This is awesome! Dr. Andrew Wakefield (prominent GI who was viciously attacked by drug/med establishment for daring to suggest even the *possibility* of a link between MMR vaccine and IBD) finally gets to tell his side of the story and what exactly has been happening.
He’s so articulate and this info is GOLD:
If you only have time to watch one segment, this is a good one:
The biggest irony of it all is that Wakefield says himself that he is pro-vaccine – he has always advised patients to be vaccinated but to use the single vaccines.
So, this is not really an anti-vaccine video, it is a pro-vaccine safety video. But just by Dr. Wakefield presenting the facts/research accumulated to the present, you realize that – whilst great in theory – current vaccinations are not performing the way they were intended to.
Unfortunately, they do not address the issue of whether antibodies produced as a result of vaccination confer immunity – as is presumed. The only clinical trials I’ve been able to find on this, show that they do not. Perhaps this will be addressed in the future…
[…] in the streets.” This technology is simply too widespread and the revenues at stake make vaccination (another industry-driven fiasco) look like a poor […]
[…] Only give your child the vaccines you feel are most necessary and omit the most dangerous ones, or the ones that have been banned in other countries. For example, opt for diphtheria and tetanus but omit the pertussis component of the DPT shot, skip the hepatitis B vaccine – especially in infants (200 doctors in France have banded together to try to get their government to ban it). The MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) shot has also been banned in several countries. […]
[…] The theory that doctors are following now is that humans are designed to co-exist with various microorganisms. Our immune system has evolved to function in the presence of all kinds of “nasties”. And in our newly sterile western world, the immune system is now malfunctioning in this unnatural environment. Personally, this has always resonated with me and I have let all three of my children be less sanitary than “normal”, right from birth. For example, I don’t make them wash their hands before dinner, if food drops on the floor I let them brush it off and eat it (if they want). Simultaneously, I have provided the elements necessary for building a strong immune system – through diet, environment, emotional health, supplements and avoiding vaccines. […]