I live in a place that is absolutely fantastic, except for one big problem: the weather. Here in Vancouver, Canada it is rainy, dark and depressing for about eight months of the year. For me, that is a long time without sun and no, I’m not one of those hardy Canadians who gets on all the rain gear and goes hiking and mountain biking in the midst of it anyway.
So, for the last eleven years, I have been trying to find a way to escape Vancouver during the dark, wet winter months.
I started by selling my telecommunications company and setting up a new company that was completely Internet-based. My husband later joined me in this company and then he also started another Internet-based company. So we are both fully mobile. All we need to live and work anywhere in the world is a phone and high-speed Internet connection.
What amazing freedom! people say. You can live anywhere in the world, why do you live here? Yes, why indeed?
We then moved about an hour east of Vancouver, along the coast to a smaller town called White Rock. Ten minutes from the U.S. border (where our warehouse is located), White Rock receives substantially more sun than Vancouver and being further away from the mountains, the pressure from the cloud cover is also not so strong.
Okay, great, now we were down to only about… seven months of rain and darkness per year.
Well shortly after that, I became pregnant and started having babies. Along with that went homebirths, extended breastfeeding, co-sleeping, unprocessed organic meals and all the other fundamentals of raising emotionally and physically healthy children.
Every time we would get ready to leave Canada, I would get pregnant again. So three children and ten years later, our youngest is now two and a half and we are finally in a position to get out of White Rock.
But we have not been idle in the meantime, oh no. We have made one to six month forays to a number of hot places to research and see if we could live there; Kaui, Hawaii, Barbados, Antigua, Turks & Caicos, Singapore, Arizona, Florida, California, Puerto Vallarta, Loreto and Playa del Carmen.
But guess what? Every single one of those places had something wrong with it that was serious enough to be a “deal-breaker”. Either there wasn’t any decent schooling, or no organic food, or rampant pesticide use and pollution, or undeveloped infrastructure (i.e. no decent Internet connection), or too expensive, or overcrowded, or unsafe guns, drugs and politics (hmmm which ‘civilized’ country could I be referring to here?), or any combination of the above.
As I write this, we are visiting Playa del Carmen, on the Mayan Riviera in Mexico (about one hour south of Cancun) for the fifth time. However, the longest we have stayed previously is three weeks and each time we have stayed at an all-inclusive resort. So this time we are staying in a house that we have rented for two months, so we can live like locals. Playa del Carmen came the closest to our requirements out of everywhere we’ve been, so we came down here to give it a trial and see about buying our own house here.
There are not one, but two Waldorf schools here to choose from – one of which promises an unprocessed organic lunch for the kids every day. There are gorgeous white sand beaches, cenotes, nature reserves, wireless high speed Internet (so you get the speed, but you also get the radiation), oodles of restaurants, Sam’s Club and even a massive Wal-Mart. What more could we want?
Well, here’s the big problem: I don’t know where the school is getting it’s daily organic lunch from, but I have been unable to find organic food anywhere in this town. Thinking I was being really smart, I went to a restaurant called 100% Natural and asked them where they purchased their food – are they buying from local farmers, or have some sort of special arrangement set up? Their answer: We buy everything from Wal-Mart.
As a health writer, I know that our food intake is the cornerstone of health and wellness. And I have always fed my family unprocessed, organic food, cooked from scratch. Yes, this is a tremendous amount of work, but I feel strongly that it is crucial for both optimal development in children and ongoing health.
I’ve been here two weeks and to be honest, I don’t think I want to subject us to this level of chemicals for more than a month, maximum. For example, it is impossible to buy bread that doesn’t contain preservatives and dough conditioners – let alone organic and whole grain. You can’t even buy unprocessed tortillas – oh, scratch that, I finally did find non-chemical tortillas in the freezer section of one store. The ‘butter’ is some strange hybrid of butter and vegetable oil and all the milk is all UHT pasteurized.
The largest organic food supplier in Playa is indeed Wal-Mart and it offers one whole shelf of organic food, which consists mostly of bottled, concentrated juices.
High-speed Internet is everywhere. However, this is my first experience with wireless Internet as I have purposely avoided it due to the detrimental electromagnetic radiation (the same reason I rarely use a cell phone).
If you build your own house, you can get it wired for cable during construction of the cement walls, but otherwise, you are mostly stuck with wireless. The hotel three minutes away has wireless access – we can get on the web there and download emails, but for some reason can’t send them. The restaurant ten minutes walk away also has wireless and from there we can send our emails. But in both places the speed and reliability is nowhere near that of my cable Internet connection back home in White Rock.
Then there’s the cost. Part of the lure of a place in Mexico was the idea that we could live here for a fraction of what it would cost us in North America. And indeed, there are places in Mexico where that is true. But here’s the catch-22; if the infrastructure is well-developed (roads, sewage, water, electricity, schooling, internet, telephones, cable, etc.) then the city is no longer cheap. In fact, our monthly bills here would be pretty similar to what we’re currently paying in Canada.
My Mum and Dad are visiting this week and my father said something very interesting to me: “The problem is not where you live,” he said to me, “the problem is your discontent. You’re never contented, no matter where you are.”
And he’s right. No matter where I am, there is always a “deal-breaker”. In White Rock, it’s the weather. Otherwise everything – and I do mean everything – is perfect. So I guess the better question might be: Which “deal-breaker” am I going to compromise on? Which deal-breaker am I going to turn around and find a way to make it work, regardless?
Do we want to build our own house in Playa del Carmen and have it wired for cable? FedEx all our organic, grass-fed meat, eggs and raw dairy in every two weeks and start an organic vegetable garden, or contract with a farmer for the rest? And what would that cost us?
Or do we want to continue taking lots of vitamin D and cod liver oil during the winter? And turn our front living room into a solarium; with a wall of full-spectrum light panels, an infrared sauna, lots of tropical plants, a fountain and separate heating system so it mimics a hot, tropical place we can visit for an hour or two per day and reap the health benefits? And then we just go away to hot countries for three weeks at Christmas and three weeks at Spring Break (thereby not mucking up the kids’ schooling). And what would that cost us?
Utopia may not exist. But I have always lived and thought “outside the box” and pursued an extraordinary, exciting life. Granted, with five different people now in our family – each of us having our own needs and desires – this has gotten a lot more complex. However, we do have enough similarities, along with the respect and intimacy necessary to figure it out.
[…] Clifford J. Wirth, Ph.D. wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptNew ideas, updates, protocols for natural healing & living. Home · About Jini Patel Thompson · The Perfect Place To Live. December 20th, 2008 | by JINI |. Vancouver. I live in a place that is absolutely fantastic, except for one big … […]
[…] more: The Perfect Place To Live | Listen To Your Gut Author: Flex Time: Saturday, December 20th, 2008 at 3:42 pm Category: Uncategorized […]
I can SO relate! My partner and I are going through the same considerations, minus the schooling issue (no kids). Currently live in S. Florida, where we moved to get warmth and sun. We have that in abundance here, but it’s really not a safe place — four times in 10 years we’ve almost been destroyed by hurricanes. I strongly urge you to consider the hurricane risk at Playa Del Carmen; you might not think much of it, but the first time you go through one, you’ll probably one to move.
So where have we considered? Hawaii — too remote, too many bugs (discussion forums about bugs in Hawaii read like a horror story); Los Angeles — to crowded, too polluted; Marbella, Spain — too much crime. Our number one choice is, by far, Vancouver! The only thing that stops us is exactly what you said: too dark and cold for too many months a year. So we’re considering 6 months in Vancouver, and 6 months (winter, of course) either in San Diego County, or Puerto Vallarta. I’m not keen on split residencies, but I think full-time in the San Diego area would not be good for me, mentally (I grew up in Los Angeles and S. California has issues for me).
Organic food, prepared by me, has been a way of life for 30 years. I could NOT live somewhere without organic food. Could you briefly describe what the organic food scene is like in Puerto Vallarta? I’m hoping it’s decent, because much of the organic food in the U.S. is actually grown in Mexico. That said, I wouldn’t be surprised if there was little demand for it in Mexico itself.
Thanks and I’m very happy I came across your blog.
I meant to say “you’ll probably want to move” instead of “you’ll probably one to move” at the end of my first paragraph; can you fix that?
Hi Scott,
Unfortunately there is not a lot of organic food in Puerto Vallarta that I saw – however I was staying at a resort and I only went to local grocery stores. Believe it or not, your best bet would be to search the internet – it has more info than most residents of any given town.
What I’ve found in Mexico is that there are certain regions (mostly inland) that have organic produce, or a weekly organic box delivery, but the coastal areas have very little.
The other thing I was told by some biodynamic farmers in Mexico is that a lot of the Mexican produce is actually organic. Because they can’t afford pesticides and they don’t know that calling it ‘organic’ would be a selling feature.
However, I don’t know about other (less developed) regions of Mexico, but here in PDC I can tell you that most of the produce is NOT organic. How can I be sure? It doesn’t rot! As you know, microbes love organic food and you have to eat it fairly quickly. The produce I’ve bought here (tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, etc.) looks the same after two weeks as the day I bought them.
Now, if all that is holding you back from
San Diego is childhood carry-overs, you can clear these VERY quickly using a mind/body therapy called EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). You can find out lots more and get their free newsletter at:
And if you tell her you were referred by me, you can get a free 30 minute consult to try it out with my therapist, Annabel Fisher:
We’ve also done some teleseminars with Annabel, which are very reasonably priced (dare I say cheap?), so you could try the therapy that way too:
good luck to you and it’s so nice to know there’s someone else out there with similar struggles!
One more thing Scott, I don’t know what you do for a living, but you may also enjoy my new business-oriented blog:
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take care,
[…] on from my last post about The Perfect Place To Live, here’s what else I’ve learned about myself during this […]
Hi Jini,
Having read your latest blog, I would suggest you have a look at Byron Bay in Australia. Seems to fit all the criteria. Even a Steiner School (Waldorf). Perhaps the Internet may be too slow in Australia for business, but lots of businesses seem to manage here. And there is certainly everything organic and alternative, though some different brands from the US possibly. We use Intestamine made by BioCeuticals as an alternative to Mucosa Heal, for example.
I guess it is just too far from friends and family?
Best wishes,
Penny Green
Hi Penny,
That is amazing that you would suggest Byron Bay. We researched BB – particularly Mullumbimby extensively about 4 years ago and were all ready to make the move. Problem?
We couldn’t get immigration. We even paid an immigration lawyer, but no go. If you own your own business, Australia wants you earn a LOT of money yearly, plus bring in a quarter million in cash.
Now, my kids have developed such strong relationships with my Mum and Dad (who moved to White Rock 2 years ago) that I couldn’t move them that far away anyway.
Great suggestion though! Maybe it will work for someone else reading this blog.
take care,
interesting little rant ……. what did you not like about Singapore, i was thinking of moving there ?
i’ve lived in playa del carmen for a year and moved up to cancun for several reasons, the primary one being the burning garbage and general air pollution in playa is terrible. the whole area has a massive garbage and sewerage problem, since the tourism has grown at about 10 times the pace of the infrastructure. add in some local corruption and water, sewerage, garbage, utilities are all under funded.
it can be fine for weeks at a time, but suddenly especially at night the smell of burning, often tainted with plastic is terrible. its usually gone by 7-8am, but what’s the point of living in the tropics if you have to sleep at night with all the windows closed and can’t wake up in the morning to a nice fresh sea breeze. the only solution i found was to move to a condo in the hotel zone, which is kind of offshore and away from the chaos, but when i go back to playa del carmen to visit friends i immedaitely notice the terrible air quality.
other problems in mexico are that in the end its more expensive that living in a major US, EU or Canadian city, since western standards cost western money. Sure you can live on less than $1000 a month, but if you want standards you are used to, you must pay for them and pay for them dearly, since those around you tend to see you as a cash cow with money to burn. The situation made worse by wealthy mexicans that really do have money to burn and like to show it. I’ve never seen people spend money like wealthy mexicans, $10,000 a month to rent a flashy condo, porsche cayenes for all the family, designer everything etc. etc.
also in Maya area there is no power station, electricty is made with diesel generators, so per KwH, its more than twice the price of California… very costly to run AC in summer in a large condio can be $1000 a month or more, DSL internet also runs about twice the price and cell phones super expensive.
the upside is you can have permanent servants for less than $500 a month, huge places to live, lavish lifestyle, but its not for the organic hippy types, especially ones that need a local walmart……
There is a lot of organic food in Puerto Vallarta.
As well as various small organic health food stores
we have two organic markets, both on Saturdays
and a service that brings organic food to our house!
I just searched “flouride in water in Puerto Vallarta” and came across this post. I’m moving to PV in December and found your blog informative and amusing and I definately have the same thought process as you.
I would like to know where you ended up living though as this post is very old. Thanks
“Part of the lure of a place in Mexico was the idea that we could live here for a fraction of what it would cost us in North America”
–Mexico is a part of North America.