Browse Blog

Vote Now For Your Food Freedom! is a private website that has a section of their website devoted to voting for the top ten ideas for change, that they will then be presenting to President Obama. VOTE TO LEGALIZE RAW MILK I was one of the thousands who voted [...]

By |2023-04-18T12:21:11-08:00January 9th, 2009|

The Ideal Vacation With Young Kids

Having just spent 6 weeks in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico - 1 month in a rented villa and 2 weeks in an all-inclusive resort - I have to say that my ideal vacation would be a perfect combination of the two: Spacious, QUIET (soundproof) accomodation with laundry facilities - available in two or three bdrm [...]

By |2023-04-13T08:45:42-08:00January 9th, 2009|

Chlorine-Free Swimming Pools

Following on from my search for utopia post: If we stay year-round in White Rock, then my hubby would like to add an indoor pool to our house. An excellent idea since he and the kids swim every day when we’re near a pool or ocean. We [...]

By |2023-04-13T08:45:51-08:00December 31st, 2008|

What Is Love?

FROM THE MOUTH OF BABES: 'When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore. So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That's love.' Rebecca - age 8 'When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You [...]

By |2018-04-07T21:56:06-08:00November 4th, 2008|

Why Are Board Games Such Poor Quality?

A recent Sorry game - note the smaller box Okay, time for a quick little rant here: How many of you still have your favorite board games from when you were a kid? We have Monopoly, Sorry and Stock Ticker - all now over 30 years old and our kids play them over at [...]

By |2018-09-21T12:23:42-08:00October 23rd, 2008|

Farmed Salmon is Very Unhealthy

Many of you may have already heard about the problems associated with salmon farms located in the ocean itself. First of all, a really disgusting fact is that salmon raised in these conditions are not pink or red - their flesh is grey. But who would eat grey salmon right? So they feed them food [...]

By |2023-03-28T10:53:45-08:00September 29th, 2008|

Why You Should NOT Eat Farmed Salmon

Many of you may have already heard about the problems associated with salmon farms located in the ocean itself. First of all, a really disgusting fact is that salmon raised in these conditions are not pink or red - their flesh is grey. But who would eat grey salmon right? So they feed them food [...]

By |2023-03-28T10:54:35-08:00September 29th, 2008|

Top Reasons You Shouldn’t Use The Contraceptive Pill

Those of you who have Listen To Your Gut know that I strongly advise against using the contraceptive pill, or patch, or implant. Because not only do these drugs mess up your hormones and increase your cancer risk, but they also alter the pH in your GI tract and make it very difficult (if not [...]

By |2023-04-13T08:52:04-08:00August 26th, 2008|

Measles, Vaccination & Misinformation

My husband sent me a link to this article - he was astute enough to label it "how to use the media to spread fear": The article is supposedly letting us know that we're in serious danger of a catastrophic measles outbreak now that many are choosing not to vaccinate their children. HOWEVER, the [...]

By |2023-03-16T09:01:51-08:00August 22nd, 2008|

Are the Football Helmets Too Heavy for Kids’ Necks?

My eight year old son, Oscar, recently decided he just HAD to join an American Football team. So we contacted our local football league. I took him round the fieldhouse to give the deposit cheque and get him kitted out. Concerns About Helmet Weight When they gave me his helmet, I was gobsmacked by how [...]

By |2023-10-09T08:20:03-08:00August 16th, 2008|

Should Parents Limit Video or Computer Games?

It's a common stance that parents should limit the number of hours per day, or per week, that their children are allowed to stay sedentary and "zoned out" playing electronic games. However, after reading this very fascinating blog post written by a teenager himself, I must admit I'm reconsidering the whole issue (the response from [...]

By |2023-04-13T08:22:15-08:00August 10th, 2008|

Children Should NEVER Use Cell Phones

Did you know that brain tumours are now the leading cause of cancer deaths in children? The Toronto Dept of Public Health is finally acting on reams of research and has issued a warning to restrict cell phone usage for children. In the US, child brain tumor rates have increased 35% in the last 20 [...]

By |2023-05-08T14:40:23-08:00August 10th, 2008|

Officials Warn Against Cell Phone Use

The Toronto Dept of Public Health is finally acting on reams of research and has issued a warning to children not to use cell phones. However, what most people don't know is that CORDLESS phones (in your house) carry the same radiation load as a cell phone. So don't let your kids (or yourself) use [...]

By |2023-05-08T14:40:26-08:00August 10th, 2008|

A Month Without Plastic

This reporter in England, Chris Jeavans, has committed to going a full month without buying anything plastic - this means nothing wrapped or packaged in plastic either. She also has a toddler still in diapers. So their household is probably pretty typical of what most of us go through and our needs. This, of course, [...]

By |2023-04-14T10:06:52-08:00August 7th, 2008|

Kids (And You!) Need LOTS of Animal Fats

I often get emails from my readers who are vegetarian or vegan and struggling to heal. Much as I respect the ideological and environmental motivators for veggie diets, in physical terms, they are simply not good for the human body. Dr. Weston A. Price was a dentist in the 1920's who spent 10 years of [...]

By |2023-04-13T08:22:37-08:00July 17th, 2008|

Dangers of Vegetarian & Vegan Diets Long-Term

I often get emails from my readers who are vegetarian or vegan and struggling to heal. Much as I respect the ideological and environmental motivators for veggie diets, in physical terms, they are simply not good (long-term) for the human body. Vegetarian diets can be very useful short-term for healing from certain types of cancers, [...]

By |2023-03-16T09:14:40-08:00July 17th, 2008|

Why Sunscreen Lotions Are Bad For Your Skin

My 3 Sunscreen-Free Kids in Puerto Vallarta Hopefully, many of you have already heard about why putting sunscreen on your skin - or children's skin - is actually damaging it. Sunscreen may reduce the outward appearance of damage (i.e. it takes longer for your kids skin to look and feel sunburned), but what you're not [...]

By |2023-04-13T08:23:20-08:00July 15th, 2008|

More Reasons To Eat Locally Grown Food

An article in the British newspaper this week, The Observer, highlights some sobering reasons why we need to eat locally and support our local farmers as much as we can. Buying food from small, family-owned farms (hopefully organic, or, no spray) tends to [...]

By |2023-04-14T10:07:06-08:00July 11th, 2008|

Safeguard Your Kids’ Teeth! – Holistic Dental Health Podcast

Many of you are already familiar with certain concepts of holistic dentistry, such as: mercury is poisonous, root canals promote ongoing infection, flouride is toxic, etc. Since that information is widely available and there is LOTS of documentation on it, I wanted this teleseminar to be more advanced and specific. Left-click on the link to [...]

By |2023-04-13T08:39:30-08:00June 26th, 2008|

Q & A for Dr. Huggins Holistic Dental Podcast

We had a fantastic teleseminar with Dr. Hal Huggins and MANY crucial questions were answered. We went WAY beyond the classic “mercury is poisonous, root canals promote infection” tenets of holistic dentistry. If you missed it, I strongly urge you to [...]

By |2023-04-13T08:39:49-08:00June 24th, 2008|

Holistic Dental Health Podcast with Dr. Hal Huggins

Many of you are already familiar with certain concepts of holistic dentistry, such as: mercury is poisonous, root canals promote ongoing infection, flouride is toxic, etc. Since that information is widely available and there is LOTS of documentation on it, I wanted this teleseminar to be more advanced and specific.

By |2023-04-13T08:40:09-08:00June 17th, 2008|

How To Birth Easier & Quicker

Geez, sure wish I’d known/thought about this before birthing mine! Here’s one of the many birth stories shared on this natural birthing site. Go have a look at the short video on the site too, they’ve even got the famous Dr. Christiane Northrup on [...]

By |2018-04-07T21:56:32-08:00June 1st, 2008|
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