What pain do you suffer from on a daily basis? Or perhaps you just get severe pain during times of stress or flare ups?
In this video, I share my technique to transmute pain from something that “hurts” to simply receiving messages from the body. I share how I fought full-contact martial arts, transformed severe abdominal pain, and have all my dental work (including jaw surgery) done with no anesthetic. Yes, something close to miraculous happens when we leave fear and step into dialogue and congruence with our physical body…
And if you haven’t already, take a peek at my natural tooth decay healing protocol, which has helped keep my family free of dental issues for YEARS.
Jini Patel Thompson is an internationally recognized expert on natural healing for digestive diseases. She healed herself from widespread Crohn’s Disease and has remained drug and surgery-free for over 25 years. Jini has appeared on numerous podcast, TV, and radio shows throughout the U.S., U.K., Canada, and Australia, giving people hope and vision for how they can heal their Colitis, Crohn’s, Diverticulitis and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), using entirely natural methods. Her books on natural healing for digestive diseases have sold worldwide in over 80 countries.
for some reason i relate to gini ! its kind of like i am reading her emotions and body ! i am really an old guy 75, and have always looked for the truth in healing, ect. Somehow you get thru to me, in a sense of finding the truth in all healing !
Yes , i have had numerous medical issues all my life, and this makes me pay attention in a different way !!
Thank you for your courage and inspiration and all you do!
Bert J Veldhuizen
1216 Delray dr
Green Bay, Wi. 54304
Hi Bert – nice to hear from you! And yes, when our body speaks, we often listen a lot more closely than our intuition or feelings 🙂
What does it mean when the descending colon feels hard when I press and massage. like a full garden hose. Even after I had an enema or a colonic. This has been for a long time. Is that still only strictures or something worse. ?
I never have pain. I never smell bad. I just can’t go without enemas. And the stool, if I have any is pencil thin. The rest is puree like the vegetarian food I eat.
Thanks again for the book. I am still working my way through it. Interesting that you mention teeth. I have a mouth full of dental work and will never be completely finish. Thats where most of my health problems stem from.
Hi Barbara,
Thanks so much for reaching out. Jini’s Colonic Massage Technique is great if you have a blockage, obstruction or stricture in your colon. You can read more about it an watch her instructional video here: https://blog.listentoyourgut.com/colonic-massage-technique/
You might also want to check out her book on constipation: Listen To Your Colon – there is a lot more specific info in there for your condition.
I’m interested to hear how it works for you. =)
In good health,
Savannah B
Customer Care
I read this and watched this last year and have been doing it ever since (actually long before this, but tried again), trying to manage every day pain from fistulas (ulcerative colitis), accepting the pain, breathing into it, talking to my body about these particular pain signals, that we are safe, there is no need to keep alerting me to the pain in the area, I am well aware of it and doing the best I can to heal the underlying issue.
But nothing helps. I can calmly lie in bed for hours concentrating on this, no clenching, no fear, no tightening from the pain, just absorbing and accepting and working to let it ride thru my body. Nothing.
And I know the difference when fear is involved, and anguish, and frustration, things are def much worse, and when I can stop crying and relax it will help at those moments.
I don’t know… would love to hear from anyone else if this works for them. Very very hard to believe.
Hi Tara, this paragraph jumps out at me from what you’ve written:
“But nothing helps. I can calmly lie in bed for hours concentrating on this, no clenching, no fear, no tightening from the pain, just absorbing and accepting and working to let it ride thru my body. Nothing.”
What if your pain won’t stop signalling you, because you haven’t received its message? You are telling your body lots of things… but what is your body trying to tell you?
What if this pain is not even related to the anatomically-affected part? Please see this post for more details on what I mean (and see how this applies to someone in the comments section on that post):
I also feel this video from Glennon Doyle – First the Pain; Then the Rising might be helpful: