Hello everyone! Linsy from LTYG here. We get a LOT of questions from our readers regarding what to do when in a flare up of symptoms! So, during the next several weeks I’ll be sharing 6 hacks which have helped me get through a flare up. These tips come from my personal experience, and they are what I have found helpful during these stressful times.
This video is the FIRST hack of SIX which has helped me through a flare up. Stay tuned for 5 more! I truly hope sharing these will be helpful to you on your healing journey.
Here is the video I mentioned at 4:14: Victoria’s Testimonial – Joe Dispenza
What do you do when your symptoms flare? I’d love to know what has worked for you. Tell me in the comments!
All videos: HACK #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, and #6.
Hi! Will you please send the link for the Joe Dispenza Victorious testimonial?
Hi Natalie! I’ve added the link to the blog post, but here it is as well: https://youtu.be/Zg4H4F6ekp4
HI ,
When I get flareups I will change my diet immidietly ,boild eggs potatoes bannanas and rice and boild chicken are in my diet I do not eat white bred ift makes it a big different.Plus i take extra b19 and b complex tablets with iron.I also drindk lots of fluids.And iI found listening to soft music will help alot.
It is very effective to take good bacteria also.
take care be safe wish that covid 19 will vanish soon I have lost my sister few months ago because of it.
Life has become difficult in any way you think of because of coved-19.
Hi Ali – yes, bland foods are usually safe when experiencing a flare up. Thank you for sharing! I do want to offer my condolences regarding your sister. Last year was extremely difficult for many, and I hope this year will be more forgiving. Lots of love and well wishes to you, and keep an eye out for the remaining hacks Linsy will be sharing. xoxo