Jini and I decided to post this email from a reader, as it is a great example of taking back control of your health and propelling your healing journey forward.
S.G. decided she wanted to take her life back, and she utilized Jini’s healing guides, books and protocols to empower herself with the knowledge and strength needed to face her diseases:
“Thank you for the follow up. I found the Listen to Your Gut book to be incredibly comprehensive. A little over 15 years ago, I started my journey of recovery. I would have terrible stomach cramps and diarrhea, then swing to nausea. I found the medical community completely unhelpful. My hubbie and I worked together through trial and error to create a maintenance diet that, with minor tweaks, sustained me up until perimenopause. Over the years, any new food added was removed if it launched a gas attack or diarrhea.
I cruised along until about 48 or so, and then my guts really started talking to me again – burning, gas – it was horrible. A stressful work environment pushed my balance over the edge, and I was introduced to an amazing acupuncturist who helped me heal. I have continued to see her once a month since that time. I also became even more aware of new food sensitivities and found the Auto-immune Paleo food list very helpful in guiding me.
I turned 52 in December and noticed a further slow down in gut motility, probably because of the hormonal change. In March 2019, I began to have some sciatic pain that I could not dissipate with my targeted stretching. In addition to my gut condition, I also suffer from a Grade 3 Spondy which leaves my low back unstable. Targeted stretching can usually realign things and relieve the pain, but this time it didn’t. When I went to the acupuncturist, she let me know that the pain was gut related and not Spondy related. The internal swelling had taken my body weight up about 3 pounds, which placed internal swelling against the damaged joint. I couldn’t burp or pass gas. The intestinal track had shut down and was septic. This is when I began trying to figure out my next steps in the process of healing.
I found the Listen to you Gut website and poured over the information to devise a recovery/care plan. The 7 steps of recovery made so much sense to me. I was in such an acute state that I ordered the Wild Oregano Oil and Natren Probiotics before the book actually arrived. I also ordered the e-book with just the Wild Oregano protocols so I could get moving with recovery while I waited for the comprehensive book to arrive. Within the first week on the Wild Oregano oil/probiotics I passed the first impaction, but was still very uncomfortable.
A week later I passed the second impaction, which I could feel was much higher up in the colon. I have maintained a very low acid diet through the process, needing to eat something every couple of hours to keep the intestinal track moving using bone broth, yogurt and coconut oil as mainstays.
As of today, I am still in the process of healing and will maintain my strict diet for another couple of months. My diet includes bone broth, raw milk, yogurt, eggs, a little oat flour, raw honey, boiled chicken, Larabar, spinach, carrots, zucchini and butternut squash. Currently I am still using 5 drops of Wild Oregano oil in a half teaspoon of extra virgin coconut oil in the a.m. on an empty stomach and Natren’s Healthy Trinity capsules on an empty stomach first thing in the a.m. and right before bed. I also add a Natren powder probiotic dosage in early afternoon.
My energy is excellent, and the terrible symptoms of the infection are gone. It is just a matter now of helping my guts to fully heal to get back to my maintenance diet that worked in the past.
I highly recommend Jini’s protocols for anyone suffering from gut issues. I am so grateful that this resource is out there. When I began my journey 15 years ago, there was NO good info out there – it was a trial and error game to find homeostasis. Thank you Jini for documenting your work and blazing a trail for those of us who have suffered. Your work and information are amazing!”
Jini’s Response: Thank you, S.G., for sharing your healing journey with us – it is stories like these which help inspire and empower others who are also struggling with life-altering conditions like inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), diverticulitis, constipation, and any other dis-ease that begins in the gut.
I love the way you took your endocrine system into account and recognized that your hormones played a role in sensitivities and gut motility. Although I address that in my LTYG book, I think that’s an aspect that needs to be reinforced, because it’s often overlooked.
One thing I noticed from your story – make sure you take your probiotics at least 2 hours away from wild oregano oil (remember wild oregano kills bacteria). I also strongly encourage you to get into the mind/body aspect of root-level healing using therapies like EFT Tapping, hypnotherapy, or Craniosacral (Level 2 or higher).
Well done S.G.!
If you would like to share your story with us, we would love to hear from you. Please remember, your story will remain anonymous – we will only use your initials. If you would like to remain completely anonymous, however, let us know when you email service@listentoyourgut.com
In good health!
Savannah is Jini’s assistant. An avid cook who loves to travel, is fluent in Spanish and has a particular affinity for animals. Savannah is always ready with helpful resources and answers to challenging questions.
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