Many of you are already familiar with certain concepts of holistic dentistry, such as: mercury is poisonous, root canals promote ongoing infection, flouride is toxic, etc. Since that information is widely available and there is LOTS of documentation on it, I wanted this teleseminar to be more advanced and specific.
Left-click on the link to listen or read, right-click to download
Click Here to LISTEN to the Holistic Dental Health Teleseminar with Dr. Hal Huggins, DDS, MSc
Click Here to READ the Transcript of the Teleseminar
So here is just a sampling of some of the topics covered and questions answered in this FANTASTIC teleseminar:
- What kind of mercury detox protocol is safe for people with existing chronic illness – to avoid triggering a flare?
- What are safe alternatives to root canals? Are implants safe?
- How to avoid tooth decay in the first place – is there a special diet or supplements we can take to improve our tooth enamel and prevent decay from occurring?
- Crowns, bridges and implants – are these safe for our bodies from a holistic point of view and which materials are safe to use?
- What are good dental materials (for crowns, onlays) for the chemically sensitive?
- I have a chronic sinus infection in my right sinus. , plus I have a root canal in the upper right quadrant–is it possible these 2 things are connected?
- If a mercury filling was removed and replaced with a composite, is there a possibility that mercury residue still exists under the new filling?
- I’m extremely chemically sensitive (Multiple Chemical Sensitivities). What is the least chemically reactive material for fillings and what brand makes it? Do you recommend Heliomolar? Which composite materials would you recommend for fillings, which ones do you consider safe and durable?
- When and how often should teeth be brushed in order to maintain optimal dental health?
- What is your opinion on using unrefined sea salt instead of toothpaste?
- Nearly all commercial toothpastes contain glycerin – should we avoid this?
- Should we go for regular teeth cleanings to a dental hygienist? Are there any safe ways to remove tooth tartar that you would recommend?
- Are there any safe ways to whiten teeth that you would recommend? What is your opinion on hydrogen peroxide and sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) as tooth-whitening agents?
- What do you think of Dr. Gerard F. Judd and his findings and recommendations?
- What do you think of Dr. Weston A. Price and his findings and recommendations?
- Can tooth enamel regenerate? If so, what can be done to stimulate and support tooth enamel regeneration?
I have read and researched extensively on alternatives to modern dentistry and holistic ways of caring for our teeth, gums and improving our dental health – so I’m pretty confident when I say that NOWHERE else will you find this depth and specificity of information on what you can do to take charge of this area of your health.
Dr. Hal A. Huggins DDS, MSc has both a Dentistry degree and a Master’s degree in Immunology, plus over 40 years of research and experience in Holistic Dentistry – both in an academic and clinical setting. I think the fact that he views dentistry from the perspective of “What does this do to the immune system?” is why he has been able to develop such powerful protocols. He is a wealth of helpful, healing information and he shares many key cornerstones of his dental health protocol here.
This teleseminar blew me away, and that’s why I’m giving it to you as a gift. Use it to move your health to the next level. And share it with all your family and friends!
Left-click on the link to listen or read, right-click to download
Click Here to LISTEN to the Holistic Dental Health Teleseminar with Dr. Hal Huggins, DDS, MSc
Click Here to READ the Transcript of the Teleseminar
You can find out more about Dr. Huggins, his dozens of books, and referrals to a dentist trained in his protocols, on his website:
NOTE: The 120 page manual that Dr. Huggins refers to in this teleseminar, that you can use with your dentist, is called the Client Education Pack.
Also, we had many questions come in AFTER the teleseminar, so click here to go to the Q & A session with Dr. Huggins:
Soar higher,
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Caveat emptor – let the buyer beware.
I have read the transcript of Jini and Dr Hal’s conversation and was very impressed by the outcome. However, being suspicious of all things technical and especially those outside my personal field of experience – and also not having any (well, not many) concerns about the general behaviour of my immune system, I thought that a simple check on the veracity of what Dr Huggins had described was in order. After all, there’s a whole lot of advice which is at variance to what the established professional ‘church’ has decreed is safe and practical.
After reading,
and then
found very readily from a Google search, I have to be suspicious.
However, as it’s generally agreed that further proper work needs to be done to determine whether dental mercury amalgam in the mouth can affect the immune system, as far as I’m concerned, ‘the jury is still out’ and after a lifetime of living with fillings made of the stuff and not being aware of any health issue being related to it, I’ve no reason to accept the truth in what Dr Hal has given us. Yet…
Jini, if you are continuing to communicate with Dr H, would you ask him for more information about the porphyrin testing he says offers a way of determining what each individual’s treatment should be? I’ve found this page:
which leads to this: on which there is this:
What does the test result mean?
NOTE: A standard reference range is not available for this test. Because reference values are dependent on many factors, including patient age, gender, sample population, and test method, numeric test results have different meanings in different labs. Your lab report should include the specific reference range for your test. Lab Tests Online strongly recommends that you discuss your test results with your doctor. For more information on reference ranges, please read Reference Ranges and What They Mean (that’s a Hyperlink on the original page).
I’m out of my depth! However, as this test would appear to be critical to a patient’s treatment, I believe it to be important to have some concept of how effective and/or relevant such a test is. Maybe I need not just Dr H’s views, but an independent specialist’s as well to be happy.
I’ll be watching to see what else is added to your web-site and blog with much interest.
Do you know of a bio compatible dentist who uses Dr. Huggin’s protocol for amalgam removal in Costa Rica? I live near San Jose and would very much like to find a dentist trained to remove amalgam safely.
Hi SuZen,
If you contact Dr. Huggins’ office, they maintain a list of dentists trained in his procedure, or they can give you some guidelines:
Toll Free: (866) 948-4638
Otherwise, search under keywords like Holistic Dentist or Biological Dentist.
good luck,
[…] We also talked about good fats in my teleseminar with renowned holistic dentist, Dr. Hal Huggins. […]
[…] Holistic Dental Health Teleseminar with Dr Hal Huggins Listen Posted by root 5 hours ago ( Jun 17 2008 click here to listen to the holistic dental health teleseminar with dr hal huggins submit comment notify me of followup comments via e mail powered by wordpress wordpress theme designed by stonewell media group Discuss | Bury | News | Holistic Dental Health Teleseminar with Dr Hal Huggins Listen […]
[…] topic to date – I’ve done two teleseminars with leaders in holistic dentistry: one with Dr. Hal Huggins and one with Dr. Ara Elmajian, in an attempt to figure out WHAT those of us with poor teeth can do […]
[…] I just discovered – a very recent interview with Hal Huggins – a pioneer in this […]
please advise me Im to have a scan of pancreas and pelvis I m totally allergito shellfish and theycant i.v. iodine The alternative is abarium mixture to take orally. Some time ago matt van benschoten omd,ma, ca. who provides me with herbs to get rid of mercury[all fillings of amalgam are out and root canals gone] said some time ago that barium was an antiquated way to scan…. please advise me my procedure is arranged for 15 oct 09 the amaging place used a gel and latex got near me during a vaginal ultrasound 2 weeks ago and i had a terrible reaction all my inside swelled up so i dont want any more reactions i reread your book and found out about the gel, well my body found out first. Ive had 4 children and giving birth to them was nothing like that pain. Please emphasise this to everyone im donating some johnsons baby lotion to the clinic nothing else suits me and my gyne lady says she doednt have any latex in her clinic because so many people are allergic to it many thanks your book turned my life around Faith
I’ve always been interested in holistic dentistry. I may have missed this one, but perhaps I’ll be able to catch one of these teleseminars at another time. I feel like I could use a paradigm shift, when it comes to dentistry.
Nice Post. Thanks for sharing. I have a good read.
the best teeth whitening agents are still based on peroxides-::
Thank you for this great article;
For every reader: If you’re having fillings removed, ask your dentist about exposure-prevention methods, and make sure the office uses an amalgam separator.
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