2023 UPDATE: My family and I have now been completely free of tooth decay for 8 years and counting!
In 2015, I had 3 places in my mouth with active tooth decay – keep in mind, this was after a lifetime of poor dental health, poor dental care (my childhood dentist had his license taken away) and poor nutrition during my formative years. By 2015, I’d finally had enough. Tooth decay in myself and my children – in spite of eating a low-sugar, nutrient-rich organic diet and brushing regularly – was driving me bonkers!
So after masses of research and numerous experiments over a period of years, I finally nailed down a protocol that worked to clear both myself, my husband and all 3 of our children of tooth decay: Jini’s Tooth Decay Healing Protocol.
Jini’s Tooth Decay Healing Protocol – 5 Years Clear!
The year before, our family dental bill had been $10,000 – enough of this craziness! Within 3 months of this finishing this protocol (and remaining on the Maintenance Protocol), my dentist confirmed that all 3 of my soft, light brown decay spots had healed. And I have had zero tooth decay since.
My husband and 2 of my kids have similarly stayed completely cavity-free. One of my children needed 1 filling – because after no decay for 2 years, he thought he could eat whatever he wanted and not brush his teeth! He learned his lesson, and after his one filling, he quickly went back on the Maintenance Protocol and has since remained cavity-free.
My eldest likewise took his diet into his own hands after a few years cavity-free, and then developed tooth decay after a couple of years eating a standard processed-foods diet. Teenagers/young adults have to do their own experimenting and figure things out for themselves. You can only help your kids as long as they’re eating at home, after that, each one makes their own decisions and has to find their own way.
I’ve purposely waited this long to publish this Tooth Decay Healing Protocol, because I wanted to see if it could actually result in long-term healing. Now I’m excited to have my trusty readers test it too and let me know your results! We have the most awesome community of rigorous, reliable testers, and over the years it has enabled us to offer some really powerful protocols to the rest of the world. So here we go…
As you’ll see, the first 3 weeks of the protocol are the toughest and super strict. The evening (before bed) regimen took me 20 minutes each night! But, it is oh so worth it. And the ongoing maintenance protocol is only 5 minutes per night with total dietary freedom. If you can make it through the first 3 weeks, you’ll be home free.
I was surprised how much dietary freedom you can have AFTER you’ve reset the bacterial flora in your mouth. This was the missing link that eluded me in all my previous experiments. Yes, diet is crucial – and other things that support whole-body health – but without clearing decay-causing pathogens from your oral cavity and resetting it with beneficial microbes, we could not become (or remain) decay-free.
My kids can now eat sugary items (but they hardly ever drink soda pop) and we’ve gone on holidays where they’re drinking piña coladas and eating dessert twice a day, for 2 weeks solid – with no issues! BUT keep in mind, their overall, normal diet is homecooked, organic/pasture-raised, low-sugar, and nutrient-rich – see our Ongoing Whole-Body Health list below.
This protocol is designed to clear all the bad (decay-causing) bacteria from your mouth, and replace it with good bacteria. It also contains all the nutrients, minerals and vitamins needed to re-enamelize teeth – in the proper forms required for utilization. In addition, this protocol contains the substances and actions required to restore gum health.
If your gums aren’t healthy, your teeth are not going to be healthy!
*Do not use brands other than the ones recommended, or you will not have the same results. If you don’t want to order online, just get your local store to order them in for you.
Can amazing dental health really be this simple? Test it and see – do everything exactly as I’ve outlined it here, and then post your results below. Let’s see if this works as well for you and/or your family, as it did for us!
Jini’s Dental Decay Healing Protocol
Please note that EVERY piece of this protocol is crucial – do NOT skip any of the steps, or think that they’re not necessary, and do not substitute other brands for the supplements.
1. Eliminate pathogenic bacteria from oral cavity.
2. Re-mineralize teeth –> heal decay and dental disease.
3. Heal and strengthen gum tissue.
Daily for 3 Weeks:
- No sugar or grains (rice, wheat, oats, etc) for 3 weeks – absolutely crucial to re-set the bacterial flora of the gut and mouth. Keep other carbohydrates (potatoes, legumes, quinoa, etc.) to a minimum – no more than 1/4 cup, 3x/week maximum. Only one piece of fruit per day.
- Natren powdered probiotics orally, 1 tsp of each (Megadophilus, Bifido Factor, DigestaLac) twice per day. Mix the powders, or the contents of opened capsules, with water, sip slowly and swirl around mouth before swallowing. If you/your kids can’t do this, then you can swallow the capsules, or mix the probiotics into milk or a protein shake – no swishing required.
Note: If you tend towards constipation, then double the DigestaLac, if you tend towards diarrhea, then double the Bifido Factor. If your gut is unbalanced, prepare for the Herxheimer Reaction (die-off of bad bacteria can result in unpleasant symptoms), or, start with a smaller dose and gradually build up. - Rinse or brush with water after every meal, then chew xylitol gum or xylitol mints/candy (2 hours away from probiotics), use GUM soft picks if necessary.
- Vitamin D3 – 4,000-6,000 IU per day, along with 1 tbsp QuikPlus Magnesium. Vitamin D3 is crucial for bone and tooth formation and Vitamin D requires magnesium in order to be converted to its active form. If you have white skin, take 4,000 IU, for darker skin, take 6,000 IU.
- Take 2-4 capsules cod liver oil, and a full-spectrum multi-vitamin, like MultiAbsorb, that includes a therapeutic level of Vitamin K2. Or, at least take Vitamin K2 along with your Vitamin D3 and food.
Note: I formulated my ideal multi-vitamin for Imix Nutrition (which includes K2 & K1) and it’s called MultiAbsorb 🙂
Before Bed (IN THIS ORDER) For 3 Weeks:
- Brush for 3 minutes with Phillips Sonicare Flexcare+ or Flexcare Platinum (with UV sterilizer). Eco-Dent tooth powder (baking soda + minerals) and Natural Dentist fluoride toothpaste – mix the two together 50/50. Easiest way is to first sprinkle Eco-Dent on your toothbruth, then add a squirt of toothpaste on top. Also brush your tongue for 10 seconds. Rinse thoroughly and do not swallow any of the toothpaste. See video below for proper brushing technique. Why fluoride toothpaste? Here’s why.
- Floss with Oral B Glide Dental Floss for 3 minutes – use it to massage gently between teeth, around gums. I tried other brands but they did not remove the same amount of gunk and were harder to get between tight teeth. If you don’t like getting your fingers mucky with floss, then use the GUM Flossmate Handle (re-usable) to hold the floss for you. You need to use the floss to scrub/loosen the bacteria between teeth and below the gum line – a lot of bacteria hides out in the gum tissue so do the full 3 minutes of gently scrubbing and massaging with the floss around all angles of the teeth – see the video below for proper flossing technique.
- Oral irrigation for 1 – 2 minutes. I like this one that attaches to my shower, so I can multi-task and don’t need to be careful about it spraying everywhere.
- Apply MI Paste, especially coating areas of decay, leave on for 15 – 30 minutes. Do not swallow, don’t worry about saliva production – saliva helps the product do it’s job. Spit when time is up, and just rinse lightly once. Note: If you do not currently have active decay, or softened areas (pre-decay) you can skip the MI Paste.
- Add 2 tbsp. colloidal silver and 10 drops potassium iodide per 16 oz bottle of PerioBrite mouthwash (contains herbs, powerful essential oils, xylitol, etc.) and shake well. Swish with one mouthful for 60 seconds, spit, do not rinse.
- Swish 2 servings of QuikPlus Bone Matrix nanoparticle minerals (calcium, magnesium, boron, zinc, copper etc) around teeth for 2 – 5 minutes. Dilute Bone Matrix with an ounce of water before swishing. Swallow. Do not rinse. Go to bed.
*IF you also have halitosis (stinky breath) then in addition to the above, after flossing, drop 5 drops of diluted wild oregano oil (6:1 dilution – 6 drops olive oil to 1 drop wild oregano) all around your tongue, then immediately use a tongue scraper to scrape the gunk off the surface of your tongue. Rinse the tongue scraper, then scrape again. Do not swallow during this process.
*If needed: I also used an infrared laser (635 nm, 5 mW) on my torn lower gum for 10 minutes to help heal the tissue.
Note: If you currently have tooth decay where the tooth enamel is softened, or only light brown, then follow the protocol above, but apply the MI Paste and swish with the QuikPlus Bone Matrix TWICE per day. If your tooth decay is black, then I don’t think this protocol will be able to heal it… or it may take 6 months or longer. If you test it, please let us know!
The Phillips Sonicare electric toothbrush is a sizeable investment and worth every penny – but here’s how to use it properly (most people brush too hard), how to clean it, and also how to charge the battery to maximize its lifespan (thanks to my son Hugo for helping me demo!):
Every two weeks for 6 weeks:
Polish teeth with prophy cup (rubber cup tooth polisher) and toothpaste or tooth polish. Leave paste in mouth and floss with dental tape. Rinse.
*OR have your teeth professionally cleaned before starting the protocol (much easier!).
Most people do not know how to floss correctly, so be sure and watch this video to learn how and make sure you’re not making these common mistakes. I also show you how to use the GUM Flossmate holder and a flossing tutorial for kids:
Ongoing Tooth/Gum Maintenance Protocol (in this order) Before Bed:
After you’ve completed the 3-week protocol outlined above, you can move on to this Maintenance Protocol (takes 5 minutes per night), which is much easier/faster, but does need to be strictly followed to remain decay-free.
- Brush for 2 minutes with Phillips Sonicare Flexcare (with UV sterilizer). Sterilize toothbrush head every night! Use Natural Dentist fluoride toothpaste. Also brush your tongue for 10 seconds. Rinse thoroughly and do not swallow any of the toothpaste.
- Floss with Oral B Glide Dental Floss for 2 minutes – use it to massage and scrub gently between teeth and around gums. If you don’t like getting your fingers mucky with floss, then use the GUM Flossmate Handle (re-usable) to hold the floss for you.
- Oral irrigation, if you tend towards gum issues, for 1 – 2 minutes.
- Swish with PerioBrite mouthwash (contains herbs, powerful essential oils, xylitol, etc.) for 30 seconds, spit, do not rinse.
- Swish 1-2 servings QuikPlus Bone Matrix atom-sized minerals (calcium, magnesium, boron, zinc, copper etc), diluted in 1 ounce of water, around teeth for 2 minutes. Swallow. Do not rinse. Go to bed.
In the morning, rinse mouth with hot water when you wash your face (or brush your teeth if you prefer), then take Natren probiotics in whichever form you prefer (powder or capsule), as directed on the bottle.
Whenever you eat or drink something throughout the day, be sure to rinse off your teeth with water. None of us brush after meals, but feel free.
Ongoing Whole-Body Health = Healthy Teeth
Here are the other things my family does daily for ongoing health (which of course includes dental health). Hopefully your diet has improved over the 3 week re-set period so that it is now easy for you to eat a nutrient-rich diet ongoing, for the rest of your life!:
- Eat organic, pasture-raised, home-cooked food with plenty of cold-pressed good fats, cod liver oil, and butter/ghee – the kids drink raw milk and raw cheese.
- Take these vitamins and minerals daily: QuikPlus Magnesium, Vitamin D3 & MultiAbsorb, Cod liver oil, QuikPlus Bone Matrix, Vitamin C
- Take Natren probiotics daily.
- Practice mind/body/spirit healing:
- Exercise daily – remember, walking, yoga, tai chi, yard work, etc. are all good forms of exercise.
- Get out in nature – an old growth forest, a hike, the ocean etc at least once a week. Expose skin to the sun. Try grounding (standing with your bare feet directly on earth – no shoes!).
- Keep sugar to a minimum – we don’t deprive ourselves, we just make our sugar count. If you’re not really enjoying it, stop eating/drinking it. Sweeten with stevia and/or coconut sugar whenever you can. Rinse off your teeth with water when you’re finished.
- Avoid carbonated drinks – they leach minerals from your bones/teeth
- Whenever we eat or drink something throughout the day, we rinse off our teeth with water. None of us brush after meals, but feel free to do so.
YES dental freedom IS possible! Even if you’ve had decay throughout your life, like I did.
*Note: If you’re vegan, I’m not sure how well this protocol will work, since animal-source B12 and fish oil is pretty crucial to dental health.
If you have found it super hard to give up sugar in the past, use this acupressure tapping video to help break your sugar addiction. If grains (bread, rice, oats, etc) are your achilles heel, then just substitute the word “carbs” or “grains” whenever I say “sugar” as you tap along:
Hi Jini, I enjoy your thorough research and willingness to share it so freely. I also have been studying this topic for many years and have only one product to recommend in case you have not heard of it; or, if you have already decided against it I would love to know why. It’s a toothpaste called Theodent that uses theobromine (from the cacao plant) that, “in an apatite-forming medium can enhance…remineralization potential.” It can be swallowed as it is not toxic at all. Also Dr. Hal Huggins mentions in Slaying Dental Dragons part one (7/16/13) that backwards dental fluid flow is a cause of caries, and he particularly noted that serum phosphorus needs to be above 3.5 mg/dl for fluid to flow from inside the tooth outward (pushing bacteria out), and a phosphorus level below 3.5 causes caries because fluid flows from the mouth into the teeth. Carbs lower our phosphorus level, and protein raises it. I have also read much of what you shared on the Orawellness website which was great for research and understanding. When researching a topic I always check your blog to see if you have already studied it, you are such a good researcher! Thanks again for all your work and eagerness to share it.
Hi Nicole – thank you for your kind comments! That toothpaste may be fine to use ongoing, once finished the protocol, but the flouride (in toothpaste only – not ingested) is important. And for someone with complicating factors, like low saliva, the flouride toothpaste may be required ongoing – our whole family still uses it (Natural Dentist toothpaste).
Did you see this teleseminar I did with Dr. Hal Huggins?
And not sure what you’re referring to on Orawellness… can you post a link to it?
Thank you for creating this comprehensive dental health program.
It has long been my practical belief that real health care is working towards self care to the greatest degree possible and your protocol is a great fit for helping people accomplish this.
Your detailed program should put your readers on the road to resolution of current dental issues and help protect them for the future. A big bonus of your program of dental care is that it is supportive of an individual’s body wide health as well.
Kudos to you for creating and sharing this!
Paul Goldberg
The Goldberg Tener Clinic For Chronic Disease Reversal
Thanks Paul – as I was explaining to my eldest a few days ago… the teeth are not separate from the body! Your teeth show what’s happening in your gut, your circulatory system, your endocrine system, etc.
Actually, it’s interesting, I’ve found over the years that when people are eating a diet that’s not working for them, the irrefutable evidence shows up in their teeth and their hair. No doubt, if they had a consult with you, the signs would show long before then, but in the absence of testing, or someone who knows what to look for, the teeth and hair are sure indicators.
So, I have a question. How do we show people definitive proof that you indeed reversed your tooth decay? I can’t find anything where you show a before/after. Due to other research I’ve done, a lot of this sounds logical to me, but I can’t show people that you’ve indeed reversed tooth decay. Everyone believes that it’s final, and there’s no going back.
Sorry I don’t have any photos – I suppose I could back to that dentist and see if he still has my patient records… but not sure that would be worth the hassle. People would just say, “Oh she faked the papers.” LOL Honestly, it doesn’t matter to me. I’ve had people say the same thing about it being “impossible” to heal Crohn’s for over 20 years now. PLUS we don’t know whether this protocol will work for other people. Especially if they aren’t following the dietary practices, exercising and dealing with stressors (ALL elements that combine to produce health). So again, we’re back to “Listen to your gut!” Your body knows if a protocol is worth trying, or not.
Kind of shocking that you wouldn’t take photos of the process. Visual proof always helps. I’m sure a dentist would know if your papers were faked or not. It might not matter to you, but it matters to those of us who have literally gotten into hour-long arguments with debunker wanna-bes. I’d just like to show proof given citing hard evidence is how I back my research. Your blog is great, but only hearsay compared to how I normally cite sources.
Yes, I agree, pictures etc. are always helpful (and enjoyable – who doesn’t love a good before/after!). But to cite ‘hard evidence’ you’d need a clinical trial. Without that, it’s ALL anecdotal.
Hi Jini, to those that are asking about photographing your teeth good luck! I bought a special lens kit for my eyephone to photograph mine and it truly was almost impossible! And I take hundreds of pictures just to get one good one. I eventually got some good shots but it was seriously near impossible at least by myself. I even bought a magnifying pen like camera thing that worked on the computer and was nauseating to say the least… trying to get the angle right and the focus etc was again near impossible. A real nightmare. I was very surprised to find out how hard it was. Though I do now have some good ones of my bad one’s it was far from cheap or easy! I have been on your program almost to a T and can’t believe how much better my teeth look and feel in only two short weeks!!! Thank you for all your research!!! You are doing the world a huge favor!!!
Roy – first of all, that is FANTASTIC you have noticed improvement in just 2 weeks! Congrats on sticking to it, I know it can be tough.
Second of all – just WOW! That sounds like a LOT of work! I think people just aren’t aware of how difficult it is to take a snapshot of your own teeth. Thank you for your understanding lol.
The no carbs was the hardest part but after the three week break I seriously lost my taste for most junk carbs after that! The best part is junk carbs are expensive carbs!!!
One quick question… I am a little confused with the MI paste. I can’t seem to find how long to use it for? I am a poor reader…. : ) Is it safe to keep using it daily as I have a lot of heavy enamel wear on my teeth?
Yes, that is definitely the hardest part and requires some strong will power! 😉 Same with cutting out sugars, though you are right about the cravings going away after 3 weeks or so. We as a society are so addicted to refined sugars, processed food, junk carbs, etc. – but if you reset your diet often times you won’t even want to LOOK at that stuff after!!
Regarding the MI paste, it is included in the section of this post titled “Before Bed (IN THIS ORDER) For 3 Weeks:” – here is the info specifically on MI paste:
“Apply MI Paste, especially coating areas of decay, leave on for 15 – 30 minutes. Do not swallow, don’t worry about saliva production – saliva helps the product do it’s job. Spit when time is up, and just rinse lightly once. Note: If you do not currently have active decay, or softened areas (pre-decay) you can skip the MI Paste.
Note: If you currently have tooth decay where the tooth enamel is softened, or only light brown, then follow the protocol above, but apply the MI Paste and swish with the QuikPlus Bone Matrix TWICE per day. If your tooth decay is black, then I don’t think this protocol will be able to heal it… or it may take 6 months or longer. If you test it, please let us know!”
Sorry, also I see there are dairy free options for the probiotics. We are vegan but in this case I am willing to use the dairy based option if it is going to yield greater results. So is it safe to say I should opt for those where possible?
Hi Siobhan – you can use either or, so you can opt for dairy free if your family is vegan.
Hi Jini. Want to clarify, are all of these products and supplements ok to use on a 4.5 year old? I’ve been dealing with her decay since she was about 2 or so. And since it’s mostly in her molars I would like to have some sort of control over it since she likely won’t lose those for another 6 or so years? 😧
I also have the bone support but am seeing I should likely buy the new formula you just released? Where does this fit into the protocol above?
This has been SUCH a source of anxiety for me for so long.
Thanks so much for this detailed protocol. Though daunting, I have hopes that this will help. Haha.
Hi Siobhan, although I can’t legally give you advice on your child. However I can tell you that I used these atom-sized minerals on my own children – I would halve the dosage and mix with a little water to make it more palatable for swishing. And I would watch them very closely with the fluoride toothpaste to make sure they didn’t swallow any and rinsed really well. The other thing is that I brushed the kids teeth for them – stand with their head against a wall for support – because until they’re around 9 or 10 they simply can’t do a good enough job on their own. The sonicare makes that a LOT easier, but we were manually brushing back then! Oh and yes, instructions for QuikPlus Bone Matrix are listed in the protocol – again, for my kids I cut the dosage in half.
Hi Siobhán. I’m reaching out because I currently have a 4.5 year old with tooth decay just like you described, beginning very early and in the molars. I was wondering if you had any success with this protocol if you did decide to attempt it?
Thank you so much for this protocol! I see that the link to the recommended toothbrush is no longer available and when I looked at Sonicare’s website, it said the toothbrush had been discontinued. Do you suggest a similar toothbrush to use or what specifics do I need to look for when purchasing one? Thank you for your help!
Hi Kim – thanks for letting us know the link was expired! I did some digging on Amazon and it looks like you can purchase the toothbrush and UV sterilizer separately:
Flexcare Platinum
Flexcare +
UV Sertilizer
I hope this helps! I will update the post as well. 🙂
Hello, just have a question concerning the details about brushing after every meal and then chewing gum(2 hours from probiotics). Does that mean wait 2 hours after eating/brushing/chewing gum to take probiotics? Can I take probiotics after I eat and brush and 2 hours later chew gum?
Hi Johan, the logic is that Xylitol loosens and removes bacteria. So you don’t want it to remove the good bacteria you’ve ingested. So you could use it 20 minutes before taking probiotics, or 2 hours afterwards – thus your stomach is empty. We have no data on this (no clinical trials) however, so feel free to listen to your gut for the timing!
Anything specific supplementation for receding gums , while following tooth decay protocol ?
Hi Kratz,
For the gums, you may want to look into these products, as Jini mentions them being effective for gum therapy: https://shoppe.listentoyourgut.com/eco-dent-toothpowder-2-oz-fluoride-free/
This product naturally moistens gum tissue and can help promote healthy teeth and gums: https://shoppe.listentoyourgut.com/natures-answer-periobrite-wintermint-mouthwash-alcohol-free-16-fl-oz/
Here is a podcast about holistic dentistry which includes info on gums and teeth: https://listentoyourgut.com.au/ltyg-podcast-holistic-dental-health-with-dr-hal-huggins/
I hope this can be of help to you!
Is it ok to eat fruit? I’m vegan so this would be hard to do without fruit.. it’s such a large part of my diet.
Thank you for your question! According to Jini, it’s fine to consume fruit, but it’s recommended to keep it to one piece per day. We’ll update the blog to include this information. Best regards! 😊
I thought’d i just share these tools (available on amazon etc). They are tartar removers; the kind you’d see at the dentist but can be done at home. It’s important to go gently, but they’re very useful to remove light plaque build-up.
Thanks Ragevan!
I found your blog through your YouTube video.
I’m going to definitely try this and I hope to have better dental health.
Can you please let me know if the Vetrolaser will work on dark skin?
My ethnic background is from India.
I appreciate your help and all your hard work and time you have put into this to help others.
Thank you!
Hi Nan, Thank you for your kind words. We are thrilled to know that you find Jini’s blog and YouTube video helpful. To answer your question, according to Jini’s research, the Vetrolaser II has three 808 nm diodes (lasers) in one unit, at a strength of 200 mW. Thus it can penetrate two inches when used on darker skin. Regards!
This is super helpful guidance and my mother who has receding gums from periodontal disease (she does NOT have tooth decay) is going to try the protocol. Is there anything she needs to focus on specifically for receding gums?
Also, would WILD OIL OF OREGANO be helpful for receding gums in anyway?
For the gums, you may want to look into these products, as Jini mentions them being effective for gum therapy: https://shoppe.listentoyourgut.com/eco-dent-toothpowder-2-oz-fluoride-free/
This product naturally moistens gum tissue and can help promote healthy teeth and gums: https://shoppe.listentoyourgut.com/natures-answer-periobrite-wintermint-mouthwash-alcohol-free-16-fl-oz/
Here is a podcast about holistic dentistry which includes info on gums and teeth: https://listentoyourgut.com.au/ltyg-podcast-holistic-dental-health-with-dr-hal-huggins/
I hope this can be of help to your mother.
Thanks Cris,
Is there any response regarding the WILD OIL OF OREGANO question?
We have no specific information on gum recession using Oregano, but Jini has briefly discussed tooth and gum infection in her “What you need to know about Oregano” ebook. On page 15 of the ebook, she suggests applying oregano to the gums using a 4:1 dilution with a clean finger or Q-tip, or a drop on the toothbrush before brushing the teeth.
Jini has also mentioned the usefulness of Infrared Light Therapy for treating thinning or receding gums or gingivitis. It might be worth checking out the information at https://blog.listentoyourgut.com/how-does-infrared-light-therapy-work/
Thank you for sharing your family experience. I’ve been following your tooth decay healing protocol for the past 2 weeks. Jini could you tell me from your personal experience:
1)when should I be expecting to see signs of improvement ?2)what are the oral improvements I should be expecting to see?
In terms of your maintenance protocol :
1) can I resume to add grains, fruit, carbs, tofu, sugar, back into my diet?
2) Do I stop taking xylitol?
3) do I continue taking vitamin C, K2, D3, quick plus magnesium?
4) Do I still add colloidal silver and potassium iodide in Periobrite mouthwash ? or just swish pure Periobrite?
Thank you for your support.
Hi Vivian, Thank you for reaching out and for your interest in the tooth decay healing protocol. Here are the answers to your questions:
1) When should I be expecting to see signs of improvement?
– Some people have reported seeing improvements in 2 weeks. Jini reported complete healing within 3 months. Results will vary depending on the severity, so give yourself time and space to heal.
2) What oral improvements should I be expecting to see?
– For Jini, her dentist confirmed that all three of her soft, light brown decay spots had healed. She and the rest of her family have stayed completely cavity-free. There are MANY factors affecting health though, and so no way of knowing what your experience will be. Regardless, following this protocol will support health for your whole body.
In terms of your maintenance protocol:
1) Can I resume adding grains, fruit, carbs, tofu, and sugar back into my diet?
– Under Ongoing Whole-Body Health, Jini suggests keeping sugar to a minimum. Use stevia and/or coconut sweeteners whenever you can.
2) Do I stop taking xylitol?
– Yes, and just swish with PerioBrite mouthwash, which contains xylitol, as maintenance.
3) Do I continue taking vitamin C, K2, D3, and Quick Plus magnesium?
– Yes, you can continue taking all of those vitamins and minerals. They are all great for ongoing health.
4) Do I still add colloidal silver and potassium iodide to PerioBrite mouthwash, or just swish pure PerioBrite?
– There’s no need to add colloidal silver and potassium iodide. Just swish with PerioBrite mouthwash.
I hope this helps!
Thank you!
I have had dental problems for a long time.
I have a question though. Xylitol seems to trigger my crohn’s. The first couple of days of taking xylitol after every drink/meal are ok but after about 4 days to a week my bowel movements become worse and worse.
Is there a way to get used to it? Or should i just avoid it?
Hi there! You don’t need to swallow the xylitol. Just rinse and spit it out.
Whenever I have some question about health, I check in with LTYG and Jini always has an amazing answer! Thank you to Jini and the whole LTYG team! You guys are awesome!
Here’s my question regarding this protocol: Can it be performed while on Absorb Plus? Thanks in advance!
Peace and many blessings,
Hi Geoff, I’m so pleased to hear that! And in regard to your question… Personally, I would not do this protocol on an elemental diet or while using absorb plus shakes. This is because the shakes have a significant carbohydrate component. And the purpose of this protocol is to pretty much eliminate carbohydrates for the first section of it.
Also, just a reminder that all elemental shakes are pretty sticky on the teeth and around the gum line. So I highly recommend you use a sonicare toothbrush, and pay extra attention to that.
All the best!
Your success is fascinating! It is clear you were doing many things right. However, as fish oil is highly toxic for multiple reasons (high aldehyde content, rancid fatty acids, and heavy metals), I suspect you could stop taking it and achieve greater benefit.
“…a study by Stanton [22] demonstrated that people with a lower calculus formation rate had remarkably higher consumption of foods containing ascorbic acid (Vitamin C); on the other hand, heavy calculus formers consumed higher amounts calcium and Vitamin A. Accordingly, he introduced Vitamin C as calculus inhibitory and both calcium and Vitamin A as calculus formation activators.”
source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7605299/
There is other research indicating that increasingly high vitamin A intakes are associated with lowered bone density.
It is important also to warn women of childbearing age of the risks of taking a vitamin A supplement, such as cod liver oil, as too much vitamin A can cause birth defects.
I’d encourage you to check out the free ebooks written by Grant Genereux on the subject of chronic hypervitaminosis A. Ramiel Nagel passed away too young, and maybe Grant’s hypothesis offers some explanation insofar as why more and more relatively young people like him are getting sick and dying in ways that used to be more common only in the aging and elderly.
I use only the fish oil from Nordic naturals. Which is micro filtered, and they also only fish from natural renewable fish sources. No fish farming! And no overfishing of natural resources.
Hi Jini,
I have been getting an excessive amount of cavities over the past several years. It’s been very traumatic with the number of fillings. It worries me with the toxic particles that could be in my mouth now. I did switch to a Holistic dentist a couple of years ago which I feel better about. I had an oral DNA test done to determine the bacteria in my mouth – no surprise that I have high levels of pathogenic bacteria and candida. They suggest oral antibiotics targeted to this bacteria and oral probiotics. I’ve delayed using the antibiotics as I just don’t feel right about it. I continue to have new cavities every 4 months when I go for cleanings and gum bleeding during cleanings, although I don’t have any bleeding at home. I floss each night with Dr. Tungs and use Remin toothpaste.
1. What are your thoughts on Coconut oil pulling with a few drops of oil of oregano?
2. I am using Remen for remineralization – it is fluoride free. Are you familiar with this?
3. I see you recommend Natren to swish around the mouth – I was under the impression that I needed specific oral probiotics for the mouth, is this not correct?
The oil pulling should be beneficial. I have no experience with Remen, so I can’t comment.
Oral bacteria is a part of whole body, bacterial health. If you are going to take specific bacteria for the mouth, I would look at long-term studies done on those species (at least 20 years or longer of usage). The bacteria in your gut travel all over your body, which is why they are often a major factor in joint pain.
Oh – and I also had to have 2 root canals with the holistic dentist, they used laser and oxygen. I am concerned about the root canals as I shortly thereafter contracted a very high H. Pylori stomach infection and other pathogenic bacteria. I am suspicious of the root canals and oral bacteria contributing to this.