When is the best time to use bowel rest for IBD, and how does bowel rest work?

An elemental diet is a completely liquid diet with pre-digested nutrients that are rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream (within 20 minutes). This gives your gastrointestinal system a rest, but still supplies your nutritional needs – also referred to as a bowel rest diet. The stool that results from an elemental diet is greatly reduced in volume and usually liquid, so it gives your colon a rest from passing normal bowel movements, which can allow your colon and bowel to heal faster.

Join me and Tami Hay, author of EarthGut: The Story of Peace, Love, Microbes, as we discuss how to use an elemental diet to help facilitate healing.

0:40 – What is an Elemental Diet?
0:49 – Elemental Diet section of the blog
0:53 – Use Common Foods to Heal IBD
4:39 – My Success Using a Half-Elemental Diet
4:43 – Half Elemental Diet Prevents Crohn’s Flares
5:29 – Absorb Plus
5:35 – Low Residue Diet
6:01 – Broth Recipes & Health Benefits of Broth
7:56 – Easily Tolerated Weight Gain Shakes
8:04 – Download Jini’s Free Gut Guide