What are some of the best mind/body therapies for healing gut diseases? Join me and Tami Hay, author of EarthGut: The Story of Peace, Love, Microbes, as we discuss what body/mind tools I have found to be most helpful along my healing journey.
0:32 – EFT Lazer Tapping: LazerTapping.com
1:13 – Craniosacral Therapy (Level 2 or higher): https://www.upledger.com/
1:19 – Myofascial Release: https://www.myofascialrelease.com/
5:07 – Jini’s Healing Sessions & Guided Meditations
Lazer Tapping is such a valuable tool to have in your Medicine Bag. Dis-ease is NOT just a physical phenomena. It involves the mind/body/spirit.
What tools do you currently use to effect integrated healing throughout ALL the levels of yourself? Come try a FREE SESSION at LazerTapping.com and see how it feels.
Choose from either:
- Improve self-confidence, release “I am not ____ enough”
- Learn to feel okay saying “No” and set healthy boundaries
- Release emotions in your gut that are causing physical symptoms
I will start this Tapping to see if it makes a difference in my gut/digestive issues, among other life issues, but having said that I feel like even without doing the tapping for the gut, couldn’t you heal by changing diet, taking probiotics? What are your thoughts?
Hi Lisa. You of course can achieve some healing through diet, probiotics, supplements, etc. – but true, root-level, and long-term healing comes from healing ALL levels of the self. We must go into the emotional and spiritual aspects or messages of our dis-ease.
I highly recommend browsing through the mind/body/healing section of the blog for more info on Jini’s favorite mind/body therapies: https://blog.listentoyourgut.com/category/musings/
You can also join Jini for a free tapping session on releasing emotions in your gut that are causing physical symptoms at http://LazerTapping.com
Thank you for that info….would Jini have any advice for carbohydrate intolerance/sensitivity? I have been experiencing trapped gas that causes pain in my middle back that can last for hours! After having 2 Bagels kicked it in then I had white sesame rice for zucchini for lunch another day and again painful gas in my back and circling around to front of stomach. I thought I should start taking digestive enzymes to help break down the carbs and also go on a low carb diet. Would really appreciate help!
Hi Lisa! A hot castor oil pack is great for bloating and trapped gas – here are some more details on what it is and how it helps: https://blog.listentoyourgut.com/hot-castor-oil-pack-for-ibd-or-ibs-pain-spasming-bloating/
And a very interesting reader story on how a castor oil pack saved their sister’s life: https://blog.listentoyourgut.com/hot-castor-oil-pack-saves-sisters-life/
I would also check out Jini’s home remedy page for gas and bloating for probiotic and food recommendations: https://listentoyourgut.com/gas-and-bloating/
And you can also try following a low residue diet to see if that helps: https://blog.listentoyourgut.com/jinis-low-residue-diet/