MucosaCalm is a product I formulated for my own use during my healing journey from Crohn’s Disease. Nothing existed at the time, with the blend of herbs and supplements that I felt would provide the healing I needed, but also be gentle and well-tolerated.
Here is a list of the ingredients in MucosaCalm and how each one helps to heal your gut:
Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice – reduces muscle spasms, promotes adrenal gland function, soothes inflammation and fights bacterial, viral and parasitic infection. Increases number of mucus-secreting cells in intestine which improves the quality of the mucosal lining, lengthens intestinal cell life and enhances microcirculation in the gastrointestinal tract. The fact that the licorice root is deglycyrrhizinated means that there’s no risk of increasing your blood pressure (as can happen with regular licorice root).
Slippery Elm – good for diarrhea and ulcers when taken internally. Soothes inflamed mucous membranes of the stomach, intestines and urinary tract.
Marshmallow – soothes and heals mucous membranes, skin and other tissues. Aids the body in expelling excess mucus and fluid.
N-Acetyl Glucosamine (NAG) – an amino sugar that forms the basis of complex molecular structures that are key parts of the connective tissue and mucous membranes of the body – tendons, ligaments, cartilage, bone matrix, skin, synovial (joint) fluid, and intestinal lining. To maintain healthy absorption and digestion of food, the body needs a healthy mucosal lining to lubricate and protect the digestive tract. To keep this lining healthy the body uses the natural amino acids and sugars L-Glutamine and N-Acetyl Glucosamine. It is also an immune system modulator with anti- tumor properties.
The natural botanical ingredients in MucosaCalm are known to*:
- Help maintain healthy absorption and digestion of food by helping repair the mucosal lining of the digestive tract
- Help modulate your immune system and provide anti-tumor properties
- Help restore the mucosal lining of your intestine, which lubricates and protects your digestive tract
- Help reduce muscle spasms and cramping
- Promote adrenal gland function (often impaired by steroids or long-term illness/stress)
- Soothe and help heal inflamed mucous membranes of the stomach, intestines and urinary tract
- Fight bacterial, viral and parasitic infection
- Increase the number of mucus-secreting cells in the intestine, thus improving the quality of the mucosal cell lining
- Lengthen intestinal cell life and enhance microcirculation in the gastrointestinal tract.
- Help heal ulcers, fissures and fistulas
I have been taking mucosaheal for two months now. Everything I have been reading is kind of confusing on if this helps the large intestines. It seems that it is geared more towards small intestines which I have no issues with it. Can someone please advise if I am wasting time and money trying to heal large intestines with this. My issue it at the sigmoid colon and nothing seems to heal it.
Hi Marietta,
MucosaHeal is designed to heal/soothe the entire GI tract including the stomach and both the large and small intestines. For best results, make sure you always follow these guidelines:
1. Take it on an empty stomach (either 20 minutes before food or 2 hours after)
2. Do not take it together (at the same time) with probiotics.
3. Do not take it together with any substance that has a bowel clearing or detox effect, as you want MucosaHeal to stay in contact with your intestinal lining, not be flushed out.
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Hi Jini
My 15 yr old son has UC. We have been carrying out your oregano oil protocol (stage 1) for a month. His system is pretty settled but he continues to have bleeding everyday. We are wondering whether to progress to stage 2, or whether we should consider mucosaheal at this stage?
Advice gratefully received!
Hi VR,
Phase 2 of the wild oregano protocol should be used when bleeding has subsided but you can certainly have him do a probiotic retention enema if you want to try to supercharge his uptake of probiotics. If wild oregano oil and probiotics have helped but the bleeding persists after that then you may want to try MucosaHeal. You could try altering his diet with some of the suggestions here:
All the best,
Customer Care
Hi, Since I am allergic to shellfish(Wheezing) what alternative I have for Mucosaheal?
Thank you for your comment. As most NAG is derived from fish, you would have to purchase the ingredients separately. There are vegetarian options available on Amazon although these have not been tested by Jini.
Best regards,
Customer Care
Can this product help to heal the GI tract for people that have undergone stoma surgery (removed part of the intestines)? I especially wonder about healing of the parts of the intestines that are no longer connected to the digestive system (no food coming through).
Best regards,
This is an oral-ingestion product – so if what you take in by mouth goes to the part of your intestine you want to heal, then you’ll be fine. But if there is no food/liquid going through them, then the orally-ingested supplements (like MucosaHeal) won’t go through there either.
Hi, I have UC, I have had no flares for ages, rarely bleed/have diarrhoea and have little pain. However I do get a lot of abdominal inflammation and now just have constipation (at least two days per week don’t go to the toilet at all) not diarrhoea, could this be something that would help me?
And if yes, at what dose?
Hi Jessica. Visiting our home remedy page for UC would be a great place to start:
Jini provides the eight key steps that nearly everyone with a bowel syndrome needs to take in order to heal their gastrointestinal disease quickly, such as healing intestinal inflammation and ulceration, and also lists the products she’s used herself for rapid healing.
You can also sign up for a free Colitis Quick Start Guide, which includes Chapter One of Listen To Your Gut, an in-depth Probiotics Podcast, top reader questions and answers, and a list of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) resources.
Hi Jini, for the last 15 + years I’ve had digestive issues Including reflux, 6 Diverticulitis attacks – 2008 with a perforated colon (life threatening), again in 2016 & 4 between Oct 2019 – Jan 2020. Last week I had a colonoscopy & endoscopy. It showed I have diverticulosis, polyp was removed & found pre-malignant.
Also a biopsy was done on a flat 15mm polyp LESION found in the duodenal bulb & was said to be A-Topical & nothing to worry about. I take a daily asipirin for my unruptured Brain Aneurysm so I’m not sure if that would cause the lesion? I’m sorry this is so long but wanted to give all my info to ask if MucosaCalm would help all these issues & what else you would suggest?
Hi Rhonda. MucosaCalm, as well as supplements such as George’s ‘Always Active’ Aloe Vera Juice and L-Glutamine are used to heal ulceration, bleeding, and repair the intestinal wall and mucosal lining. =)
Here is Jini’s home remedy page for diverticulitis as well – it’s a good place to start:
Hello. How long after taking probiotics can I take mucosa heal? Thanks
Hello Sylvia,
For best results, we recommend taking the probiotics on its own, or at least 20 mins before or 2 hours after any other substances/food. 90 mins away if it’s the WOO (Wild Oil of Oregano), but WOO (Wild oil of oregano) and MucosaCalm can be taken together.
Probiotics should be taken farther away from Mucosacalm if possible for the best chance of keeping the bacteria alive and potent. Taking the capsules at bedtime is also a great option, with empty bowels.
When I took Mucosacalm, I took them at bedtime in which they were separated by probiotics for an hour already at that point.
Ideally, as mentioned above, Mucosacalm should be separated by 20 minutes from any food or supplement.
Here is a great breakdown of the recommended dosages and other suggestions that you may find helpful:
Thank you very much for your response, Linsy. It is really helpful.
I also need to take zinc carnosine. The instructions say to take it on an empty stomach. Would it be better to take this with probiotics or with WOO?
And I need to take Psyllium seed powder mixed with aloe vera on an empty stomach as per Jini’s instructions. Would it be better to take this with probiotics or with WOO?
Thank you very much.
Hi Sylvia, you’re so welcome!
Zinc does not require digestion, as nano minerals are absorbed through the lining of your mouth and straight into your bloodstream – so you can take it at any time. That being said, I don’t see why you couldn’t take it with the WOO! But you can ask your physician just to be safe. 🙂
The psyllium seed and aloe are a bit different situation. That combo should be on an empty stomach separated from other items (I would say at least 20 mins). This is because its fiber (the psyllium seed), mucosal healing, and it’s almost a binder in a way, so if it’s taken with other things it can bind and push those items out. You want your supplements to be utilized and absorbed, not grabbed and pushed out!
Here are three posts that I think will be really helpful for you, as they include example schedules of how to take all these things through the day:
Confusing supplement schedule-Help!
4 tips for simplifying supplement schedule
Before and After examples of Supplement schedules
Thank you very much Linsy. There’s a lot to go through. I’ll take my time to go through it and come back if I have any questions. Thanks again. Sylvia
Absolutely! Take your time and reach out if you need! 🙂