Monsanto Hates This… But You’ll Love It!
The evidence is in – there are studies out there Monsanto has been hiding from us. Get the whole story here:
Click here to see what it’s about ==> GMO Mini Summit
Are you as suspicious as I am as to why Monsanto is spending tens of millions of dollars to fight GMO labeling?
I hope you’ll join me as the TRUTH about GMOs is exposed in this pivotal online, 3-day summit that’s happening October 25-27, 2013.
You’ll have a chance to hear from some of the world’s top experts, researchers and activists on the latest (and sometimes shocking) information on GMOs.
Click here to see what it’s about ==> GMO Mini Summit
Speakers include former pro-GMO scientist Dr. Thierry Vrain, who will lift the veil and expose the truth Monsanto doesn’t want you to know.
You’ll also hear from environmental hero, author and activist Vandana Shiva tell you the global impact of GMOs.
10 leading authorities will be interviewed over 3 days about the impact GMOs have on us all.
Some of the most interesting topics (to me) are the impact GMO dog food is having on our pets. Also an experiment done by a 3rd generation farmer in which identical groups of hogs were fed GMO and non GMO grain for the entirety of their lives. The results of his study have rocked the farming world.
You’ll discover the information inside the scientific studies on GMOs and come away with a plan on how to stay empowered and take action.
Click here to see what it’s about ==> GMO Mini Summit
Everyone is welcome and there’s no cost.
Check it out now!
Click here to see what it’s about ==> GMO Mini Summit
P.S. Once you sign up, please use your Facebook, Twitter etc. to tell your friends about this pivotal event. Registration is free for everyone!
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