I’ve written about wild oregano oil in my book, Listen To Your Gut, and for those of you who are interested, I also offer a free Wild Oregano Oil Report – click here to see Home Remedy page for “the Flu,” then scroll down to the green sign-up.
That being said, there’s nothing like seeing something on video to make it really clear. So here I have my (then) five-year-old daughter Zara demonstrating the quickest, easiest (no burning!) way to take WOO for children or adults:
Easy, Pain-Free Way to Ingest WOO
This is an older post I’ve reshared, as it’s a good one! We receive TONS of questions on how to take wild oregano oil, and many people can’t tolerate the “burning” sometimes associated with it – so I hope this helps!
If you are needing some guidance, here are the brands of WOO that I use and recommend. And here is a bit more information on how WOO can help you in your healing journey.
P.S. Can you believe I originally published this video in 2008? My daughter is grown now! And she still takes wild oregano this way. 🙂
My child is suffering from proteus mirabilis in her urine for 4 months. I heard oregano oil can help. Could you tell me how to give it to a child of 3 years?
thanks a lot
Hi R,
No, I can’t tell you how to give it to a 3 year old. But I can tell you how I would give it to MY 3 year old son, Hugo…
I would give him 3 drops, 3x/day for one week. Then 3 drops 1x/day for 2 weeks, then I would have him re-tested.
Alternatively, you could modify my flu protocol and use that:
I have asked a question a few month ago, and you answered and published it on your website. I thank you for the answer but wish to erase the question asked and your answer.
Can you please erase that for me?
Thanks a lot again
Hi R – No, sorry I’m unable to delete. However, I have changed your name so it’s anonymous. In future when posting on the internet, just use an initial or a “nickname” – that way your identity is protected and you don’t have to worry about spam. You can also use a “fake” email address for most blogs.
Hi Jini, my son (13 yrs old) was diagnosed with chrons 6 months back. He was under steroids on and off. He got 3 flares after diagnosis. And now he is continuing mesalamine. I was searching internet for natural ways to chrons remission as I am afraid of the side effects of allopathic medicines. Now after getting to know about your website, I would like to try wild oregano oil protocol for my son. Please let me know the dosage and for how many days to continue. Which is the best time to take the wild oregano oil…. during flares or remission.
Hello there! When I first was diagnosed I was not far from your son’s age, so I can understand how hard it is to be as a teenager with IBD!
I’m glad you found Jini and LTYG – there are so many resources here for your family to look into!
When it comes to Wild Oil of Oregano, there are no hard and fast rules. It depends on the person and their symptoms. We recommend starting with just one drop a day and work your way up, again, based on symptoms. If there are reactions keep the dose low until he can tolerate it, or follow some of the suggestions I have in the video below:
As a general rule of thumb I never exceed 30 days straight on WOO or other anti-pathogens, as the body usually needs a break – even it’s just for a few days. Here is a free download, What You Need to Know About Wild Oregano Oil, which you should find helpful: https://listentoyourgut.com/woo/
Also it’s essential to take probiotics while taking any anti-pathogens, as the anti-pathogen will kill ALL bacteria in the gut – good and bad. You want to replace the bacteria lost with GOOD bacteria (probiotics). We only recommend the Natren brand, as it is the most effective brand Jini (and I!) have used – and has the science to back it up!
If he is not yet supplementing with probiotics, we always recommend getting that beneficial bacteria first and then implementing the WOO (as the WOO or other anti-pathogens kill both good and bad bacteria). Here is a free download on how to choose a potent probiotic: https://listentoyourgut.com/probiotics/
Here you can shop Natren probiotics: https://shoppe.listentoyourgut.com/search.php?search_query_adv=natren§ion=product
As for flares, I usually stay away from WOO if I have bleeding, hemorrhaging, vomiting, mucus, etc. as anti-pathogens alone may sometimes cause this temporarily while the pathogens are dying. In this case, get the bleeding and things under control first (with Jini’s protocols) and then treat with WOO.
You can find ALL of Jini’s Home Remedy pages here: https://listentoyourgut.com/heal-your-symptoms/
All the best to you and your son!
– Linsy
I can’t seem to find your video for giving oregano oil to 2-year-olds. I have a twenty month old who’s had a terrible cough for over 3 weeks. Our doctor has prescribed a nebulizer and benadryl. I’m ready to try oregano oil! But I’m nervous because she is so young.
Your website is amazing! I love your posts on healthy fats, and tooth decay. I plan to revisit very often. So informative! Your approach is right up my alley!
Hi Lauren – you use the same technique as in the video above, but you first dilute the wild oregano 6:1 with olive oil (6 drops olive oil to 1 drop wild oregano oil). So the technique is the same, but I would give my 2 year old 6:1 diluted wild oregano oil. We never got my 2 year old to take it when the camera was rolling – hence I called it a blooper reel, you can see the video here:
Hi Jini,
My just barely 3 year old daughter has a cold possibly an infection in her chest. She has green mucus and bad cough and a little wheezing. She has had this before from a cold and is given antibiotics and two different inhalers. We are health conscious and try to use only natural remedies and products always. She also has suffered on and off since December with an extremely low bladder infection… possible from wiping(she just started wiping herself when she pees) or from soap irritant… I stopped using our natural soap on her vagina while taking a shower/bath. My sister just started taking oregano oil and now my whole family is hooked. My question is how much can I give my three year old and for how long? Also after giving it to her to clear up all that is going on. Can I keep giving it to her monthly/weekly or what ever to prevent and keep her cleansed? She has had a little of my “brave shot”(turmeric, lemon, oregano oil and cayenne) and is fine. She is a trooper! Like I said she is use to our mostly healthy life style and strong flavors from food. She takes larch and cranberry concentrate from gel pill and acidophilus she is use to chugging for her health. Thank you and I look forward to your suggestions!
Hi Chantal,
You can certainly give your child wild oregano oil, if you like. Make sure to check out the video in the post above if you haven’t already.
For Jini’s 2 year olds, she made a 7:1 dilution (7 drops organic olive oil, to 1 drop wild oregano oil) and then gave them 3-5 drops. For her 5 year old in the video, she used the same dilution but gave 10 drops. For more detailed information check out Jini’s Gut Infection eBook as she highly recommends supplementing with probiotics for anyone using wild oregano oil on an ongoing basis. Here’s a link to the eBook at our shoppe:
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Chantal, for a chest infection, I would also look at giving her colloidal silver and hydrogen peroxide through a nebulizer (she breathes it in). This worked super well for my friend’s child who had a very bad infection – I’ve also used it on myself. Details are here:
thank you I will try it!
My daughter just woke up crying because her ear hurts. If she has an ear infection… I will find out tomorrow from her doctor. Will the oregano oil heal that as well? Do you have any other recommendations?
I have a complete protocol on healing even severe (middle ear) infections – tried and tested on many:
My 5 year old son has been having diarrhea for the past 1 year on and off after returning from a India trip. He was diagnosed with giardia the previous year and treated. now all stool tests are normal. the runny stool is only once everyday. i give probiotics everyday and still no cure. avoided milk, sugar etc. doctors are not so helpful. cld u pls advice.
Oh wow, thank you so much! I have a super concentrated wild oregano oil googled how to take it, i think I could do this.
I have benn just recently diagnosed with an infection in my bladder. I am on Natrens Healthy Trinty Probiotics and I tried to ward this infection off with natural products but it would not go away. So, I am on Cipro antibiotic now. What else should I be doing besides taking probiotics after two hours of ingesting antibiotic?
Hi Amy,
Jini actually just wrote a blog post talking about this very subject last week. Check out the link below for more details:
Kind reghards,
Customer Care
I recently had a urinary tract infection and was given that same antibiotic by my urologist. After reading the side effects, I refused to take it and searched out natural methods to treat it. I don’t remember exactly where I found it, but this was the formula that worked great for me. I am 69 years old and they said I had some really bad bacteria growing in the bladder. Also: I have never used the Wild Oregano Oil. I always buy the 1 oz. bottle with the dropper from GNC.
FORMULA: 5 drops of oregano oil (60% Carvacrol) 3 times a day …1 vitamin C chewable tablet (500 mg) … 2 Cranberry supplements (450 mg with C) and probiotic with 50 billion live cultures. It worked great within about a week and when they redid my cultures it was clear. Just thought I would give you my 2 cents on the subject…hope it helps.
In addition to my last post, you need to drink at least 2 quarts of water per day.
I’ve been taking the Oreganol gel caps for awhile and doing fine with it. I decided to try the Joy of the Mountains wild oil of oregano instead because I’ve read on your site that readers have reported it works better for healing crohn’s. Since it was already diluted 3:1 in the bottle I didn’t dilute it further and I took it as instructed in your video above and it went down fine with no burning. But unlike with Oreganol, I ended up having burning pain in my intestines, nausea, and bloating an hour or so after my second dose. I took only 5 drops each time. Seemed like a herx reaction to me. Do you think this happened because the straight oil is stronger or more pure than the Oreganol (which I had no reaction with)? Or should I have diluted it further? Just wondering your thoughts.
Hi Heather,
What you are describing does sound like a die off effect but Jini has used Oreganol and recommends it as an alternative brand for people who cannot get Joy of the Mountains (we also carry it in our shoppe) so it should be a potent product itself as well. However, the fact that you didn’t dilute it at all is probably spot on as the culprit since the Joy of the Mountains liquid is more in line, potency-wise, with the super strength version of Oreganol. You can certainly dilute it further, if you like, but a die off isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Just make sure you’re also supplementing with probiotics before bed so that you can repopulate your gut with good flora too!
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Thank you. After two doses yesterday, and proper probiotic supplementation, I’m still feeling nauseous. Does the die off effect gradually go away after you stop taking it? That is a very strong oil! I think I’ll stick to the Oreganol in the future since I can tolerate that. In the meantime, I have Jini’s ebook on how to use Wild Oil of Oregano. I don’t see anything in there about how much oil to take based on your weight. I thought I read that Jini recommends dosing according to weight for children, and maybe this will help me because I’m a small adult. Is there any information on her site about dosing the oil according to weight?
Hi Heather,
In Jini’s experience and from the feedback we’ve received, the die off effect does go away. And you’re right – it is very strong! The Joy of the Mountains brand is the most effective one that Jini has found for use in her protocols. The dosage guidelines aren’t really varied for adults because it’s more about developing vs. developed body rather than big vs. small. The dosage guidelines are varied by weight for Absorb Plus, however.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
I’m a crohns patient and got a hope on my life after listening to your video…
Could you please suggest me whether to take oregano oil and probiotics simultaneously or after the 7 day course of oregano treatment… Probiotics should be taken??
Hi Tej,
Thank you for your question and interest. You can take the probiotics and oregano oil during the same time period. However, you do not want to take them at the same time. You want to take them either two hours after, or 20 minutes before any food or any other supplements and vitamins as well. Jini suggests the Oregano Oil in the morning, and Probiotics before bed at least. However she also recommends listening to your own gut and body on what it needs to see if it is ok for you to take them during the same time period.
If you are interested on more information of either product the Listen to your Gut book has a lot of information on the usage of both products:
As well as the individual ebooks on each product:
Please let us know if you have any other questions.
Kind Regards,
Customer Care
Thank you so much for replying me soon mam…
If you don’t mind could you please explain me how to use briefly over here?? I couldn’t understand most of the medical and technical terms… Mam
I’m presently using VSL3 probiotics capsules.. And in my near store oregano essential oil.. Is that the same as what you have suggested?? Can I continue with VSL3 which is very much easily available..
Please do the needful mam
Thank you so much!!!
Hello Tej,
Jini is very adamant about the brands and quality of products she recommends to her customers after years of research on them. You can get the free ebook about the Wild Oregano Oil here in the pink box on the left: http://www.listentoyourgut.com/symptoms/36/the-flu.html
Also more information on how the product works and why it is recommended is here: http://shoppe.listentoyourgut.com/joy-of-the-mountains-wild-oil-of-oregano-0-33-fl-oz-10-ml/
Jini also gives really good information on picking out a probiotic that will actually work for your money here: https://blog.listentoyourgut.com/how-to-choose-a-potent-probiotic/
I myself have tried several others before the ones she suggests that never really worked. I also tried to see if I could find any others out there with the criteria she recommends and could not outside the Natren brand. I even found out several online stores don’t even ship them cold, which will kill all of the good bacteria in them. You can also get the ebook on probiotics for free here in the pink box on the left: http://www.listentoyourgut.com/symptoms/31/abdominal-pain-and-cramping.html
You can see more information on the probiotic products she reccomends by clicking on the different products here: http://shoppe.listentoyourgut.com/shop-by-probiotics/
If you have more questions on using the products still please let us know.
Thank you,
Customer Care
Thanks mam
Can I use oregano capsules which is available nearby??
Hello Tej,
We recommend you research the brand and effectiveness of them online to see if they match with the recommendations Jini recommends for good quality Oregano Oil. I know from experience the quality of a supplement can make a huge difference in it helping and hurting your body. Also Jini recommends checking with your body and gut for what it feels is good for you as well. However depending on your condition and symptoms she does recommend not taking things in capsules, especially if you have intestinal bleeding or diarrhea as a symptom.
Kind Regards,
Customer Care
This worked so well!
I bought Oregano essential oil in Ubud, Bali a month ago after getting rid of stomach candida with it in 2010. I haven’t been taking it because it buuuuurns 🙂 Since I have the essential oil, I did your routine, but I put 5 drops oregano oil in a spoon of olive oil, took a sip of water, tipped the spoon in, swallowed and drank more. No burning! This will make it easy to take it daily. Not sure how much to take, but I’ll start with 5 drops per day. Just in need of a candida kill off and a general “spring clean” after a long time in Asia. Thank you 🙂
Hello Iris,
That is fantastic that this was able to help you take the Oregano Oil without the burning to help with your cleanse again. You can see our other recommendations for a Candida cleanse and how to use the oregano oil more here: http://listentoyourgut.com/symptoms/28/candida-yeast-infection.html
Please let us know if you have any other questions.
Kind Regards,
Customer Care
I get the empty 00 veg caps. 1st time you take Wild Oil Of Oregano, I’d add 1 drop, WOOO to 15 drops,Olive Oil. If tolerated well then another at dinner time. Gradually adding 2-3 drops per capsule, filling rest with Olive Oil. Interacts with Lithium & pharmaceutical blood thinners. Also,Humic Acid. Works amazingly well with the Oregano EO. The oil kills the good gut bacteria so it’s wise to take a course of good quality probiotics afterwards. If you have E Pylori, it’s beneficial to get Mastic Gum tears. You can swallow, the crushed/powdered Mastic Gum tears and also chew on a piece(like gum) for about 1/2 hr or more then spit out(don’t swallow) E Pylori hides in your mouth & will reinfect your stomach but chewing the gum absorbs the bad stuff in your mouth. Manuka honey’s good too.
Why not try gel capsules? We take oregano oil in gelatin caps when needed because it is so much easier. My daughter is one of those people who struggles to take anything that tastes awful. She needed to take oregano daily for a couple of years after being diagnosed with crohns.
Hello Ingrid,
Yes, we carry Oreganol P73 gelcaps. But please note that this product is diluted at 1:1 which means it is 50% wild oregano oil and 50% olive oil. The Joy of the Mountains product uses a 3:1 dilution so that one is 25% wild oregano oil and 75% olive oil. This product is twice as strong as the Joy of the Mountains wild oregano oil so please keep that in mind when using it with Jini’s protocols.
Kind Regards,
Customer Care
Hi, I started taking the Joy of the Moutains Wild Oregano Oil two days ago for Candida overgrowth that has caused me severe chronic colorectal inflammation which was diagnosed as “severe IBS”. I started with 3 drops 2x/day morning and afternoon, to test it out with lots of water throughout the day. I am taking the Natren Health Trinity capsules as per Jini’s book, Phase I for gut infection. I tolerate the WOO fine at first, but in the evening near bedtime I get a feeling of increased stomach acid/acid reflux. Also, my colon burns very slightly early the next morning before I even take my morning dose. Is this common? I know it is not die off as I have had Herxheimer reaction before. Please let me know what I can do so I can keep taking the WOO. I don’t want to damage my mucosal lining any further but I don’t want to stop treating the Candida overgrowth. Thanks.
Hi Norma,
Thank you for your inquiry. Are you taking the Joy of the Mountains Brand? If so, try mixing it with more Olive oil in a 6:1 ratio to dilute it and see if that will resolve the ‘burning’ feeling in your stomach.
For the Trinity, are you taking this with food? As per the Manufacturer, Healthy Trinity (HT) is an oil matrix capsule product, so ideally you eat something… then have your stomach acid activated by food– and that helps break down the capsule and begins to distribute the strains through the GI tract, where HT does its work. HT was designed to work along with your stomach acid, and the 3 different sections of HT (trinity) work in 3 different areas of your GI tract.
Kind Regards,
Cris B
Customer Care
Hi Jini,
thank you for your effort to help people with IBD.
My 15 years old son has been diagnosed with Crohn´s – fistulizing form. He has 3 incomplete fistulas, which excrete pus
Today we start with oregano oil. I would like to ask you:
1. How long should be 1 cycle to take oregano oil in order to get rid of pathogenic bacteria, viruses and yeast?
2. How many cycles we will need on and off?
Thank you Jini.
Have a nice day.
Unfortunately, there is no specific time frame on how long it could take to get rid of the pathogens in your gut as it differs in every individual. If you are doing Jini’s Wild Oil of Oregano Protocol, you can continue with the protocol for three weeks (or longer if your intuition guides you that way), then implement the probiotic supplementation outlined in Chapter 3 in IBD book. If you have a tenacious infection (like mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis – MAP) you will likely need to cycle on and off this protocol every 3 months or so, for up to two years.
For more information and guidance on how to do the protocol, you may want to consider getting Jini’s Natural Treatment for Gut Infection or Listen to Your Gut book, available in eBook and hardcover copy, if you haven’t already.
You can also check Jini’s symptom section (link below) if you want to learn more about healing Cronhs/Fistula naturally:
All the best!
Customer Care
What would you do about recurring pin worms in a 2 year old and a 4 year old? Both my kids have especially sensitive digestive systems and have a lot of the same Crohn’s symptoms that I have (though they have never been to a GI). Every time I have tried giving them over the counter pin worm medications it has caused bleeding in their intestines. I cannot bear to give them anymore of that stuff, but I am also worried about trying oregano oil or clove oil internally. Clove was my first go to but I read that it can be very dangerous in children, so I have been considering oregano instead. I understand you give your kids 7:1 olive oil to oregano oil and administer drops depending on their size. One thing I am missing is how you actually get your 2 year old to take the oil. Do you mix it with the water or just squirt it in his mouth and then have him drink it quickly since a 2 year old can’t really understand to hold the water in their mouth? Also, are there other things you might use for that issue that could work better than this?
Hi Rachel,
Thanks for your comment. Jini’s 2 year old would just swallow it straight, quickly, and then chug water. Since it’s a 7:1 dilution, it’s not crazy-hot.
We are unable to give comments on medications as we are not medical professionals. But if the need arose, I would ask myself: When faced with antibiotics or a powerful, damaging drug as the alternative, do I feel wild oregano will do less harm than these potent drugs? Jini talks about CHILDREN WITH IBD OR IBS on page 37 of her Listen to your Gut book. You can request a free copy of chapter 1 here: http://www.listentoyourgut.com/symptoms/14/crohn-s-disease.html
We wish you all the best! Please let me know if you have any additional questions or concerns.
Cris B,
Customer Care
Hi Jini,
I’ve posted on the blog before but was hoping for some help with a specific issue I’m having. Earlier this summer, I was in the hospital after an infected abdominal abscess burst, at the hospital, they continued to drain my wound from the burst and added a secondary drainage site in my belly to help the copious amounts of fluid drain out. Since I left the hospital, I have had no fever and the infection has clearly gone away. Last week, I had the secondary drain pulled out after an ultrasound confirmed that the remaining fluid still inside me was minimal and would get reabsorbed into my body or come out through my original wound until it heals. I was fine the entire week since the drain came out, but yesterday I started feeling achy, bruise-like pain in my groin, in the area where the abscess originally was. I have no fever and the area is not red or blue like it was when I had the abscess, so I suspect that the pain is due to the remaining fluid building up in that area and having nowhere to escape. Do you have any tips or suggestions or formulas that might help the fluid reabsorb better or come out more easily? I noticed that you have this formula to heal abscesses and was curious if it might help me as well:
Formula B – Extra Strength
10 ml (2 tsp.) George’s Aloe Vera Juice
10 ml (2 tsp.) 99% DMSO
5 ml (1 tsp.) potassium iodide (SSKI)
10 ml (2 tsp.) colloidal silver (minimum 22 ppm)
15 ml (3 tsp.) wild oregano oil
Hi Annette,
I do remember you posting before regarding StricureHeal – thanks for reaching out again! It is great to hear that you are doing well after your abscess burst, though remaining fluid can lead to further infection. I would recommend reading 3-part series of blog posts, which together give you the FULL instructions on how to heal a fistula or perianal abscess. Make sure you read EACH post to get the full instructions, if you have not done so already.
#1 in the series: https://blog.listentoyourgut.com/perianal-abscess-natural-treatment/
#2 in the series: https://blog.listentoyourgut.com/how-does-infrared-light-therapy-work/
#3 in the series: https://blog.listentoyourgut.com/laser-therapy-for-peri-anal-abscess-or-fistula/
I see you pulled the Formula B Extra Strength from the #1 blog post in this series – some readers have had success using infrared light therapy, such as Amy and her son in the final blog post of the series. Using infrared laser in conjunction with the Experimental Syringing Formula B may be something to look into. According to Amy, pulled from the 3rd blog post in this series:
“My son’s Crohn’s first presented itself with a peri-anal abscess, which was drained in the ER. While we thought that healed it, it really didn’t and it would fill up and ooze about every 10-12 days for almost two years. Now I know this was because the internal infection was still there. It would get very red and painful so I would put hot compresses on it until I could release the infection. Once we did this it would take about another 10-12 days to “fill” back up. In the meantime I applied the oil of oregano topically, tried the FissureHeal and other suppositories the naturopath gave me, hot baths, mud packs, etc. Nothing seemed to work. His naturopath suggested trying the infrared laser pen light, as she had used it for other wound healing with success. Her theory was that the laser penetrates deeper into the tissue. If you add a treatment to the skin first, then the laser carries that deep into the wound for healing.”
Please note, however, that these are experimental and you need to be educated about DMSO in order to use it safely. You can read more about DMSO here: https://blog.listentoyourgut.com/dmso-and-safety-cautions/
If you feel comfortable doing so, I hope you will share your experiences should you choose to try the formula and/or infrared light therapy. =)
In good health,
Savannah B
Customer Care
Hi Jini,
This is such brilliant information thank you.
I was diagnosed with crohns colitis and tend to get mouth ulcers (Usually when I’m flaring). I’ve been using WOO And Natren for a month now. Semi elemental absorb plus diet too. In the last few weeks I have had a massive break out of mouth ulcers…new clusters arriving daily. I watched you pain videos which are helpful and swishing Woo (which reduces pain for only a couple of hours). I’m wondering if you think it could be a Herx?
If so I’m happy to carry on but a part of me is concerned on whether this could be an allergic reaction or another infection?
What are your thoughts?
All the best.
Hi there – thanks for reaching out! Ulcers are generally viral in nature, and can be brought on by stress, flare ups, etc. WOO is usually the fastest and most effective way to heal ulceration in the mouth, and you can learn more about it at our home remedy page here: https://listentoyourgut.com/a-mouth-ulcer-or-canker-sore/
However, in case you are allergic to wild oregano oil, the above link will also provide you with two other therapies that are helpful (they just take longer to work than wild oregano oil). I hope that helps!
Hi All – I have Ulcerative Colitis and I have been trying to incorporate the WOO into my routine. I have been on the Healthy Trinity probiotics for 17 days (one pill right before bed), which Seemed to decrease mucous and bleeding. Each time I start the WOO I see blood and mucous the next day. I do not have gas or pain or any other signs of any die off. One drop did not seem to be an issue but I went for 3 and actually dropped 4 into my mouth yesterday and this morning there was blood and mucous. Stools are typically formed and one BM a day, so I am not complaining after reading others but just looking for validation – is it common to see blood and mucous so fast (like the next day) after taking the WOO?
Hi there, great question! Since you went from 1 drop to 3 and symptoms increased, I would say that it triggered a Herxheimer reaction. If I was you, I would lower back to 1 drop and stay for there for a bit (maybe a week or so, it takes some trial and error sometimes) to let your body acclimate, then slowly increase to 2 drops, then 3 – and so on and so forth until you reach your desired dosage. There isn’t any rush to jump to a larger dosage, and you don’t want to cause any new issues by pushing your body too hard. You’ve got this!
This post will have some other helpful tips for you on how to stagger: https://blog.listentoyourgut.com/can-i-start-an-anti-pathogen-treatment-during-a-crohns-colitis-flare/
Also make sure to watch this video on Herxing (particularly the part on binders), as if you still get a reaction when increasing the wild oregano oil you may need a binder 20 mins after – with a lot of water to lower the reaction! Here is more info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8WixxTO9wc
All my best! Linsy