Many of our customers use Absorb Plus to recover from intestinal bleeding, and iron can trigger or exacerbate intestinal bleeding. This is why it has been left out of the formula – and people can then supplement as needed.
Also, depending on the person’s size, they will consume anywhere from 3 to 10 shakes per day. Since iron is a very powerful substance, it would be very hard to set an amount that suited everybody and wouldn’t lead to iron toxicity for some.
Jini Patel Thompson recommends QuikPlus Iron for people with gut sensitivities, or who are prone to intestinal bleeding – since it does not require digestion and therefore does not irritate the gut.
Jini Patel Thompson is an internationally recognized expert on natural healing for digestive diseases. She healed herself from widespread Crohn’s Disease and has remained drug and surgery-free for over 25 years. Jini has appeared on numerous podcast, TV, and radio shows throughout the U.S., U.K., Canada, and Australia, giving people hope and vision for how they can heal their Colitis, Crohn’s, Diverticulitis and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), using entirely natural methods. Her books on natural healing for digestive diseases have sold worldwide in over 80 countries.
In regards to the angstrom iron recommendation, it appears scientifically incorrect that the Angstrom iron can be smaller than the iron molecule itself, ie the iron molecule is 140 pc in diameter though Angstrom has claimed that their liquid iron is smaller than a pc.
This product does not sound genuine and if it is, is the iron molecule amended to be smaller than its original size.
Please confirm.
I would be delighted if Angstroms claim is actually true as I am having huge iron deficiency issues and have tried taking iron picolinate by Thorne resulted in colon inflammation.