The majority of people with a milk allergy are allergic to either lactose, or a dominant milk protein called casein. Cow’s milk is composed of 80% casein and 20% whey. Absorb Plus is 99.8% lactose free and does not contain any casein. The protein component of Absorb Plus is a natural, cold-extracted whey protein isolate – ALL of the casein has been removed. Therefore, Absorb Plus may be safe and well tolerated even by those with a ‘milk allergy’ – as we’ve removed the commonly allergenic components.
*Please test a small amount first to be sure and if your allergy is severe, then don’t consume, or only do so under the supervision of your physician.
Jini Patel Thompson is an internationally recognized expert on natural healing for digestive diseases. She healed herself from widespread Crohn’s Disease and has remained drug and surgery-free for over 25 years. Jini has appeared on numerous podcast, TV, and radio shows throughout the U.S., U.K., Canada, and Australia, giving people hope and vision for how they can heal their Colitis, Crohn’s, Diverticulitis and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), using entirely natural methods. Her books on natural healing for digestive diseases have sold worldwide in over 80 countries.
I need absorb plus at 2,000 calories a day for 14 days , I can’t afford it am a disabled vet with 5 brain surgeries. I am 5’7” and now weigh 99 lbs was 130 5 mo ago. I have severe abdominal pain and cramping with major distended
Abdominal after eating a cup of soup. Could you please send me enough for my needs. If not I will die.
Thank you
Hi Shelley. We often receive emails and messages from readers who simply cannot afford the cost of Absorb Plus. Most people need to consume between 4 – 7 servings per day – and that adds up VERY quickly. Because of this, Jini has a number of options for those who cannot afford (or perhaps do not need) to go on an elemental diet:
Here are some common foods which are highly tolerable/gut friendly and provide bowel rest:
Bone broths are also excellent healers: