look into adding Magnesium. I add inexpensive Epsom Salts (Magnesium) to a hyper-tonic saline solution (similar to the above). Some people prefer Dead Sea Salts and the benefit (I think) is the Mg. I think I saw that there are some U.S. Patents applied for for the use of Mg in nasal sprays to reduce inflammation. It’s the internet… check it out. 😉 Good luck. I appreciate getting a recommendation on the amount of Oregano Oil in a sinus rinse… thank you! Despite my best efforts, I seem to be fighting off a mild sinus infection. I have read that Oregano Oil can kill MRSA at 1,000 to 1 dilution. There are 3648 drops in 8 oz. I may add the tiniest touch of a soap to emulsify the oil. I’ve also seen evidence that breathing the vapors is good enough so maybe some drops of oil in hot water and a towel over my head. We’ll see…
How long might one need to continue to use the oregano oil nasal rinse? And, how might one be assured that all of a sinus infection is gone?
Thanks for what you may share,
Hi Wally,
Jini’s protocols are typically recommended until the condition goes into remission or, in this case, when the symptoms subside. For more detailed information about this protocol and a free eBook about the various uses of wild oregano oil, visit our sinus infection symptom page at the link below:
If you have any additional questions, feel free to e-mail me at
Have a great day,
Thank you, very much!
Pretty sure I have a sinus infection, never had one before. I’ve been breathing pure oregano drops in hot water. Wanted to try the neti pot for the first time. I have oregano oil (origanum vulgare) therapeutic grade not diluted. Can I use this in the neti pot diluted with a carrier oil, if so, what would the ratio be? Wouldn’t it separate from the carrier oil once it gets into the pot. Sorry I’m new to this.
Hi Kelley,
We can’t comment on the particular wild oregano oil product you’re using but Jini does recommend using wild oregano oil for sinus infections via a neti pot. For more information about her suggestions for the mixture, check out the link to her symptom section below:
You’ll probably want to use less wild oregano oil since the bottle you have isn’t diluted and her recommendations are based on products that are diluted a bit in extra virgin olive oil.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
On Jini’s link for healing sinus infection, I didn’t see anywhere about whether you should dilute the wild oil of oregano or not. It just says use 4 drops. I’m using Joy of the Mountains, it’s already diluted 3:1, do I need to dilute further?
Hi Heather,
Jini recommends diluting the oil for a sinus infection in the blog post above to a 7:1 mix with extra virgin olive oil.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Thanks Justin! I noticed on the her page, Natural Treatment for Sinus Infection, accessed through the symptom profile, that there it just says add 4 drops of the oil and nothing about dilution. It also says to add 1tsp of colloidal silver if you desire, where in the blog post above it says 1/8 tsp.
Hi Heather,
You’re absolutely right! The symptom page version had the current recommendation so the blog post above has been modified to reflect that.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
4 Drops of Oregano Oil?! Yikes!!! I put one drop of the Oil of Oreganol brand per one Neti Pot (1 cup of water 1/4 tsp Neti Salt) and it burned like fire. I started mixing a double batch with one drop of the Oil of Oreganol. Much better!