Have you ever wondered why “X” symptom keeps happening? What is your body is trying to tell you by these recurring issues? In this post, I want to share with you some extremely helpful tools you can use to get to the ROOT of the issue.
Acupressure Tapping
As I went through the different stages of healing, I found myself doing private coaching with EFT tapping (on the acupressure points). This helped me tremendously because I had a lot of trauma trapped inside of me from all my terrible experiences with having Ulcerative Colitis. This type of therapy helped me to release it in a safe and healthy way, so I could deal with the daily hurdles of life and not get a “flare-up of UC” during stressful life events. I no longer feel a victim of this disease or controlled by it.
If you have not given this a try, I would highly recommend it. Until you do it yourself, it’s hard to really explain how beneficial this can be. It uses the Chinese medicine meridian points on the body, so it’s not just “some odd spirit thing.”
Jini also swears by tapping, and last year she actually created her own 4-week tapping course called Lazer Tapping. You can download a FREE session to see yourself how powerful this tool is. Choose from either:
- Learn to feel okay saying “No” and set healthy boundaries
- Improve self-confidence, release “I am not ____ enough”
Symptoms as Messages
As soon as I notice a symptom, I ask my body at least one of three questions – what does my body need? What is my body trying to tell me?
Or I ask myself THIS third one: What is my body trying to distract me from?
If you aren’t getting anything from the first 2 questions, take a deep look at the third. Place your hand on your belly pain and ask these questions. You may be amazed at what emotional stuff arises.
While my mentor always stresses the need to seek medical advice on any physical ailment, he does share the following information and it was EXTREMELY beneficial for me….
What is this physical symptom supposed to be distracting me from?
Let that sink in for a minute. This is a powerful question. Maybe even as you are reading this, different emotions, memories, feelings are coming up. And that’s okay. That’s a good sign. Continue on this train of thought with the following question:
What doesn’t it want me to look at, and why is the symptom trying to convince me this “physical issue” is the real problem – when I know there are emotional roots to this?
It’s like it’s saying to me, “that emotional stuff isn’t really the problem; here is the real problem.”
The distraction could be trying to cover up a trauma, a memory, a loss, or something else that was never dealt with or suppressed. But no matter what, as painful as it may be dealing with these emotions and feelings, when I have pushed through these feelings and just SINK in – actually feel them, process them, and accept them – I find this tool has been an immense help addressing the emotional roots of my symptoms.
You are SAFE during the whole process, but of course if things get too intense, there is no shame in taking a break, walking away for a bit, and coming back to it later.
Lean into your Body Wisdom
If we can adjust our view of the physical and “see through” the distraction, we then have access to the positive side of physical ailments or illness.
What is the important “message” this ailment is trying to get me to receive and accept?
Jini has written many blog posts on this exact topic, such as I Get The Message and the Symptom Disappears! and How an Abscess Can Communicate a Vital Message.
When we don’t LISTEN to our body, to our emotions, and actually acknowledge them at the onset, they can grow louder and louder in discomfort, pain, and disease – resulting in worsening symptoms. Resistance can play a huge factor in this.
Doing the emotional work is usually not fun at first – but it is SO necessary. We may come up with excuses in our mind to push these emotions down again and NOT deal with them, but here’s something important to understand…
Whatever We Resist Gets STRONGER.
If we choose to resist our emotions, we usually then beat ourselves up because we can’t FIX the physical symptoms. But guess what? Ignoring these emotions will just make that symptom become more and more intense. Things will get worse because you are resisting!
One thing these issues can’t stand up against, however, is gentle, compassionate observation. Observe your symptoms from this angle, doing just that – observing. No judgment, no resistance to what is happening.
And want to know the good thing about a persistent, dedicated messenger? When the message is finally accepted, the messenger can leave and go about its business. Mission accomplished. How wise for us to be open to the message early on.
One way that helps me to decipher the real message is to quiet my mind and be with my breath. I then gently ask my body/mind, “what is it you want me to know right now? What important message do you have for me at this time?”
Instead of TRYING for the answer, as our brains are programmed to do, I simply “watch or listen within.” I am ALLOWING the answer to come up, if it’s time. If it’s not, that’s okay – it probably will next time. The subconscious mind does not respond to trying, coercing, or forcing. Gentleness and patience are the order of the day. Answers WILL come at the right time.
“What the mind represses, the body expresses.”
A huge shoutout to my mentor, Dane Johnson, for this absolutely incredible information, as well as Jini for also hugely advocating the importance of mind/body/spirit healing techniques, tools – and sharing them with so many people. I again HIGHLY recommend you download a free tapping session from Jini and give this a try yourself.
I hope you found this to be insightful and inspiring on your healing journey. What is your biggest takeaway from this blog? Please drop me a comment below, as I greatly value all of you and your feedback! =)
This particular topic relates to me in many ways.. I have recently started getting abdominal pain & burning/ burps/ bowel movement changes/insomnia ( stomach pain at night)… appetite is robust though… I don’t want to go to my doctor again as they keep asking me to take PPIs… can this be IBS? I do have a lot of stress… thanks
Hi ZK – I would bring this question to your doctor, as we are not medical professionals and are not able to diagnose anyone. What I can provide you, though, is a link to our home remedy page for abdominal pain & cramping: https://listentoyourgut.com/abdominal-pain-and-cramping/
As well as our home remedy page for acid reflux, as you mentioned burning/burps: https://listentoyourgut.com/heartburn-acid-reflux-gerd/
TONS of other home remedies to choose from, so you can choose any symptoms you may be dealing with to find Jini’s recommendations for home treatment.
ALSO on the mind/body aspect, I encourage you to try this guided meditation to connect with the microbes in your gut and see what they have to say:
And also try Jini’s Free tapping session to Release emotions in your gut that are causing physical issues:
I hope this helps!