Okay, I need your help again! Some of you may already know about Dr. Silvio Najt, MD. He’s been quite active over at JPT Wellness Circle and I’ve also been posting some podcasts with him and articles he’s shared on this blog.
But for those of you who don’t know of Silvio, or haven’t heard his full story: Dr. Najt is a board-certified cardiologist, with an additional specialty in emergency medicine. When his daughter was first diagnosed with colitis, of course he went full-speed into medical treatment protocols.
However, like many of us, when he discovered the medical protocols didn’t work, he began researching. Although his research focused on the medical sources of information, clinical trials, etc., it was actually another MD in New York who told him to get my book, Listen To Your Gut.
In Silvio’s own words (this quote is from Ch. 1 of our new book):
“I bought Listen To Your Gut just as a possible source to help my daughter with the “minor elements” of her illness. I have to admit that from the beginning I had to fight against my “medical prejudice”. Jini Patel Thompson was not a physician, but still she was showing a radical way of treating this ailment. It made sense, a lot of sense. But I still had to fight against my medical mindset. As I got deeper and deeper into the book, it completely blew my mind and I decided to finish my “toxic” relationship with the medical world and embrace the “patient world.”
So here’s where you come in: We need help deciding on the best title for this new book!
It is co-authored by Dr. Najt and myself and we are hoping it will make these healing protocols available to a much larger audience – people who aren’t comfortable, or don’t feel safe unless a medical doctor endorses it.
But it is not just a re-hash of the protocols in Listen To Your Gut. This book tells the story of Dr. Najt and his daughter’s healing journey. It also has an entire chapter on the pharmaceutical drugs used for these diseases – absolutely fascinating info on WHY they are used and what the true effect of these drugs is, on the gut and the body as a whole.
Likewise, Silvio goes into detail, in another entire chapter, about surgical procedures, what’s really involved, what the risks really are (as evidenced by the med literature) and when surgery is indicated, but also when it can likely be avoided.
So this book will also be a valuable tool for people who:
- Want to really understand what their doctor is telling them (and the important info they’re NOT being told!).
- Want to combine medical and holistic treatments.
- Want to use natural protocols, but are unsure if what they’re doing is safe or proven.
- Need to have solid data they can take to their GI (and unsupportive family members!) to garner support and provide justification for their treatment choices.
- Want to have a more simplified treatment protocol than is contained in LTYG. Listen To Your Gut accounts for every variation or complication and that’s why it’s nearly 500 pages. But, some people find this too daunting and they want to just have a simple step-by-step protocol to follow. So the refined 5-step protocol in this new book is one I have gleaned from JPT Members and my private consult clients as being successful for the majority of people, about 90% of the time.
Okay, so now you have an overview of what the book is about and who would benefit from it, what should we call it so that the title reflects these elements?
It can have both a main title and a subtitle.
And the author credit will read:
By Dr. Silvio Najt MD
with Jini Patel Thompson
You guys gave me such great suggestions for my book on constipation, that I wanted to get your advice/ideas again. But this time, I don’t have a working title already in mind – I’m wide open to any and all suggestions.
And just to make it more fun – let’s get some prizes going….
If we use your title, as is, you’ll win an ebook and printed copy of the book (when it’s published) plus a $100 gift certificate for the Holistic Health Shoppe.
If you have the best suggestion, you’ll win both an ebook and a printed copy of the book, when it’s ready.
The 3 runner-ups will win an ebook copy of the book, when it’s ready.
Sound fun? Silvio and I are ready, so let ‘er rip!
Leave your title ideas in the COMMENTS section right underneath…
p.s. when you go to leave your comment you will be asked for your email address (which is not made public) and that’s where we’ll contact you if you win.
muchas gracias,
Important note: Dr. Najt passed away in late 2016.
[…] Read more: Alternative Treatment For Colitis, Crohn's | Listen To Your Gut […]
[…] Read more: Alternative Treatment For Colitis, Crohn's | Listen To Your Gut […]
[…] Read more: Alternative Treatment For Colitis, Crohn's | Listen To Your Gut […]
Hi Jini…I know how hard you’ve been working on this collaboration with Dr. Najt and it looks wonderful! I’m excited for you and this new book! I’m going to try to come up with a name for your contest!
what do you think of this for a title of new book? the long road to recovery for a better and more peaceful way to live. that is what absorb plus has done for me! dorothy desano
A name for your new Book “Its A Gut Feeling” or “Get Out Of A Rut and Into Your Gut”
title: The Truth About How To Heal From Colitis
subtitile: From Proven Healers comes a complete source including all types, variations, stages, and conditions of Irritable Bowel Disease, Chron’s Disease, Colitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Diverticulitis as well as flare-ups and reoccurrances.
Sorry about the typos; this is what I meant:
title: The Truth About How To Heal From Colitis
subtitile: From proven healers comes a complete source including all types, variations, stages, and conditions of Irritable Bowel Disease, Chron’s Disease, Colitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Diverticulitis as well as flare-ups and reoccurrances.
Title: What’s Up Gut?
Subtitle: A doctor’s proven holistic and medicinal treatment for digestive diseases and disorders.
The title I would suggest is “Healing Journeys for Your Gut – Parallel and Intersecting Pathways”
Title : (first name of Dr. Silvio Najt daughter) Choice
Subtitle: A doctor’s dilemma – continue “toxic” relationship with the medical world or embrace the “patient” world.
I’m sorry, i do not know the first name of Dr. Silvio’s daughter – so please place the name in the title – then Choice. The title and subtitle i think will caprture the substance of Dr. Silvio’s cure for his daughter and the human drama that it will unfold.
How about: “East and West head South: A doctor’s guide to combating digestive disease through holistic treatment.”
Jini how about “The Patient Touch” for the new book’s title. So many of the times we have seen the gastro docs, there has been a disconnect between the harsh raw medical school truth of the UC my daughter experiences and treating the patient. Some docs treat the disease, not the patient. One doc waltzed into the room asking my daughter how track at her highschool was going, not listening to us much about the fact that running in track was way too taxing, so she had to give it up along with a lot of other things and she at that point was too weak to lift her violin to play it. We did not know what weak meant before.
Patient has a double meaning.The patient is first a person. A person with feelings, emotions, who needs healing, but also compassion and control. They are more than the disease. Their identity is not the disease or a case number. Therapy and healing takes time, we must be patient. The patients must be patient. Sometimes that is the hardest thing, while you are waiting for healing to work in you and change your situation. We all want the quick fix. What toxic med will give that? Meds do nothing for long term healing of the whole person, the kind of true healing we seek. We need “The Patient Touch, a Guide Toward Healing”.
We need a new touch. A new way of achieving health, that personalizes and empowers our restoration to well being and health, and helps us discern which path to take. This new book is a step in the right direction. I am looking forward to reading it, no matter what title it has!
My suggestion –
“Bridging the Gap: The quest to merge traditional medicine with alternative treatment.”
A good runon title would be;
“My “Ideopathic” Gut Problems Tell Me That Current “Healthcare” Is Nothing More Than 50 years of Perfectly Engineered Marketing IMAGE/Genius” (a system fed patients/revenue by a crap food system)
or how about;
“In the 1970’s the USDA set out to create “the cheapest food on the planet”; well now we’ve got it and it’s killing us all!”
“If it’s not organic, there’s a reason for it; it’s not safe food!”
I already would like to read this book!
Doing great work Jini…
Title: Help my daughter has Colitis!
Subtitle: MD’s healing journey and treatment
Title: Unite to Heal
Subtitle: The story of a medical doctor who united the best of allopathic medicine with the best of alternative medicine to heal his daughter’s colitis.
Unite is also a bit of a pun on Dr. Najt’s last name:
– “Najt” in Spanish is pronounced the same as “Nacht” in German
– “Nacht” in German means the same as “Night” in English
– “Najt” in any Slavic language is pronounced the same as “Night” in English
and in the form “najti” (nighty) means “to find” in a number of Slavic languages
Moreover, the acronym UtH would be pronounced as “uteha” in most Slavic
languages, which is an additional benefit because “uteha” (or some variation
thereof) in most Slavic languages means “consolation”.
Another side benefit is that “Unite to Heal” seems to be a unique book
title (at least according to my quick search results on Google and Bing),
so people would easily be able to find it just by searching for those 3 words.
I believe the title would also convey the message that we need to unite not
only as doctors and patients, therapists and clients, but as people who are
willing to overcome false dichotomies in healing and work together to make
the most effective healing modalities available to everyone and to thereby
empower everyone to be able to make informed decisions independently
and heal in cooperation with others as their equal, preserving everyone’s
respect and dignity in the process.
My idea for a title is Healing from the Inside Out: Integrating Traditional and Alternative Medicine in the Treatment of Ulcerative Colitis or
Facing the Challenge:When everything you learned in medical school didn’t heal ulcerative colitis
Good luck!
Hi Jini,
As the book should compare medical and holistic approach and how to decide what is the best choice for each individual patient my suggestion for the title is “Chosing the right way for your Gut” with subtitle “Holistic versus medical approach for the treatment of IBS and IBD”. There could be also something with pro and con for conventional medical tratment.
Best wishes,
Title: Get in tune with your intestines
Colitis Confidential…
The holistic journey of one doctor healing his daughter.
(1) The healing journey : Take on the Secret;
(2) The life of _____ (the daughter’s name);
(3) Complications: A Surgeon’s Notes on IBD or holistic approach to Colitis etc.
My suggestion is based on the overview of the book and on what I would like to read in the book, written by medical doctor.
Title: You, your gut, and your GI doctor.
Help your doctor to listen to you, to understand your needs, to heal your guts.
Title: Healing IBD
How a Doctor cured his daughter of IBD
There are 18000 searches for this title. Pick a title and explanatory subheading to maximise your key words. That way loads of people will hear about it and make a purchase.
I hope you offer it at a reduced rate for those of us who bought your first book ‘listen to your gut’ Also a great book that helped us a lot.
You bet Garth! When it is ready to go, we’ll be offering a discounted pre-publication price to all my readers.
Do you want a super-discounted PRE-ORDER price (i.e. before we’ve finished it)?
Or just a discounted price when it’s printed and ready for shipping?
Let me know.
I aim to please…. 🙂
Why the Natural method is better for long term health and results.
A Gut Feeling
subtitle: Your Way Back to Health
or A Way Back to Health and Recovery
“Listen to your Gut” was the best gift I’ve ever received…it was MY way back to health! Thank-you, Jini!
Why the natural method is better for long term health and results.
All you need to know about healing your Crohns and Colitis
My suggestion for the new book is:
Title: Healing Crohn’s and Colitis and Preventing Future Recurrences: A 5-Step Protocol
Subtitle: An M.D.’s personal journey with his daughter (her name if desired) through traditional medical treatment to full recovery with alternative healing protocols and the truth behind both.
Thank you Silvio and Jini for what you are both doing with this book. I know you will help a lot of people with it. I can’t wait to read it.
Hi Jini and Silvio, as I looked at my title entry on the blog, I had another idea. To keep the title more positive and comprehensive, how about:
Title: Healing Crohn’s and Colitis and Maintaining G.I. Health: A 5-Step Protocol or Healing Crohn’s and Colitis and Maintaining Gastro-Intestinal Health for a Lifetime: A 5-Step Protocol
Subtitle: An M.D.’s personal journey with his daughter, (her name inserted here if desired), through traditional medical treatment to full recovery with alternative healing protocols and the truth behind both.
Hi Jini and Dr. Silvio! :>
what do you think about:
“5 Simple Steps To A Smarter Gut: When East Meets West”
“5 Steps to A Smarter Gut: When East Meets West”
“Everything You Wanted To Know About Your Gut But Were Afraid To Ask”
Another idea for your book title:
A Real Gut Decision: Alternative and Traditional Medical Therapies for I.B.D. and I.B.S. and Their Long-term Effects on Health
A 5-Step Healing Protocol For a Lifetime of G.I. Health
What Your Doctor May Not Know About Your IBD: Complementary Treatments for Your Healing Journey
I.B.D. – Chronic Disease or Restorable Gut Imbalance? 5 Steps to Help You Choose
Taking a Closer Look at Traditional and Alternative Treatments to Discover What Really Works For You ………………..or
5 Steps to Freedom From IBD: Managing or Healing Your Gut and What the Difference Is.
A Close Look at Traditional and Alternative Treatments and How They Work
Hi Jini,
Can’t wait to read the new book. I think you should offer a super-discounted pre-order price on the new book. My suggestion for a title is: Learn How MD Heals His Daughter’s IBD: By Seeking Alternative Healing Protocol In Spite of His Medical Prejudice.
Hi Jini,how about the name of your new book,What have you got to lose.
Hi Jini,
I too have and continue to be excited about your colobaration with Dr. Silvio and feel this book will be another valued gift in assisting people with these matters. As far as a title, I like some of Dr. Silvio’s statements and offer the following suggestion:
Healing Your Gut – A Medical Doctor’s Healing Journey
Finding medical protocols to be ineffective, Dr. Salivio Najit, MD’s quest to heal his daughter’s colitis leads him to a cure using natural holistic protocols, ending his “Toxic” relationship with the medical world to embrace the “Patient World”.
It may be a bit long but you get the general idea.
Thank you again for all of your efforts and the continued knowledge you bring to light.
Shine Brightly!
Beyond the Standard Medical Protocols: What Really Healed My Daughter’s Colitis
Thanks much for your holistic input and approach. I’ve struggled with Crohns and will try anything at this point. I’ve actually had to have a permanent ileostomy. but I have considerable pain in my back and legs. I hope to read your info and try to see if it helps in this area.
MD thinks “Outside of the Box” to Holistic Expert to Cure his Daughter’s IBS.
Regain your natural wellbeing: A doctor reveals the way to perfect intestinal health.
Title: Knowledge is Power: Understanding your Gut and Healing it with Traditional & Holistic Medicine
What do think about the following two titles:
Natural Healing Protocols for Your Gut
or Alternative Healing Methods for Your Gut
My title suggestion is “Changing Course”
Sub title : A medical doctor’s experience with holistic healing for Inflammatory bowel disease.
Title: Doctor Dad
A medical doctor’s journey to reconcile traditonal and holistic medicine to heal his daughter’s colitis
“Meeting of the MInds: When your ‘second brain’ needs more help than your M.D. has to offer”
This is my submit for a title for the new book MD Heals Daughter’s Colitis: Holistic Journey
1. The truth about Colitis-
a personal journey of a doctor
2. Unconventional journey of a conventional doctor-
Revelations about Colitis or : the truth about Colitis
3.The truth about Colitis –
Personal experience of a doctor
The real facts you wanted to know about Colitis-that no one dared to tell you
One journey
Two unique people.
Many true facts and observations about healing Colitis.
THANKS to everyone for your GREAT title suggestions. We are hard at work on the book, and when it is finished, we will be selecting a title.
So I’ll post here again after we’ve chosen a title and the winners will also be notified by email.
P.S. An interesting aside: If you look at the avatars (the little graphic pictures next to your name when you post a comment) – they are computer generated images that are based on elements contained in your email address. So every one is unique, and yours is unique to you, since no one else has your email address. Cool huh?
Or, you can upload your photo, as I have done:
I have seen lots of suggestions and they are all perfect. I can’t think anymore what to suggest here! lol!
Gut apps: how to apply natural and holistic remedies to your healing journey.
Treating Crohn’s For Dummies? Just kidding…
Jin’s No BS Holistic Guides Healing Crohn’s Disease
No BS guides to medical and holistic treatment of Crohn’s disease. Learn from the people who have healed themselves using my safe non-toxic protocols and treatments.
UPDATE FEB 2012: I’m very sorry to say that Dr. Najt and I are no longer collaborating on this book. He has decided to write it himself and look for a mainstream publisher. He may also publish it in Spanish first. However, as soon as it is available, I will post on my blog about it and where you can get it – I’m sure it will still be amazing and I look forward to it being available!
I have been healed of UC by doing a home fecal transplant. I aquired UC in 2009 after taking a Zpack antibiotic for a sinus infection then a month or two later I had knee surgery, where I was given an antibiotic during surgery.
The very next day after surgery, I had explosive diarrhea, gas, cramps. Tests showed it was not C-diff or any other infection. Doctors said I would have to live with it for the rest of my life and take drugs the rest of my life that suppress my immune system.
I learned about the Specific Carbohydrate Diet and stopped eating all yeast, sugar, starch, wheat and lactose in May of 2012 after suffering for 3 years of bleeding, diarrhea, gas, cramps, etc. These are the foods that feed the bad bacteria, then your body tries to flush it out with mucus and beings to protect itself with inflammation. I don’t believe it is my immune system attacking itself – but it is attacking a bacteria that is causing damage and my immune system is trying to kill the bad bacteria off.
The SCD diet did help but the stronger microbes began to die off, being starved from their regular diet of those things I quit eating and create a flare of my UC symptoms. After a two month flare I did a home fecal transplant.
I have been symptom free every since. I still eat SCD as I want to give my digestive system time to heal and for the good bacteria to get well established in my colon. I don’t want to ever go through this again.
I would recommend anyone with IBS, UC or Crohens to research fecal transplants and check out my blog – http://healed-from-uc.blogspot.com.
It had given me my life back.