I wanted to share with you this amazing story about a man who, after taking a painful fall through an old board on a boat dock, used DMSO and vitamin C to facilitate incredibly quick healing:
OK, so I did something let’s just say not very bright. I was testing a bad looking board on a boat dock, when the board broke and I fell straight into the hole plunging down three feet into the slot where the board had been. During the plunge both bare legs scraped hard against the adjacent boards. My thighs were instantly red like a belt sander had been run across them. Although blood red, there were no splinters, embedded dirt, or blood to complicate the injury…
The injury looked like I would be in for several days of misery as it healed. That path was not attractive. I recalled that DMSO is a rapid healing agent. So, for the next four hours I kept the injury bathed in a solution of 50% DMSO and 50% distilled water. In addition, I started taking about 2 grams an hour of vitamin C for my waking hours over the next twenty-four-hour period. The following day I reapplied the DMSO a several times.
Initially, the injury looked like a bad bicycle fall pavement scrape that would take days or weeks to heal. It was truly blood red over the back of much of the left thigh. However, by using the DMSO and vitamin C combo, at 24 hours, the severe back of left leg injury was barely noticeable to the casual observer. The milder front of right thigh injury was not noticeable at all. At the thirty-six-hour mark (second morning), most of the red had disappeared, the area felt bruised, but without any bruised skin discoloration. Initial pain was mostly stinging sensation common with such injuries but was mild overall and not continuous. I slept that first night with no discomfort. For a sixty-nine-year-old guy, I thought that was remarkably fast healing.
Instead of several days of agony, I reduced major healing time down to really one evening by quickly and decisively using DMSO and vitamin C…having both on hand to start immediate treatment was the key to the rapid recovery.
Orthomolecular Medicine News Service. OMNS free subscription here.
Read the full story plus other helpful resources on using DMSO, Vitamin C, and Magnesium here.
For years now we’ve been using DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) – both topically and orally – to treat various human conditions such as hemorrhoids, rectal strictures, intestinal strictures, vision/eye issues, and more.
Here’s a post in which I share with you some basic information about what DMSO is, how it works, and some safety considerations for using this powerful, yet hugely beneficial natural substance.
Additional DMSO resources:
Natural Treatments for Anal Fissures & Fistulas: DMSO, Wild Oregano & More! – VIDEO
DMSO Eyedrops for Cataracts, Macular Degeneration, Floaters, Vision
DMSO-based Protocols for Intestinal & Rectal Scar Tissue – VIDEO
DMSO Protocol For Anal Stenosis or Rectal Strictures
Hot Castor Oil Pack for IBD or IBS – Pain, Spasming, Bloating
How To Release and Dissolve Scar Tissue
Perianal Abscess & Fistula – Natural Treatment
Natural Remedy for Anal Stenosis and Stricture
How To Heal Internal and External Hemorrhoids
Stricture Emergency!
Will DMSO carry germs from fecal matter into my bloodstream?
Any questions? Just leave them in the Comments section below…
I saw your fissuresuppository video and you add DMSO for it, but I don’ t see that in the shoppe version…is it really important to add it?
Also, why some people have success healing their fissure but other keep getting them again?
Hi Lidia, thanks for reaching out. Here is the DMSO in our shoppe: https://shoppe.listentoyourgut.com/products/dmso-dimethyl-sulfoxide-99-9-4-fl-oz-glass-bottle
If you are dealing with a fissure, Jini’s FissureHeal is an amazing product you can use on its own without any additions: https://shoppe.listentoyourgut.com/products/imix-nutrition-fissureheal-suppositories-each-2×1-6-box-of-12
These suppositories contain comfrey – which is a fantastic wound healer. Therefore, they heal anal or rectal fissures amazingly quickly.
Depending on what symptoms you are having, or if you have hemorrhoids, adding DMSO can be helpful but is not required.