If you absolutely cannot breastfeed your baby, or if you have to supplement with formula feeding then there are things you can add to commercial formulas to increase their low nutrient value.
But first, please go to a La Leche League meeting and/or search their website, as there is so much help available for breastfeeding difficulties of all kinds.
If your baby suffers from colic, projectile vomiting after feeding, or any other digestive problem, this can make breastfeeding difficult. And if you’re not getting enough sleep and continually stressed from a colicky baby, this can decrease your milk production – be sure and watch my video Baby Fart Aerobics to get colic and other digestive difficulties handled/healed quickly. Anemia is also a common cause of not being able to produce enough milk.
You can definitely solve whatever problem is causing you to not produce enough milk – did you know that adoptive mothers can breastfeed their new babies – even if they’ve never been pregnant or given birth? Also, even if your milk dries up completely due to illness or trauma, you can re-start it and get back to an exclusively breastfed baby. I know because this is what happened to me after the birth of my third child – it’s called relactation.
Exclusive Formula Feeding
If you do have to formula feed a newborn, you’ll need to add a number of crucial nutrients to facilitate proper brain development and help safeguard his/her gut. The best and most comprehensive instructions for infant formula supplementation can be found at Dr. Joseph Mercola’s website: “Healthy Alternative to Conventional Infant Formula”. There’s no point in me giving you additional instructions here, as this article really covers it all (and gives a few different options). If you’re exclusively formula feeding, you should also add Natren brand probiotic (Life Start – B. infantis) to baby’s formula bottles.
Partial Formula Feeding
If you’re using formula to supplement your breastfeeding, you should still read the article at mercola.com as the information is vital. Depending on the amount you’re still breastfeeding, you’ll either need to fortify your formula feedings as per the Mercola article instructions, or you can use Jini’s Formula Supplement Protocol below.
My protocol assumes that you are taking the supplements recommended below (see: Essential Supplements) – if you are not, then you need to follow the protocol on Dr. Mercola’s site instead. My protocol is nowhere near as good as the protocol on Dr. Mercola’s site. But, if you simply can’t manage to implement Mercola’s comprehensive protocol, then this protocol is still far better than just plain formula.
Jini’s Formula Supplement Protocol
• Raw, organic goat’s milk or raw, organic cow’s milk*
• 1 scoop of organic formula
• 1/8 tsp. Natren Life Start (B. infantis) probiotic until baby starts eating solids, then alternate/rotate with the other Natren probiotics: 1/8 tsp. Life Start, 1/8 tsp. Megadophilus, 1/8 tsp. Digesta-Lac
• 1/2 tsp. Udo’s oil
• 1 cod liver oil capsule (puncture and squeeze in baby’s mouth if possible)
• 1/2 Moducare capsule (plant sterols/fats) – boosts immunity after weaning. Note: If breastfeeding 3 times per day or more, then you don’t need to add Moducare.
Place formula, probiotics, Udo’s oil, and Moducare in baby’s bottle. Add 1 ounce of milk and mix with a spoon, crushing all lumps, until a smooth paste is formed. Then add the rest of the milk whilst stirring well. Put the lid on the bottle, block the nipple hole with your finger, and shake vigorously. It’s okay to heat the milk to normal infant feeding temperature – but closer to room temperature is better. Remember to never heat infant milk or formula in the microwave.
*If you can’t get raw (unpasteurized, non-homogenized) goat’s or cow’s milk (see www.realmilk.com for suppliers) then just use your regular formula with water or almond milk. However, if your baby is less than 4 months old and you can’t get raw milk, then you really should use the protocol on Mercola’s site instead. Do not ever use pasteurized cow’s milk or soy milk.
Rice milk has a very high glycemic index and will accelerate tooth decay. Soy milk contains massive amounts of estrogen, blocks mineral absorption and also depresses thyroid function – no one should ingest soy milk! Homemade almond milk (remember to strain it through a fine cheesecloth) is best – but organic store bought is okay.
Essential Supplements For Breastfeeding Moms
Note: I am going to give links to each product in my Health Shoppe, so you can see which brand I recommend and why – but it’s probably best to get them at your local health store so you can avoid the shipping cost.
Here are the supplements I believe every mother should take during pregnancy (and ideally for three months prior to conception), for the duration of breastfeeding, and then for at least three months following weaning (to replenish your own body stores and health):
• Nature’s Way Prenatal Multivitamin
• Udo’s Oil (or flax oil) – at least 1 tbsp. per day
• Cod Liver Oil – 6 capsules or 2 tsp per day
• Bone Matrix – 1 tbsp per day
• Minerals Of Life Trace Minerals – 1 tbsp per day
• Absorb Plus or protein shake – as needed – if underweight, or no time to eat properly
• Natren probiotics in powder form (Megadophilus, Bifido Factor, Life Start, Digesta-Lac) or capsules (if you prefer and have no diarrhea or heartburn).
• Follow the Healing Diet in Listen To Your Gut that suits your symptoms, or at least follow the Maintenance Diet (see below) strictly
Other supplements that are also be beneficial:
• Coenzyme Q10
• Pycnogenol or Grape Seed Extract
• Vitamin C in mineral ascorbate form
• Angstrom/Nanoparticle-sized Iron if you need additional iron supplementation – when taken with lots of water, this form will not constipate you, nor will it aggravate or trigger intestinal bleeding.
There have been many long-term studies done showing that the health of your baby in-utero will pre-determine your child’s health until the late teenage years. So please don’t make the mistake of assuming that you can eat whatever you want whilst pregnant! Pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding) should be the most disciplined, healthy diet and lifestyle time of your life. It is absolutely crucial that you strictly follow the guidelines in this Maintenance Diet and take the supplements recommended above to give your baby the best chance at good health, optimal brain functioning, and avoiding allergies and obesity.
Maintenance Diet
• No processed, pre-packaged foods.
• No foods containing preservatives, nitrates & nitrites (these have actually been banned by the FDA, they are so carcinogenic to the gut, but the meat industry refused to comply and so they are still in all your commercial hot dogs and deli meats), monosodium glutamate (MSG – it interferes with neural functioning), carrageenan (large quantities have been used to induce Ulcerative Colitis in guinea pigs and primates), or anything else that sounds like a manufactured chemical compound.
• No margarine or butter substitutes – often treated with chemical solvents and bleaches, resulting in deformed, highly toxic, trans-fatty acids. Even the cold-pressed margarines are not good as your body doesn’t need so much of those oils, and they prevent you from using butter – which your body needs a lot of. Use real butter (preferably made from raw, organic milk), cold-pressed virgin olive oil, or unrefined coconut oil instead. Do not use regular mayonnaise either – only mayonnaise made from cold-pressed oils.
• No artificial sweeteners of any kind (like aspartame, nutrasweet, saccharine, splenda, sucralose, acesulfame-K, etc.) – toxic and proven to cause memory loss, can also be highly addictive and contribute to hyperactivity and seizures in some people.
• No artificial colors or flavors – especially since the introduction of neural flavor blockers and enhancers.
• No pasteurized milk products; milk, yogurt, cheese, ice cream, etc. Raw milk products are okay and actually promote health. But pasteurized or ultrapasteurized (UHT) dairy products must be strictly avoided. For more info on the health benefits of raw milk, see www.realmilk.com
I have one last question to ask you Jini, when I delivered my first baby, the placenta had ruptured at 36 months and she had to be delivered by emergency C- section- I also lost ALOT of blood as a result, post-delivery, I developed an abscess and am not sure if this was as a result of the emergency Csection or my UC -whatever the case my be, I am absolutely TERRIFIED of being pregnant again, although I really didn’t have any UC symptoms while pregnant the delivery was so traumatic that I don’t think I can go through it again- I don’t want to however leave my only daughter here in the world by herself, and was wondering if you would be kind enough to shed some light? Have you heard of others perhaps we have experienced this type of trauma-are placental ruptures normal??? I realize you are not a doctor- but your feedback is invaluable- any feedback would be truly appreciated! Many thanks, – on a side note, you have 3 beautiful children (especially your daughter-her stunt on your wild oregano video is ADORABLE!) your dedication to your children- makes me determined to fight! Susan
I would like to buy a number of your products right away but am not sure how reliable the delivery has been- have you been experiencing problems with clients in Toronto receiving item due to the postal strike?? Many thanks in advance.
Hi Susan,
I have not heard that placental ruptures occur in higher incidence with IBD. For more specific information, I would encourage you to talk to my last midwife, Gloria LeMay (whose daughter also had colitis), you can reach her at:
Once you get on my program, the supplements will also work synergistically to strengthen your uterus and your whole body, thus producing a stronger placenta and healthier pregnancy.
However, I SUPER STRONGLY encourage you to address the fear of your last pregnancy and also the body memory that is held in the very tissues and cells of your body. In my opinion, this is the #1 thing you should do to prevent recurrence. I also know someone who specializes in this:
Lastly, if you buy supplements from the Holistic Health Shoppe, they are sent via courier (FedEx) not Canada Post, so should not be a problem. For full shipping info for Canadians (International Orders), go here:
Strangely enough, I thought of Jini and her creative gut problem-solving when I read about this heart-breaking story of a child with a rare disorder that allows him to only eat about 10 foods without having a reaction like vomitting or diarrhea (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/07/07/boy-cant-eat-food_n_892267.html?&ncid=edlinkusaolp00000009). I can’t imagine how he will be able to grow optimally this compromised – and I wouldn’t be surprised if he happens to be fully vaccinated.