This is a great video from Dr. Paul Goldberg – who I continually refer my readers to – where he interviews Matt W. who heard about Dr. Goldberg from me.
Matt shares how he was on both Prednisone and Humira which ballooned his weight to 315 lbs (hard to imagine when you see him in the video!) and suffering up to 35 bowel movements per day. At the time this video was shot, Matt’s symptoms had improved 70% and he was able to go about his regular life.
If you want more information on how Dr. Goldberg works, check out our teleseminar.
Although Dr. Goldberg must see you in-person for the first visit, the rest of your treatment can be conducted via phone, email, etc. and 50% of his clients do not reside in Georgia, USA.
I think he’s fabulous and if you want a doctor to oversee and guide your treatment, I highly recommend Dr. Goldberg.
However, it’s important to keep in mind that Dr. Goldberg and Dr. Tener (his colleague) are in-depth, rigorous doctors, who are really committed to finding and healing the root causes of dis-ease. So if you work with them, you need to be prepared to do a LOT of work on your own healing journey (similar to my books!) and not expect any quick-fixes. As Dr. Goldberg says:
“We work with patients generally with long term chronic health issues. I explain to them carefully that the first 30 days are for a period that we call ‘Discovery’ i.e. to collect information. That includes keeping two to three weeks of diet diaries, doing temperature charts, and conducting laboratory tests at home.
Patients are asked to do the tests ASAP, as even after they are sent into the labs, it takes from two to four weeks to process them and get them back into our hands – these are not typical blood chemistries and CBCs, etc. that are rapid to process, but functional tests such as stool micros, adrenal stress tests, bacterial overgrowth tests, etc.
Many of our patients are on steroids (prednisone most commonly) when we first see them and in those cases some of the tests may need to be delayed until they can be weaned off the prednisone for a period of at least 30 days. In conjunction with the patient and their physician we try to assist them in this regard, but many of the patients we see are on 10, 20 or even more drugs at one time when they walk into our office.
If patients want to leave the office the same day they arrived, with a full plan in hand, then we are the wrong choice for them.
If however, they do their tests as they are instructed to without delay (some take home the test kits and put them aside rather than do their part in completing them), we are able to schedule a report of findings over the phone for them within 30 days. If some tests are delayed due to being on steroids we report on what we can anyways in 30 days and report on those tests that need to wait as soon as possible. But as you can see, we do require the patient’s assistance in order to help them in a timely manner.”
Hi Jini, I have had a similar journey as Matt but for many more years and hospital visits. I have been on and off the medications and tried many various natural approaches. Currently I am in once again a severe flare. I am going to research your site and most likely get your book however what would you suggest to start on asap when one is in a total flare, I am not functional right, in major pain, exhaustion and 30 BM’s w blood, diarrhea and urgency. Trying to sip on some soup broth but obviously not enough. Any suggestions helpful. thx
Hi Jan,
A good place to start to learn more about healing your IBD or IBS naturally is at Jini’s symptom section at the link below:
The dropdown menu can be used to go to the specific condition which applies to you (Crohn’s, Colitis, etc). Another thing you may want to check out is Jini’s blog post below as you could probably try some of the dietary things she mentions right away:
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Hello Jini,
I have been searching for any tips to get off the steroids ASAP! I have been diagnosed with colitis 4 years ago … since than no problems, didnt even take a medication .. but now, just after my last state exam in medical school (laughable) I ended up in hospital … the problem is, that my disease is not that severe! I just went there to stop the bleeding (no pain, no cramps, …) They put me on steroids right away! It was really shocking! Another shocking information was, that they want me to start imunosupresives… I refused that and they started to threaten me by being infertile and with stomia soon …
After this terrible experience I began to search the new options. I turned 100% vegan, right now trying liquid diet. I found your website and am about to order the book and start my journey to heal. I already visited incredible psychotherapist and am meditating every day π It feels really great!
The point is, that I feel incredible, but still taking steroids (45 mg right now, this is the, never taken it before). I would like to get rid of it before it messes up all my system … but as I know very well what these pills are, am afraid to cut it too fast … I pushed my doctor to give me a plan to get off it, but it will take 3 months!!! It will do more harm than good I worry π I searched everywhere and the only thing I found is, that I am trapped in this circle and have to do all this 3 months … Am getting married next week … and we planned a baby.
Please, do you have any experience with this? Can I do the cut faster? I will be very grateful for any tips!
PS: You are doing a great job! You motivated me to get so well very quickly and I believe that this disease is CURABLE! π
Hello Tereza,
Thank you for your message and question. That is great to hear you are doing so great! I have come along way in my healing from Jini’s methods as well. We are not qualified to advise on getting off your steroids and recommend you contact your doctor concerning it. Jini has some great information on treating the gut before and during pregnancy I recommend you checking out at:
She also has a full chapter, Chapter 9, concerning pregnancy in her Listen To Your Gut book I highly recommend purchasing the book or ebook to read at:
Please let us know if we can help you with anything else. Congratulations on your wedding and best wishes with your continual healing!
Kind Regards,
Customer Care