When I came across this novel therapy for non-surgical healing of intestinal strictures, bowel adhesions and bowel obstructions I could hardly believe what I was reading. After doing this podcast with one of the technique’s inventors, Larry Wurn, I am even more excited!

As you’ll discover when you listen, this technique may also work for anal stenosis and possibly for malrotation and volvulus. I didn’t ask about it in the podcast, but I suspect it may also work for dysphagia (difficulty swallowing, tight, spasming or obstructed esophagus).

In addition to listening to the podcast, you can also download an informative and inspirational chapter from Larry & Belinda Wurn, founders of Clear Passage Physical Therapy about their revolutionary, hands-on technique for loosening the tough collagen cross-fibers that make up strictures, scar tissue, adhesions, etc. – providing a fantastic alternative to surgery:

“Adhesions form in all people as they heal from infection, surgery or injury. Modern medicine offers little relief, because surgery creates more adhesions. When physical therapist Belinda Wurn experienced terrible adhesion pain a year after cancer surgery, her doctors said that corrective surgery would only create more adhesions. Unable to cope with the pain and unwilling to undergo surgery, she and her husband (co-author Larry Wurn) worked with respected physicians and scientists to develop a non-surgical treatment that has cured many complex medical conditions, including cases of female infertility.”

I hope to try out this therapy for myself sometime this year, so will write about it when I do. But in the meantime, be SURE and download this chapter from their book (it is amazing and so worth reading!) and listen to my podcast with Larry Wurn (press the play button).

Listen To Your Gut
Listen To Your Gut
Natural Alternative for Bowel Strictures and Obstructions

If you can’t afford this type of therapy, or you want something you can try yourself at home first, then check out our tried and tested methods for home treatment (to relieve pain and clear blockages) and also be sure and have a look at my experimental therapy for naturally dissolving strictures.

For a visual demonstration of exactly how strictures, adhesions and scar tissue in the abdomen form and how to loosen them manually, see my video with Mary Cox, Physical Therapist from Clear Passage:

By |2024-12-02T19:57:32-08:00June 30th, 2010|


  1. Dana July 21, 2010 at 1:43 pm - Reply

    Sounds great but what is the cost? I assume it is not affordable for the average person.

  2. Ashlynn Northcutt July 22, 2010 at 5:31 am - Reply

    Hi Dana,

    You can find specific cost and treatment information by visiting http://www.clearpassage.com/forms/program-costs.php. This treatment is less expensive than the surgical alternative. Often times, these surgeries are often the cause of additional adhesion formation which begins a cycle of recurring surgeries.

    Here is a link to a free eBook to learn more about this alternative treatment. http://clearpassages.com/book/Ch16_Surgical_Adhesions_Bowel_Obstructions.pdf

    If you have any additional questions, please feel free to call our home office at 352.336.1433.

    Best Regards,
    Ashlynn Northcutt
    Clear Passage Physical Therapy

  3. Valerie July 22, 2010 at 4:11 pm - Reply

    I’ve been practicing Visceral Manipulation for 10 years. This works great for adhesions and strictures, and generally improving bowel function. You can find someone in your area by contacting the IAHP http://www.iahp.com/ and clicking on Search Practitioners.

    UC since 2000

    PS The chapter is not showing up to be downloaded as of 7/22/10

  4. JINI July 28, 2010 at 12:55 am - Reply

    Thanks Valerie – I fixed the download link.

  5. […] Natural Alternative for Bowel Strictures and Obstructions […]

  6. crystal June 6, 2011 at 1:03 pm - Reply

    For those of us who have been nailed after a long battle w/ the uncertainity of the IBS or IBD diagnosis when symptoms range deeper than the norm, i found the following from author Karen Steward (Dorctor: Bound by Secrecy; Victims: Bound by Pain) on her website quite appropo what many of us have gone through and are still going through:

    Draw Hearts in the Snow and Wear Red Shoes
    As January opens the envelope into a New Year, my wish for you is happiness and peace. I hope you can draw hearts in the snow, wear red shoes, and dance for joy for those you love and those who love you back!
    Have you ever loved someone with all your heart, only to suddenly realize they do not love you? Heartbreaking, isn’t it? Sometimes we give all to a relationship, never realizing the person we are investing our time and energy in is not a person who loves us. Maybe we had their back, but mistakenly believed they had ours as well.
    The sad realization comes to us by an event, or perhaps chain of events. A disagreement, a misunderstanding. The person we love becomes unwilling to “go the long haul” and work completely through the misunderstanding or disagreement. In essence, you suddenly realize you are not important enough to them.

    Perhaps the one you love (unapologetically) overstepped a boundary, hid something from you, or, simply stuck their nose where it did not belong. Maybe the person you love did not follow through with an agreement. Perhaps you learn a loved one is actually a manipulator who shuffles all the cards in their favor, making sure they always end up with the Ace.
    Life is all about one thing: people. We are each responsible for our own destiny, yet do we ever consider the instrumental role we play in other’s destinies as well?
    Chronic illness can strain relationships to the max. Let’s be honest: none of us want to be sick. Nor is it “fun” to care for someone who is sick. Illness, perhaps, is the biggest monkey wrench that can be thrown into a person’s life. And when the monkey wrench of illness hits a person, it doesn’t stop with that person. Everyone near and dear to the person gets a whack or two as it passes by.
    Those who suffer from adhesions also suffer when they “look” well. Abdominal adhesions wreak havoc on internal organs, often shutting down the intestines, which results in nausea and vomiting. But, can those near and dear to the sufferer “see” what is going on inside? No. The sufferer can only explain what they feel.
    Adhesion sufferers often have abdominal “attacks” or “spells,” as one man recently described a violent and painful bowel obstruction. The sufferer may double over in pain, cry–even scream–yet those who are well in body, yes, even loved ones, may question the pain (person) because they do not actually “see” what is going on INTERNALLY.
    If someone says they have cancer, no visual is required. Sympathy/empathy/sadness suddenly spring forth. People are aware of cancer.
    Unfortunately, many loved ones begin to pass judgment on someone who is ill and always “complaining” of illness when, by outward appearances, they “look” well. Adhesion sufferers, as well as though who have yet to figure out their pain is adhesions, suffer this judgment. As the painful problem continues, days turn into months and months into years. The red shoes are nowhere to be found and many loved ones become angry as they pick up your “load.” Others may simply disappear from your life.
    Yet, there are those who will choose to lift you up, go the long haul…regardless of the cost. They hold the red shoes in their hands, believing for you, waiting for the opportunity to slide them back on your feet. In short, they take up the load (yours and theirs), sacrifice it all, and draw a heart in the snow for you while you lie in the bed. They become your eyes and ears, the lifter of your head, the go person, the research person, the call all the doctors person. They too begin to suffer, yet they do not complain. They seek an answer for you. They do not give up. Why? Because you are worth it… simply because they love you. No, it is not easy, but then, life is not easy. Life is, however, about one thing:
    Are you holding the red shoes for anyone? If not, should you be?

  7. JINI April 12, 2012 at 2:22 pm - Reply

    We have a new home remedy for dissolving scar tissue in the abdomen, intestines, rectum, etc.! The cost of this treatment is very reasonable (cheap) and the results from our testers thus far are excellent:


  8. Frank Dawson December 1, 2014 at 12:46 pm - Reply

    Thank you,
    :Thank YOU: for your info and site – nothing much else found and Mom’s still kicking – feebly : ]

    Mom is out of VA hospital after a wk. and a half.
    They did an ng tube to relieve pressure – did nothing else effective to relieve – except morphine for pain – the problem. Hope not too cryptic.

    She’s been at home over a week and ?. Using ‘Absorb+’ and been doing castor oil heat-packs, and dmso w/aloe jc.. Stricture letting things pass, now (thank you) but always has very runny stool (And has been toward incontinent, now is.)
    Is any of the above contributing to runny stool?
    And/or is there anything that I can add to your shake to stiffen the stool a little to make things somewhat more manageable?

    Abdomen puffy, not hard like went into hospital.

    Have read most of your links re. stricture – hurriedly – difficult to fit everything – might have missed… .

    Thank yu for any additional info – you’ve helped a lot!

    • Justin December 4, 2014 at 8:48 am - Reply

      Hi Frank,

      If your mom is on a strictly liquid elemental diet then her stool would naturally be a little more runny but the other things you mentioned wouldn’t likely have that effect. For more details about that and for Jini’s suggestions for bulking up the stool, check out this blog post:


      We wish your mom all the best and if you have any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to ask!

      Kind regards,
      Customer Care

  9. Marie April 26, 2015 at 6:05 pm - Reply

    I have completed the stricture/adhesions 30-day protocol. Right before the 30 days was over, I got an obstruction after eating some very greasy meat and a corn side dish. (The one food I never eat is a raw whole apple, which sent me to the ER several times with ng tube.) It seems I will need to complete the 30-day protocol again, right?

    • JINI April 26, 2015 at 7:55 pm - Reply

      Hi Marie – WHICH 30-day protocol are you referring to? And which book or blog post instructions are you following? If you let me know, I may be able to answer your question… best, Jini.

  10. Mehmet Ali Kara July 3, 2015 at 2:36 pm - Reply

    I had a severe bowel stricture(diagnosed as chrohn desease) and nothing working for me including immune system surpressors.
    Finally I found out restreveratrol which exists in grape seed.
    It also exist in some kind of white wines with different ratio.
    I used it for one year and observed considerable improve in my health starting from the first week.
    You can try and see the results…
    I just wanted to share this information with people who have similar symptoms with me and have no hope about cure.
    I hope it works also for you.

  11. laura August 25, 2015 at 1:34 pm - Reply

    I have been living with cronic small bowel obstructions for 17 years. Hospitalixed on average of 6 times a year. I would like to know more! Where can I have tis done and the cost? Can I do this on my own at home?

  12. Purvi April 14, 2019 at 1:41 am - Reply

    Thank you for all the wonderful information you share with us. How does one diagnose a stricture or obstruction in the intestine? And consequently derive that the symptoms are due to the obstruction and not the myriad of other possibilities with gut diseases?

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