Even though I’ve already written a detailed blog post about this topic, I KNOW how difficult it can be to set up your supplement schedule!
It’s very hard to hold in your head (simultaneously) all the supplements that can work synergistically together, the ones that are best taken with food, the ones that must be taken on an empty stomach (but not with probiotics!) and so on.
One of my readers sent in his supplement schedule for feedback and it really helps to see the supplements mapped out on a chart like this! This is what Linsy recommended you do in her video last month.
BEFORE – Supplement Schedule
This is a hefty supplement schedule, and it doesn’t need to be quite so labor-intensive. Let’s take a look at ways he can simplify his supplement routine…
AFTER – Example Supplement Schedule #1
OR he could simplify even further by taking his antioxidants all together, and then mixing his Vit. C and Atom-sized minerals together in one glass of water – see Supp Schedule #2 below. I do this myself, even today, I mix 1 packet of Emergen-C with QuikPlus Silica, Magnesium and Trace Matrix (coming soon! I’m using my testers but we should have QuikPlus Trace Matrix available for you sometime in March if all goes well!).
AFTER – Example Supplement Schedule #2
I hope these charts have been a useful guide for you – and of course you may have different dosages, or be using different supplements, but hopefully this has helped you see clearly which supplements you can combine to simplify your routine.
Your top 2 rules to remember are:
1. Probiotics have to be taken completely on their own – 2 hours away from any antibiotic or anti-pathogen (this includes wild oregano, potentized garlic, olive leaf, etc) and on an empty stomach; 20 minutes before food, or 2 hours after food.
2. Wild oregano oil is best taken on an empty stomach, but can be combined with any healing type of substance that also requires an empty stomach – like aloe vera, MucosaCalm, slippery elm, marshmallow root etc. It needs to be taken 20 minutes before food, or 2 hours after food.
Note: Immune booster herbs like astragalus and maitake are best on an empty stomach, but away from probiotics. They can be taken together with wild oregano, aloe vera, MucosaCalm, etc. And they don’t NEED to be on an empty stomach, they are just more potent that way.
If you have any questions, just leave them below and one of us on the LTYG Team will help you out!
this is confusing. both oregano and probiotics can be taken 20 min before food or 2 hours after. But they are taken separately from each other. So you choose either probiotics 20 min before food and oregano 2 hours after food or vice versa?
Also if drinking an elemental shake which meal time is best to substitute?
It’s up to you when you want to take the woo & probiotics, as long as they are not taken together. For example:
AM – woo on an empty stomach, 20 mins before food or Absorb Plus shake.
Lunchtime – take probiotics 20 min before food or AP shake.
Dinner – if you have not yet taken your probiotics, take probiotics 20 min before food or AP shake.
Some people also like to take their probiotics just before bed. It’s up to you and what your body likes/needs.
Hi, how many days mucosa calm need to use. Currently I don’t have symptoms, I used elimental diet for 13 weeks daily 4 shakes, I am still taking 2 shakes per day and 3 mucosa calm at night and 2 mucosa calm in the morning, how many days I can take like this? When can I stop. Please suggest
Hi Chandra! Great question! If you are currently not having symptoms you could either discontinue or take lower doses to help keep the inflammation down. I always like to take Mucosacalm after flares for a while to help keep the inflammation down. Because even if you are not having symptoms, you always want to have a protocol in play to keep things that way! So whatever that means for your body – listen to it. 🙂
Another thing you can do is drink a mucosal healing tea at bed or during the day. I still take this tea every night at bedtime which helps keep me regular and inflammatory markers down, as well as help me with free radicals. Here is the link to make your own tea: https://blog.listentoyourgut.com/mucosal-healing-tea-recipe/