So I’ve seen a lot of orders come through the LTYG Shoppe, where people are buying BOTH ColonEaze~Firm and ColonEaze~Move. This is really puzzling to me, or perhaps more people than I realize have spastic colon…?
I also wonder if y’all are confused about which one to use – perhaps I haven’t explained it well enough.
Let me know if this helps:
If you’re currently having more than 3 bowel movements per day – use ColonEaze~Firm
If you’re having 1-3 bowel movements per day, but your stool is loose or watery – use ColonEaze~Firm
If you’re having less than 1 bowel movement per day – use ColonEaze~Move
If you’re having 1-3 bowel movements per day, but your stool is too hard in texture – use ColonEaze~Move.
But, if that results in too many bowel movements, then switch to ColonEaze~Firm
ColonEaze helps your body to regulate bowel movements and form healthy stool
Both versions (Firm & Move) contain stool bulking and softening agents, which combine to normalize stool texture and frequency.
This means: If you tend towards diarrhea, ColonEaze FIRM will help to absorb the excess liquid and help the stool clump together in a soft, but more formed stool. Absorbing the excess water also helps reduce the frequency/urgency of bowel movements. Over time, this should help your body have less bowel movements, with a normal soft but formed texture.
If you tend towards constipation, ColonEaze MOVE will help retain more water inside your stool; preventing the stool from becoming dried out and hard. Soft, formed stool is much easier to excrete. It also contains gentle herbs to help stimulate and regulate healthy peristalsis (rhythmic contractions of the intestines that move the stool around and out).
For both products, you can adjust dosage and frequency (up or down) until you find the right amount that works best for your body. As with any new product, follow my guidelines to start with a low dosage and gradually build up.
*NOTE: ColonEaze is a dietary supplement comprised of a herb blend, and % DV is based on children 4 & up. We don’t know of any health risks, but you can always check with your healthcare professional for any concerns.
Any questions? Just leave them in the Comments section below… 🙂
Is this something that can be used during the beginning phases of the protocol? or is this something that should be used further along?
Is this something that should be used in the beginning phases of the protocol? or is this something that should be used further down the road?
Hi Ryan. ColonEaze is not compatible with a fully elemental diet, so if you are beginning Jini’s IBD Remission Diet protocol, for example, and are following a fully elemental diet consisting of only Absorb Plus this should not be used until completed.
Hey Jini,
I love your opinion, trust your protocol, and have been implementing it for the past 4 years. I just had a major diverticulitis flare up and have been on broths, and elemental shakes for days. I have been reading about the carnivore diet for gut healing and I would love take on it. Could doing this 90 days calm the gut pain by letting it rest from fiber? Thank you so much for your knowledge… you’ve helped my family so much!
Hey Jini,
I have been using your protocol for the past 4 years and I’m thankful I found your website! I’m curious of your thoughts on the Carnivore diet for diverticulitis? I’ve heard such mixed reviews and would love to hear your take. I value your gut knowledge and understand each person is different. After reading your book about some different diets and your opinions of them…I thought it would be interesting to learn about this one with its gut healing testimonials. Thank you so much for all you do!
Hi Brittany. Wow, thank you for following us for 4 years! We don’t have any information on the carnivore diet, but here is a post on helpful diets for gut disorders:
Here are some soothing food options:
And here is our Home Remedy page on diverticulitis in case you haven’t seen:
My dad was diagnosed with diverticulitis and followed Jini’s guidelines, and ultimately he was able to heal. So there is hope!
He was very gentle with his diet. He also took these enzymes with every meal to help digest and breakdown, and he continues to take with every meal to avoid a infection:
Also for pain and detoxing, he did a castor oil pack every night:
These are in addition to Jini’s protocols 🙂 I hope these extra tips help!
Thank you so much Linsy❤
Can kids use this as well?
ColonEaze is a dietary supplement comprised of a herb blend, and % DV is based on children 4 & up. We don’t know of any health risks, but you can always check with your healthcare professional for any concerns.
Can I use Colon Eaze Move if I am on a no fiber diet?
Hi Corinne, Coloneaze Move contains soluble fiber, so if you are on a no-fiber diet, we recommend consulting with your healthcare provider or a registered dietitian before adding any supplement to your regimen when following a specialized diet.
Hi there,
I have a question – my daughter’s bowel movements are mainly at night, awaking her from her sleep. During the day she doesn’t go much at all. but before she goes to bed she goes, then is usually awakened by it between midnight-2am, 4 or 5am and then again at 6 or 7am. And then if she goes back to bed she will sometimes have to go again when she wakes for the day. She is very tense and anxious and usually has dreams that wake her (we think the dreams are connected to the bowel movements at night). The movements are usually not diarrhea, though the one closest to wake up time might be (I attribute this to the one Absorb Plus shake she drinks late afternoon). The rest are a mushy pile or so (she is also taking glutamine, 1 tsp in morning 1/2 tsp at night we are working up to more at night. We are working on the anxiety issue but i was wondering if there were any tips for stopping the bowel movements at night and getting them back on track during the day only.
Ah well, you’ve already identified the thorny issue here, which is that the bowel does not release until the nervous system releases (she relaxes). Have you tried my free tapping session on emotions stored in the gut?
Aside from acupressure tapping, Somatic Experiencing is a therapy that might be very helpful for her.
Have you tried using ColonEaze Firm before bed? Starting slow and building up gradually to the dosage that will help her get through the night, but yet not stop her bowels from moving. Regardless, if she cannot relax enough during the daytime to poop… then the only option her body has is to poo at night.
In that case, it might be better to use ColonEaze Firm and the L-glutamine during the daytime. But don’t take the 2 together, L-glutamine must be used on a completely empty stomach. So you could take L-glutamine first, wait 20 minutes, then ColonEaze. Maybe if you use them during the day, then when she has her bowel movement at night, perhaps she can get it all out in 1-2 movements…?
I would also examine what her daytime looks like and ask yourself some hard questions about whether her lifestyle is right for her? Is she in daycare, school, etc.? Maybe she needs to not be…
Her body is speaking… what is it saying?
If we switch the focus from trying to make the symptoms go away, to discerning what information the symptoms are delivering… that changes everything. And that’s where long-term healing resides.
Hope that helps xo
That’s funny, I never put together that her lack of relaxation during the day and her relaxing in sleep translated to her bowels in the way you described it. Thanks!
I have gotten the free lazer tapping session on fear (which describes her to a T) but have not used it on her yet. I do have her tap whenever she is anxious and that does seem to help.
Thanks for your suggestions on teh glutamine and ColonEaze. I will try that.
Her day time schedule is pretty chill-she is home schooled and has minimal chores or other responsibilities now, except for eating. Which stresses her out in itself. She is trying to gain back the weight she lost and is hungry all the time but can only eat so much. She does an absorb plus per day and rice and gluten free pasta and salmon but she is very stubborn in this area. So this is super stressful for her. But in general she is stressed about everything, very fear based. Her dad and I area both anxious people so we are all working on this together. We are trying cranio sacral and have done it for a month straight (1x per week) and it is relaxing while she is there but doesn’t seem to carry over to anything later. I have looked into somatic but have had trouble finding a therapist who truly does it. I will keep looking into that, I had forgotten about it.
Thanks I truly appreciate your input and responses. Let me know if you have any other suggestions.