When the swine flu pandemic first broke out, back in 2009, I had received emails from both readers and family/friends who were worried about contracting it. Now with new flu bugs every season, you might want to have some self-treatment, natural tools in your toolkit. So, I’m going to share with you what I do, that has repeatedly worked so well for me, my family, and readers. This wild oregano oil antiviral protocol uses a commercial brand of wild oregano (like Joy of the Mountains or Oreganol – which is already diluted 3:1) NOT essential oil of oregano.
For any viruses that have a cough or respiratory component, then you can also gargle with the wild oregano before swallowing. And in serious cases, you can use inhaled glutathione or diluted hydrogen peroxide in a nebulizer, or other essential oils in a steam tent – instructions are at the end of this post.
I have used wild oregano oil numerous times to prevent myself from contracting the extremely virulent vomiting flu bugs that swept through our city about twice per winter. With three children, they were always bringing these viruses home from school when they were younger. Once they got old enough to take care of themselves prophylactically (preventatively), however, we now remain pretty much flu-free every winter.
Back then, I was vomited on repeatedly by any or all of the children, and was virtually up all night anytime they were sick, (until the onslaught passed) it’s safe to say my exposure has been pretty intense and my resistance was low. However, even though other adults in my household had also come down with the bugs, I’d avoided every one by using this intensive wild oregano oil antiviral protocol – because I REALLY, really hate to vomit. And I still use it to this day if needed! So here we go…
Jini’s 7-Day Antiviral Wild Oregano Oil Protocol
*Remember to use a commercial brand of wild oregano (not essential oil) that has already been diluted 3:1
- Take 5 drops every hour for 24 hours – begin this at the first exposure to the virus or first symptom. If you are sleeping, don’t wake yourself up to take it, but let yourself sleep (which greatly assists your immune system). However, if you get up to go to the bathroom, etc. then take a double dose of 10 drops.
- Then take 10 drops every 3 hours, for 48 hours – again, if you are sleeping, don’t wake yourself up to take it, but let yourself sleep (which greatly assists your immune system). However, if you get up to go to the bathroom, etc. then take a dose of 10 drops.
- Then take 10 drops, 3x/day for the next 2 days – just take the dose during waking hours.
- Take 5 drops, 3x/day for the next 2 days – just take the dose during waking hours.
- Take high dose probiotics for the next 2 weeks to repopulate your gut with good bacteria. Remember that wild oregano oil is antibiotic, as well as antiviral, so after a heavy dosage like this, you MUST balance the bacterial flora in your GI tract by flooding it with good bacteria. If you’re taking the Natren probiotics that I recommend, this means you take 1 tsp of each powder, 3x/day OR 1 Healthy Trinity Capsule, 2x/day. Remember to use the powders if you are having more than 3 bowel movements per day – otherwise the transit time through your GI tract is too fast for the capsules to dissolve properly.
NOTE: Take on an empty stomach for maximum potency, then drink a full glass of water immediately after to dilute in the stomach. This dosage protocol is only suitable for adults – see below for my dosing experience with my children.
Wild oregano oil is also anti-inflammatory, so should be fine for most people, but as with any substance, some people will not tolerate it. In that case, use olive leaf extract instead, or two or more of the other recommended antivirals: colloidal silver, aged garlic, grapefruit seed extract (GSE) and potassium iodide (if using longer than 2 weeks, you need to monitor your thyroid).
Intravenous Vitamin C is probably one of the best anti-viral substances, but it must be done repeatedly. However, if you can dose orally at 7,000-10,000 mg per day (without giving yourself diarrhea) then that’s a high enough dose to prevent infection, or speed recovery.
Here’s The Easiest Way to Ingest Wild Oregano Oil
Follow the instructions in this video as my daughter Zara shows you the easy, no-burning! way to take wild oregano. As I mentioned above, if you have a cough or sore throat, just gargle for 20 seconds or so before swallowing:
Wild Oregano Oil Dosing For Children:
Standard herbalist protocol is to NOT use wild oregano oil for children under age 5. For myself, when my young children were sick, I felt that if I sufficiently diluted the dosage, it was better to give them wild oregano than antibiotics or any other kind of drug.
So whilst I cannot give you any recommendations for your children, I will share the dosing protocol I would use with mine for acute or severe flu bugs:
Babies to age 2: I would dilute the commercial brand (which is not essential oil – it is already diluted 3:1) further with olive oil to make a 7:1 dilution (7 drops organic olive oil to 1 drop commercial wild oregano oil). Then, using this 7:1 dilution, I would apply it to the soles of the feet and the lymph nodes under the jaw and down the sides of the neck. As the breastfeeding mum, I would alternate with taking Astragalus and medicinal mushrooms in my tea (to boost immune system) and high dose Natren probiotics – which then go through to the immune system.
Children aged 2.5 – 4: I would give my kids diluted wild oregano in 7:1 dilution (see above), 10 drops, 2-3x/day. See video for how I got them to swallow it. My then 2 year old would just swallow it straight, quickly, and then chug water. Since it’s a 7:1 dilution, it’s not crazy-hot.
Children aged 5 – 7: I would give my kids the regular commercial wild oregano at this age, 3-5 drops, 3x/day. See video for how they took it. I follow this with Natren probiotics, stirred into yoghurt or mixed in with chocolate milk.
Children aged 8-11: At this age, I’d give my kids 5-8 drops of regular (commercial, not essential) wild oregano oil, 3x/day. If we want to really hammer it, I’d give it to them every 3 hours. Of course, I follow this with Natren probiotics, stirred into yoghurt or mixed in with chocolate milk.
CAUTION: I don’t use wild oregano with kids like a drug (crutch). I don’t use it repeatedly, or ongoing. If my kids were to get more than 1 or 2 flu bugs per year, then wild oregano is not the answer: I would need to look at nutrition, toxins in environment, vitamin D levels, probiotic supplementation, immune system strengthening, etc.
I also believe it is important for children’s immune systems to practice and build themselves up, so I only use this protocol for severe flu bugs, or, when I really need them to get better quickly. But often I will not give them wild oregano and instead will let their immune system handle it and I give immune-support herbs instead, like Astragalus, elderberry syrup, medicinal mushrooms – twice per day in a bit of warm water or herbal tea.
Additional Treatment for Viruses with Respiratory Issues
If you have a pre-existing respiratory weakness, or the virus you’re infected with targets the respiratory system, then there are two additional methods you can add to this wild oregano oil antiviral protocol:
Steam Tent with Essential Oils
I have used this repeatedly with my babies, kids and myself. It is super easy and quick with amazing results.
- Get a large stainless steel bowl or saucepan, or a ceramic bowl (no plastic or aluminum) and fill it with just boiled, filtered water.
- Add 20-30 drops of eucalyptus essential oil or Olbas oil.
- Position your head over the bowl and drape a clean towel over your head, so that it hangs down on all sides of the bowl. You’ve basically created an enclosed steam tent for your head.
- Breathe deeply into your lungs and belly. Alternate breathing in through your nose, and breathing in through your mouth.
- If it gets too hot, then vent one side of the towel, or move your head further away from the bowl. Stop and blow your nose as needed.
- Continue for as long as feels comfortable, your body knows when it’s had enough.
- Repeat as many times throughout the day as desired.
Note: If using with a baby, I hold the baby with me under the tent and watch closely for signs that it is too much or too hot.
Glutathione or Hydrogen Peroxide in a Nebulizer
For someone with acute lung issues, you may want to use hydrogen peroxide or inhaled glutathione via a nebulizer. I have detailed instructions here on inhaled glutathione as I used this method as part of my healing protocol for pneumonia in 2006 – I have not had a recurrence of pneumonia or any other lung issue since.
Many clinics who administer IV Vitamin C can also administer inhaled glutathione at the same time. That’s how I learned of it, and once I experienced how well it worked, I bought my own nebulizer to continue treatment at home. Read that post for all the details – and the comments underneath the post also contain some great information and tips.
Diluted food-grade hydrogen peroxide in a nebulizer likewise works really well and is substantially cheaper than glutathione (and doesn’t require a prescription). I have all the details here on using nebulized hydrogen peroxide.
Original post April 2009. Most recently updated March 2020.
[…] Comments Wild Oregano Oil Antiviral Protocol | Listen To Your Gut on Flu Pandemics – What You Can Do To Protect YourselfEd on Good Healthy FatsJINI on Flu Pandemics […]
Could you please tell me if wild oregano essential oil contains potassium? I am taking a blood pressure medication and need to restrict potassium in my diet.
Thank you,
Hi Carol,
Not to my knowledge and I couldn’t find anything in a Google search that said it contained any potassium either.
take care,
Jini – Everywhere on the web I have read that oregano oil acts as an “antibiotic” in that it indiscriminately kills all bacteria and consequently the gut must be repopulated with ‘good’ bacteria to replace what the oregano oil has killed. I have trouble accepting this premise in that first of all, if this were true, how could the oregano plant survive? All of life depends on bacteria to thrive and if the blood (oil) of the plant killed everything it contacted, the plant would die as well. To prove that oregano oil is a discriminating oil unlike man-made antibiotics, I injected high doses of oregano oil into a partial batch of yogurt cultures which I then used to make homemade yogurt. After twenty four hours, I tested both batches of yogurt for taste, consistency and texture and found both batches to be identical in all aspects. The oregano oil flavored yogurt was delicious with a savory, yet sour taste and a wonderful consistency which indicated the presence of live yogurt cultures. Being a layman, I did not use a microscope to confirm the presence of yogurt microbes but the yogurt had every indication of the presence of live yogurt cultures using my tastes buds, my sense of smell and my eyes. Amazingly, the oregano oil infused yogurt was preserved for one full month in my fridge before I finally enjoyed the last of it. Consequently, I would surmise that oregano oil has intelligence as an essential oil in that it is able to discern between good and bad, working holistically and synergistically to support the life systems it contacts with minerals, vitamins and antioxidents while destroying pathogens with it’s other unique chemical compounds and constituents.
Hi Gary,
That is really fascinating… and well done – great experiment!
I’ve passed on your post to some contacts who may be able to comment from a greater knowledge base. Will post again here when I hear from them.
So, question for you then, I see you sell essential oil of oregano (undiluted). Do you happen to know what the standard dilution ratio is for commercial brands of oregano oil – that are cut with olive oil? i.e. in a one ounce bottle, how much essential oregano oil vs. olive oil is there?
Regarding your question, I can give you a rather general response because there are so many variations out there. I have researched my competition in the past but decided to answer your question by simply perusing the first page results from a google search on ‘oregano oil’. Here is what I found:
Two websites offered ‘pure 100% oregano oil’ with one price at about $17 and the other at $93 for 30ml of pure oregano oil. These oils came from different geographical regions and both websites were informative offering accurate data mixed with questionable and debatable information regarding their particular oregano oils.
The other websites listed on the first page of the google search offered diluted product with none of these vendors divulging the ratio of their carrier oil to the essential oil. I have found this to be more the norm than the exception and my simple web search confirmed my observations. Although, I have found vendors that divulge this information in a clear and understandable manner, unfortunately it isn’t typical. I have even written and called oregano oil vendors who didn’t provide clear information on their website. Here are some of those of those responses:
Vendor #1 – “The ration is 75% olive oil and 25% oregano oil”
Vendor #2 – “I don’t know how much olive oil is in the bottle”
Me: “Oh, well is there someone who can provide that information to me?”
Vendor: “No”
Me: Is the owner of the company available?”
Vendor: “You are talking to him”
Me: “Hmmm, so you mean to say you can’t answer my question”
Vendor: ” This product contains 100% pure oregano oil and the carvacrol level is over 80%”
Me: “Yes, but how much olive oil is mixed with the oregano oil?”
Vendor: “I don’t know”
Me: “Thank you for your time, good bye”
Vendor #3 – “Yes, we do mix olive oil with our oregano oil.” They didn’t offer the ratio and I didn’t pursue it further.
So, to answer your question; It just depends who you are purchasing product from. There is a lot of marketing hype out there and along with that hype comes false, misleading and questionable claims. In addition to having to wade through vendor claims, we also need to remember that oregano oil is an agriculture product and thus will vary in quality from year to year and from one geographical region to another. Additionally, the quality of the oil is going to be affected by the distillery and their principles and practices. To conclude, I would suggest you shop around for pure oregano oil and mix it yourself according to your preference after doing your own research.
I asked a friend of mine (an industry insider) for information about commercial wild oregano oil dilutions and here’s what he said:
“Generally, the more diluted a product is, the lower the retail price.
The 1:1 (contain 50% olive oil and 50% wild oregano oil) super strength products have very limited uses. It’s too concentrated to safely take orally, or to apply topically to the skin. Except for conditions like nail fungus, or perhaps treating a sore or wound, a 1:1 ratio needs to be diluted further, in more olive oil.
At the other end of the spectrum, a 1:5 ratio (17% wild oregano oil) may be better suited to people with sensitive skin – but for treating internal infections, there is very little oregano oil in each drop; therefore you’d need to take more of this product to get the same results as a 1:3 dilution (which is the industry standard).
It seems that most people have trouble converting ratios to percentages. Your clients may like knowing that 1:3 means there are 4 parts. So 1/4 or 25%.
Regarding dilutions, here are some popular brands:
Joy of the Mountains – 1:3 (25%)
N.A.H.S. Oreganol P73 – 1:1 (50%) Super Strength, and Regular Strength 1:3 (25%) ~ unless they’ve changed it recently
Hedd Wyn Essentials – 1:4 (20%)
Natural Factors – 1:4 (20%)
New Roots – 1:5 (17%)
St.Francis Oreganum Plus – 1:1 (50%) Super Strength, and Regular Strength 1:3 (25%)”
Hi, I have just heard about oil of oregano and am very excited about what I have been reading. My question is how do I decide how much to take and for how long. My biggest reason in taking it is to keep from getting the flu, cold, etc. Also, I have an ear infection that I’d like to get rid of. I have the ‘Oreganol P73 Super Strength’. If I understand correctly I can take this internally and externally…. is this correct? If you can not answer my questions can you recommend where I can go to get my answers? I have a 10 year daughter and a 6 1/2 year son…. can they take this as well? I am asking because I have noticed some sites I go to say no children under 12 can take it and others say yes. It is a bit confusing. Thank You in advance for your help.
Hi Melanie,
Here are two videos which will give you some good info and answers to your questions:
How To Take Wild Oregano Oil
Wild Oregano Oil for Tooth Decay & Infection
Also, go to this page, scroll down, and sign up for my free Wild Oregano Oil Report:
Lastly, I have a killer protocol for healing ear infections and it even works with blood and pus coming out of the ear (my two youngest were prone to recurrent infections until I developed this protocol). You can get it for free when you are a member of my JPT Wellness Circle. Right now, you can join for only $1 for 1 month – then go get the article (it’s under my section, or you could just enter “ear infection” in the search box on the site) and then if you don’t want to stay a member, just be sure and cancel your membership before 30 days and then you won’t be billed for next month:
Herbal literature states that wild oregano oil is not to be used in children under age 5. However, in my personal opinion, if the alternative is antibiotics, I feel the wild oregano is far safer. And i have used it for various reasons on all of my 3 kids from the age of 6 months (when my daughter got a fungal skin infection). As long as you dilute according to body weight, it has worked fine.
good luck!
how would I adjust the 7 day antiviral WOO protocol above to use for my 3 1/2 year old if we need to use it for the swine flu. She weighs approx. 40 pounds. Preschool starts tomorrow and I am a little concerned about all of the germs she wil be exposed to and bringing home.
Hi Kelly – sorry, but I can’t answer your question as I don’t feel comfortable giving instructions for young children – especially for an intensive protocol like this, knowing nothing about your child’s health, diet, situation, history, etc.
The best thing would be for you to consult your naturopathic doctor.
Also, keep in mind that you can safely use immune system boosters on young children – there are many products formulated specifically for children. Herbs For Kids by Eclectic or St. Francis are both good lines. This is what I do with my kids during the school year – especially in the intense winter months.
You may find this interview with Mike Adams (The Health Ranger) interesting as it is specifically about how to protect your kids from swine flu at school:
I’ve had acute gasterenteritis for two weeks (on and off) it seems to be improving SLOWLY. Do you recommend that i try your protocal (oil of oregano dosage) as if it’s just come on, or different dosage for something that has been in my system this long?
I used a dilluted version when it first came on, but not more than 2-3 times/day for a couple of days. This didn’t help much then. I may not have used a strong enough version, now i’ve got oreganol, and am dosing 5 drops/hour.
Thanks for your help!
Hi Mary,
I would use Jini’s Wild Oregano Oil Protocol for GI diseases instead. You can download it for a time from:
good luck.
Hi Jini
I am extremely excited and grateful to you for all the wonderful information you manage to source. I had crohn’s years ago and after several surgeries left me with only a small part of my colon left. I also have a bascterial gut infection (Helicobacter Pylori) which can be irradicated with 3 differenct anti-biotics, all of which I am allergic to. Infact I am allergic to most things, including prednisolone even at 2mg. I also had breast cancer which was hormone (estrogen) driven so am on Taoxifen, so will be going onto Vit D and C. oil. As you can imagine I am not a happy bunny, the question I suppose is would wild oregano oil help to heal my gut alongside probiotics which I take daily. I am really quite despressed as I never feel well, and have no energy.
Hope you can help. Drs suggested I go an anti depressants, I asked how that would help my gut and was tols it would’nt but you would feel better in yourself!!
Thank you for all you do, I am not yet really into the computer so have not really mastered the art yet! I would love to take part more but live in the UK and don’t know how I would pay you?
Hi Margaret,
Many anti-depressants create an alkaline pH in the gut, which further degrades gut flora, since ‘good’ bacteria need a more acid pH to thrive. EFT is much more effective for treating depression than drugs.
See my post on the Probiotic Retention Enema and you can download my Wild Oregano Oil Protocol there for free (just follow the instructions) and yes, this will greatly help to heal your gut:
take care,
Hi Jini,
I have been taking the Oreganol Super Strength P73 internally for a few days. I noticed that you mentioned it that ratio was too concentrated to safely take orally. Am I harming myself by ingesting this product? I just take two drops under my tongue about 1 to 3 times a day. I have also given it to my 17 year old son. May I have your thoughts concerning this?
Thank you,
~Michelle K.
Hi Michelle,
P73 is a commercial brand that is already diluted with olive oil, so safe to take as is – it is NOT an essential oil.
You can also choose to dilute it further to lessen the “hotness” of it.
take care,
Should I opt for the essential oil instead? I didn’t realize that the Oreganol was not an essential oil. Is there an Oil of Oregano essential oil that I can purchase as well as being better for me than the one I am currently taking? Do I get benefits from the commercial brand? Or would I benefit from a different Oil of Oregano? I just want to make sure I’m doing my body good.
Thank You~
Oreganol is essential oil that has been diluted to a safe, usable level with olive oil – as are ALL commercial brands.
It is usually cheaper to buy the pure essential oil and dilute it yourself, but neither is “better” than the other. Once diluted appropriately, they are the same thing. So they’re all good.
hope that makes it clear.
For those of you who want to do more research on the anti-pathogen abilities of wild oregano oil:
Behaviour of Listeria monocytogenes and autochthonous flora on meat stored under aerobic, vacuum and modified atmosphere packaging conditions with or without the presence of oregano essential oil at 5°C
Summary: The addition of 0.8% (v/w) oregano essential oil resulted in: (i) an initial reduction of 2-3 log10 of the majority of the bacterial population, with lactic acid bacteria and L. monocytogenes indicating the most apparent decrease in all gaseous environments, and (ii) limited growth aerobically and survival/death of L. monocytogenes in MAP/VP, regardless of film permeability.
A list of articles from Applied & Environmental Microbiology
This web page highlights a nice spectrum of sources, you can then
research the original articles of the ones that interest you:
[…] Wild Oregano Oil Antiviral Protocol for Flu Bugs […]
holding the sick hostage is a crime
healing +business= ? results
a healer in the truest sense of the word works from the very beginning to put himself out of business
Oregano oil is mervellous. I have used it for colds, coughs and flu for several years now, and it does work. I do not take flu shots, I am a diabetic and over 70, and have not had the flu for those years that I have taken the oil.
Also, it really works for infected gums and teeth.
However I do not put drops into my mouth, as the oils is so strong, and leaves a really nasty aftertaste for a long time.
Instead put about 5 or 6 drops into one-half glass of water, mix it around and then drink it. For a sore throat, use this mixture as a gargle- it will cure a sore throat.
I have also sprayed it into the nostrils for sinus infections, However, do not spray it full strength, but dilute as I have stated.
Wonderful stuff, I would not be without it.
Lil tip…When my daughter was old enough to take pills, I discovered that I could put the oregano in empty gel capsuls purchased from my health food store (very cheap!) This works perfectly for all of us now.
[…] Wild Oregano Oil Antiviral protocol – A post at Jini’s blog about using Wild Oregano oil to combat flu symptoms. […]
I’ve been a little apprehensive about starting oil of oregano because not only do i have pain and bloating in the bowels, i also have gastritis, which limits my diet and supplement regeime greatly…yet i’m desperate for help. i was wondering if in such cases if Standard Process’ Gut Flora Complex would be better because the pills are enteric and may help to prevent initial pain. They’ve also added other herbs to this formula such as anise? Do you have any comments about the possible effectiveness vs straight oregano supplementation? Are you familiar w/ this product and its effectiveness?
when you say a certain ratio of oregano and olive oils, such as 2 to one; is that two parts oregano and one part olive oil…or vice versa.
2:1 would be 2 parts olive oil and 1 part wild oregano – the larger number is always the olive oil – hence it is a dilution, not a more concentrated version.
The most common dilutions are:
Babies skin: 20:1 or 15:1
Children’s skin: 7:1
Mucous membranes (lips, inside of nose, genitals): 7:1 – 5:1
Crystal – regarding untested supplements or combination remedies, please see page 55 of Listen To Your Gut for how to test/introduce these.
I have UTI with e.coli bacteria how can i treat it with wild oregano, what is the way to use it and how effective is it, does it really work. My other question is if i use wild oregano is it safe to combine it with colostrum?
[…] http://www.listen2yourgut.com/blog/wild-oregano-oil-antiviral-protocol-for-swine-flu/ […]
Hi Jini,
in your Antiviral Wild Oregano Oil Protocol are the quantity are given in pure Oregano essential oil or in already diluted (1:3)? The 5 drops every our means 5 drops of 1:3 diluted oil or 20 drops of 1:3 diluted oil.
Vladan: This protocol uses a commercial brand of wild oregano (like Joy of the Mountains or Oreganol – which is already diluted 3:1) NOT essential oil of oregano. So it means 5 drops of commercial (already diluted) wild oregano oil.
Zare: You can treat UTI orally using this protocol. But then I would follow it with high dose oral probiotics (Natren brand is great). Wild oregano may kill the good bacteria in colustrum, so take it (and probiotics) 2 hours away from any wild oregano.
Jini, I have not read one published research article anywhere that would imply that oregano oil destroys beneficial bacteria. All research indicates that it preserves and feeds life giving cells resulting in enhanced health which is also manifest by longer shelf for fish, animal meats and produce.
Gary: I hear you and you may very well be right. But until someone does a clinical trial where stool is tested before, during and after wild oregano usage, we won’t know for sure. Or, it would be useful to even have some in vitro tests to look at – where they put L. acidophilus (for example) into a petri dish, add wild oregano and then track what happens. I’ve never seen this done, I’ve only read in vitro studies that test on pathogenic bacteria and fungus.
The other reason I always recommend following an intensive wild oregano oil protocol with probiotics is because back when we were developing/testing Jini’s Wild Oregano Oil Protocol for GI diseases, all 30 of us found better results and increased tolerance of the protocol when we took probiotics nightly and then afterward.
Thirdly, standard usage for therapeutic probiotics is to take them 2 hours away from ANY substance that has antibiotic properties: aloe vera, licorice, garlic, various oils, etc.
One more thing – this is from Dr. Cass Ingram (who basically brought wild oregano oil to America):
Question: Will oil of oregano or Oregacyn, the multiple spice extract, destroy the beneficial bacteria like acidophilus and lactobacillus in the colon.
Answer: Yes, if you take too much of any of these things, it can. For instance, if you eat three cloves of raw garlic, it will temporarily sterilize the colon. If you eat a raw onion you will sterilize the stomach for a short period of time. If you take a lot of oil of oregano, you can kill your lactobacillus. If you are taking a heavy dose of something like that, it is wise to take a friendly bacteria supplement.
My oldest son is is five years old has had some type of stomache flu or virus. He really has had a hard time kicking it so I started giving him oregano. How much should I give him? I use the full strength but mix it in a little olive oil to give him. Also….I have a one and a half year old whom Im afraid will catch the virus as well. Can I give him some as well and how much? Thank you!
Cayce – I have added info about what I did with my kids at different ages to the post above.
Hi Jini,
Thanks for the great post…I just came across your blog. You mention to use only diluted oil of oregano. We just purchased a bottle that says “100% pure”. Is it bad to take it undiluted?
P.s. your daughter is adorable! 🙂
If there are no other ingredients than wild oregano oil – then you have a bottle of ESSENTIAL oil. So yes, you NEED to dilute it first. 3:1 (3 drops olive oil, 1 drop woo) is the standard commercial dilution. Then you can dilute further from this solution if you need to. All my instructions are based on starting with a commercial dilution.
Hello. I find it very easy just to put drops of oil of oregano into an empty gelatin capsule.
I swallow the capsule and then take a few ounces of purified water. Also remember, that Jesus Christ loves you, died for your sins, and rose from the dead. Receive Him as your Lord and Savior and you will go to heaven. It’s awesome.
Hi, in my country (Denmark) it is impossible to find commercial brands of oregano il, I have only be able to find essential oregano oil which I have bought 2 small bottles of. I even tried ordering from amazon.co.uk, but they won´t ship medicine stuff to my country.
My question: is it all right if I dilute some drops of this essential oil with olive oil, and then drink it? I have a bad, longlasting strep infection, it´s been 4 months now and nothing has helped, I feel I should try Oregano oil now.
Hi again, sorry I just noticed that someone already asked a question similar to mine 🙂
Our community is on a boil water advisory. They have found cryptosporodium and giardia in our water supply. We live on the farm and we are hooked up to city water. We have a 100 gal water holding tank to run our pressure system off. My question is…once the city has irradicated the issue and lifted the boil water advisory I am curious to know how to clean my pipes, holding tank, and taps. I understand oil of oregano does indeed kill crypto and giardia…do you have info on that…next question is…how much do I need per gallon to treat it and how long does it need to sit in the pipes etc to be effective…I am assuming that running it thru is not as effective as leaving it in the pipes for a period of time. Thanks so much, in advance, for your help!
NANNA – dilute essential oregano 3:1 with organic olive oil (3 drops olive, 1 drop essential oregano) and then you will have “regular” wild oregano oil (like a commercial brand). For strep throat, I would take a sip of water and hold it in the back of your throat. Drop in 7 drops of the ‘regular’ woo and gargle for as long as you can. Swallow and do not drink anything else for 10 minutes (the burning will last 2.5 minutes). I would do this every 2-3 hours until the infection is gone, then continue 3x/day for 10 days after all infection is gone.
TAMARA – As most pipes are plastic, I’m not sure the oil would be good idea. Better would be to use potassium iodide (SSKI) and/or hydrogen peroxide I would think. You’ll need to do your own research for amounts etc. though. Please let us know what you discover…
[…] What's Causing It, then visit our website and read more about The Symptoms Of Acidosis Part 2.Bronchitis is a viral infection that causes inflammation in the large airways in the lungs known as …ow breath. While there are many ways to treat bronchitis, antibiotics won't work because it is not a […]
[…] wild oregano oil is supposed to be antiviral; video here explaining protocol and use with a child: https://blog.listentoyourgut.com/wild…for-swine-flu/ And probiotics may be a very good thing tested with caution, especially something like homemade […]
[…] a good naturopath or integrative medical physician could assist you personally. Here’s my own personal antiviral protocol that I use to protect myself from virulent flu bugs using wild oregano […]
I can’t thank you enough for this post. I have a major phobia of vomiting and came across your post. I have a son, almost 3 and tending to him is no problem, but I can’t express enough how much I hate to vomit. Last week, that horrible debilitating stomach virus ran through my brother’s house and wrecked havoc. One of his son’s came over while he was contagious. After sterilizing every surface in my mother’s house with bleach and Lysol… I prayed we wouldn’t get it. About a week later which was last night I started feeling it coming on. I immediately started with 2 activated charcoal pills every two hours 6 times but still was so gassy and bloated. I took 6 drops of Oregano oil in a shot of water and the nausea went away within seconds. I’ve done it three times today and gave my 2 1/2 year old son 2 doses of 6 drops in a shot of water and he gladly chugged it down. I’ve not vomited and have somewhat of an appetite and so far my son is normal. I wished I’d done this when we were first exposed but looks like even at the onset of symptoms, it’s not to late. I rubbed drops on both of our feet to sleep in socks and will be doing probiotics before bed while we are taking the Oregano oil. I won’t leave home without it. Thanks so much and I love your blog!
Awesome Kim! Just remember to take your probiotics 2 hours away from wild oregano (or any other antibacterial).
You are literally a life saver! God Bless you! I have emetophobia (an extreme phobia of vomiting) and have been panicking about the stomach flu that is going around. Some of my friends have caught it and I’m terrified. I cannot tell you the relief you have given me by sharing this info on Oregano Oil. I am going to get some ASAP. You are a true healer and such a help to so many. Thank you for all of your hard work, research, knowledge and willingness to share it. I hope you know how much it’s appreciated.
You’re so welcome Veronika and thanks for the lovely comments! Just remember that the basis for not catching stomach bugs is to have a really strong beneficial gut flora. So you may want to take 1 Natren Healthy Trinity capsule every day, ongoing as a protective measure. We were in Mexico once with 12 family members and ALL of them got diarrhea and vomiting – except for my family who were on Natren probiotics. Details here:
Hi, I am confused with the dosage. To prevent stomach virus or if you have been exposed and feel it coming on. What dosage should you take. I have oil of oregano Oreganol wild. p73.
Hi Tamara,
The best place to start is to follow the dosing instructions on the bottle but for more information, check out Jini’s blog post below:
Kind regards,
Customer Care
I have essential oil oregano. I had read you could add a few drops of woo mixed with olive oil in a vegetarian capsule and swallow that way. Just curious what your thoughts are on this?
Thanks for all the great info!!
Hi Jennie,
Yes, Jini recommends olive oil if you wish to dilute the wild oregano oil down and you can certainly use the mixture in a vegetarian capsule if you prefer that instead of taking the liquid directly.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Good Morning Jini,
I wanted to thank you for your book and blog site. Back in 05-08 I had severe CD flairs to the point I weighed in at 95 pounds during the worse of it. Your book, the shakes and the blog changed my life and I have been in remission since 08, even through times of severe stress. Thank you so much. I have a question, I have been supplementing with Healthy Trinity for 8 years now but have been recently diagnosed with H pylori. I cannot find anything in the book that addresses how long I stay on Joy of the Mountains Wild Oregano oil – or the dosage if it is different. I would much rather take Oregano oil then do the antibiotics therapy because my body never did OK on heavy antibiotics therapy, not even for a chest cold and the three drugs pale in comparison to biaxin and levaquin.
Hope you are well!
Hi Cait,
It’s great to hear about your remission! Regarding the length of time you can stay on the wild oregano oil, you’re fine with continuous use as long as you’re continuing to supplement with the healthy trinity probiotics. On pages 152-155 of Listen to Your Gut, Jini explains the specific dosing instructions so you may want to start again with phase 1.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Awesome site!! Thanks for the information. Just to clarify, we have a 4 and 5 year old down with the flu – and dad (me). We have the oreganol P73 and it is difficult for me or my wife to take, even in just a few drops. Are you saying that a 5 to 7 year old could take this undiluted? Would it be ineffective to give the 5 year old the diluted versin? If so, how much more because of the age difference?
Thanks for the help….
The P73 is a more concentrated solution. So you could dilute it 3:1 first for the kids.
So you can use the dosing guidelines for their age category, but use a 3:1 dilution instead of full-strength.
Let us know how that works…
Hi! My kids were exposed to strep throat so went to health food store to buy oil of oregano & she talked me into getting “oregano” ” juice of wild oregano”. Will this do the same as oil of oregano? Also, not sure of dosing on this one.
I’ve never heard of oregano juice, but I suspect it would not be as strong. You’ll have to research it.
For all throat issues, I have my kids gargle with wild oregano oil in one sip of water (dosage as given in the blog post above) for as long as they can, then swallow, then do not drink anything for 10 minutes.
I just read somewhere that oreganol oil inhibit the absorption of iron. Any truth to that? Since most Crohns patients are anemic. What do you suggest?
Hi Cassandra,
We do not have any evidence to suggest that wild oregano oil inhibits the absorption of iron. If you are suffering from anemia, you may want to consider a product like Angstrom Minerals Iron which does not require digestion and therefore does not irritate the GI tract like some non-nanoparticle iron supplements might. Here’s a link for more information:
Kind regards,
Customer Care
I recently gave birth to my daughter 12 days ago and developed a rectovaginal fistula and severe hemroids also had a 2nd degree tear. My fistula is low and small the doctor could not fit a q-tip through it. I purchased joy of the mountains oil of oregano and was wondering how you would recommend on the usage. I take three drops orally a day and have been rubbing a drop on my perennial area about five times a day but am curious if it would be more effective if I use it inside where the fistula is and how I would.
Hi Lucinda,
Jini recently developed a protocol for that exact situation. Here’s a link to detailed information about that:
If you have any additional questions about the protocol you can either reply here or e-mail me at service@listentoyourgut.com.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Hi Jini,
I have oregano oil. My daughter (2 years and 3 months)has strep throat for the first time. We want to use oregano oil (dilution), along side an excellent natural remedy we found for strep! Do my question is: how do I properly dilute it?
I have oregano essential oil (1%). It’s say it’s 100% pure and antiseptic and antimicrobial.
Pls explain further this will be great appreciated!!
Ps: did your children have this and did they recover from it by using Oil of oregano?Thanks a lot!
I need to only take things that have pH levels of 4 or above and I can’t find info on the level for oil of oregano. Can you help?
Hi Kim,
We did not have any information about the pH for the Joy of the Mountains wild oregano oil so I contacted the manufacturer and was informed that they also do not have this information as they have never had the product tested for pH. Sorry for the trouble! I wish I had a better answer for you but I’m afraid I do not. Testing kits for pH are generally pretty inexpensive so you may want to pick one up (if you don’t have one already) to test the oil. We’d love to hear about your findings if you do!
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Hi Sophia, I don’t know how much wild oregano you will be able to get a 2 year old to swallow. And you may get her to swallow it ONCE, but afterwards?
Anyway, you know I cannot advise you on what to do with your daughter. But if my 2 year old had strep I would dilute the wild oregano down to 10:1 – so for essential oil I would do 40:1 (40 drops organic olive oil: 1 drop essential wild oregano) and then see if she will drink it. If it were my child, I would give here a full dropperful – but maybe only half the dropperful to start. And then no water afterwards – I would want the oil to sit on/line the throat.
Hi Jini, thank you so much. I will try this as soon as possible. I’m very happy I found your wonderful website! I was wondering if I have to buy wild oregano or I can use the essential oil I have already?
Thanks again.
Hi Sophia,
Jini recommends the Joy of the Mountains brand as it’s the best one she has found (and uses it herself frequently). Here’s a link if you want to compare it to the product you are using:
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Was wandering if it is ok to use wild oregano oil whilst breastfeeding? Have a second degree tear thats healing slowly and also have bad inflammation from an allergy to the latex catheter that was inserted.
Many thanks
Hi Mia,
Wild oregano oil is a powerful natural antibiotic so it would be best to consult your physician before proceeding as we aren’t able to advise you on this, unfortunately.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
MIA – all that I can say is that I have used it myself while breastfeeding, but internally only 5 drops per day, topically with no restriction. And I used a very large internal dose on my cat (who was breastfeeding newborn kittens and dying from eating an infected bird) 2x/day with no ill effects. When the litter was ready to be sold, the vet said it was the first litter of kittens he’d ever seen in his entire career with NO mouth or ear infection. I assume that was due to the wild oregano through the breastmilk. Of course, as Justin suggested, you should consult your naturopathic doctor and do what is best for you.
On one hand, I’ve been reading comments from people on this website and others who swear that they haven’t gotten a flu since they started taking the oil of oregano. Have a friend who says the same.
However, just noticed an article on Livestrong.com, which said:
“A study published in the June 2004 issue of the “Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry” found that oregano oil was ineffective against the influenza virus. In the study, the essential oil inhibited 25 different types of bacteria, 12 kinds of fungi and one type of yeast. One oregano extract used in the study was effective against herpes simplex virus.”
After having the flu 2x in 3 years, and being out of commission for a month each time, I’d considered getting a flu shot this year, but never did. Now I’m petrified of contracting another flu, especially the respiratory one that’s making the rounds now.
Can you, or other commenters, add any experiences to this or any updated research?
I am so glad that I found this site!! Thank you!
Hi Connie,
Jini’s strategy has continued to work for her and her family in the frigid Vancouver winter weather. If you’re interested in her protocols, you may want to check out her two Flu symptom pages as we’ve received some good feedback about her recommendations there. You can visit the pages at the two links below:
Kind regards,
Customer Care
My daughter had already two surgeries for bowel obstruction . What do you suggest about her. She is 14 , don’t want this to happen again . She still have very sensitive bowel . I don’t push her to eat much wl doctors said she can have anything but I perfer only low fiber diet. Sometimes she gets bloating . It just happened two months ago please help me
Hi Surjeet,
I’m afraid that we’re unable to give you medical advice as we’re not qualified to do so but a good place to start to learn more about healing and preventing bowel obstruction naturally is at Jini’s symptom section at the link below:
If you have any questions about any of her protocols, please let us know!
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Hi jini,how long oregano oil is safe to take for crohns disease? Thanks
Hi Manpreet,
You should be able to take it indefinitely as long as you’re also supplementing with probiotics to repopulate your gut with good flora while the wild oregano oil wipes out the bad stuff. For more details, check out page 152 of Jini’s Listen to Your Gut book. You can also read more about wild oregano oil here:
Kind regards,
Customer Care
It sounds like you only use this oil to treat an infection. Is it reasonable to use it daily to ward off infections? Like during the flu season? Or to supress my recurrent diverticulitis? If so, what would be the dose? And would it be ok to take daily doses indefinitely?
Hi Monica,
I’ll answer your questions separately:
1. Daily use: Jini doesn’t recommend using wild oregano oil as a “crutch” as she has a different protocol she recommends to bolster the immune system here:
If you decide to use it in that manner, just make sure that you’re also supplementing with probiotics because, as with any antibiotic (natural or otherwise), both the good and bad gut flora will be killed by the wild oregano oil so it’s important to repopulate your gut with good flora.
2. Diverticulitis: Jini has an 8-step protocol specifically for people with diverticulitis and using wild oregano oil is one of the steps. For details about the complete protocol, check out the link below:
If you have any additional questions you can reply here, email us at service@listentoyourgut.com, give us a call at 888-866-7745, or visit the live chat at the little blue box on the bottom right of your screen and we would be happy to help you.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
I would like to give Oregano Oil to my son who has been disgnosed with chorn’s disease but I know he would reather take it ina pill form. Any suggestion on where I can find and which brand as there are many. I like to make sure I get appropriate one.
He is on 3 prescribed medications 2 for his IBD and one for his astam thus like to know if ok to give him Oregano Oil. Per your book it says if you are giving more then 3 prescribed medication then one should not take Oregano Oil. I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank You!
Hi Urvashi,
I’m afraid we aren’t able to comment on prescription medication as we’re not qualified to do so; you’ll definitely want to consult with your son’s doctor about wild oregano oil if you’re unsure. Regarding wild oregano oil gelcaps, Jini recommends the North American Herb and Spice brand and we carry it at the LTYG Shoppe here:
Kind regards,
Customer Care
In a serious situation, where illness is overcoming, I would follow Cass Ingram’s instructions to take upwards of 6 dropperfuls of wild ooo spread out through the day. I would be cautious however, to not do so for a long period of time, because wild ooo is very hard on the liver. In fact, for any dose, I would be cautious.
I caught a terrible virus last fall, and became incredibly sick on day 3. I started to take 4 complete dropper fulls of wild ooo spread out 4x a day and by the next day my illness started to turn around. I felt as if it were going for my respiratory as I struggled with breathing. I first got a chest xray and had my doctor listen to my lungs before deciding to use the ooo.
I don’t mean to give out any sort of medical advice, as everyone is different and I’m no doctor. Please decide for yourself.
I would never take ooo as a precautionary on a daily basis. It’s hard on the liver, and it is highly antibiotic, anti fungal and anti viral and should be kept aside for when needed. I treat it like it is an antibiotic, a medication…
Hi Tabby,
Thanks so much for taking the time to share your experiences with wild oregano oil. Since you didn’t mention it, I’m not sure if you supplement with probiotics when you, personally, take wild oregano oil but Jini considers this to be absolutely essential. Wild oregano is a strong, natural antibiotic agent and it’s crucial to re-populate the gut with good flora if you’re killing the bad gut flora with wild oregano oil.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
I wanted to say thank you.
I learned a great deal from Jini’s book which I purchased shortly after my daughter was diagnosed with crohn’s and used some of the products we bought online at the store. My daughter has been crohn’s free for a few years now after much effort. We purchased the wild oregano oil but never used that product. I’m wondering if there is any scientific evidence other than the in vitro studies that it is safe to use and for what purposes? She now has PCOS, with acne, hair loss etc.. and she developed scoliosis in her early teens.
Thank you
Hello Maria,
First of all, it’s great to hear that your daughter is Crohn’s free! Wild oregano oil is a natural antibiotic substance and is used as such in many of Jini’s protocols. Jini linked a few above in a comment from 2009 but here are some additional links to studies where it has been used and tested:
WOO vs. E.coli and Pseudomonas (2012)
WOO vs. enteric parasites (2000)
WOO vs. drug-resistant bacteria (2001)
And in 2000, a study was submitted to the Journal of Applied Microbiology (sorry, there doesn’t seem to be a link to the actual study but various articles cite it around the internet) where the researchers successfully showed the antibacterial properties of wild oregano oil against over 20 different bacteria.
Regarding your daughter’s current health challenges, Jini actually has a protocol which uses wild oregano oil to heal acne. If you haven’t seen it, you can check it out at the link below:
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Also Maria, for her scoliosis, check out the videos here:
I just started taking the oregano oil and I feel like my head is swimming – literally dizzy most of the day. I also tried the bentonite/psyllium mixture. This is not a comfortable side effect as I have to work and it is effecting me in such a negative way. I only took five drops each day. Stopped since the dizzyness. Can you help? Thank you
Hi Susan,
I’m afraid that we’ve never received any other feedback about wild oregano oil causing dizziness. The dizziness might be a mild die-off side effect; the Herxheimer reaction can make people experience headaches, fatigue, mild nausea, and diarrhea as a result. However, the dose you were taking is very small so you may want to try something like olive leaf extract instead if the wild oregano oil doesn’t agree with you. You can read more about olive leaf extract here:
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Hi. 🙂
I started taking Oregano oil yesterday for a long standing giardia infection. My Naturopath suggested I take the same amount recommended by Jini for parasites (10 drops 3 times a day) for two weeks. I started taking that dosage yesterday and I have only been able to get three in. The oregano oil irritates my stomach. I have the same issue with black pepper in large amounts. Is there a way that I can take the oil without it bothering my stomach, ie mixing it with something? Or can I take smaller doses for a longer period of time and it still be effective?
Would putting it on the bottoms of feet be as effective?
Thanks so much! ~Kimberly
I sent this question in an email as well, but wasn’t sure if the email address was for questions like this. Sorry.
Hi Kimberly,
Jini wrote a post here where she and her daughter demonstrate a way to take the wild oregano oil with no burning:
You can certainly try the smaller dose plan, as you mentioned, and see if the stomach irritation persists. However, since your problem is in the stomach and not in the mouth/throat then you may want to try an alternative.
Jini recommends olive leaf extract instead of wild oregano oil for people who aren’t able to tolerate the oil. Olive leaf extract isn’t quite as strong but it seems to work well if the wild oregano oil isn’t an option. More details here:
Applying either of these substances topically (to the bottoms of your feet, for example) would probably be of very little or no help for an internal issue like giardia. Whatever you decide to do, we’d love to hear how it works out and if you ever have any additional questions we’re always happy to answer them here, via email at service@listentoyourgut.com, on the phone at 888-866-7745, or in our live chat in the little blue box on the bottom right of your screen (during normal business hours).
Kind regards,
Customer Care
in phase 1 p.152 of WOO it says to take until infection is gone. I am confused as to what this means that. Does this require that I get a stool test? Or is there a way for me to go about this by say somthing like stool consistency or #BM per day. I know this can vary but am looking for some type of clarification.
I have the D type of BM. Thanks for your response.
I tried to find the answer in previous posts.
Hi Bruce,
You could get a stool test if you want to be sure but, in general, Jini is referring to symptoms going away as an indication that the infection is gone.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Hi Justin,
Thanks so much for the reply. I actually started by taking 7 drops one day, 8 the next, and did 9 today. So far no problems! Maybe it was because I couldn’t handle it on an empty stomach. I’ll work back up to 10 and see how it goes.
However, I looked up some links about Oregano oil because I was curious about side effects etc. and almost everything I was reading from a “scientific” standpoint was saying that it’s not safe for ingestion and can be harmful (heptatoxic etc). I am using the diluted version, but there was no distinction between diluted and undiluted in these articles. How can we be sure that the Oregano oil is safe to take? I did a search on Jini’s site but nothing came up. Perhaps I missed it.
Hi Kimberly,
We’ve seen no credible scientific evidence suggesting that wild oregano oil is harmful or hepatotoxic at the dosage levels (or even much higher for that matter) mentioned in Jini’s protocols so if you have links to studies we’d certainly be interested in checking them out. If you want to learn more about wild oregano oil, you can grab Jini’s free eBook about it at the link below (just sign up in the little pink box on the left side of the page there):
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Hello Jini, I am so glad I found your site! My 5 year old has been dealing with reoccurring bouts of strep throat since last year. I cannot stand to see him take one more antibiotic, so I searched online and ended up finding your site. Not too long after his last course of antibiotics, he developed a sore throat again. I looked inside his throat and sure enough it looked like the strep had returned. I immediately started him on the Oil of Oregano by Natural Factors 5 drops 3-4x/day for the last 8 days. No fever and no more sore throat. His lymph nodes in the neck are still slightly enlarged. So my question is… how long do you recommend someone take the Oil of Oregano for strep throat. On your site you recommend “…until the symptoms disappear.” Is it okay to continue for 10 days or until the lymph nodes return to normal size? Thank you in advance.
Hi Pieta,
I’m afraid that we cannot advise you on what to do with your son but, for all throat issues with her kids, Jini has her kids gargle with wild oregano oil in one sip of water for as long as they can, then swallow, then do not drink anything for 10 minutes.
For strep throat, she would have them take a sip of water and hold it in the back of the throat. Drop in 7 drops of wild oregano oil and gargle for as long as they can. Swallow and do not drink anything else for 10 minutes (the burning will last 2.5 minutes). She would do this every 2-3 hours until the infection is gone, then continue 3x/day for 10 days after all infection is gone.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Thank you for the the quick response.
Jini, in the past when I have taken oil of oregano it has made my bowels sluggish/ constipated and stool seems more thick. Do you know why this would be? I would like to use it for antibiotics effect but cannot afford to be constipated right now.
Hi Amisha,
If you weren’t supplementing with probiotics on the same days as you were taking wild oregano oil then it could be that your gut flora were unbalanced which may have resulted in the constipation. If you were using both the wild oregano oil and probiotics and still experienced constipation then it’s hard to say what could be going on there. Unfortunately we aren’t qualified to speculate but if you want to reap the benefits of wild oregano oil, you can check out Jini’s constipation symptom page at the link below as you may find a countermeasure that works well for you:
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Can it relive Tinnius and chronic Gastrist ?.
Anybody used oil if organo for Tinnitus and Gastrist ?. Oreganol P73 this oili bought ?.
How long do you use ooo ?.
Hi Jane,
Wild oregano oil is a powerful, natural antibiotic so it’s unlikely to have any effect on tinnitus. For gastritis, you may want to check out Jini’s Mucosaheal product here:
Kind regards,
Customer Care
so my husband seem to have a bad cold, can I do the wild oregano oil protocol on him for this? I was thinking a week of 5 drops of WOO in teh morning and probiotics twice a day. Probiotics continue for up to 3 weeks total. I saw Jini’s protocol for flu treatment here – http://www.listentoyourgut.com/symptoms/36/the-flu.html but my husband doesnt have full-fledged flu symptoms so was thinking of doing something milder than prescribed in the link above. Is doing WOO for a short period like that effective?
Absolutely you can! Your plan sounds like a good idea for just about anyone. It looks like it would also work well as a cleanse, or preventative treatment.
I am scheduled to have hernia repair surgery in 11 days. Now I am reading that wild oil of oregano may interfere causing bleeding. I have not ever had this side effect having used wild oil of oregano ongoing (along with Natren probiotics of course) for about two years. I will check with my doctor on this of course. Is it OK to stop the wild oil of oregano cold turkey for a 10 days to 2 weeks, or will that make me ill?
This wild oil of oregano is a miracle drug for my gas and bloating and I hate to stop it. The hernia no doubt is contributing to my problems though and I need to get it fixed too.
Sorry Roger, I’ve not heard of that side effect, nor have I experienced it. Many of my readers heal colonic bleeding whilst on Jini’s Wild Oregano Oil protocol… so not sure where that info is coming from or if it is accurate. I also urge you to try Craniosacral therapy for your hernia before going for surgery – get a therapist at Level II or higher.
Thanks. I was thinking the same thing. I sometimes get nosebleeds in the winter, and they are not any worse than before I started taking the wild oil of oregano. I forgot to use my Burt’s Bees and my humidifier decided to die and I had a nosebleed this weekend. All is fixed now though.
Sometimes I think when nurses and doctors don’t know anything about a given supplement they just say “no, don’t take it.” The surgeon doesn’t seem anti supplement. They have no problem with the rather high dose Magnesium malate supplement that I take.
Is it OK to just stop taking the Oregano Oil for a short time, going instead with Natren Healthy Trinity and LifeStart2 instead? The Natren probiotics work very well, but damn they are expensive!
The Wild Oil of Oregano works so well for so many things I am surprised Big Pharma has not tried to bribe the FDA into banning it.
Thanks for the tip on the Craniosacral therapy! Will look into that. I wonder if it will work with an incarcerated hernia (not strangulated though).
No matter what I am at least going to stay with the Olive Leaf Extract. It does not seem as strong as the Oil of Oregano though.
Sure, you can go on and off wild oregano as you wish. I know the probiotics are expensive, but until you can culture your own fermented foods and tolerate them, they are a lifesaver!
Thank you! Fermented foods are more economical no doubt and may have to try that in the future. But is there any danger of growing the bad bacteria in the process?
If you follow the directions it seems to be pretty foolproof. Or you can order them ready-made now (online) if you want to test first for tolerance.
I am a great fan of the antiviral protocol and have used it successfully to cure yeast overgrowth in myself and viral infections in my husband. My 8 yr old daughter has been trying to fight a viral/bacterial infection for 15 days now with little relief from antibiotics. After reading everything around WOO I want to try it with her, but unsure what dosage of Natren healthy trinity probiotics capsule to give her? Do kids need a different kind of probiotic or just half dose of regular probiotics works?
Hello Purvi,
Thank you for your interest and message. We would definitely highly recommend WOO and the Natren probiotics for a infection in your daughter. As for your daughter at that age we would recommend the separate Natren capsules or powder products as the dosages of them is not as high as in the trinity. We recommend 1/2 teaspoon or one capsule of the Megadophilus, Bifido Factor, Digesta-Lac to start off with. You can mix it in milk, yoghurt, pudding or non-acidic juice if she has a hard time drinking it plain.
You can see them here:
If you have any other questions please let us know. We would love to hear how she is doing in a few weeks after trying those treatments.
Kind Regards,
Customer Care
Thank you Jini for your wild oregano oil. I have been taking WOO for 1 month now. I also started using WOO with coconut oil (oil pulling to help with oral candida. Thank God.
I have lbs Crohn’s disease for over thirty years. I’ve just ordered the oil supplement and would just some insight on how I should feel after taking it for a feed days?? Thank you.
Hello Troy,
As you have dealt with the condition for so long there is a chance you may go through some die-off effects called Herxheimer. This could cause anything from diarrhea, headaches, dizziness, etc. We would recommend searching this online so you have an idea if you get these effects that it may just be this and not hurting your body. However, we do recommend starting slowly in how many drops you do and how many times a day and building up as well. We also recommend using a good probiotic as well to build up the good gut flora while killing off the infections and damage from years of the condition.
If you have any other questions, please let us know.
Kind Regards,
Customer Care
I have just started taking Oil of Origano and now seem to be going to toilet a lot more often to urinate. Is this a result of the oil? Started taking for Blasto bacteria in gut. Thank you for any advice.
Hi Brian,
Thank you for reaching out! It is very hard to say what may be going on, as we do not know your full health history, etc. and we haven’t heard of that particular symptom occurring as a result of using the Oregano. It could be die-off (die-off rarely lasts long) or intolerance to other substance you are taking. You may want to stop taking it or the other for a while to see if either one seems to be causing the issue.
Kind Regards,
Customer Care
I did srop taking the oil and within 2 days the need to urinate stopped. I am nit taking anything else so has to be because of the oil or what it is doing to my condition which is to get rid of Blastocystis psradite in the gut. It seemed to have worked because i do n I t havd the nausea feeling anymore.
Do you take probiotics while taking the oregano oil or do you wait until you finish with the cleanse to start them? Thank you!
Hi May,
You can start the probiotics while taking the Oregano. Just make sure to space them out properly. Probiotics have to be taken completely on their own – 2 hours away from any antibiotic or anti-pathogen (this includes wild oregano, potentized garlic, olive leaf, etc) and 20 minutes before food, or 2 hours after food.
Kind Regards,
Customer Care
I found it when I was looking for a different sort of information but I am very interested in the article, It is nice to read such kind of good posts I like your work keep it up!
When you do contract a bug and use the Wild Oil of Oregano to treat it, be sure to taper it off like Jini recommends in her protocol. Last February I came down with an intestinal bug. The WOO knocked it out in less than a day! Once my symptoms disappeared, I went right back to maintenance dose and everything was fine for a week. Then the bug came back. Not sure what was going on so I went to my doctor. After testing, it turns out that I had a campylobacter (sp) infection. One day of antibiotics and I was better! Had I tapered down like the protocol recommended, there probably would not have been a relapse.
BTW, my doctor is fine with me using the WOO and he believes that the probiotics are beneficial too. As for the post about WOO and uriniating, it may have a diuretic effect and that is not unheard of.
Hi! I see the protocol here for sickness but I am wondering if you use Oil of Oregano on a daily basis or only if you are preventing illness. If you use it every day, how much do you take? Thank you!
Hi Christina,
Thank you for reaching out! We have many customers that used wild oregano for many years on a daily basis until their symptoms have subsided. Note that the oregano is highly antibiotic, so you have to treat it like one. It is also important to take Probiotics to re-populate the gut with good bacteria if you’re killing the bad bacteria with oregano oil. For more detailed information check out Jini’s Gut Infection eBook as she highly recommends supplementing with probiotics for anyone using wild oregano oil on an ongoing basis.
Kind Regards,
Cris B
Customer Care
5 drops 3 times a day is a good place to start for maintenance. Two hours after your last dose for the day and before you go to bed, take a probiotic, 1 or 2 healthy Trinity capsules. I add some Life Start 2 for an extra punch. And I normally wait about 8 hours after I take the probiotic before I start my Oil of Oregano for the day.
Hi Jini-
My husband has had blood in his stool for months and we just discovered that he has colitis. (Still waiting to hear back about a specific diagnosis.)
He’s started to cut the foods you recommend in your book and has incorporated the elemental diet alongside meals throughout the day.
Should he start the wild oregano oil protocol? I already have Doterra Oregano essential oil. Could we use that and dilute it? Or is it too potent for the protocol? Thank you!
Hi Whitney,
Thank you for reaching out! Aside from bowel rest using Absorb Plus liquid diet, other important steps that you need to follow is to eradicate pathogenic microorganisms (like bad bacteria, yeast, fungi, etc.) using Wild Oregano and then re-populate the bowel with good bacteria using Probiotics.
We don’t have any experience with that particular brand so we cannot comment. Also, in Jini’s protocols, she’s not talking about the pure, essential oil of oregano (which should never be used directly on skin, or internally). She is talking about commercial brands of wild oregano that are already mixed with olive oil like Joy Of The Mountains Wild Oil Of Oregano . This brand of oregano oil is mixed with cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil, in a ratio of 1:3 (3 drops of organic olive oil to every 1 drop of wild oregano). I hope this helps you.
Kind Regards,
Cris B
Customer Care
After reading this article today I have some concerns about using oregano oil. I was hoping to use it for my digestive symptoms. http://www.tophealthremedies.com/6-must-know-serious-side-effects-of-oregano-oil/
What are your thoughts on this list of side effects?
Hello Kimberly,
Thank you for sharing that link. Oregano oil is indeed a very strong substance. But please note that Jini’s Wild Oregano Oil Protocol is NOT just wild oregano – the combination (and timing) WITH the probiotics is key. Please check Jini’s eBook “What you need to know about Oregano” to learn how to use it for maximum efficacy and the safest way to use it to combat digestive symptoms. Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
Kind Regards,
Cris B
Customer Care
Hi, i hope you can advise me on this-
If i have mild bleeding from my large intestine-
Is it OK to take Oregano oil?
Is oregano oil suitable to the bleeding stage (to stop it?),
Or should i only use it after bleeding stops?
(I tried Jinni’s comfry Retention enemas, but they are not for me.. and also didn’t help so much)
Hello Lilach,
Thanks for contacting us here. Jini’s Healing Implant Enema is the absolute fastest way to stop colonic bleeding we’ve ever come across. If the blood has turned to clots, you are absolutely seeing progress! If more blood is coming out after you do the enema, then it may be because you cannot retain the enema for long enough for the liquid to be absorbed. In this case, it is just coming back out as liquid, and ‘flushing’ blood out with the liquid. Click link below to learn more about this:
Other important steps that you need to follow is to eradicate pathogenic microorganisms (like bad bacteria, yeast, fungi, etc.) using Wild Oregano and then re-populate the bowel with good bacteria using Probiotics. Full instructions on how to do this are in any of Jini’s printed books, or you can get her eBook Jini’s Healing Guide: Natural Treatment for Gut Infection.
If its not severe intestinal bleeding or hemorrhaging, then you may start antibiotic/antimicrobial treatment. It’s also very beneficial to go on a completely liquid, pre-digested diet – this gives the bowel a break from the digestive process, and also reduces the amount of stool that’s going into your colon.
Kind Regards,
Cris B
Customer Care
Thanks for telling me the importance of wild oregano oil, was very helpful to me.
Hello and thank you for sharing all of this great knowledge! I was confused about the dosing that you use for 2.5-4 year olds. You said that you dilute 7:1, with olive oil. And then give 10 drops of oregano oil so that is 70 drops of olive oil. And do that 2 to 3 Times a day. It sounds like a lot of oregano oil which is why I want to ask, to see if I am misunderstanding. I don’t want overdose my 3year old. I am not asking for what I should to (as a disclaimer) I am only asking what you do based on your blog and to clarify please.
Hello Jenna,
Thanks for reaching out! If you plan to give them 10 drops 3x a day using 7:1 dilution, then you would need 70 drops of Olive to 10 drops of the Oregano oil. And give this dilution to your child 3x a day.
Kind Regards,
Cris B
Customer Care
I’ll definitely be giving this a try this winter when me and my kids inevitably get the flu as we always do!
For parasites, do we take oregano oil with food, or on an empty stomach. Which way is more effective?
Hi Maryanne,
Thank you for reaching out. Wild oregano oil is best taken on an empty stomach, but can be combined with any healing type of substance that also requires an empty stomach – like aloe vera, MucosaHeal, slippery elm, marshmallow root etc. It needs to be taken 20 minutes before food, or 2 hours after food.
Kind Regards,
Cris B
Customer Care
Hi, i would appreciate your advice on the next issue:
First- some background-
I have level 1 IBD for 3 years now. I learned to use Oregano Oil to naturally “vaccinate” myself from the Flue at winter (instead of getting prescribed vaccinations)…. and it has been working wonderfully.
I take 1 “tablet” a day of oregano oil for 3 months through the winter, and never get the flue.
The thing is- in accordance with the recommendation in Jinni’s book- i also took Probiotics with this… one serving a day of regular 3 strand probiotics (regular commercial brand).
Lately i stopped taking probiotics altogether, as i noticed it gives me pretty strong side effects, like: shivers, leg aches, and maybe even hemorrhoids.
I am now in a very balanced state- i am on a special diet for IBD patients, which has done wonders (!) for me, and i feel great.
The only “Probiotics” i take in is from an occasional Yogurt, or from fermented vegetables i make myself.
Now “winter is coming” and we’re getting to my question:
I i want to take the three months of Oregano Oil, but without taking probiotics with it- will this upset the balance of my bowel?
I know the O. oil is quite potent, and i don’t want to damage my flora balance while taking it…
Thank you very much for this support.
Hi Lilach,
It is recommended in Jini’s Wild Oregano Protocol to supplement with probiotics to repopulate your gut with good flora while the wild oregano oil wipes out the bad stuff. Can I ask what brand of probiotics you were taking which you felt caused you side effects? Currently, the only brand of probiotics Jini recommends and uses herself is the Natren brand, as they are the only
company that currently meet basic, essential standards for quality and efficacy.
Savannah B
Customer Care
Probiotics that contain prebiotics like inulin and fructo-oligosaccharide (FOS) can cause severe gas and bloating. I had bloating so bad from cottage cheese that contained FOS that I wound up with a hernia that required surgical repair. Fortunately, the Natren Probiotics DO NOT contain FOS or inulin! That makes them very safe. I have had a real good experience with Natren’s Healthy Trinity and Life Start 2. The Life Start 2 is in powdered form and is very fast acting for immediate relief!
Hi Roger,
Thanks so much for sharing! Yes, Natren is the only brand that Jini recommends and uses through years of research and experience – and the only one with all the requirements (probiotic strain selection, manufacturing, storage, and other factors effecting potency and efficacy). You can have many strains of bacteria in a product, but if they are not the right kind, they won’t help you.
Savannah B
Customer Care
Thank you, guys…
I used a regular off the shelf probiotics that is sold here in the Public Clinic pharmacy and is considered a reliable one.
I considered the issue of Natren Probiotics, and concluded that i can not financially handle the cost of buying it and bringing it to Israel regularly.
As the only way to avoid damage from taking Oregano Oil over months, seems to be taking Probiotics (if i understood you correctly), i might consider not taking it,
And finding another way of staying healthy in winter.
Hi Lilach,
I completely understand. If you cannot use Natren and do decide to continue to use Oregano Oil, perhaps consider comparing the strains present in Natren to the probiotic brand you are using. You can have many strains of bacteria in a product, but if they are not the right kind, they won’t help you.
There are a couple other extremely effective, natural anti-viral substances that you can take as a preventative and/or for treatment if you do contract a serious virus. Here’s Jini’s list of the most powerful, natural anti-virals that she has experimented with personally. Wild Oregano Oil is at the top of the list, but you may consider doing some research on your end regarding the other two.
Wild oregano oil
Hydrogen peroxide
Potassium Iodide
You can learn more about these options in Jini’s blog post: https://blog.listentoyourgut.com/flu-pandemics-what-you-can-do-to-protect-yourself/
In good health,
Savannah B
Customer Care
Thank you so much for the information!
You’re very welcome, Lilach!
We hope Jini’s protocol works well for you. Feel free to comment here if you have any questions or concerns.
Cris B
Customer Care
Vitamin A (I prefer beta-carotene) also has antiviral properties. It can also act as a natural sunscreen.
Hi Roger,
Thank you for sharing!
Savannah B
Customer Care
Does Wild Oil of Oregano work against parasites? There have been outbreaks of “crypto” in the midwest mostly from public swimming pools. I am referring specifically to the cryptosporidium parasite. There is no other known treatment for it from what I am reading.
Hi Roger,
Thank you for reaching out. For confirmed or strong parasitic infection:
10 to 15 drops of wild oregano oil (shake bottle well)
6 to 8 ounces of water containing 1 tablespoon of colloidal silver, 3 drops potassium iodide and 1/3 teaspoon (1.60 ml) 99% DMSO
Jini has written a protocol for Intestinal Parasites here: http://www.listentoyourgut.com/symptoms/54/an-intestinal-parasite.html
Kind Regards,
Savannah B
Customer Care
Thank you! I had not seen that protocol before.
Hi Roger,
My pleasure.
Savannah B
Customer Care
Roger Carlson-
Do you mind sharing more about vitamin A as anti viral?
Do you have experience with that yourself?
How do you intake it, and does it also require to balance with probiotics?
Or is it ok to take on its own?
I take one to two Vitamin A capsules (25,000 IU) per day with food. Seems to be the correct dosage with no side effects so far (and my skin does not turn orange). It does seem to have a sunscreen effect as I have had no sunburn and I do like to be out in the sun. I do have a nice tan too, but you have to be prudent with the amount of time you spend in the sun. Still use sunscreen on my nose, lips and head.
I take probiotics (Natren Healthy Trinity and LifeStart2) so not sure what happens if you don’t take them. I also take a maintenance does of Oil of Oregano as well hence the probiotics.
I was following Jini’s Wild Oregano Oil protocol, as outlined in Listen to your Gut. After taking for three months straight (decreased dose after symptoms subsided to 5 drops a day with full glass of water and food) I have developed gastritis. Very painful trip to the ER and just had upper endoscopy today to confirm diagnosis. I have been eating a very clean diet and can’t figure out what could have triggered this other than the WOO. I am disappointed because I believe the WOO has helped greatly with mycobacteria infection in my gut (Diverticulitis).
I want to cycle on and off for at least the two to three years as recommended but am concerned due to my gastritis problem. Is olive leaf extract a better choice for someone with a very sensitive stomach? If so, are Seagate Olive Leaf capsules as effective as the extract? Any help would be appreciated! Thank you.
P.S. Natren Probiotics are taken daily. Powders in the morning and 1 Healthy Trinity before bed.
Hi Lucie – thanks for reaching out, and so sorry to hear that you’re dealing with gastritis! We’ve never heard of WOO causing gastritis – but every body is different! I would recommend, yes, to cycle with the olive leaf extract – and if you’d like to tackle the inflammation of your stomach lining you may benefit from MucosaCalm, which contains the ingredients that Jini feels are the best healers for mucosal lining (and highly likely to be well tolerated). Please keep us posted. Best to you!
Does wild oil of oregano work against parasites? “Crypto” exploded in the Midwest, mostly from public swimming pools. I am specifically referring to the Cryptosporidium parasite. From what I have been reading there is no other treatment for this
Hi there! Unfortunately, we do not have specific information about the Cryptosporidium parasite. But this Pathogen-Protocol Protocol by Jini might be of help: https://blog.listentoyourgut.com/quad-synergy-pathogen-parasite-protocol/ Best!🙂
Thank you for the article it provides a lot of valuable information it goes over a guideline list and has extra tips very informative i might use this plan along side this other method I’ve found out about check it out
Hi Marjorie – you are so welcome! Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions. 🙂
I ran out of my Joy of the Mountains, so I picked up some Oreganol locally to hold me over. They recommend placing a drop or two under the tongue. Is there any benefit to taking it that way. Typically I take it on top of the tongue and immediately chase it with some water.
BTW I have successfully held of Covid with WOO. But IME you need to take 2-3X the regular dose for it to be effective. I can tolerate that with no problem.
Hi Roger. Under the tongue may still be beneficial as you are still ingesting it, but we usually recommend diluting it with water to cut the spiciness/heat that is associate with the wild oregano oil.
As far as the amount, it can vary from person to person based on your tolerance. If high doses work for you, listen to your body – but make sure you are also supplementing with probiotics at least 2 hours away from the WOO.
Thanks for your reply. I prefer to dilute it with a little bit of water. That has worked well for me, so I am not inclined to change. If you get it on the roof of your mouth it burns quite a bit, but goes away after about 30 seconds. Agreed on the probiotics. I take Natren Healthy Trinity and Life Start 2every day! I try to separate them by at least 6-7 hours.
Really suprised with these things, i have thought it would be different. Thanks for useful information.