I have been asked for references to the healers I go to in Vancouver, Canada so many times, that I realized I should put these up as a blog post!
Once I had a reader in Israel who flew all the way here just so she could rent a house for few weeks and make appointments with the people I go to. She was not disappointed. She set up appointments with each of these bodyworkers before she arrived and then also let them know that she was going to let her body make the choice about who her body wanted to work with the most; and then would need further appointments while she was here. They were all happy to accommodate her – probably because she was so clear about communicating her wishes. And each of these people understand the importance of letting your body speak, versus making decisions with your mind only.
Here is my list of go-to bodyworkers in Vancouver, BC. Many are booked up weeks in advance, so call now if you want to get in!
Lori Main
West Broadway, Vancouver
(604) 719-2811
Craniosacral, cranial osteopathy, visceral manipulation, myofascial release, lymph drainage therapy. Lori is featured in my “Baby Fart Aerobics” video, she has amazing hands that can sense the subtlest of disruptions and follow that disruption back to its source, to really get at the root of the problem.
“My inquisitive nature has led me to ask more questions of the body’s intricate, inter-related systems so that an even greater range of presenting symptoms can be treated and their root causes identified.”
Dr. Jing Zhang
(604) 439-0865
2977 Kingsway, Vancouver
Registered doctor of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine)
Registered Acupuncturist
Does TuiNa – by manipulating the damaged soft tissues and relocating thsee tissues into their proper locations, symptoms arising from pinched nerves, small joint dysfunction and sport/soft tissue injuries can often be healed permanently.
Her mentor (teacher) in Beijing practiced with a full case load until age 95 and was recognized as a Chinese National Living Treasure. Her books are published in Mandarin with English translation at the back.
Brian Mount
Commercial Drive, Vancouver
Brian trained with John F. Barnes (myofascial release technique). He is also certified in Craniosacral and Medical Qi Gong. He asks you questions to take you into what is in the tissues he’s working on, whilst supporting your process and exploration. Very gentle manner.
Dr. Leif Sigurdson
Langley, BC
Chiropractor – one of the best practitioners of A.R.T. (Active Release Technique) I’ve found. Works with pro hockey and soccer teams and runners. Great because he gives you exercises you can do at home to continue the work he’s done and address the root imbalance. Has not “cracked” my back, but uses other (more effective) techniques instead. Is able to sink in and listen to your body and runs energy along with the physical modality. Treats my kids too.
And there you have it! Because even once you’re “healed” it is so important to honor your body with help whenever it needs, or would like it. If you have found a truly awesome practitioner in your city, who has helped you on your healing journey please list:
- city, country
- name, contact info
- website
- description of services, training, and why you like him/her so much
in the blog comments section below – let’s trade resources!
Jini, thank you so much for taking the time to do this, and for sharing the story of the woman from Israel who got organized to try these excellent practitioners you have recommendedin such a practical way whilst listening to her body’s instincts. Bless you for caring. : )
Thanks, Jini. I am fortunate to have a wonderful acupuncturistist here who addresses my post colon/rectal surgeries and recent bouts of piriformis attacks. I also see a pelvic floor physical therapist who is amazing. I would be in deep trouble without them as the doctors would push for more surgery when the trouble is actual soft tissue and I need bodywork. Surgery saved my life, but now I have todeal with the adhesions, etc.
This is really great info. I suffered from diverticulitis for many years and this is the type of advice that really helped me to overcome my problem. So, to all you sufferers, YES! There is hope! Just don’t lose faith and know that your body can heal itself. I was lucky to find some great plans that helped me heal my intestines, reverse my diverticulitis, and get better. Here is one of the resources that helped me a lot:
What are those resources?
Hello, Samsunnah,
thank you for this very encouraging comment – lovely to read. : ) You say “Here is one of the resources that helped me a lot:…..”, but after the colon you have not put down anything specific. Are you referring to a practice mentioned in the bios of one of the practitioners Jini has mentioned in the Vancouver area? Are the ‘plans’ you speak of derived from Jini’s resources on Listen To Your Gut, or from a complimentary source? Can you enlighten us a bit further and perhaps share a little more detail of what helped you? Thank you so much.
Hi Jessica, I see that Samsunnah never replied to you. Be sure and check out the protocols here and get the free eBook if you haven’t already: