I was over in England and one of my friends (married with 3 kids) wanted to know which probiotics she should order for her family. She didn’t want to know why or how they worked – and no one has a gut disorder – she just wanted to get her whole family on probiotics.

After her probiotics arrived, I got another text from her:

That’s when I realized that I really needed to make things simpler for people! My friend doesn’t have the time or desire to read one of my books, or even my eBook on What You Need To Know About Probiotics. She already knows beneficial bacteria are crucial and she wants to keep her family healthy.

So I created this Probiotic Cheat Sheet to answer her (and anyone else’s) question as succinctly as possible…


If you’re a child:

If you’re super picky, then get the Megadophilus, Bifido Factor, and Digesta-Lac in CAPSULE form. Empty the contents of the capsules into your milk, yoghurt or diluted fruit juice, applesauce or pudding and mix well. Consume on an empty stomach.

If you’re not so picky, then get the Megadophilus (dairy-based or dairy-free), Bifido Factor (dairy-based or dairy-free), and Digesta-Lac in POWDER form. The powders contain more supernatant (culturing medium) per serving, which has beneficial elements. Stir the powders into your water, milk, yoghurt, or diluted fruit juice, applesauce or pudding, and mix until smooth. Consume on an empty stomach.

If you’re an adult:

Use the Healthy Trinity capsules.

BUT if you tend towards diarrhea, then get the Megadophilus, Bifido Factor and Digesta-Lac in POWDER form. Mix with water and take on an empty stomach for maximum potency.

IF you tend towards constipation, then take ONLY the Megadophilus, and Digesta-Lac in CAPSULE form until your constipation has resolved. Take extra Digesta-Lac as needed. Then gradually add in the Bifido Factor.

IF you tend towards heartburn, take the Megadophilus and Digesta-Lac in POWDER form. Mix with water and sip slowly on an empty stomach for maximum potency. You don’t need Bifido Factor for heartburn, but it’s good for your colon, so mix it in too – if you’re not already taking Healthy Trinity.

IF you don’t tolerate probiotics, then start with only 1 species in POWDER form, start with only a pinch or 1/8 tsp of one species and gradually build up. If you tend towards constipation, then start with Digesta-Lac. If you’re normal, or tend towards diarrhea, then begin with Life Start (dairy-based, vegan, or goat-milk based). Gradually add the other species once you tolerate the normal dose of the first species.

IF you have had a total colectomy and have a J pouch, probiotics are still highly beneficial and recommended! I went directly to Natasha Trenev of Natren Probiotics for her input, and after having these discussions with Dr. Zuri Murrell, a prominent colorectal Surgeon at Cedars Sinai Hospital, both agree that anyone who has had any kind of Colorectal needs to take Natren Probiotics daily. She recommends taking Healthy Trinity two times a day, or the Healthy Start System (dairy-based or non-dairy).

p.s. If you look at my friend’s photo, she neglected to order any Digesta-Lac for her kids – proving to me just how much this simplified Probiotic Cheat Sheet is needed!