is a private website that has a section of their website devoted to voting for the top ten ideas for change, that they will then be presenting to President Obama.
I was one of the thousands who voted for “Legalize Raw Milk” during the first round of voting and this issue got the highest number of votes in its category and has moved to the second, final round!
So, we all now have a second chance to vote for legalizing raw milk in individual states and across state lines. If this issue is among the top ten ideas in the competition, it will be presented to the Obama team and also at a press conference at the National Press Club on January 16; further, will then email information about the Raw Milk campaign to their 200,000 members.
This is a HUGE opportunity for us to really make a difference in the big Pharma/Agribusiness assault on our food freedom.
Even if you are not in the USA (like me) you can still vote. And as the US carries such global influence, this will only help us in other countries when we come up against the same issues.
DON’T WAIT! Please go to and cast your vote for raw milk. If you have not yet joined, you will need to do so – the process is very simple and takes about 2 minutes… Voting closes on January 15.
Please get every member of your family to vote for raw milk and circulate this announcement to all your groups. Let’s aim for tens of thousands of votes for raw milk and earn this fantastic publicity opportunity. We can do it if everyone participates.
And while you are casting your vote for raw milk, please also cast your vote against the National Animal Identification System (NAIS). The link is Let’s send a strong message to the USDA against radio chipping of our animals and registration of our farms! If this bill is carried out, it will absolutely cripple and possibly eliminate the small farmer in the US – yet another ploy by big Agribusiness to cement their monopoloy. But together, we have the power to stop it, so vote now!
all the best,
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