Can you heal if your heart’s not in it? Join me and Tami Hay, author of EarthGut: The Story of Peace, Love, Microbes, as we discuss root-level, wholistic healing – and the importance of addressing the mind/body/spirit portion of healing.

Root-level, long-term healing comes from healing ALL levels of the self. We must go into the emotional and spiritual aspects or messages of our dis-ease.

0:25 – Heart Math Institute
2:08 – Blocks & Saboteurs: These can be experiences from your past, fear mechanisms, unhealthy coping mechanisms, etc. The ONLY thing holding us back in life, is ourselves! My Lazer Tapping course will teach you how to laser-focus on your particular blocks and saboteurs and release them!
7:05 – Join me for a FREE Lazer Tapping session – choose from either Setting Healthy Boundaries – Learning to Feel OK Saying NO or Improving Self-Confidence – RELEASE ‘I Am Not Enough.’