What do medical doctors say about Listen To Your Gut and The IBD Remission Diet – my books on natural healing remedies for ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s Disease, diverticulitis and IBS?
People are often surprised to hear that numerous medical doctors and PhD scientists have used the protocols in my books to heal either themselves, or a family member. When you read Dr. Silvio Najt’s story below, you’ll get a better idea of why. This is also a good blog post to forward onto family members who are worried that you are using natural treatments for your IBD, rather than drugs or surgery. So let’s start with Silvio Najt MD’s story:
“I became a physician in 1976 and then I did my specialization in cardiology. I received my training as a clinician in a heart surgical center. I was always a very curious, inquisitive practitioner. At the beginning I bought into the concept that medical science “saves lives” and that the scientific method was the gold standard that someday will defeat illness. I didn’t know how wrong I was.
Years later, I went into my second specialization, emergency medicine. This is yet a more structured medical practice than cardiology. In those days I was proud to be a mainstream doctor.
Some years ago I began to think differently. I started outlining a book. My main goal was to define “health”. What does this concept imply? When can someone be considered healthy and when do we lose our place in this category? A common expression says that if you give a doctor enough time, money and resources, he/she will find something abnormal in you. You will lose your position of being a healthy person and become their client. I recommend you take the time to read a funny article published in 1994 in the New England Journal of Medicine called The Last Well Person.
As the years went by, I discovered that medicine approaches medical problems in a very simplistic way; as if the body has only one way of reacting. And even if medical science doesn’t have a consistent definition, or treatment, it still acts as if the doctor can effectively study, identify and treat any case. It is hard to find a practitioner who will admit his ignorance in a particular case. This is called the “biomedical model”: the notion that the disease activity determines the clinical outcome, in other words, disease does not equate with illness.
On the opposite side, there is an alternative model that is slowly starting to win popularity among clinicians, it is called the “biopsychosocial model”. It proposes that illness and disease are the result of simultaneously interacting systems at the cellular, tissue, organism, interpersonal and environmental levels. This approach integrates biological science with the uniqueness of the individual, to determine the degree to which psychosocial factors interact, in order to explain the disease, illness and outcome. For the last 15 years I have been exploring this model. I went to the School of Anthropology and tried to learn medical anthropology. A completely new approach. I now feel that if I’d had this knowledge right at the beginning of my medical career, I would have been able to understand much more about human suffering.
Last year my 13-year-old daughter taught me the biggest lesson of my career. After a mild flu she started to have diarrhea, abdominal pain and blood with every bowel movement. We visited her paediatrician, who gave her a diet. She did not improve at all. After a couple of weeks with the same symptoms we decided to consult one of the most prestigious paediatric gastroenterologists in the country. A so-called “big name”.
He immediately made a diagnosis. But, not satisfied with it, he wanted “confirmation”. This meant performing a colonoscopy. on a 13-year-old girl with two weeks of diarrhea. At that time, I thought this was crucial for him to make a decision as to whether to treat her with certain medications, or a specialized approach.
The procedure did not show anything definitive, nor the biopsy. Slowly, I started to realize that they had only one protocol to treat IBS/IBD patients, and that the colonoscopy procedure was totally irrelevant other than to contribute to a morbid curiosity. Of course, he wasn’t taking into account that it was producing more suffering and pain for my child.
For more than he six months we gave her immense doses of antibiotics (Cipro and Metronidazole), Mesalamine and corticosteroids at immunosupressive doses. We saw other doctors, still more brutal than the “big shot”. One gastroenterologist suggested surgery.
I was more devastated still. My daughter’s suffering continued. She couldn’t leave her bed, she couldn’t go to school. She had intense abdominal pain. She was still bleeding and having almost 15 bowel movements a day. We were disoriented, depressed, and devastated to see our princess going through this nightmare.
When her doctor suggested Azathioprine I decided to put an end to her treatment. This was way too much. By this time, I had become a specialist in IBD: forced by the situation, I devoured the publications on IBD/IBS. These medical textbooks were authored by the top specialists in the world, Mayo Clinic, UCLA, University Hospital Leuven, Belgium, etc. I spent hours on the Internet reading the latest medical literature. I found nothing but inconsistencies, contradictions, and lack of clarity. So I knew that if she became immune-depressed as the specialist suggested, the risks were enormous. As I told him, this is not just another patient, this is MY DAUGHTER.
Of course, we also tried some other approaches, such as medical homeopathy, acupuncture, nutrition – mainstream and also naturopathic – none of which helped her. My beloved daughter was still in massive pain and bleeding.
A good friend of ours put me in contact with a paediatrician in New York City. This woman has a daughter with Crohn’s disease. She said to me: “Get the book Listen To Your Gut. It’s written by a patient, it is not a medical text, but I think it is worth reading her approach to the problem, since traditional medicine has a limited approach to treat these problems.”
I bought Listen To Your Gut just as a possible source to help my daughter with the “minor elements” of her illness. I have to admit that from the beginning I had to fight against my “medical prejudice”. Jini Patel Thompson was not a physician, but still she was showing a radical way of treating the ailment. It made sense, a lot of sense. But I still had to fight against my medical mindset. It completely blew my mind and I decided to finish my “toxic” relationship with the medical world and embrace the “patient world”. The more I read, the more I found that the book was actually based on solid evidence, and IT WORKED!!
Once we started the elemental diet, plus the supplements and the wild oregano oil (can you believe that? I was using herbs for the first time in my life) plus probiotics and vitamins and Aloe vera juice, she was in great shape, almost no pain and no bleeding, in just ten days. This, after more than seven months of intolerable suffering.
This was a great experience for me: one of the very first occasions in my whole medical career where I could finally have a very practical application of the biopsychosocial model. We could finally understand the implications and connection between the changes in her life – she had started a new high school, had her first period, left her childhood to become an adolescent, her eldest brother got married suddenly – and the impact all these new situations made on her body.
This is the key to help her cope with all the bumps on the road. Whenever she feels insecure, or afraid, she takes her hands and puts them on her belly. If she doesn’t interrupt the circuit, disconnecting the loop, she ends up with abdominal cramps and diarrhea. Now after repeatedly experiencing these episodes, combined with the healing regimen, she has learned to cope with the tough situations of her daily life.
Seven months after starting with the elemental diet, the detoxification and the healing journey, she is almost free of symptoms, having a normal scholastic and social life.
I strongly believe that all the medication she received was aggressive and damaging. Now I feel we’re on the right track: all the protocols that Jini suggests are beneficial for her, and to top it off, there are no side effects.”
– Silvio Najt, MD
Dr. Najt has a private clinic in Buenos Aires, where he now has as many IBD patients as cardiology patients!
Here’s what some other medical doctors think of my natural healing remedies for Crohn’s, colitis, diverticulitis and IBS:
“The Listen to Your Gut program is a tour-de-force in better understanding our body’s second brain. From the specificities of a wide variety of physical treatments, to probing the inner workings of our psyches and how they relate to our gut, it has something to offer almost anyone who has an intestinal tract. In fact, I have already recommended it to two friends with intestinal/rectal problems and begun using a few of the recommended supplements myself.”
– John W. Travis, MD, MPH
Author of numerous books including, The Wellness Workbook“No one can be less satisfied with conventional medical treatment for these complaints than the medical profession itself. Patel Thompson gives excellent dietary advice and the clearest message from Listen To Your Gut is that one should cease to be a victim of illness and make a determined effort to take charge of one’s fate and welfare.”
– David Bamford, MD
This is just a sampling of the feedback we have received from medical doctors. In many cases, I don’t want to publicize which doctors are recommending my books and Absorb Plus shakes to their patients, as it would put them in a difficult position with their medical association. Suffice it to say there are both medical doctors and gastroenterologists who recommend my books. But it often has to be done quietly, or by doctors who have the kind of practice, or relationship with their patients, that is more open:
“I worked as a PA for a GI specialist in Seattle, but when our 19-year-old daughter was diagnosed with Crohn’s her freshman year at Whitman College, we skipped her doctor’s recommendations and used your program for the last 7 years with no recurrence. She is now a 2nd year medical student at UW and lives with her twin sister who is third year, so there is some stress there. Our other 2 children are physicians at UCDavis and San Francisco General. My husband is a family physician here in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho and he takes my Listen to Your Gut to give to his newly diagnosed IBD patients. I have given it to others who have followed traditional medical advice for years to no avail, and they say “it has given them their life back” and their friends even see immediate improvement in their energy and appearance. We all truly believe in this scientific, thoughtful, healthful, wholesome, and economic approach to this terrible disease. Thank you so much again.”
– Robin Chisholm, Idaho
Remember, your medical doctor is bound by the rules of her/his association – which only condone drug or surgical treatments. If your doc breaks those rules, he can lose his license. Likewise, if your doc does NOT recommend a certain drug or surgery (that is commonly indicated in your situation), she can be held in violation of her medical license. People get really frustrated when they feel their medical doctor is not supporting them, or is trying to scare them, or push drugs on them. But you have to understand that in many cases, you are asking the impossible. If you are asking your doctor to do (or not do) something that causes them to lose their license to practice medicine – it’s not going to happen!
So whether your GI personally feels that colectomy surgery is a good idea, or not, is not the issue. Your doctor MUST recommend the surgery in certain instances or they risk losing their license. You also cannot ask a typical gastroenterologist or medical doctor for their opinion on any healing methods other than drug/surgery protocols. For the simple reason that the average doc knows virtually nothing about these other modalities! They do not receive training in med school in anything other than drugs and surgery. Would you ask a nuclear physicist for her advice on how to fix your car?
“I tell a lot of my patients about your books. I wanted to let you know that your website and Holistic Health Shoppe, along with your books have been SO helpful to me. I am a Dietitian at the University XX (changed to protect identity) Medical Center. I see a lot of patients with IBD, along with IBS since I am a GI Dietitian, working in an outpatient clinic. Many of my docs are not into any sort of complementary or alternative medicine, due to the fact they don’t know anything about them! I want to take a minute to THANK YOU for your hard work. I reference your website and tell a lot of my patients about your books too. I was part of the teleseminar with Natasha Trenev, and am excited to say…we may be doing a probiotic study on IBD patients in the near future…
Take care and keep up the fabulous work! You are so inspiring.”
– Lori R., Illinois
I hope I’ve managed to convey to you the message that you should not waste your precious energy getting angry at, or being disappointed in your medical doctor. Don’t ask a goat for eggs. If you want eggs, go find a chicken. So if you want to find a health professional to support you in your Healing Journey, find either a Naturopathic Doctor, or an Integrative Medical Physician, or an Orthomolecular Medicine Doctor.
As people shift their focus away from drugs and surgery, the medical profession will eventually respond on a larger and larger scale. My GP is an integrated medical doctor. When his wait-list hit 2 years, he closed it. He also posted signs up begging his existing patients NOT to tell anyone about him. Money talks. And when enough of us demand integrated health care, it will happen. But as long as we keep paying our money to Big Pharma-trained medical doctors, that’s where the market will stay.
As you may know, I no longer do personal consultations, due to FDA crackdown and liability issues (I am not a health professional and I do not have any kind of liability insurance), but both Dr. Paul Goldberg and Dr. Carolyn Dean MD ND are familiar with my protocols and can give you personal guidance in your Healing Journey. Soar higher!
PLEASE HELP ME! I had jpouch surgery in April take down in July and I feel like I have “UC” once again! I know something else is wrong but all they do Is prescribe antibiotics and immodium! I am overwieight but never eat . the naturopathic said I have severe food allergies but can’t figure out which ones and a candida yeast infection in my newly formed jpouch . I cannot control my bowels and it feels like battery acid pouring out of me. I have zero energy and want to die since I have no life. I wear adult diapers. I am a organic healthy vegetarian -I’m depressed and have no energy to go on fighting PLEASE HELP ME…..
I’m so sorry to hear this Dina! My son battled similar issues. We had some success with dr. Dahlman … Check out his website. It did not totally cure my son, but the diet (and food allergy portion) took all pain away. This was an enormous relief for us. We found more relief once we treated for microscopic organisms and parasites. I wish you success.
[…] yeast infection in my newly formed jpouch . I cannot … … Read the original here: Medical Doctors On Natural Crohn's Colitis Remedy ← Zoom Can Cure Erectile Dysfunction With Traditional Herbal … Forget About Bad […]
Dina – Ideally you need my Listen To Your Gut book. But at the very least, please sign up for all the free stuff on this site (browse the pages and look for the pink and purple sign-up boxes on the left side) to begin your learning and see if my approach “clicks” with you. Otherwise, just book a consult with Dr. Carolyn Dean MD ND or Dr. Silvio Najt MD:
Hi Jini,
Do you still have contact info for any of these doctors? I tried looking up Dr Najit and Dr Goldberg and they don’t seem to be around anymore? There are tons of entries for Dr Paul Goldberg but I don’t know which is the one you were talking about. And the link to your private consultations page you posted is broken. Looking for someone to support my young daughter with your protocols. Thanks!!
Hi Stephanie, Apologies for the trouble. Here’s the updated list of doctors and practitioners who Jini can recommend: https://shoppe.listentoyourgut.com/collections/private-health-consults
One of the best practitioners she suggests looking into is Dane Johnson. He utilizes laboratories in Europe for pathogen identification, as many are often missed by labs in the US. He has extensive experience in treating multiple infections without making the person sicker or triggering a flare response.
You can book a free consultation with him to explore whether you think he can help you. His team is not cheap, but they are extremely experienced and effective. You can contact him at this URL: https://crohnscolitislifestyle.com/
Jini has done many videos with Dane on her YouTube channel. If you would like to get a sense of him, you can start with this one: https://blog.listentoyourgut.com/personal-health-consults-collaboration-with-dane-linsy/
And here’s the complete list of the video interviews they did together: https://www.youtube.com/@ListenToYourGut1st/search?query=Dane
THank you! We are working with Dane’s team but I’m searching for a GI or GP who is on board too.
Hi Stephanie, Dr. Silvio Najt passed away a few years ago. Dr. Paul Goldberg is mostly retired now, but his partner still runs the Goldberg Clinic. Here’s their URL: https://goldbergtenerclinic.com/
Crohns Mom – Thanks for sharing! What was the protocol or substances you used to treat for the microscopic organisms and parasites? And were they just in the gut, but in the liver too?
Hi Jini,
I am looking to consult a doctor familiar with your work. Do you have a list of doctors you can share?
Hi there! Jini does not do consults but offers a list of practitioners who are familiar with her protocols: https://shoppe.listentoyourgut.com/collections/private-health-consults
I personally followed Dane Johnson’s SHIELD program at Crohn’s Colitis Lifestyle. Hope this helps!
why do these absorb plus shakes contain fructose? i have irritable bowel syndrome with constipation. there is a common thread with irritable bowel syndrome with intolerances and its been a newer discovery that fructose malabsorption is very real. i know that when i consume foods that contain or turn to fructose in the gut that that’s what is upsetting me. broccoli, avocado, stuff that you would consider healthy upsets me. you should consider stevia if this is your product.
i cant even hold down a dishwashing job with this illness. i wasnt fast enough to keep up with the other dishwashers. sometimes i had to push through discomfort and i just wasnt cutting it. i just want to be able to work, live a normal life and not have a stomach ache.
DENNIS – here’s the answer to your question about fructose:
And we have a fructose-free version of Absorb Plus:
Lastly, you deserve some hope! Please check this out for help and ideas:
Can you please tell me if you have a dairy free absorb plus shakes i have tried whey products before but could not tolerate them, also which probiotics should i try ,i have colitis but do not have diarrhea i also have alot of pain in my groin area but i think this is scar tissue.
Thank you
Hello Nanette,
I’m afraid we do not currently have a dairy free version of Absorb Plus but many people who typically have issues with dairy have reported that they are able to consume Absorb Plus without issue. We use the best cold extraction process available to get our whey protein from its cow’s milk base. The end result: zero casein in the product and over 99% of the lactose is removed (the two most common dairy allergens). For more information about the ingredients in Absorb Plus, visit the link below:
Have a great day,
Customer Care
Hi Jini, after purchasing your e-book a few months back I was hoping for some advice. I started the SCDiet in June of this year after 10.5 years of Crohn’s Colitis. It was going relatively until I hit a stumbling block a few months ago and now, I am being told I have esophagitis. This diagnosis came a month ago without a diagnostic test. I am currently taking George’s Alow vera juice and 1/2 a tsp of megadophilus. What’s more, I have started taking omeprazole. I am currently taking no meds for IBD. Could you advice me on how to treat esophagitis which I have now had for the past month.
Hi Eden,
I’m afraid that Jini isn’t able to provide a medical opinion or health advice but Dr. Paul Goldberg shares methods and protocols with Jini and has read all of her books. He is a very rigorous practitioner and like Jini, has healed himself of a serious chronic illness, so he understands firsthand what you might be going through. We can highly recommend him.
You can also watch this video for a detailed description of how Dr. Goldberg works and what’s involved with his healing approach:
Hey jini i have had crohns for about 3 years , i am currently 23 years old and i have been thru several doctors and none of them are really giving me hope on healing my crohns disease . i feel like i just have to give up on these doctors and heal them myself since ive been doing research online i have came across your site and it seems like all the information you posted makes the most sense . i believe your ways will help me naturally heal myself because i am still very young and i want to live a long life. i have mild stomach pains but the main thing is i have bleeding and heavy pain in the rectum area and i cant live like that anymore . i am going to try your remedies and i really hope they work. i hope you can reply back and give me any advice you can to help me heal. please and thank u ! God Bless!
Hi Daniel,
We wish you all the best on your healing journey! Unfortunately, Jini isn’t able to provide any advice about your specific situation as she is not a medical professional. The best place to start is with her Listen to Your Gut book if you’re looking for detailed information about her protocols. For more about that, check out the link below:
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Hello LTYG Team,
After 3 1/2 years of tests, surgeries, trials and tribulations I have finally been diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease. I have a long and complicated story. I would like to start this program right away, I just don’t know where to start. I would greatly appreciated it if I could get some guidance. Thanking you in Advance. Nida
Hi Nida,
One good place to start for free information would be at Jini’s symptom page for Crohn’s at this link:
If you prefer to dive in to all the information at once, you might want to consider purchasing Jini’s Listen to Your Gut book (or eBook) which contains all of her protocols for Crohn’s in one place. For more information about what’s in the book, check out the link below:
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Hello, I just finished reading the listen to your gut. However I feel it would be beneficial for me to start the protocols with some guidance from a naturopath. Do you have any recommendations for someone in Seattle area?
I’ve done 3 teleseminars with Dr. Wendy Ellis in Seattle:
So you might want to contact her. You could also work with Dr. Nishta Patel via Skype:
Does anyone have experience using 02 therapy to address aenaeronic or hybrids, like candida? What about herx reactions with the same?
Liana I briefly experimented with ozone therapy for a variety of things, but not long enough or thoroughly enough to draw any conclusions. Let us know your results if you try it!
I order this book and I am going try it..