Can You Nebulize Potassium Iodide?After reading my article on nebulizing glutathione and hydrogen peroxide, one of my readers asked this question:

“How exactly would potassium iodine kill you? Nascent iodine is potassium iodide.”

Well this seemingly simple question set me off on a half-day research binge! Let’s first seek to clarify the different types of Iodine.

Lugol’s vs. Nascent vs. Potassium Iodide

Lugol’s solution was first produced by a French physician, Jean Lugol, in 1829. It contains 1 part elemental iodine and 2 parts potassium iodide. In fact, the FDA will even tell you how to make it yourself.

What exactly is Nascent Iodine? I could not find any congruent information on what caused a product to be labeled, “Nascent”. For example, this Nascent Iodine product lists its ingredients as: “Iodine (sodium iodine)…. 400 mcg”

Other products I found, like this one and this one only list “Iodine” but each contains alcohol, and on both the recommended dosage is only 400 mcg (the dosage on my bottle of potassium iodide is 19 mg).

In this next article, the author manufactures and sells an iodine supplement, but based on 3rd party lab tests, they ended up changing their label, because they discovered that when I2 and I- are added to water… all the I2 converts to I- anyway!:

“There are two forms of iodine, elemental diatomic iodine (I2) and ionic monoatomic iodide (I-). Several iodine supplement brands list both forms of iodine on their label.

I2, elemental iodine, consists of two iodine atoms covalently bound together. In this form, iodine should never be ingested or applied directly to skin or tissue as it is highly corrosive and will cause severe damage to tissue on contact. This diatomic form is made commercially by oxidizing brine that contains iodide ions in order to precipitate iodine (I2) crystals.

I-, iodide, is essentially the only form found in nature. Iodide is the ionic state of iodine, occurring when iodine forms a salt with another element, such as potassium. In this form, iodide can be ingested or applied topically (such as with povidone iodine, an iodide). Dietary iodine, such as that found in seaweed, is present in the iodide form, as is the iodine in iodized salt (supplied either as potassium iodide, potassium iodate, sodium iodide, or sodium iodate). Iodine purchased from the local drug store is often a solution of iodine made from dissolving iodine crystals (I2) and potassium iodide in water.”

But is this claim that I2 is covalent correct? Yes, according to this video by Dr. Wayne Breslyn, PhD chemist and professor at Maryland University:

However, this other manufacturer (of nascent iodine) claims that:

“In nature, iodine exists as elemental iodine or as an iodide. Elemental iodine is two iodine atoms bonded together. In this form, iodine should never be ingested or applied directly to skin or tissue. It is highly corrosive and will cause severe damage to tissue on contact. Although, unless you’re in a laboratory setting, it’s unlikely you’re going to come in contact with elemental iodine.

In an effort to provide a more pure form of iodine, atomic (or nascent) iodine has been developed. This form of iodine contains a single iodine atom, which does not cause severe damage to tissue. In fact, it provides the body with an easily absorbable and available form of iodine.”

Once again, let’s turn to Dr. Breslyn for clarification:

So it appears that what Dr. Breslyn calls “molecular iodine” both the articles above are referring to as “elemental iodine”. However, I still could not find any data to support, or refute, this claim from both articles, regarding molecular/elemental iodine (I2):

“In this form, iodine should never be ingested or applied directly to skin or tissue as it is highly corrosive and will cause severe damage to tissue on contact.”

Also, although the nascent iodine manufacturer calls their supplement of single iodine atoms “easily absorbable”, as you’ll see in the video by Dr. Breslyn, it looks like a single iodine atom is rather unstable… I’m not sure what the implications of this are, but I’d like to know!

Nebulizing Potassium Iodide – The Cons

The initial warning not to nebulize potassium iodide that I referred to in my article and that my reader was questioning, was from Dr. Mark Sircus who has a LOT of experience nebulizing different substances for his patients and was taken from this article published in 2010 and again from this article published in 2016:

“When it comes to using iodine in a nebulizer special caution is needed. The choice of iodine is important because putting in potassium, which is found in Lugol’s, is dangerous. Potassium chloride, another salt of potassium, is used for lethal injection so I recommend only Nascent Iodine. Nebulization with iodine offers an extremely strong therapy which can clear the lungs quite rapidly of infections. Therapeutic concentrations can be increased for desired effect but it is recommended that dosages start at the low end unless there is an emergency situation. I would start my first iodine treatment with a weak solution, 3 – 5 drops and slowly increase to ten drops or more closely monitoring the experience. As long as the patient displays no discomfort or side effects concentration can be increased strongly especially when in a life threatening situation. One should expect much quicker and more dramatic results with iodine then with H2O2.”

However, I then found this updated post (2021) by Dr. Sircus and although he recommends nebulizing iodine in the post, he doesn’t include his previous warning about avoiding Lugol’s or potassium iodide.

In light of the information above, claiming that once added to water, any combination iodine (molecular/elemental iodine + potassium iodide OR atomic iodine + potassium iodide) converts to potassium iodide anyway… then once nebulized (aerosolized minuscule water droplets) the iodine is going to be in I- or potassium iodide form anyway.

Speaking of which, since nascent iodine is always mixed with alcohol or glycerin – would you want to inhale either of these substances to your lungs? Glycerin is extremely sticky and alcohol is corrosive. But perhaps there’s not enough of either to have an effect, since you’re only adding 2-3 drops to 5 ml of water anyway…

If you look up a chemical data sheet for potassium iodide, it says, “may cause respiratory irritation”. So that’s pretty mild.

I then found this paper: Iodine: Inhalation Hazards, Detection and Protection by Mark Cameron, MS, CIH, Senior Industrial Hygienist, CA Dept of Justice, Bureau of Forensic Services

Iodine vapor is intensely irritating to mucous membranes and adversely affects the upper and lower respiratory system. Inhalation of iodine vapor leads to excessive flow of tears, tightness in the chest, sore throat and headache. It will increase pulmonary flow resistance, decrease compliance and decrease the rate of ventilation.

Humans can work undisturbed at 0.1 ppm; with difficulty at 0.15-0.2 ppm and that work is impossible at concentrations of 0.3 ppm. The odor threshold has been reported at 0.9 ppm, so irritation may occur before the odor is detected.

The Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) is 0.1 ppm (as a Ceiling Value). NIOSH, ACGIH, OSHA, Australia, and Germany all have the same exposure value. The Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health (IDLH) value is 2 ppm based on data indicating severe eye irritation at 1.63 ppm after 2 minutes. The Inhalation LCLo for rats is 800 mg/m3 (80 ppm) for 1 hour.”

This paper was written upon investigation of a meth lab, that was using iodine instead of hydiodic acid – so we have to wonder about what form of iodine they were using… Could it have been the ‘corrosive form’ of molecular/elemental iodine?

Nebulizing Potassium Iodide – The Pros

And directly contradicting that… in this article it was suggested that the delivery of potassium iodide to the airway mucosa may augment innate antiviral immunity:

“The administration of a single dose of 130 mg of oral potassium iodide to human subjects increased serum I− concentrations, and resulted in the accumulation of I− in upper airway secretions. These results suggest that the LPO/I−/H2O2 system can contribute to airway antiviral defenses. Furthermore, the delivery of I− to the airway mucosa may augment innate antiviral immunity.

The identification of a new prophylactic or therapeutic approach to prevent or ameliorate respiratory viral infections could have broad implications for human health.”

What’s really interesting about that study, is that even though the potassium iodide was given orally, it still resulted in “the accumulation of I− in upper airway secretions.” Perhaps the body takes it wherever it’s needed?

I then found this patent from Japan, for a device to generate potassium iodide and then provide an inhaler for it, “for responding to an emergency radiation accident.”

So that seems to imply that inhaling potassium iodide would actually be a good, if not life-saving idea. Of course, it’s not endorsed by any official… But I can’t see anyone going to the trouble and expense of inventing and patenting a device that would then never be used or manufactured, because it was toxic/damaging to humans.

Finally, after a couple hours of searching, I found this anecdotal account from a man in India who nebulized both hydrogen peroxide and Lugol’s iodine together to treat covid in himself, his wife, and his 81-year-old Aunt:

“It helped the severity of Covid to remain mild for my wife and definitely helped me during that 1 week when I had some severe symptoms. It helped my 81 years old Aunt improve without requiring hospitalisation and also got her Oxygen saturation from 88 to 94 in 2 sessions (within 1.5 hours) without using any oxygen.”

Lastly, in this excellent video from an interview with Dr. Sarah Myhill MD, she advises, “Take a salt pot, add 2 drops Lugol’s Iodine, and twice per day, hold it to your nose and inhale. If you can smell the iodine, you have a therapeutic dose that will kill any inhaled virus.”

Do you remember our article above, from the Senior Industrial Hygienist, where he states that if you can smell iodine, the irritation may have already occurred… Who to believe?

Just to complicate matters even further, the patented forms of iodine – you can patent a natural substance when you corrupt, I mean combine, it with a synthetic substance – like Betadine, Povodine-Iodine, Iodine-V etc all seem to be comprised of molecular/elemental iodine.

So then we’re back to the frustrating question of this post: Is molecular/elemental iodine corrosive?

And even if it is… what’s a little cell damage (cytotoxicity) compared to dying of respiratory flu, pneumonia, tuberculosis or bronchitis? These forms of iodine are also 99% effective against SARS-CoV-2.

Other prolific doctors whose sites offered excellent information on iodine usage and nebulizing substances – like Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. David Brownstein – have been forced to remove their content due to the insane levels of censorship that now exist. So whenever you come across health information, or a protocol you’d like to have in your toolbox, make sure you copy/paste and save it to your own computer, before it disappears! The drug cartels who maintain a monopoly don’t just exist in Mexico and Colombia 😉

Whether you choose to nebulize nascent iodine, or potassium iodide, or just ingest orally, I will leave up to you. But I will pass on these excellent 4 pillars for staying healthy during flu season from Dr. Sarah Myhill:

1. Avoid grains, dairy and sugar (including simple carbohydrates)

2. Keep Vitamin D levels high – minimum 5,000 IU. She recommends 10,000 IU per day (equivalent to 1 hour of sunbathing).

3. Take Vitamin C – anti-viral and protects against cytokine storm. 5 grams (5,000 mg) per day. 10-20 grams per day if sick. Consume over the course of the day.

Salt pot inhaler

4. Avoid direct contact with virus: Take 10 parts coconut oil to 1 part Lugol’s Iodine (15%), melt and mix together. Take a marble size amount and rub all over hands, arm and face – kills virus on contact.
Avoid inhaling virus: Take a salt pot, add 2 drops Lugol’s Iodine and twice per day, hold it to your nose and inhale. If you can smell the iodine, you have a therapeutic dose that will kill any inhaled virus.

Another excellent therapy to avoid infection after exposure, or at the first sign of a cold or flu, is to use a Neti Pot. In addition to the salt, also add a dropperful of colloidal silver or 3 drops of iodine. Then flush your sinuses. I have used this method repeatedly and it works brilliantly. My son Hugo was so impressed after he tried it and it ended his full-blown cold in about 12 hours, that he got me to order another one for him.

I also love the salt pot inhaler idea (also called a salt pipe) and will be getting one of those next! If you don’t want to add iodine to the salt, you could add eucalyptus and/or Olbas oil – this would open up your airways and have a mild anti-viral effect. A salt pot with added eucalyptus and peppermint essential oils would also be a great tool for kids – so easy to use!