Many of you have already downloaded my free Colonoscopy eBook – so you know about the dangers of unsterilized cameras and the ‘side-effects’ of Gluteraldehyde – but a real-life story like this can really drive home the risks.

This is a patient from the Goldberg Tener Clinic (who I often refer people to for help) who underwent a supposedly routine colonoscopy and wound up with C. difficile infection, Colitis, Lupus and Diabetes; as one disease dominoed into the next.

Dr. Goldberg writes:

“I wanted to share this one with you Jini, as it deals with the aftereffects of a routine colonoscopy in 2010 – which our patient Ms. Linda Good suffered with for almost a decade prior to coming to us. The colonoscope utilized with her had not been properly sterilized and she contracted Clostridium difficile as a result.

Ms. Good was hospitalized and administered flagyl and vancomycin. She soon after developed Ulcerative Colitis from the Clostridium Difficile and was placed on steroids. The steroids led to immune system suppression and the development of C. Difficile two more times. She continued to have ongoing UC symptoms and was given a merry-go-round of drugs including entocort, lialda, sulphasalazine and asacol over the next ten years. She was also given numerous herbs and supplements from a functional doctor and her condition continued to deteriorate.

In 2019, Ms. Good’s joints became swollen and painful and she consulted with a Rheumatologist who diagnosed her with Lupus and gave her steroids, imuran, cymbalta and muscle relaxers.

The steroids put her into a diabetic range and caused her to develop mood swings, gain weight and experience hair loss. Her medical physician told her she would be on drugs for life and couldn’t survive without them.

After consulting with us and over a period of seven months being put through a program to rebuild her health, Ms. Good is now fortunately entirely well – without symptoms and entirely drug free.

Interestingly Ms. Good told me that as she was being put under for the colonoscopy she heard one of the nurses comment that they “could not locate the colonoscope selected initially but here is another one we can use”.  A decade of illness and suffering for a “Preventive” Measure.”

Keep in mind, no one is saying that a colonoscopy is never a useful procedure. We are saying that you need to be mindful of the risks involved and to question whether the reason you’re having a colonoscopy is worth the risk.

I also encourage you to follow my protocols for Pre- and Post-colonoscopy in my free Colonoscopy eBook to reduce the chances of sustaining damage or infection.

Here is the video of Linda sharing the details of her story and treatment at the Goldberg Tener Clinic – I’ve cued the video to skip the introduction:

The good news is: There is a disposable colonoscope! It is already in use in Switzerland and Italy and soon to launch in Australia. You can read about it in this blog post – make sure you’re subscribed to my newsletter, too, to ensure you don’t miss any new information!