The vegetable capsules Imix Nutrition uses in the products that I formulate are made from hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) which is also referred to as Hypromellose. Now, Imix used to be able to list these on the label as:
Other ingredients: Vegetable capsule (vegetable fiber and water)
But then the FDA changed the labeling regulations to require veggie caps to be listed as: hydroxypropyl methylcellulose or Hypromellose
A few months later, one of my readers sent in this excellent question:
“I have a question regarding both your own brand of healing supplements (e.g MucosaHeal) and the ones that you recommend (e.g Nutricology etc etc.). I have been looking into what the capsules consist of in these and realised they are all made with Hypromellose, in other words a pthlalate! Last I checked pthlalates were very toxic for our health, and could cause a range of disoders and damage, including endocrine disturbances and kidney problems. So I’m a bit confused!
This is something Jini has touched upon herself and in podcasts with others – avoiding toxins in the environment, home, beauty products etc etc. I’m wondering if I’m missing something here – or why this Hypromellose (HMP) is used in recommended supplements etc.”
So, first of all, it’s very important to note that Hypromellose Phthalate (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose phthalate, or HPMCP) is a different substance, from just straight HPMC (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose or Hypromellose). Yes, that one word makes a world of difference.
As per the veggie cap manufacturer’s spec sheet:
“HPMC is a plant based product, a purified form of cellulose, obtained from wood pulp. According to EU regulation 1169/2011 on food information to consumers, annex I, HPMC is categorized as a “Fibre” with following definition: carbohydrate polymer with three or more monomeric units, which are neither digested nor absorbed in the human small intestine. Current laboratory test methods for dietary fibre, such as AOAC 985.29, are however not properly detecting HPMC as a dietary fibre. HPMC is however an edible carbohydrate polymer, a dietary fibre with a beneficial physiological effect demonstrated by generally accepted scientific evidence and hence can be voluntarily declared as such.”
For those of you who didn’t take much Chemistry…
Cellulose – is a chain of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen – usually hundreds to thousands of them all chained together.
Hydroxy – means that somewhere on the cellulose chain, there is an oxygen and hydrogen connected, rather than just a hydrogen.
Propyl – means that somewhere on the chain, there is a side chain with three carbons surrounded by hydrogen.
Methyl – is the same as propyl, but instead of three carbons, it’s just one.
Put these 4 terms together and you get = hydroxypropyl methylcellulose
Just to double-check this info and make sure nothing was being overlooked or whitewashed, I checked to see if Dr. Joseph Mercola (an authentic doc with an entire team of full-time researchers at his disposal) had written about hypromellose. Nope. So then I checked his own supplements, to see what his capsules were made of and yep, there it was listed under Other Ingredients: Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose.
So I think we’re safe to say: the bottom line is that Hypromellose is a plant-based dietary fibre.
Jini, Where do you source your veggie capsules? Thanks!
There’s only a few suppliers – any contract manufacturer will be able to get you samples and ingredient lists.
Well as long as you and Dr. Mercola find it conclusive. But..”there are some potential disadvantages that are not immediately obvious. HPMC is listed as a food ingredient — E464 — which means that recommended daily maximum quantities must be defined. HPMC undergoes a rigorous manufacturing process involving the synthetic — and not natural — alteration of cellulose. During production, various highly reactive, harmful or toxic substances are used that must be removed and disposed after production, including propylene oxide (which is considered to be carcinogenic) and chloromethane.”
No matter how much you spin it. Even if you were to somehow find justification for this the hazardous use of toxic substances to arrive at a “safe” product seems counterproductive on the grounds of sustainable ecological planet.
I won’t argue with you there! And we also don’t know how/when manufacturing processes might change – what chemicals are they using now? What chemicals might they switch to next month?
Supplement companies no longer want to use natural gelatin due to animal product/welfare concerns. Perhaps mushroom fiber might one day be an acceptable substitute… but again, what will the processing involve?
We run into the same issue with clothing production. Viscose, rayon and modal are all natural materials – but what chemicals are involved in the manufacturing process?
I’ve just formulated a daily multinutrient for Imix (will be called MultiAbsorb) and I’ve formulated it as a powder with a scoop. No fillers, flow agents and no capsules!
With MucosaCalm I advise people to empty the contents of the capsules into water, mix and drink (no fillers or flow agents in there either). At least the hypromellose capsules are biodegradable.
Why does everything have to be in a capsule?
EXACTLY the reason I formulated MultiAbsorb! 1 scoop of powder – mix in water, juice, shake or smoothie. NO fillers, no flow agents, superior absorption… I could go on! More info here:
I smelled something was wrong anyways. Thank you for giving that explanation. Definitely noted for my research.
Awesome! Always follow your gut! 🙂 Glad this was helpful!
“Semi-synthetic” can’t be good. My bet is the FDA knows its bad and that’s why they are putting it in vitamins that are supposed to make you better. Virtually EVERY food product and medication includes a toxic ingredient. ex. Aspirin includes titanium dioxide (damages mitochondria). Slow kill, by design.
In tune with your thinking, John.
Yes, I have an adverse intestinal reaction to Hypromellose.
Jini, you said that this fiber isn’t absorbed in the digestive tract. Well, how does it work if it isn’t absorbed there? Don’t all medicines have to be absorb there first??
Hi Alice, “breaking down” or “digestion” is different from absorption. For example, when you eat corn, it is digested and the usable portion, vitamins, minerals are absorbed – the rest of it passes out in your poop where you can often see some of the yellow corn husks.
But remember, for anyone having more than 2 bowel movements per day, don’t consume anything in capsule form. Empty the contents of the capsule into liquid and drink it!
I was reacting to this substance derived from pine. I have a pine allergy.
I am looking at a bottle of Ashwaganda root powder.
I normally buy my supplements in the health food store but I just happened to look while at Walmart and I found this by a company called “Spring Valley“ that’s what started my search online because I did not recognize with the ingredients were for the capsules. That which you just addressed.
Glad this cleared things up for you, Mary! 🙂
Natural gelatin is the best, most natural, bio-compatible substance and adds a little extra collagen to your diet. “Vegan” veggie caps can also cause intestinal discomfort.
Try to find Gelatin capsules when you can.
I agree. I am always delighted to find a product that uses gelatin capsules – like Earthborn Elements. I have salicylate sensitivity and many plants contain salicylate, and many chemicals mimic the affect and add to the problem.
I recently discovered that methylcellulose in my supplements were the cause of my extreme digestive issues. It has taken me more than six months to finally figure it out. I had to throw away several hundred dollars worth of vitamins and nutrients because they contain this product. I will spare you the details of what I have gone thru, but I was shocked to learn this is THE primary ingredient in OTC laxatives, like Metamucil! Why would a laxative be used in products like melaonin, zinc, magnesium and so many other similar products? Some of the products were capsules, some tablets. It is disturbing how difficult and expensive it has become to find pure, high quality products that are affordable and not laced with junk fillers.
YES totally agree Judy. Did you check out my new formulations for Imix?:
MultiAbsorb Daily Essential and Immune Booster
Both formulated as a powder with NO fillers, flow agents, capsules, fiber, etc. JUST the pure nutrients. If people only knew how much of each capsule was a filler or flow agent (to help the substance flow without sticking through the blending and encapsulation process), they would seriously question what they’re ingesting. If you need to use capsules then try to look for benign fillers like rice powder. But glad you figured it out!!
I hear you! I also discovered that I have digestive issues with methylcellulose.
I am glad to read that people are paying attention to the “other ingredients” of supplements. In my work, so many do not and of course so many of these ingredients cause the problems versus the main ingredients advertised on the front and many do not realize those on the front can still be wonderful and immediately think it is these that need to be discontinued! I am a holistic health practitioner myself and consult one-on-one with people in reference to health and like to also point out that some of these same ingredients are sometimes in skincare products too! I wrote a book, Homicide By Hygiene, to bring awareness.
In our skincare, our gardening/farming, our food supply, packaged foods… the list goes on and on!
it can be made from corn.
many people have corn allergies.
many people suffering from MCAS after mold/lyme/covid often get corn allergies.
i think vitamin manufacturers should not use them or disclose their source
Hi Joan, Allergies are generally a response to the protein component of a food. There is no protein in these capsules, it is just the fiber/starch. Of course, the easiest way is to empty the capsules into water or diluted fruit juice and drink them. That is also best for absorption. Thanks for your comment.
What a great idea to open them up! Never thought of that. People with “mast cells gone wild” aka MCAS or mast cell mediated disorders are so sensitive to everything – but they might be being bothered or triggered by something else unrelated, but the mast cells and immune system are taking it out on something else. So they’re not “real” allergies. But great idea!!
If your body cannot digest it and it is in most crappy supplements you are getting WAY too much. If others can avoid using crap additives then Dr Mercola should too. Shame on ALL you for supporting these additives. Run from them!!
I’m looking forward to reading everything you have to say regarding health and nutrition. I just happened to find you by mistake, but I’m happy I did!
I’m glad to hear that you stumbled upon Jini’s blog! I hope you find the information helpful and insightful. If you have any specific topics you’d like Jini to cover, feel free to let us know in the comments section.
I’m curious what thoughts are about capsules made from Pullulan?
I use supplements that are HPMC, Gelatin, and Pullulan.
Hi Bart, As you can see in this article, Pullulan is produced by using a certain species of fungus to ferment corn starch into a polysaccharide (carbohydrate) substance.
The final product does not contain any fungal residue, so it should not pose any issues.