Browse Blog

An elemental diet is a completely liquid diet with pre-digested nutrients that are rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream (within 20 minutes). It gives your gastrointestinal system a rest from passing normal bowel movements, which can allow your colon and bowel to heal faster but still supplies your nutritional needs (also referred to as a bowel rest diet).

Whey Protein Isolate vs. Whey Hydrolysate for Elemental Shake

QUESTION: I'm wondering which elemental shake product is better? Because Absorb Plus has whey protein isolate and Optimental by Abbott has whey protein hydrolysate. Wikipedia says that the hydrolysates are predigested, and more easily absorbed. So I'm thinking they might be better for my mom. Any comments? Well, here's what I read from Wikipedia... "Whey [...]

By |2023-04-14T10:13:54-08:00March 9th, 2010|

All About Elemental Diets

This is a great podcast with me (Jini Patel Thompson) and my assistant, Nicole Paull, called All About Elemental Diets. This is from our LTYG Wellness Circle, but we decided to make it available to everyone since we get these questions all the time. We discuss the most common questions, difficulties, tips and tricks for [...]

By |2023-10-25T21:30:40-08:00January 21st, 2010|

Half Elemental Diet Prevents Crohn’s Flares

Wow! This is great news for those of you who have been on my IBD Remission Diet - or are considering it - or for those of you who use Absorb Plus (the elemental shake product I formulated) on an ongoing basis. Dr. Silvio Najt, MD (who used my IBD Remission Diet to heal his [...]

By |2024-01-25T22:37:47-08:00December 22nd, 2009|
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