Oooh two of my favorite dudes sitting down discussing some of the most important issues for all of us at this time! This discussion goes WAY beyond viruses. So good!

*there’s a wee bit of swearing in this one (ok often with Aubrey!) so use headphones if you don’t want kids to hear.

Time Stamps of Content:
00:00- Intro
1:07- Remember The Mother
11:05- Embracing Adaptation/The Cancer Of Empire
17:01- Ecuadorian Prophecy
21:50- A Course In Miracles Take On Relationship
32:41- Unified Mind vs Schism Mind
38:12- Loss of Philosophy Underpinning Science
43:18- Zach’s Journey
1:01:47- 10,000 Years Of The Masculine Archetype
1:07:44- Getting Out Of The Genetics Of Fear And Guilt
1:11:28- Why We Need To Stop Demonizing Viruses
1:19:00- Reflecting On How Zach Treats Cancer Patients
1:27:31- You’ll Never Look At Water The Same
1:47:26- Is the Human Experience The Heart Chakra Of The Universe?
1:52:10- Grief
1:55:05- Why We Might Sign Up For Human Life
1:58:34- Prayers & Meditation

*If you’d like to start with a beautiful meditation/prayer, skip straight to 1:58:00

Very interesting is where Zach discusses how there’s now this weird blending of all the biggest energies on the planet:

The pharmaceutical industry is the vast majority of income to the healthcare system today. In the USA that’s $3.8-3.9 trillion per year. In comparison, the entire defense budget is $680 billion. So Big Pharma is over five times larger than the entire military complex.

So you take that huge economic driver (which is an energy) and disease-management model, and you marry that to a military concept of enforced/mandatory intervention, and you marry that with the economics that we’ve seen… like the Federal Reserve printing $4 trillion (quantitative easing) in less than 14 months. And you get consolidation of wealth at the top, 150 million new families in poverty in the just first 6 months of 2020 – probably closer to 300 million families in poverty over the last two years now (globally). The consolidation of wealth, through these mechanisms, is a very old pattern.

BUT Zach also discusses why, for the first time in history, that repeating pattern of short-sighted, goal-oriented, masculine-archetype behaviour, can now be shifted!

“The bird of humanity has been flying on one wing since it’s beginning – the masculine wing. And for that, it has been flying in circles. And in this period that we’re in, from 2012 forward, the feminine wing will begin to unfold. And in the years to come, for the first time, the bird of humanity will fly straight.”

And keep in mind, that we’re not talking about gender here! ALL of us (men and women) have both masculine and feminine aspects. In fact, my own herd of wild horses has been teaching on this very topic! Of the importance for all of us to connect to our Fierce Feminine and learn how to set calm, healthy boundaries – around our time, energy, body, integrity etc.

You can connect with Dr. Zach Bush here, and be sure to check out Aubrey Marcus’ podcast – he has fabulous in-depth discussions with many interesting, multi-dimensional people. From a wild lion tracker in South Africa, to someone who remembers all his lives and multi-dimensional experiences (not a whacko!), to elite mental performance with a Navy Seal commander (great practices/attitude for positive living) and more.

His 2020 interview with Dr. Zach Bush was also just superb. I highly recommend it as well.