Homeschooling & Unschooling
I've been thinking and reading a bit about homeschooling (also known as "unschooling") lately and am feeling myself gradually coming round to embracing the idea more and more. I think, like many parents, my number one fear is: What will I do with the kids around ALL day, every day?? How will I ever get [...]
Safeguard Your Kids’ Teeth! – Holistic Dental Health Podcast
Many of you are already familiar with certain concepts of holistic dentistry, such as: mercury is poisonous, root canals promote ongoing infection, flouride is toxic, etc. Since that information is widely available and there is LOTS of documentation on it, I wanted this teleseminar to be more advanced and specific. Left-click on the link to [...]
Family Trip Goes Bust
My husband Ian had a brainstorm Thursday night and suggested we drive to California for what's left of Spring Break. So, adventurous souls that we are, we pack up the car and leave Friday. Here's what happened: We want to leave at around 7:30 pm and drive for as long as we can while kiddies [...]
Should I Have A Baby?
My three monkeys: Zara, Hugo, Oscar, many years ago! I have a number of friends who have chosen to remain childless. And indeed, this is a growing trend in the Western world. Recently, I received an email from a friend of mine who has been staunchly committed to not having children her entire [...]
Q & A for Dr. Huggins Holistic Dental Podcast
We had a fantastic teleseminar with Dr. Hal Huggins and MANY crucial questions were answered. We went WAY beyond the classic “mercury is poisonous, root canals promote infection” tenets of holistic dentistry. If you missed it, I strongly urge you to get a handle on this aspect of your health by listening to the teleseminar [...]
Numerology Forecast for July 2008
This is really fun, it’s from my friend Aileen Nobles (psychic and EFT therapist) – ENJOY! YOUR JULY NUMEROLOGY FORECAST To find your personal forecast add the day and month of your birth date. Continue adding until you get a single digit. […]
Holistic Dental Health Podcast with Dr. Hal Huggins
Many of you are already familiar with certain concepts of holistic dentistry, such as: mercury is poisonous, root canals promote ongoing infection, flouride is toxic, etc. Since that information is widely available and there is LOTS of documentation on it, I wanted this teleseminar to be more advanced and specific.
How To Birth Easier & Quicker
Geez, sure wish I’d known/thought about this before birthing mine! Here’s one of the many birth stories shared on this natural birthing site. Go have a look at the short video on the site too, they’ve even got the famous Dr. Christiane Northrup on it: Orgasm a Tool for Birth – By Shiraz Ariel [...]
How Do I Take All These Different Supplements?
[Updated 11/8/19] Supplement Scheduling: When & How To Take All Your Different Supplements How do you figure out when to take all your different supplements – especially when some of them need to be consumed on an empty stomach? And what do you do if some of your supplements are not compatible with each other? [...]
Travel Tips for Crohn’s Colitis
HOW TO TRAVEL SAFELY WITH A SENSITIVE GUT The idea of traveling can be particularly daunting for people who suffer from IBS, IBD, or some other “undiagnosed” gut sensitivity. Gabrielle (one of my readers) contacted me, because although she had mostly healed her Crohn’s Disease, she had a family vacation coming up. And she was [...]
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