What are some of the best mind/body therapies for healing gut diseases? Join me and Tami Hay, author of EarthGut: The Story of Peace, Love, Microbes, as we discuss what body/mind tools I have found to be most helpful along my healing journey.

0:32 – EFT Lazer Tapping: LazerTapping.com
1:13 – Craniosacral Therapy (Level 2 or higher): https://www.upledger.com/
1:19 – Myofascial Release: https://www.myofascialrelease.com/
5:07 – Jini’s Healing Sessions & Guided Meditations

Lazer Tapping is such a valuable tool to have in your Medicine Bag. Dis-ease is NOT just a physical phenomena. It involves the mind/body/spirit.

What tools do you currently use to effect integrated healing throughout ALL the levels of yourself? Come try a FREE SESSION at LazerTapping.com and see how it feels.

Choose from either:

    • Improve self-confidence, release “I am not ____ enough”
    • Learn to feel okay saying “No” and set healthy boundaries
    • Release emotions in your gut that are causing physical symptoms