colitis-bellyIf you’d like to find out what other experts are doing to heal Crohn’s Disease, then come sign up for this free Heal Your Crohn’s Summit with doctors, nutritionists, EFT (tapping) practitioners, and more who will share with you the therapies, diets and protocols they use to help their clients get better.

Yes, I’m one of the featured experts, so you can listen to my interview, along with many others (and it’s all free!): REGISTER HERE
Here are just a few of the important topics covered in this Summit…

  • What’s really going on with Crohn’s
  • Different stages of healing you must go through if you REALLY want to heal
  • Why surgery in many cases may actually make you get worse!
  • How to figure out what works for YOU
  • Why just changing your diet alone isn’t enough
  • Do probiotics help …and is one type better for healing? (Hint: they’re not all the same)
  • What makes the difference between the success stories…and the failures?
  • How your parasympathetic nervous system heals your gut…and how you can help it along to do its job even better
  • The emotional connection to Crohn’s that most are completely unaware of
  • Can Crohn’s really be “cured?”
  • And much more…

Please Note: The Heal Your Crohn’s Summit runs from December 8-12th. So register soon! Each interview link will only be available for 48 hours after it’s aired.

REGISTER HERE and be sure to let everyone in your circle know about this great event so they can attend and learn how to support you on your Healing Journey!