I always ask for feedback about a month after someone’s bought one of my books. This is the opportunity for me to hear what’s working, what isn’t, and if there are things missing from the book or protocol instructions.
This is one of the things that’s made these natural healing protocols so powerful – detailed feedback from tens of thousands of readers over the last 18 years. But every now and then I get an email like this one, from the father of two boys – that is just SO fabulous I have to share it:
“Feedback? I’ve been meaning to write to you, and I’ll keep it simple:
You saved my life.
Two years of hell. Work was almost impossible. Exercise? Not likely. I actually gained weight because I couldn’t do anything physical. Worst of all, I couldn’t play with my two beautiful little boys.
After trying what seemed like everything, I found you. I went on a 30-day elemental diet with Absorb+. After one week, I was feeling better. After that month, I was in what I’d describe as near-complete remission. My doctor was shocked (though she probably shouldn’t have been.)
Four months later, my symptoms still haven’t returned. I’ve been able to lose over 30 pounds. I can exercise and work. I spent last night running through the woods with my kids.
I’m not a religious person, but bless you and thank you. Keep doing your work, it is so important.”
I know not everyone gets fantastic results like this – and so quickly! For many people, my natural protocols only form part of their healing path, and they pull other pieces from other programs or practitioners. It’s ALL good as long as you are listening to your gut!
Jini, you have really helped so many people get there lives back. I hope you will be on a latge public forum like Dr oz to show them that remission of their gastric problems can happen.
I am so scared right now, the doctors are insisting that surgery is necessary and they have a drain in an abscess that has been forming in my belly for a while. I don’t want surgery and I wonder if I am too far gone to try any of these treatments? I’ve been sick for so long and I don’t want to be anymore.
I don’t think my last comment was posted. I am in the hospital with a drain in an abscess that is hanging out of my stomach. I’m scared and I’m worried I have to do surgery, all the doctors are saying that my intestines are so sick, especially my colon, they just need to be cut out and I don’t know what to do, I worry I can’t manage my own disease but I really don’t want to do surgery. I worry I am too far past any natural help like you offer.
Thanks so much for reaching out and big hugs to you! Unfortunately, we are legally unable to give personal health advice. Please check our symptom section from the link below for the list of Jini’s natural treatment remedy according to your symptom profile:
Kind regards,
Customer Care
Just want to mention that there are no treatments listed in the book for symptoms of “fever” during Crohn’s. Maybe you are already aware.